Su Changxing didn't care what he wanted to do there, but he definitely couldn't let him get what he wanted. He would just raise his hand and shoot.

The bullet passed hundreds of meters and penetrated Kelsi's body.


He appeared in a position dozens of meters behind him, dodged the bullet, and shouted to Su Changxing with a pleading look on his face:

"Don't kill me, I just want to live, I want to get out of here. As agreed, I have already exposed him!"

To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates, switch sources, read aloud with many sounds, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

"Dear master, don't kill me!"

Because of the soul link, although Su Changxing could not kill him directly, he could still make him unable to resist.

Bruce rushed forward with a bone sword: "Despicable betrayer, you make me feel sick!"

Dozens of large and small pink-purple light balls formed between Kelsey's hands and shot toward Bruce.

Bruce faced these light balls, but he did not avoid them. He rushed forward and blocked them all with his body. There were many holes in the bone shell, but he also came in front of Kells and cut them off with one knife.

When Kelsey saw Bruce's appearance, she could only curse the monster secretly, then stepped back, and her body disappeared in place again.


With a crisp gunshot.

Kelsey's upper body exploded under Su Changxing's bullet, wailing like a baby, and only two legs were left running on the ground of the corpse, which looked extremely funny, with a hint of terror in it.

Su Changxing frowned. He didn't expect Kelsey to be able to run even in this state. Just when he was about to fire another shot, he sensed something strange on the ground nearby. There was a stir, and a small bell appeared on his hand. He shook it. , disappeared in place.

A pitch-black tentacle with a big mouth stretched out from the fleshy ground and rushed over, making sharp wind sounds in the space.

Su Changxing fired twice in succession, and the bullets bounced off the tentacles, leaving shallow scratches on them.

"Retreat! This is a high-sequence Zerg." Su Changxing shouted.

It seems that this bug has been here since before, hidden and not exposed.

Mi was also whipped away by a tentacle, and hit a large crater on a hillside made of insect corpses. The entire hillside was shaking, and many corpses rolled down from it, shaking off a lot of stench.

Kelsey's body repaired bit by bit as she ran, shining with a milky white light. That was faith.

He turned back to look at Su Changxing and others, and shouted: "I'm leaving first! Haha, brother, just stay here!"

Because he had just been possessed by a spirit, he unexpectedly had the ability to communicate with these bugs.

No matter how you say it, bugs are bugs, and it is still very simple to cheat.

Su Changxing's right eye flashed with dazzling white light, unfolding three realms at the same time, covering the nearby space, causing everything to slow down at the same time.

He didn't panic, and he didn't dare to be careless at all. Faced with such an existence, he couldn't hold back, otherwise he would definitely fall into a situation that was beyond redemption.

He is not a god, he will die at any time, and even a god will fall one day.

This is a truth, nothing exists forever.

Spread a large amount of plague on this high-sequence Zerg, and as long as they hold it back until the plague breaks out, they have a chance of winning.

The light of dusk, the dark hunting, the storm in the sky.

The movements of this high-sequence Zerg also slowed down, and it did not break through Su Changxing's territory.

This costs a lot of money, and it itself suffers a lot of damage, which is not cost-effective.

Bai Shan's child hole turns pink and purple, and she uses her abilities. Constantly affecting the mind of this insect and interfering with its judgment.

This kind of influence does not matter whether the spirit is strong or not, it is only related to the mind. However, because the spirits of these Zerg are connected to each other, her ability is not very effective.

In other words, unless the mental power is strong enough, it will not be able to affect these bugs at all.


A black shadow penetrated Su Changxing's abdomen at an extremely fast speed, breaking through the limitations of the field.

This was unexpected.

Su Changxing stabilized his domain, interrupted the tentacle that penetrated his abdomen with one shot, and stepped back again.

The situation was already very critical at this time.

Even if this high-sequence Zerg was injured, it still completely overwhelmed them. It would not be too difficult to kill them.

Mi also realized this problem, chanted loudly, and constructed a huge dark black magic array. It rotated rapidly, and the energy in the space became turbulent.

next moment.

The high-sequence Zerg realized the danger, and the entire land began to shake. A huge mouth larger than Mi's entire body emerged from below and bit her.

Mi cast magic, trying to teleport to other places to avoid attacks. Mi's figure disappeared, but it reappeared in the same place: "What!"

She looked down at the huge mouth, with countless yellow fangs protruding from it.

Can't avoid it!

She could only watch the huge mouth bite her, unable to do much to deal with it.

There was something that invisibly restricted her from leaving this position.

You can only stay where you are.

First, the tentacles on her back touched the fangs and were cut, then the entire upper body was crushed, and a large amount of bright red blood burst out from the corners of the giant mouth.

A tragic scene.

So sudden.

Su Changxing opened his eyes wide, not expecting Mi to die so easily. Facing a more powerful existence, even the Titan humans had no room to resist.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Shan and Bruce each had a tentacle pierced through their bodies and hung in the air.

The high-sequence Zerg showed its entire body. It looked like a mixture of rat and octopus meat, but it was very regular. There was a huge crack in the middle of the body, and more than half of it was cut off.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

It made an excited cry, and its two rat eyes stared at Su Changxing, looking like it was having fun.

The gap is too big.

Su Changxing stared at those huge lantern-like rat eyes, feeling desperate. Faced with such an existence, they were no match even if they had all their means.

Run, just run now.

At this time.

There was another loud noise directly above, the whole world was shaking, and dense cracks appeared in the space.

This time it shook even more violently.

Su Changxing looked at the sky and was stunned, showing an expression of disbelief.

Half of a22's body and the left hand holding the knife exploded in the sky, falling to the plain like a meteor, creating a large crater with a radius of hundreds of meters.

She didn't win and lost to that god. This was a frightening thing, like the sky was falling.

a22 was lying in the pile of corpses of bugs, calmly looking at the sky that was gradually turning into flesh and blood, without too many emotional fluctuations. Tens of thousands of years of constant consumption by the bugs had made her weak, too weak to punish the traitor. .

This is a sad thing.

Is this what sadness looks like?

she thought.

As the embodiment of order, she does not have any emotions herself, but the embodiment of her strength brings her certain emotions.

This is a very strange thing.

Over tens of thousands of years, she continued to weaken, but weak emotions continued to sprout in her heart.

She didn't know why, but she knew deeply that she must protect this place.

The order should be like this, so it is like this.

"You are as weak as you are now, so what's the point of the order you follow?"

The voice of the gods floated freely in the space, like the autumn wind blowing from the corners of the stars, making people feel chilly.

Su Changxing made a move, and the high-sequence Zerg also stopped. The victory or defeat did not belong to them, and the victory or defeat between them had no meaning, it was only the icing on the cake.

"No more?" He sighed, feeling that there seemed to be no point in doing anything else.

Once the ninth dimension is breached, all the worlds below may soon be occupied by the Titan Zerg.

Order will be replaced by chaos.

Maybe chaos itself is also a kind of order, but it is a completely opposite order, on the opposite side of order.

"Say goodbye for the last time, haha, my sister."

The words just fell.

A22's body began to collapse rapidly, but she still slowly stood up from the ground, her remaining eye shining with a cunning silver light, like the moon in the middle of the night.

A ray of sword light bloomed, penetrating the world that was gradually turning into flesh and blood, cutting open the body of the god, seeming to break a certain rule, and everything began to collapse.

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