
After Bai Qianyu and the other players left, Su Changxing turned his head and looked at the street. There was only one reporter who happened to be passing by.

He noticed Su Changxing looking over and saying hello with a smile.

Sure enough... Su Changxing noticed that someone was secretly watching him, but it probably wasn't this person reporting on a mission.


He checked the entire farm inside and out, cleaned up all the traces left behind, and threw the problematic items into the Pocket Galaxy one by one.

In this case, even if the royal police come to inspect, they should not find any problems.

At noon, a wanted poster for the clown was hung on the street, and many people were watching. The portrait showed a man wearing a clown mask.

That's Willow's figure, and the clown mask he gave Willow.

"Well, the painting isn't realistic enough, it's a bit too ugly."

Su Changxing whispered to himself.


Su Changxing suddenly saw a familiar figure in the crowd. Willow was observing his portrait seriously, his expression full of confusion.

At this moment, he was still dressed in jeans and blue overalls, and he was carrying a medium-sized basket in his hand.

"You're so brave."

Su Changxing showed a smile, walked towards Wei Luo, and said loudly:

"This murderer has killed so many people. It's really abominable."

Willow was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Indeed, if I can find the murderer, I will definitely cut him into pieces."

Su Changxing was sure that Willow was speaking to him, or to the "clown".

Su Changxing reminded: "I heard that the investigation team set up by the Royal Police is nearby. If the murderer is still nearby, he will definitely suffer."

"Royal...Royal Police?"

Willow raised his eyebrows and realized something was wrong. He knew that those people in the Royal Police were perverts and were ridiculously strong.

With that said, he turned around and walked to the other side.

"Hey, why are you running away? You can't be the murderer, right?" Su Changxing continued after seeing Willow leave.

Willow's face twitched and he walked faster. He swore that if the situation wasn't right, he would beat this man up. He deserved a beating.

Su Changxing looked at Willow's back and smiled. He needed Willow to cause some movement and lure the royal police away.

Otherwise, he may be exposed at any time.

This possibility is dangerous.


The room is paved with brand new dark gray plush carpets, and sparkling crystal lamps are hung on the roof, making the decoration fully luxurious.

This is the Knights Guild in the main city.

Although they are considered a player organization, the president is an NPC with a noble title and huge financial resources.

The thick sound echoed in the room.

"Are you sure that clown is the hidden boss?" The vice president wearing medieval armor said as he looked at Wang Yan in front of him.

Wang Yan was the player who was scared to death by Su Changxing in the dental clinic.

He nodded affirmatively and said:

"This is the clown. He should be the murderer who caused the serial murders. He is very powerful and killed the monster doctor Rick with one move."

The vice-president thought for a while and then slowly said: "From the current situation, this hidden boss should also be the thief who stole the blood-stained gem."

"A blood-stained gem?"

Wang Yan said with confusion: "What is that?"

The vice president thought for a while and explained: "We don't know exactly what the blood-stained gem is. It is a task issued by the city lord. It seems to be a very important item."

"I said before that the murderer had been caught, and two players from the police system were sending him here, but he died there yesterday."

Wang Yan thought about it and said, "In this case, the time does not match up. We found out that the hidden boss was in Chaixi Town before, but the person who stole the gems was escorted here later."

The vice-president nodded and affirmed: "These two should not be the same person. The hidden boss is someone else, but I don't know why they are also wearing clown masks."


Su Changxing came to Boss Henry's restaurant again. Since it was afternoon, there were only a few people drinking wine.

"This is not very peaceful. I heard that many people died outside the town last night." Henry sighed, brewed a cup of black tea and handed it to Su Changxing.

Su Changxing nodded and said: "It's quite scary. Fortunately, it didn't happen in the town... Didn't you say that your daughter was coming back? Where is she?"

Henry glanced at Su Changxing warily and said, "Why are you still thinking about her, but my daughter is quite beautiful. She has something to do and went out early in the morning."

Su Changxing took a sip of tea, raised his head and joked: "How about if you give me this restaurant, I will marry your daughter?"

Henry chewed mints in his mouth, shrugged and said, "I am just a daughter anyway, so I can do whatever I want, as long as she is willing."

Su Changxing thought for a moment and said with a smile: "It seems that your daughter doesn't like me, but that's normal. Pig-killers are often not popular."

Henry didn't hesitate and said: "That seems to be the case, but you make money by killing pigs. You should be considered a rich man in the town now, right?"

"We are all small businesses. There is no difference between rich and poor. You're right... I have to go to work beforehand. There are so many orders in the past two days, which is strange."

Su Changxing drank the black tea in one gulp, stood up, waved his hand, and walked out the door.

"Well, walk slowly and come back tomorrow." Henry said.

As soon as Su Changxing walked onto the street, he saw a tall woman with brown hair and black eyes wearing a black coat walking towards him.

Her eyes are particularly lively, and what's even more eye-catching is the golden white orchid pattern printed on her chest.

That's the emblem of the Royal Police.

Does that mean this woman is a royal police officer?

Su Changxing immediately became more alert, passed her by calmly, and noticed her walking into Henry's restaurant with his peripheral vision.

He could feel that this woman was observing him calmly.

"His daughter is a royal police officer?"

Su Changxing raised his eyebrows, realizing something was wrong, and intuitively judged that this person was Henry's daughter. The two looked somewhat similar, and judging from the shape of their bones, they were roughly related by blood.

"And he's still an extraordinary person, but he's hiding something."

He walked straight back to the farm and checked to see if anyone was following him, but there seemed to be nothing unusual. The employees on the farm were still working as usual.

Towards evening.

An acquaintance came to him, the player Bai Qianyu, still wearing the same familiar outfit, long red feathers and short black robe.

"What's matter?"

Su Changxing walked out of the house, looked at them, and asked.

Bai Qianyu walked up with a smile and said: "Boss Crean, is there anything you need my help with? I will try my best to help, such as delivering pork?"

Consider me my biggest enemy?

Su Changxing licked his lips and said with a smile on his face:

"It's not necessary to deliver pork. We have employees who specialize in this... However, there is one thing we can ask some detectives to help with."

Hearing this, Bai Qianyu's energy suddenly rose, and he quickly asked: "What's the matter? I will definitely respond to your request."

He just knew it.

He knew that there would definitely be a follow-up to this mission, and this was Bai Qianyu's judgment.

This must be a hidden mission!

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