Global game evolution

Chapter 366 Massacre of the Village (please vote for me)

"Let's go. The Jiang family is just ahead. They have killed so many people. We can't make it easy for him."

"Yes, we must seek justice."

"It's pity that my two brothers died so early. I hate it."

The villagers were cursing, and almost half of the town's population came.

Chen Anlin himself didn't expect that when he dealt with the Zombie King yesterday, although most of the gangsters died, there was still one person who survived because he stole things outside.

Taking advantage of the darkness, he secretly went home. In this way, he told the villagers everything he saw and heard, and a group of people came to kill him.

Chen Anlin is not worried about this.

He and Tang Shanshan had already left from behind and went all the way down the mountain.

After coming down the mountain, he put Tang Shanshan in an inn, and then Chen Anlin secretly came to a family's home.

Taking out the vial, Chen Anlin had complicated eyes.

Here is the blood he got from the Zombie King. Once eaten by people, it will turn people into zombies.

Originally, he didn't want to do this, but now, he has no choice.

Besides, he hasn't killed many zombies before, so it may be difficult to get an 8-star rating.

But now, this bottle of zombie king's blood has been poured out. Chen Anlin believes that early tomorrow morning, this place will become a world of zombies.

In order to ensure the speed of infection, Chen Anlin deliberately visited a few more homes.

There were very few people in the town at this time, and most of them went to his house, so it was especially convenient to do things.

Spent a quiet day.

In the evening, many villagers went home cursing, because they met no one at Jiang's house, so they were naturally unhappy that their trip was in vain.

The night is beautiful today, but strange things happen in many people's homes.

Some people screamed in their homes, and some people ran away in panic on some streets.

In Liu Laogen's coffin shop.

Liu Laogen felt that the temperature was a bit low today. He touched his whole body and felt that his body was like ice. It was really too cold.

So he planned to lie down and rest early.

Just as he lay down, he heard a rapid knock on the door.

"Liu Laogen, Liu Laogen!!! Open the door quickly."

The urgent voice made Liu Laogen realize that something big had happened.

He quickly ran to open the door, and when he opened it, dozens of residents came outside.

Several people had blood on their faces, and most had blood on their arms.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Liu Laogen, it's bad, there are so many zombies."

"Don't talk nonsense. Those are not zombies. How could my wife bite people for no reason? She must be sick."

"If they're not zombies, what are you doing here? Admit it, they just turned into zombies."

"But, it was fine during the day, so why did it become like this after dinner!"

"The one in our family was even more pitiful. After the Jiang family came back, he took a sip of water when he was thirsty, and then he became like this."

"Stop talking, Liu Laogen, show us."

The villagers all knew that Liu Laogen, who ran a coffin shop, knew some ways to deal with evil spirits, so they all came to ask for help.

Liu Laogen looked at the wounds on these people and saw that the wounds were all black and shiny, and black lines were spreading around the wounds.

Especially the faces of the people at the back were obviously blue and purple, and they were extremely sick.

Liu Laogen's expression changed at that time: "No, you were bitten by a zombie."

"I'll just say they were bitten by zombies. Those people turned into zombies."

"Liu Laogen, you have to save us."

"Zombie poison needs to be treated with sawdust from coffin boards, but..."

Everyone was anxious: "But what?"

"But the treatment is not 100% effective. Maybe...someone will turn into a zombie."

Just as he was talking, residents in the distance screamed. It turned out that there were more and more zombies, and many people were bitten.

If ordinary people are bitten once or twice, the poison may not be so strong and they will not turn into zombies quickly.

But if the blood is sucked dry by a zombie, the toxins will quickly flow through the body and the person will soon turn into a zombie.

This is why some people become zombies and why some people still persist.

In any case, Liu Laogen could only try to see if he could treat these people.

After closing the door, Liu Laogen went to scrape the sawdust.

But as he scratched, he realized something was wrong.

For some reason, the temperature was so low and he felt so cold.

"It's so cold, so cold."

Liu Laogen still had a glimmer of consciousness. He remembered that before turning into a zombie, he would become afraid of the cold.

"Liu Laogen, are you okay?"

"Liu Laogen, where are the sawdust? I feel so cold. Do you think I will turn into a zombie?"

"Where are the people? Why don't you come out? Help, please don't abandon us."

"I gonna go see."

A woman covered her injured arm and walked towards the room Liu Laogen had just entered.

As soon as she reached the door, the woman was stunned.

Liu Laogen was actually standing at the door, head lowered, motionless.

Deathly silence.

"Liu Laogen, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Laogen raised his head, his gloomy and pale face expressionless. The next second, Liu Laogen jumped over.

Stretching out his hand and grabbing the woman's neck, Liu Laogen showed his sharp fangs and bit the woman's neck.


Screams echoed in the coffin shop.

That night, screams continued throughout the town, and many people turned into zombies and attacked people passing by.


The sun has risen.

Zombies are afraid of the sun, so they all hide inside the house.

The heavily armed Chen Anlin walked on the streets of the town and started the village massacre operation.

I have to say, these ordinary zombies are really easy to deal with.

Even if he rushes into the house and faces a group of zombies rushing towards him, it doesn't matter.

The nail gun can knock these most common zombies into their souls with one shot.

For three consecutive days, almost all the zombies in the village were killed.

On the last day, the surviving villagers walked to the street and found Chen Anlin.

"Hero, this is our hero."

"Fortunately, Master Jiang helped us kill so many zombies, otherwise we wouldn't know what to do."

Now the villagers regard Chen Anlin as their savior.

Chen Anlin sighed in his heart, killing one person is a criminal, killing a few people is a murderer, and killing a large group of people is a hero!

This sentence is indeed correct.

He was about to leave the dungeon. Looking at the 8-star evaluation prompt in front of him, Chen Anlin smiled.

Sure enough, it’s still 8 stars.

This time, he not only eliminated the Zombie King in advance, but also allowed him to kill more than 500 zombies by infecting the villagers.

You know, there are only a few zombies in the movie.

within the game space.

Huge fonts float across the sky.

"Congratulations to game player Jigsaw for killing 598 zombies in the copy of "Zombie Age"."

"Congratulations to game player Jigsaw for defeating the Zombie King in the copy of "Zombie Age"."

"Earned 8 stars."


"Oh my God, what's the origin of this jigsaw? How could this dungeon get such good reviews in the era of zombies?"

"It's Jigsaw again. I think I only got 8 stars last time, right?"

"Many people said before that it was just luck, but now it seems it's not that simple."

In the game space, many people are interested in the name Jigsaw.

No one is stupid enough to think that two 8-star reviews from one person in a row could be a coincidence.

As the instigator, Chen Anlin certainly didn't know what was going on in the outside world. He opened the reward and checked it out.

"Gamer: Jigsaw."

Earn rewards:

1:1.5 million game currency.

2: Strength attribute +5.

3: Agility attribute +5.

4: Defense attribute +5.

5: Obtain the skill: Corpse Exorcism. (Kung Fu skills, no level attributes)

6: One attribute card.

7: A Zombie King summoning card.


"Not bad, I actually got the Zombie King's summoning card."

Chen Anlin's eyes lit up.

Chen Anlin can see how powerful this zombie king is.

Then he looked at the skill of this time.

Chen Anlin estimated that the reason why he got this corpse exorcism skill was also because of the corpse exorcism priest. His corpse exorcism skills were indeed very powerful and he could use the corpses for his own use.

After clicking to receive it, Chen Anlin's heart moved and he took out the unknown female corpse.

Then recalling how to use the corpse exorcism technique, Chen Anlin began to mutter something.

"Master, why did you summon me?" The unknown female corpse spoke. Although she was motionless, she was able to convey messages through her mental power.

"You can't use your body, right?" Chen Anlin asked.


"Okay, let me try to drive."


The nameless female corpse was astonished. She couldn't even drive her body. The body was only used to store mental power, but he could actually use it?

"Corpse, get up!"

After reciting the incantation, an invisible wave of mental power spread out from Chen Anlin.

This wave of waves entered the body of the unknown woman. At this moment, a human body pattern seemed to appear in front of Chen Anlin.

This human body is like his own arm. Chen Anlin has a feeling that he can drive this corpse.

This feeling is very strange, as if this is my own body and I can use it without any effort.


Chen Anlin shouted again, and the female corpse moved and stood up straight.

"Master, you are so powerful, you actually moved my body." The voice of the unknown female corpse floated over.

"Well, this is the corpse exorcism technique I just learned."

Chen Anlin frowned. According to the corpse exorcism technique in his memory, the spiritual power in the corpse at this time belonged to a branch of his.

He can control it, but every time he controls it forcefully, it consumes a lot of energy.

The best way is to use a fixed sound frequency to create memory for this mental force, thereby achieving the most labor-saving control.

It's like the bell in the hand of the Taoist priest who drives away corpses.

This bell actually has no magic power, it is just a sound for the corpse.

Shake it, and the memory of the corpse will make it move, thus achieving the purpose of control.

It sounds complicated, but as long as you understand this, it is actually as simple as controlling the left and right eyes to blink at each other.

"I understand. It turns out that it is so easy to drive away corpses, but it consumes a lot of money. The more skilled you are, the lower the consumption will be."

This is because once you become proficient, you can use your skill to drive away corpses.

Regarding the next development, Chen Anlin has a preliminary understanding, which is to upgrade the basic attributes.

The higher the basic attributes, the stronger the mental power will be.

The current base properties are:

Strength: 230.

Spirit: 230.

Agility: 210.


As for the game currency, plus the 1 million game currency obtained last time, there are now 2.5 million game currency.

He kept 100,000 game coins and exchanged all 240 game coins for attribute points.

After doing it, take out the attribute card you just got. This attribute card is a unique reward in the game city. Each card can randomly add points to four basic attributes.

After use, the four basic attributes become:

Strength: 310.


Agility: 300.

Defense: 320.



With so many attribute points added up, Chen Anlin instantly felt like he was different.

Powerful physical functions give the body sufficient explosive power. This power is different from skills.

Skills are like stored power that need to be taken out and used.

It's like a weapon. Only when you pick up the weapon can it be effective.

As for the attribute point strength, it is pure muscle explosive power.

Especially the powerful mental power made Chen Anlin feel that he was more comfortable when using his skills.

Back to reality, Chen Anlin was bored and wanted to see if it was safe near Fang Yutong's residence.

Since someone attacked Fang Yutong, it is very likely that the area near her home is not safe either.

Now that the mental power has been improved, the scope of eavesdropping has become larger.

Fang Yutong: Hey, Ronger, let me tell you, I almost died. Fortunately, I was saved by a stupid man, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see me.

inside the room.

Fang Yutong must have just taken a shower, wearing only silk pajamas and shirtless, showing off her chest muscles in front of the mirror while admiring herself in the mirror with her head held high.

The other end of the phone responded: "Is that okay?"

Fang Yutong: "You also know me. Fortunately, I have medical skills, otherwise I would really be GG."

"Let me check this matter for you."

Fang Yutong: "That's no need. No need to guess. I know that those people must be the ones who want to deal with me. I thought they didn't have the guts before, but I didn't expect... It seems I have to be more careful in the future."

Fang Yutong: "By the way, how are you checking the recent Dragon Ball strategies?"

"It's very difficult. Although I grabbed the 4-star beads from Sun Wukong last time, he also took away the 7-star beads. And I discovered a very important point, that is, as soon as I enter the world of Dragon Balls, I don't know how. Whatever happens, Sun Wukong and his gang will find my location and come here to grab the dragon balls. Now I only have one chance to enter this world."

Fang Yutong: "Do they have any equipment to find the Dragon Balls?"

"I don't know, but this Sun Wukong is really powerful. There is also a group of terrorists whose leader is King Clough. He seems to obey Sun Wukong's orders and always comes to cause trouble for me."

Fang Yutong: "Last time, didn't you tell me to pay attention to people with illusions? Let me tell you good news. I found the person who saved me."

"Really, he can do magic?"

"Yeah, I saw it with my own eyes."

"That's great. With illusion, if Sun Wukong comes again, we can completely influence Sun Wukong through illusion and make him obediently hand over the seven-star bead..."



The two of them had no idea that their conversation was being overheard by someone.

Especially for Fang Yutong, the eavesdropping imaging sent back the picture at a glance, and it was still in high definition.

"I didn't expect her to be so small. She usually has two extra cushions, right?"

Chen Anlin curled his lips, but didn't think much about it. After all, he was not that kind of person.

"According to them, the plot of this Dragon Ball world is not fixed. You can take the Dragon Balls away from the Dragon Ball world and bring them in next time. The plot will continue from the last plot..."

This was the first time Chen Anlin discovered this kind of copy, and he quickly searched online: the copy of Dragon Ball that Yang Ronger experienced.

There are many explanations about Dragon Ball replicas on the web.

Seeing this, Chen Anlin understood.

This is called a plot copy.

The so-called plot type dungeon means that people with this card can enter this type of dungeon card several times.

Every time you enter, the plot will connect to the plot when you last left.

At the same time, entering means that the plot of this world is open, and up to hundreds or even thousands of people can enter the plot copy at the same time.

"No wonder Yang Ronger left with Longzhu."

Chen Anlin muttered, but currently it seems that she only has one last chance to enter Dragon Ball.

"It would be nice if you really let me in."

Chen Anlin thought to himself, because he knew the plot.

The so-called King Clough was not sent by Sun Wukong. King Clough was just a big villain in Sun Wukong's early stage.

As for how Sun Wukong finds their location every time, this is simpler.

Bulma inside invented the Dragon Ball Radar. The Dragon Ball Radar can search for the Dragon Balls anytime and anywhere.

"If I go in, I can definitely become friends with Sun Wukong. Maybe I can go to the home of Turtle Immortal to learn his Turtle Style Qigong..."

Just as he was thinking about it, another eavesdrop came.

This is the voice of Hanaze Tears.

At the moment, he was watching TV in the hall. There might not be anything interesting to watch, so he turned off the TV with a 'pop'.

"What is this guy's background? Why did Miss Fang Yutong bring him back?"

Hua Ze Lei frowned, he felt the pressure.

The pressure comes from Chen Anlin's hair.

The handsome black-haired boy is very popular in this world, just like the blond beauties on Earth in the past...

Subconsciously, Hua Zelei touched her hair: "How about I dye it too?"

Shaking his head, he took out his phone and opened the browser video, and some explicit scenes appeared.

Chen Anlin looked strange. He didn't expect this man to have such a hobby in private.

The movie I watched was called: The Story My Bodyguard and I Have to Tell Late Night.

Uh... the movie titles in this world are so weird.

The content of the movie is very simple. The eldest lady was sleeping late at night, and there was a "buzzing" sound in the house.

The handsome bodyguard accidentally broke in, and then this, and then that...

After that, the eldest lady became the personal belongings of the bodyguard.

Every time I go out, the bodyguard holds the remote control in his hand...

"The plot is pretty good. It should be popular if adapted into a novel."

Chen Anlin sighed.

Without paying too much attention, Chen Anlin began to eavesdrop on the neighbors here.

This time, I really heard someone coming.

After a while, a car stopped at the door.

Seeing the vehicle, Hua Ze's face changed slightly, and he quickly ran out and stood respectfully beside the vehicle to greet him.

In the car, a fair-skinned and beautiful old woman got out.

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