Global game evolution

Chapter 363: The Great Zombie Era—The wedding day is filled with gloom and gloom.

The Liu family's coffins were laid out at the end of the street. The place was very large. As soon as they entered the door, they saw several dead bodies with their heads covered with white cloths standing under the pergola in the backyard.

Chen Anlin asked his younger brothers to stay at the door. He went in alone. When he saw no one in the front yard, he walked towards the back yard.

"There are so many dead bodies."

Chen Anlin was surprised when he looked at the motionless corpse with its head covered by a white cloth.

He didn't understand how these corpses were moved and moved.

"Jingle Bell…………"

Suddenly, a clear ringing sound came from inside the house.

Immediately afterwards, the dead bodies under the pergola jumped and faced Chen Anlin.

"Huh?" Chen Anlin was stunned for a moment, but then he immediately reacted.

A dead corpse will not move on its own for no reason, so there is only one possibility, and that is someone urging it to move.


Many dead bodies jumped towards Chen Anlin.

"Are you trying to scare people?" Chen Anlin shouted towards the room behind him: "I said, Master King of Exorcists, there is no need to do this, right? I came here to see you on business."

No one answered.


The corpse jumped over again.

Chen Anlin glanced at the ground and saw a long stick.

After taking a step back, Chen Anlin shouted: "If there is no one, I will pierce the roof of this pergola. When the sun shines in, if there is anything wrong with your body, don't blame me."

After saying that, Chen Anlin made a move to stab through the roof.

Strictly speaking, these corpses are no longer dead.

Rather, it is a kind of zombie before becoming one, that is, a living dead with one breath left.

If the body is left alone outside, it will gradually turn into a zombie over time.

Similarly, such corpses are most afraid of light. Once exposed to light, the corpse will quickly grow spots and rot.

In this way, the corpse will be incomplete, which is the most taboo of the corpse chasers.

Because these corpses are his clients, and if the corpses are incomplete, they will not pay.

"Hey, kid, don't mess around."


Seeing Chen Anlin about to stab through the roof, the corpse exorcist with a beard jumped down from the second floor.

He held a bell in his hand, but the strange thing was that no matter how big his movements were, the bell in his hand never made any sound.

"Master Daoist Exorcist, I'm glad to meet you."

Chen Anlin said with a smile.

At this time, another carpenter walked out of the house. This man was Liu Laogen, the owner of the Liu family coffin shop.

"Isn't this a kid from the Jiang family? If your family doesn't do business in waxing corpses, why would you come to my place?" Liu Laogen said in a nonchalant manner.

Because the wax corpse business and the coffin business were in a competitive relationship, Liu Laogen was not too cold about Chen Anlin's arrival.

Chen Anlin said: "I have a big deal that I want to discuss with you two."

"Ha, the sun is really shining in the west. Your Jiang family has a great business. The wax corpse business has been passed down for hundreds of years. Do you want to do business with me?" Liu Laogen asked.

"Yes, to be honest, the business of wax corpses was really good in the past, but things are different from the past. Nowadays, people's demand for wax corpses is getting less and less, and it has begun to decline. In comparison, the business of coffins is good. "Chen Anlin looked at Liu Laogen and said.

Liu Laogen stroked his beard gently. Although he said nothing, the pride in his eyes was clearly visible.

Chen Anlin continued: "So I decided that my family will no longer be in the wax corpse business."

"Oh, interesting, what good business do you have?" Liu Laogen asked.

Chen Anlin said: "Master, there are too many wax corpses in my house, so I would like to ask you to take action and remove all the corpses. If there is any trouble, please solve it."

"What trouble?"

"For example, corpse transformation."

"Zombie transformation, this kind of thing is simple." The Taoist priest waved his hands indifferently. He has traveled all over the country for many years, and he is very good at dealing with evil things.

Chen Anlin took out another amount of gold and said, "Taoist Priest, as long as you do things for me, this gold will be yours in five days."


The corpse exorcist immediately agreed. Isn't he traveling all over the country to exorcise corpses just to get money?

Liu Laogen had a good relationship with the corpse exorcist. He told him to be careful and then stopped talking.

After it was done, Chen Anlin asked the corpse exorcist to stay here and wait for news, and then left with his people.

Later, Chen Anlin went to the place where firecrackers were sold in the town and bought a large bundle of explosives for blowing up mountains.

This thing also appeared in the movie. Since Master Maoshan could not defeat the zombie king, he finally used explosives to die with the zombie king.

Chen Anlin is going to use explosives to fight the zombie king for life and death.

"Brother Jiang, why did you buy so much explosives?"

A group of younger brothers were a little confused.

Chen Anlin smiled and said: "Of course it's for blowing up the ancient tomb. Okay, come home with me."

On the way back, in order not to reveal his secret, Chen Anlin deliberately told these people that he was not allowed to say anything about the ancient tomb to his father, lest the plan would not be implemented.

He told his father that he was just here as a helper.

Otherwise, they would not be able to dig an ancient tomb.

After saying this, these people hurriedly patted their chests and promised not to talk nonsense.

After returning home, Mr. Jiang was very satisfied when he saw so many helpers coming: "Not bad, it's a lively event, so that's good."

At night, Mr. Jiang went to rest.

On the surface, Chen Anlin arranged for his men to clean up the house, but secretly he and several of his men began to prepare explosives.

According to the scene in the movie, the Zombie King will come to the front yard here to hunt down the Demon Subduing Master and his group. He is going to put explosives here.

He found several carts belonging to the Jiang family and piled them with weeds, preparing to light them when the time came.

After getting ready, it was getting very late, so Chen Anlin ordered everyone to go back and rest in preparation for the wedding day the next day.


The next day, Chen Anlin was still preparing things to deal with the Zombie King.

He ordered people to go out and buy black dog blood and chicken blood for backup.

Chen Anlin knew that these things would definitely not be able to deal with the Zombie King, but if kept, they could play a delaying role.

In addition, he also asked people to go to the town to buy several bows and arrows, each arrow tied with an explosive.

After finishing it, it was already afternoon.

Finally, the bride Tang Shanshan was brought in by the matchmaker.

Since the two families were far apart, the wedding ceremony was kept simple and they were picked up in advance and temporarily arranged in the guest room.

Tang Shanshan was very beautiful. After returning to the house, she followed the matchmaker's instructions and put on a bright red wedding dress.

"Oh, look, she's really beautiful. We're going to get married soon. Congratulations."

"Matchmaker, why is this place so gloomy?" Tang Shanshan swallowed in fear.

Since her brother arranged for her to marry into the Jiang family, she secretly asked someone to inquire about the Jiang family.

But it was okay not to ask, but when she did, she was almost scared out of her mind.

So many people in this family have died in the past few years.

What's even more frightening is that she is actually the sixth daughter-in-law. The previous daughters-in-law all died mysteriously not long after they entered the family.

She was afraid and immediately told her brother Tang Long that she did not want to marry.

But why would Tang Long let his sister not marry for the sake of the Jiang family's property? So, she was brought here.

The matchmaker comforted her: "Don't be afraid. Although there are few people in the Jiang family now, they are clean. You will be good in the future and I will spend whatever money you have."

"But, I heard that several ladies in front of me are dead..."

The matchmaker's expression changed slightly and she quickly said: "Those are all illnesses, don't worry."

"Are you hiding something from me?"

"What can happen to me? Really, don't worry..."

"But I'm afraid, many people say this place is haunted."

"Don't think too much, don't think too much, my aunt, today is your special day, how can you say such unlucky words."

The two people were talking, and the sky outside was getting darker.

The matchmaker seemed nervous.

After helping Tang Shanshan dress up, she ran to the door and said, "No more talking, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Before Tang Shanshan could reply, the matchmaker left immediately.

"He said it was okay, but he was so scared."

Tang Shanshan murmured, lamenting in her heart that it was so difficult to be a woman and she couldn't make the decision on her own.

"It would be great if I could find someone who really loves me."

Tang Shanshan said to herself, although she was dissatisfied with her brother's actions, there was nothing she could do about it.

After a while, Chen Anlin came to pick up the bride at Master Jiang's instruction.

It has to be said that there are no guests in the huge Jiang family except for a group of men hired by Chen Anlin.

The entire Jiang family was strange and dead.

This is because there have been more and more rumors about the Jiang family being haunted over the years, and no one dares to come over at night.

That is to say, Chen Anlin and this group of gangsters dared to come here only when newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

"You're going to marry me later, so come with me."

Chen Anlin said concisely and concisely.


Tang Shanshan's heart beat rapidly.

Is this her future husband? The voice sounds normal.

She had found out before that the man she was going to marry was named Jiang Ping. He was a mentally ill man who spoke like a seven-year-old child.

But this person is different.

Tang Shanshan got up. Since everything was simple, she didn't wear a red hijab or anything like that and just walked.

Arriving at the lobby, Mr. Jiang was already sitting in his seat, with his former wife sitting next to him.

This lady is naturally a wax corpse. She is sitting on a chair. Due to the high temperature outside, you can vaguely see the melted wax flowing out of the sleeves of the wax corpse.

Fortunately, Mr. Jiang blocked such a strange scene with a screen so that no one could see clearly.


Chen Anlin pulled Tang Shanshan into the house.

"Well, Shanshan, I have something to tell you. Originally, you were going to marry my eldest son, Jiang Ping. Unfortunately, Jiang Ping is not lucky enough to marry you."

"Ah, why is this?" Tang Shanshan was puzzled.

"he died!"


"Don't panic." Mr. Jiang waved his hands indifferently and said, "He is not lucky, and there is nothing we can do about this. In order not to delay you, you marry my youngest son Jiang An."

Subconsciously, Tang Shanshan glanced at Chen Anlin beside her.

"Okay, the auspicious time has come, you can come and get married."

In ancient times, no matter what decision was made, women could not decide it.

Mr. Jiang can tell Tang Shanshan in advance, which is actually giving her face.

When we were getting married here, in the wilderness, next to an ancient tomb, there were broken limbs, rotting corpses, and the smell of blood everywhere.

This place is exactly where the Zombie King appears.

The demon subduing team came here before, but they did not expect to be ambushed by the zombie king. In the end, only Feng Yu Lei and their master were left to escape.

However, their master has disappeared, separated by wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

After a while, another horse team appeared in the woods.

"Drive, drive, everyone, hurry up. You can see the Jiang family after passing this forest. The Jiang family is having a happy event today. We will capture them in one fell swoop. When we get the gold, everyone can go to the town and have a good time."

"Haha, thank you, boss."

Many of the men laughed together.

"Hey, brother, there seems to be someone in front of you."

Suddenly, someone noticed that there seemed to be a figure in front of them.

"Everyone stop."

Many horses were stopped, and then the leader opened his eyes wide, trying to see clearly the person in front of him, but unfortunately the night was too dark to see clearly.

The leader suddenly became anxious, "Who is in front of you, who dares to block your grandfather's way?"

No one answered, but the figure began to move.

What is shocking is that this figure is not coming, but leaping hard towards this side.


The figure jumped heavily in front of the leader, and at this moment, everyone finally saw it clearly.

Wherever there was a person coming over, it was clearly a rotting dead body.


Someone in the crowd was shocked: "It's a zombie..."

By the time he reacted, it was already too late.

The zombie flew up into the air and came to the leader of the group.

Ordinary zombies may bite people to suck blood.

But this zombie is different. The Millennium Zombie is already a flying zombie. Not only can it fly, but it can also suck blood from a distance.

So the zombie didn't bite at all, but instead took a sharp breath at the leader's face.

Suddenly, scarlet blood began to gush out from the facial features of the leading strong man.

The blood gathered towards the zombies, and the strong man's body began to become thin and bloodless.

His face was filled with fear and he wanted to run away, but the breath the zombie sucked was like a magnet, holding him tightly.

In the end, the man turned into a pile of remains scattered on the ground.

To put it bluntly, in fact all this happened within ten seconds.

It was only then that the group of people realized what they were doing and ran away screaming.

But now they have no time to escape.

The zombie flew out and grabbed the two people's heads and crushed them, and the flesh and blood that exploded were absorbed by him instantly.

The crowd was in chaos, turned around and ran away.

But several shrewd people hid, some behind trees and some under a pile of weeds.

"Bang bang bang..."

Wherever the zombie king passes, flesh and blood fly everywhere, and all of this flesh and blood is absorbed, replenishing the zombie king's energy.


The Zombie King roared excitedly, and the huge sound rolled and floated into the distance.

At this moment, most people were hiding. They were trembling and looking at the zombie king, extremely scared.

At this time, the Zombie King was looking around.

What these people don't know is that the zombie king's eyes are different from those of humans.

What it sees is not the actual object, but a thermal image, so as long as there is body temperature, it will be discovered.

In the movie, in order to avoid being chased by the zombie king, the heroine and the hero finally hid in the water, which lowered their body temperature and was not discovered by the zombie king.

So it is useless for these people to hide at this moment.

The Zombie King soon came to a piece of grass and found the two people hiding here.

"It found us, please don't..."


With two screams, two people died tragically at the hands of the zombie king.

No one noticed that there was a slightly fat middle-aged man hiding under a piece of wet grass. The wet weeds became a good cover for him.

After killing everyone here, the zombie king left here, leaving only the middle-aged man.

He climbed up shakily and glanced around, his face twisted with fear.

"Yes, go back quickly and tell the boss, tell the boss..."

Like crazy, the man ran back quickly.


"Counting the time, the Zombie King should have killed both groups of people, right?"

Chen Anlin muttered, in fact, when he came here yesterday, he had thought about taking action directly, leading people to kill him, and catching the Zombie King off guard.

But if you think about it carefully, the risk is too great.

Moreover, even if you can fight, you can't find the position, and it's impossible to find it bit by bit.

At this moment, Chen Anlin had already pulled Tang Shanshan back to the house.

Tang Shanshan is very beautiful, pure and beautiful, with a handsome appearance and an elegant temperament.

While Chen Anlin was thinking, Tang Shanshan couldn't help but look at Chen Anlin, wondering why Chen Anlin didn't pounce on him?

At this sight, she was a little distracted.

Rumor has it that all the children of the Jiang family have some problems. They are either too honest or have abnormal brain development. In short, all normal people except Mr. Jiang are dead.

Some people say that this is because the Jiang family's feng shui has been damaged.

But now she looks at her future husband, who looks very normal.

"Jiang An, what are you thinking about?" Tang Shanshan asked.

"Haha, it's nothing. I was thinking, you got married, why didn't your brother come?" Chen Anlin smiled.

Speaking of Tang Long, Tang Shanshan lowered her eyes slightly.

In name, Tang Long was her biological brother, which was good, but he was not very kind to her.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have sold her here to pay off his gambling debts.

"He's quite busy." Tang Shanshan forced a smile and said.

"Well, let's rest."

Chen Anlin didn't say much. Anyway, the Zombie King hadn't come yet, so he couldn't risk going out to look for it in the middle of the night.

Now let’s talk about Tang Shanshan’s Fa-rectification on the spot, so as not to have an eye-catching encounter with the thunder eyebrows among the demon-subduing disciples like in the movie.

In this way, one night passed, and Tang Shanshan grew up.

"You are a mature woman, it's time to learn to move on your own."

Early in the morning, Chen Anlin said softly.

Ten minutes later, Tang Shanshan sighed with emotion: "Jiang An, actually do you know? I was very scared when I got married because they all said it was weird here, but now I find that I feel very happy to have met you. "

Chen Anlin smiled and said: "As for your wife, you have to hurt her a little, so that everything in your family can be happy, right?"

"Well, that's very kind of you."

"But..." Chen Anlin changed the subject, "Recently there are rumors of zombies in our place. I want you to do something."

"What's up?"

"Send your brother over here!"

"Ah? Let him come over?" Tang Shanshan frowned and said: "Husband, to be honest, my brother has a bad temper, and he likes to gamble. Especially in kung fu, he is very good. I am afraid that he will bully you..."

Chen Anlin smiled: "Isn't it just money? I'll give it to him!"

Please give me a monthly pass, dear friends.

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