Global Game: Comes with Portable Store

Chapter 266 There is no return

This time.

The devil seemed to have predicted it in advance and did not launch an attack. Instead, it flashed in front of Su Changxing and returned to its original position. Then, after the space in the pocket galaxy was retracted, it quietly appeared behind Su Changxing. A shot penetrated his body.

"This is……"

Su Changxing also shot the demon in the head with one shot and chased after him. He realized that this natural disaster demon had some kind of precognitive ability, so he would avoid every attack that threatened it.

Precognitive abilities may seem powerful, but most of them are just a poor imitation. They will be affected by various factors and distorted by more powerful beings. Most of them cannot assist in combat.

This demon's precognitive ability is completely different, similar to the super enhanced version of his "Timing Prediction", which can completely control the battle.

Faced with this situation, he also chose to fight in the most clumsy way, getting closer to the demon little by little, constantly destroying its body with the revolver, and limiting the demon's ability to move.

Even if this demon has the ability to predict the future, as long as it has no room to escape, even if it can see the future, it will only be a hopeless future!

Being able to see the future does not mean that you can change the future. On the contrary, it often brings greater despair. After knowing the result, you cannot change the despair.

He also has "timing foresight", but he never chooses to actively trigger this ability, even in desperate situations.

Such an ability itself is extremely dangerous and often pushes people into the abyss. Moreover, he has always believed that the future is unpredictable, does not believe in it, and is unwilling to believe in fate.

People who believe in fate will probably only be played by fate.

The battle didn't last long. Su Changxing pressed forward step by step, compressing the scope of the demon's activities.

This natural disaster demon can move instantaneously in space without relying on rules, but it is not considered a real movement and will return to its original position after a certain period of time.

This ability itself has huge flaws, and it is very likely that someone will catch the flaw in an instant.


This is because the demon has the ability to predict the future, so it perfectly makes up for this shortcoming. It has its own fighting style like humans, and is more difficult to deal with than other natural disaster demons.

If Su Changxing hadn't had the ability to die, he would have found this demon difficult to deal with.

Just like when playing chess, the opponent already knows what you will do next, and is naturally at a great advantage.

The advantage of Su Changxing is that he has no "check" and will not die. This game of chess is inherently incapable of losing, and at most it will be a draw.

He pressed forward step by step and figured out all the abilities of this demon, which was relatively monotonous compared to other demons.

Just when he was about to open up the space of the pocket galaxy and drag this demon in.

The demon stopped moving and knelt on the ground. The spear with the red tassel in his hand fell on the ruins. It made a crisp sound and rolled down twice. The color on the red tassel dimmed a lot.

It actually gave up and surrendered.

Now that we have seen the ending, there is no need to struggle.

Su Changxing was also stunned for a moment. It was the first time he saw a demon that could surrender, and it was a high-level demon.

[Tian Cheng Demon: Level 5, a powerful demon that can briefly see the future. It condenses the evil souls of Tian Yun and Cheng Xin. It will not lose any battle that should be won, and it cannot win the battle that should be lost. . 】

"Just kill me!"

Two different voices came out of Tiancheng Demon's body at the same time, his face full of despair, just like a real human being.

These two are the guards of the outpost, Chengxin has the ability to predict the future, and Tianyun has strong combat power.

They saw the coming danger and the future, but they couldn't avoid it.

During the struggle, the outpost was destroyed by a demon imprisoned in the Demon Prison, and almost all the people in the outpost died in that battle.

Su Changxing saw something about the demon's eyes.

From the fragments of the past, it became clear that this place must not only imprison natural disaster demons, but also higher-level demons, such as the fourth-level world-destroying demon Smash.

It's just that the world-destroying demon can't be imprisoned so easily.

A terrifying demon carrying stars and extremely cold storms covered it with one hand, and the shadow covered the entire station.

In just an instant, the entire station was destroyed.

"Why not kill it?"

Su Changxing couldn't help but frowned, feeling that since these people were able to capture the world-destroying demon, they should also be able to kill it. Instead, they chose this thankless way to imprison the demon here, but in the end they just played for fun. fire***.

Su Changxing stretched out his hand and dragged the Tiancheng Demon into the Pocket Galaxy, using the power of the world to firmly imprison it away from other demons.

Having learned from the past, he also felt that he should be more careful to avoid being backlashed by these demons.

Walking through the ruins, there was a flickering candlelight in front of a long corridor with bronze walls on both sides. As the candlelight corridor continued to go up.

Su Changxing looked at the long corridor and said, "Is this the passage leading to the fourth floor? Is the passage below also like this?"

There was a look of surprise on Sean's face, and he shook his head and said: "What's not down there is a teleportation circle that connects the upper and lower floors. But it seems that this should be the passage to the fourth floor, and we are about to leave!"

Shen Jinxuan did have a different reaction. Her eyelids twitched slightly and she felt uncomfortable all over. She turned her head to look at Su Changxing, leaned closer and whispered:

"There's something wrong with this place. It seems like a lot of people died here. If this is the way out, why did these people die here?"

As she spoke, she seemed incoherent, and her face was full of uneasiness. She felt something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

It's normal for people to die in this place.

However, Shen Jinxuan did not react at all in the ruins of the outpost.

Su Changxing observed it and said, "There shouldn't be any big problem."

He took the lead and walked forward. At this point, he could only continue to move forward, but there was no way out.

Entering the corridor is like entering another space. The quality of the air, gravity, temperature, and humidity all change greatly, making your body feel lighter.

Su Changxing was also thinking about the way forward. He probably wouldn't be able to go back to Blue Star, but he could send Shen Jinxuan back.

Although Blue Star is now facing the end, it may still be safer than outside.

Then he needs to find a way to deal with Wan Fang, otherwise, the blood moon will eventually come to Blue Star, and as soon as possible, Wan Fang's strength will probably continue to increase at an alarming rate during this period.

If possible, he decided to go to the high-latitude world to seek help. It was known that the third level was the limit of extraordinary people, which meant that there must be extraordinary people who had reached the third level.

An extraordinary person with such strength can probably handle everything.

The corridor is not long. After hundreds of steps, it reaches the end. It is an empty hall. In the middle is a sculpture of a three-headed eagle, which looks very alive. Six fierce eyes are staring at the people walking out of the corridor.

There was nothing in the hall, it was completely empty, and the footsteps kept echoing until they became very far away.

After arriving here, Su Changxing found that his phone had signal again and received a message from Hongjun...

Hongjun can still send messages without his friends, but it is not surprising. For an existence like Hongjun, he probably has very high authority in the doomsday game.

"After you go out, take the third passage on the left. I will wait for you outside. Also, don't send me messages, as this will be intercepted by others."

Has he escaped?

Su Changxing raised his eyebrows, thinking that the other party would fall into the blood moon world.

It’s really not simple...

Walking along the passage to the upper level is a large arc-shaped bronze platform with a huge half-moon inlaid on the ground, emitting

Weak blue fluorescence.

The large platform connects more than a dozen passages leading in different directions. You can also see the flickering candlelight in the passages. A conspicuous sign hangs directly above the bronze wall.

"There is no return."

There is no light in the dark night, and the whole city is plunged into darkness and ruin. There are only roars one after another, far or near, always reminding people that there are countless zombies here, as well as terrifying monsters beyond imagination.

Several dark figures walked towards this side along the street.

The strength and speed of zombies are similar to those of normal humans, but they have far stronger night vision capabilities than humans. Even at night without a single light tube, Su Changxing can still see people on the streets in the distance.

Although he could not see the location of the mysterious store, he was able to determine the approximate location of the mysterious store by observing these human activities.

"The hunters probably used this method to determine the location of the mysterious store. They couldn't see the mysterious store."

Su Changxing put another piece of dried meat into his mouth and chewed it. Compared to humans, zombies can enjoy the wonderful taste of flesh and blood. This is probably a kind of sensory upgrade.

Apart from being irrational, zombies are far superior to humans in all aspects. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are new humans.

[In view of the general environment,

There was probably not a single Extraordinary among the dozen or so people. If they appeared like this on a zombie-infested street at night, they would certainly be seeking death.

These people are not stupid either. They throw heavy objects from tall buildings in the next street to make huge noises, thus attracting the zombies on this side of the street.

It's not a particularly clever method, but it works well.

There is a problem here. Loud noises will not only attract zombies, but also some monsters in the city, such as screamers.

This city has been a long time since they left, and many powerful monsters must have emerged, just like his "big brother".

This is also caused by the characteristics of zombie-like creatures. After they have enough energy, they will continue to evolve. The direction of evolution is not fixed, but random. Random breakthroughs are similar to the promotion of extraordinary people.

To put it this way, zombie-like creatures may not necessarily be tall, but their upper limit is very high. The owner of the giant hand is an example. The growth rate may not be as good as evil, but it is definitely faster than most creatures, and it is far superior. to human beings.

If it weren't for the fact that these ordinary zombies had little intelligence and no self-awareness, there would be no living space for humans in this city.

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