Global Game: Comes with Portable Store

Chapter 233 Shadow Blood Clan

They returned along the original route, and there were only more than thirty people, less than half of the number when they came.

But this is the best result expected. At least they accomplished their goal and someone returned alive.

Far away from the church, the surroundings became quiet, and there seemed to be no pursuers coming.

But before they had run far, they heard a wolf howl again.

"Another werewolf!" Angison frowned and said, "The werewolf is running in our direction. Does it know where we are because of the smell?"

This is strange.

They also passed by two werewolves when they came, but were not discovered, but now they seemed to be locked in position by these werewolves, running towards this side one after another.

Artis thought for a while and said, "There may be someone behind the scenes controlling them and controlling their behavior, otherwise these crazy werewolves would never attack just us."

"I think the person behind this might be Varian."

Angelson opened his eyes wide and asked doubtfully: "Didn't you say before that you had killed him?"

Artis shook his head and recalled: "Actually, I don't know too much. I hit him in the head with a musket, but he turned into a lot of rats."

"He may not be a human, he may be some kind of monster, like a werewolf." Angison analyzed.

Artis nodded: "There is such a possibility... Let's deal with this werewolf first as we did before. If we don't deal with it, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave today."

The werewolf ran too fast. If they really wanted to hunt them down, no one would be able to run away, so they could only survive by killing the werewolf.

With their previous experience, they first set up their formation and waited for the werewolf to rush over.

The three of them were knocked over by the werewolf, and Artis rushed forward immediately. He slashed at the werewolf's back with his sword and was knocked away. Feeling the powerful impact, he couldn't help but cough twice more, and in his mouth It's all blood.

This werewolf is more ferocious and powerful, and you can clearly feel the violent aura just by looking at it.

Although there were more than 30 of them, everyone was exhausted.

In the dim alley, they fell to the werewolf's claws one by one.

"Angieson, shoot him in the eye with a gun, quickly!" Artis hugged the werewolf from behind, restricted his movement, and shouted.

The eyes are the most vulnerable part of a werewolf's body, and they are also their breaking point.

Angelson immediately fired a shot, but the werewolf turned his head to avoid it and hit him in the head, causing the bullet to ricochet away.

The werewolf broke free from the restraints of Artis, turned around and bit his arm. With the crisp sound of bones breaking, Artis's left hand was completely broken, and he screamed.

Artis looked at Chi Chi's bright red eyes, and his whole body seemed to be trembling.

When he was mentally tense to the limit, he pulled out the short knife from his waist and stabbed the werewolf's face with his backhand, stabbing into the werewolf's eyes.

His right hand turned into a shadow-like state, and the blow penetrated the werewolf's skull with great force, smashing its brain into pieces. ….

Immediately afterwards, the werewolf slammed him to the ground with his body, and cracks appeared on the already bumpy ground.

However, after this blow, the werewolf quickly walked to death, lying on his side on the ground, becoming weak, and dark red blood gurgled from his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Angelson ran over to check on Artis.

At this moment, there were only a few people standing, and more than ten or twenty corpses fell in the not-so-wide alley.

If it hadn't been for Artis's last desperate effort, I'm afraid all of them would have died in the end, and they wouldn't have been a match for this werewolf.

"It's nothing big. Come on, let's go quickly." With the help of Anderson, Artis got up from the ground. It seemed that apart from a broken hand, nothing major happened.

They must also leave here quickly. If anyone comes again, they will definitely

Can't leave.

As soon as they walked out of the alleyway, they heard the sound of mice squealing from behind and coming from all directions.

Artis reacted and shouted: "Run!"

He was about to look back next time when he felt a cold sting in his chest. When he looked down, a sharp blade penetrated his body.

"You came to cause trouble to my Black Rope Cult and you still want to run away?" Varian's voice came from behind. He grabbed Addis's shoulder with one hand and pierced his back with a dagger with the other hand.

As expected, Varian was not dead, he was still alive and well.

A large group of white rats followed, spreading throughout the alleyway visibly.

Angelson stopped and fired a shot at Varian, but the bullet missed and hit the wall nearby, leaving a crater.

He himself was stunned. He didn't expect to miss it at such a distance.

"Run, leave me alone."

Then, he heard Artis shouting.

Anjison glanced at Artis, turned around and ran away, knowing that in such a situation, only one of them could escape, otherwise they would all die here.

"We can't run away, we all have to die here!" Varian said calmly, his eyes flashing with anger that could not be hidden, "I never thought that you untouchables would dare to come and assassinate me, forgetting your identity. .”

A large group of white rats circled them and chased them forward.

"so what!"

Artis roared and turned his head, revealing two slender fangs in his mouth, just like a wild beast, and his eyes were also dark.

Ignoring the dagger on his chest, he turned over and rushed over, grabbing Varian's shoulders with his sharp-nailed hands and biting his neck.

In an instant, Artis seemed to be blessed by some kind of divine power. His body was reborn and suddenly became stronger, and he broke free from his restraints.

Even Varian didn't react and was thrown to the ground with a look of horror on his face: "Devil, you are a devil!"

He felt the power in his body flowing through his blood at a strange speed.

"Varian, your death is doomed!"

With a mouth full of blood and a look of pleasure on his face, Artis took out Varian's heart from his chest with his right hand, then put it in his mouth to chew.

The taste of blood is indescribably wonderful, it is the carrier of strength and the source of the soul.

The bodies of the rats surrounding him exploded and turned into blood, which gathered into a river.

[Shadow Vampires: Level 5, a powerful species raised in the shadows by the gods. They have superiority comparable to that of demons. They live by sucking blood and can obtain power from the blood. 】

[Blood extraction: It can control the blood flow within one meter of the radius of the body. It has a strong effect on opponents who are physically weaker than itself.

Within the faith area, this range extends to three meters. ].

Flowers in the desert

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