
Staring at the moon, Su Changxing felt the rippling of his spirit. He was affected and felt that his thinking was obviously slowed down. The degree was very slight.

If he hadn't felt it carefully, he wouldn't have noticed it at all.

But even though he had such a strong mental power, what about the others, ordinary people with much weaker mental powers?

Aren't they just like idiots now?

When Su Changxing thought of this, he noticed something strange in the surrounding streets. These people seemed to be doing their own thing and walking around on the streets.

However, they rarely discuss each other, which leads to a very quiet and lively silence on the street, and with it comes a strong sense of separation.

"After all, the massacre of the city is too exaggerated and completely unnecessary. At most, the plague patients should be killed and the bodies destroyed."

"Although this is not a democratic society, things like massacre will definitely be opposed by the majority of people. No one is a fool, and everyone understands the meaning of death."

Su Changxing stepped forward and patted the man in the coat on the shoulder, trying to see his reaction.

There was no reaction. The man didn't seem to feel that anyone was filming him at all.

It wasn't until Su Changxing patted him twice on the shoulder that he had some reaction. He turned to look at Su Changxing and said with a puzzled look on his face:

"What's the matter? I'm very busy right now and need to go to a dance. If there's nothing urgent, please don't disturb me."

After saying that, he turned around and continued walking forward without any intention of listening to Su Changxing's words. He seemed to be in a real hurry, but he was not walking fast.

Very strange, indeed very strange.

The man glanced at him, but his eyes were unfocused, as if he didn't see anyone, and he was still a little confused.

Normal people obviously wouldn't be like this, either patient or impatient, but they wouldn't be so inconsistent.

Su Changxing stepped forward and patted his shoulder twice, "Sir, I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter? I'm very busy right now and need to go to a dance. If there's nothing urgent, please don't disturb me."

He repeated it again, with the same expression and movements as before.

Sure enough, he became an idiot.

Although these people are also extraordinary people, their mental power is not strong and they are easily influenced.

Under the influence of the moon, their thinking became extremely slow, like idiots. Even if Su Changxing shouted twice, they did not react.

"Can you tell me what kind of dance it is? I'm very interested." Su Changxing walked up to him and continued to ask, wanting to see what his reaction would be.

But this time the man's reaction was different from before: "That's Miss Joel's ball, not far in front. I have always admired her and hope to have the opportunity to get in touch with her this time."

Su Changxing changed his tone and said, "Did you know that Xicheng was massacred? Everyone in Xicheng is dead now."

The man did not answer this time, but walked forward silently with Su Changxing. After seven or eight minutes, he suddenly stopped, with a look of confusion on his face, and turned to look at Su Changxing: "What massacre, are you talking about?" What weird words?"

"Who are you? Why have you been following me? Are we familiar? If you have anything, please tell me. I don't like to be secretive."

Su Changxing stared at him and smiled calmly: "Sorry to bother you."

After Su Changxing finished speaking, it took more than ten seconds for him to withdraw his gaze and continue to walk forward. He pressed the doorbell in front of the mansion at the street entrance and waited. It seemed that he was really going to the dance.

Su Changxing showed a solemn look. The impact of that thing on the spirit was stronger than imagined. I don't know if it is reversible.

He had better find Kasemin as soon as possible, otherwise he will definitely be affected if he stays here for a long time.

Su Changxing speeded up again and became limping, and the sound of the rusty gears in his body became obvious.

He is like a broken robot.

Now that these people have become fools, he naturally doesn't need to worry so much. This also gives him a sense of immediacy when playing games. People in the entire city have become NPCs, and their AI is extremely rubbish and dull. npc.

Checkpoints are also set up between streets, and guards with guns are stationed here to count the identities of people coming and going.

Su Changxing walked gracefully by the pass and among the guards, and no one paid attention to him, as if they couldn't see him.

The closer we get to Eric's mansion, the more dull the behavior of the people on the road becomes.

As a genius scientist, he seemed to have invented something terrifying that turned everyone in the city into fools.

But can such a thing really be invented?

Things went more smoothly than expected.

Before Su Changxing reached Eric's mansion, he heard very discontinuous gunshots coming from the front, with gunfire only occurring every seven or eight seconds.

When he walked over and took a look, he found Ka Semin's figure. He was surrounded by a large number of guards in a level. He also looked dumb. He seemed to have been shot twice in the chest and abdomen and fell to the ground. on the ground.

Two guards held her down while another tied her up with a rope.

It's just that the whole process seemed like a slowed-down movie, and the guards tied him up very slowly. From the time Su Changxing saw him until he got closer, he didn't finish the binding.

"Catch this assassin. Go and report to the captain. We have captured an assassin here, but he is seriously injured and needs treatment."

The guard seemed to be shouting coherently, but the pronunciation of each word was prolonged, and he didn't seem to be aware of it.

It's not just thought that's slowed down, but also movements and sounds.

It's like a realm, similar to his Twilight realm, slowing down everything in this realm.

But there is a big difference. Time here still passes normally, no different from outside. It's just that the people affected here slow down.

The fired bullet will still be fired at its original speed.

Su Changxing looked at the moon again and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Is this something coming out, a continuous large-scale area?"

It can be seen from the Rune Warriors that Eric, as a genius scientist, has been exposed to the mysterious field a long time ago.

He combined the power of runes and machinery to create the Rune Warriors.

What would it be like to go one step further to this extent?

Su Changxing was full of fear, and felt that he had to be careful. Since Eric could create such a thing, it was not surprising that he would use other means.

He walked over, and these guards did not notice his presence. They were still shouting with long voices and slow movements, but they still had enough communication with each other.

Kasemin was the same, struggling, her face looked extremely ferocious, and she was still shouting something. Her strength was also extremely strong, and the two guards almost couldn't hold her down.

After becoming slow, it all seems extremely funny, like a clown in a mime, interpreting things in life in an exaggerated way.

Su Changxing walked over, pushed the two guards away quickly, leaned over and carried Ka Semin on his shoulders, carried the ivory walking stick, and ran back along the main road of the street.

Being carried on his shoulders, Kasemin was still struggling, as if she was still in the same state where she was suppressed and tied up by the guards before.

Everything here seemed too weird, and he always felt that if he didn't leave quickly, something bad would happen, and maybe he himself would be trapped here.

Sure enough, after running a certain distance, he felt dizzy for a while, his speed seemed to slow down, and the actions of the people around him seemed to become more normal.


This is not that they have become normal, but that Su Changxing is also being assimilated, bit by bit.

The dull golden light spread on his skin, and his speed suddenly increased again, leaving clear footprints on the street behind him.

Halfway through the run, he noticed that the eyes of the rune warrior squatting on the flower bed not far away lit up red. He slowly stood up from the ground and looked in his direction.

The Rune Warriors in the flower bed certainly didn't activate for no reason.

Someone noticed him, someone noticed his special existence.

This rune warrior is taller and more burly than what he has seen before. His arms are equipped with rotating guns that can fire continuously, and his whole body is covered with more white armor.

"Run! That thing has found you." Ka Semin's voice came from his ears, and he noticed Su Changxing's presence.

Her voice sounded much more coherent than before. It wasn't that she had become coherent, but that Su Changxing had also slowed down.

The field radiated by that moon was completely different from what he had encountered before. It seemed to be evenly distributed in the surrounding space, and he didn't know how to break free.

Even if he opens up his own domain, he cannot have any interference or influence on it.

The rune warrior raised his hand, pointed the muzzle at him and began to rotate. The bullets burst out with sparks at a very fast speed and the trajectory became irregular.

He couldn't see clearly either.

Unable to see clearly, he couldn't avoid it. Su Changxing had no choice but to carry it hard and hold the sickle in front of him. Golden light lit up on his skin, intertwined with scarlet lines.

The sickle bounced three bullets, and he was hit in the shoulder, but the bullet did not completely sink in and got stuck between the muscles.

After a round of attacks, the rune warrior ran toward him with long strides. His figure became diminutive, and it was impossible to see clearly the blade dancing in the air.

He was affected by that moon.

His thinking, vision, and perception all slowed down, but he still relied on his experience and predicted in advance. He turned sideways to avoid the slash, pulled out his musket with his backhand, pointed it at the rune warrior's chest, and pulled the trigger.

In an instant, golden dusk floated in the space, and the rune warrior's body was bound by dark chains.

Under such circumstances, he still accurately hit the rune warrior's chest with one shot. It was only blocked by the breastplate and made a big hole, but did not damage any vital parts.

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