Global game evolution

Chapter 372 A weirdo in disguise—Mask


"Hua Zelei, are you okay? You said this soup is for Chen Anlin?"

Yang Ronger pointed at Chen Anlin and then at Hua Zelei, and couldn't help but tremble.

She felt like she had goosebumps all over her body.

As for Fang Yutong, his face was even more shocked.

"Hua Zelei, you..." She pointed at Chen Anlin, "Make soup for Chen Anlin?"

Hua Zelei looked serious: "Yes, Chen Anlin just came to our place. This guy is unfamiliar with the place. I want to give him love."

This is not caring, but disgusting, right?

Hua Zelei didn't care so much. He sneered in his heart: A group of mortals, when I become stronger step by step through the system, sooner or later I will impress you. As for Chen Anlin, let me give you a few blows first, and then I will definitely trample you under my feet and let you know how powerful I am!

He felt secretly relieved in his heart, but his face was kind and kind: "An Lin, while it's hot."

Chen Anlin: "…………"

Chen Anlin now regrets it.

He guessed that Hua Zelei would lick him, but he didn't expect it to be so licking.

Somewhat embarrassing.

Chen Anlin: "Thank you."

Hua Zelei: "It's okay, it's okay, as long as you like it. What do you want to eat tomorrow morning? I'll prepare it early."

"Uh... steamed buns will do." Hua Zelei frowned: "Steamed buns don't have much nutrition. Let's do this. I'll make a bowl of polenta tomorrow and add some glutinous rice and ginseng..."

"Would it be too much?"

Chen Anlin was a little embarrassed.

Hua Zelei waved her hands quickly: "How can this be considered compensation? This is just right."

"Okay then." Chen Anlin sighed inwardly. The other party was so polite and it was hard for him to refuse his kindness.

"Well, I'll prepare it now, and you guys eat slowly."

Hua Zelei turned around and suddenly thought of something. He turned and smiled at Chen Anlin: "Eat all of them. You will be more handsome after eating. Come on! You are the best."

Yang Ronger: "...?"

Fang Yutong: "...?"

Chen Anlin: "...It's so embarrassing."

"Chen Anlin, this is the first time I've seen Hua Zelei treat someone like this. Could it be that he... treats you... hmm? Do you understand?" Fang Yutong blinked, looking like you understand.

Yang Ronger said: "No need to ask, it must be interesting. Unexpectedly, Hua Zelei is for both men and women. Chen Anlin, you should pay attention to protecting yourself in the future."

"Well, be sure to pay attention. Don't talk about this. Let's eat together."

Push the soup over. Not to mention, this thing is indeed cooked very fragrant.

Obviously, in order to lick him, Hua Zelei was not careful.

After eating, the two women went for a walk.

Chen Anlin rested for a while after returning to the house, took a shower and entered the game space.

"Use refresh card."

"Okay, Jigsaw."

The game space responded, and two copies appeared in front of it.

"Extreme Career" Danger Zone for Ordinary People: Difficulty 1 Star.

"Monster in Disguise" Danger Zone for Ordinary People: Difficulty 6 stars.



Of the two dungeons that appeared this time, I don’t know the plot of Extreme Career, but judging from the name, it should be about an extreme sport.

Then looking at the second copy, Chen Anlin's eyes lit up.

Stranger in Disguise is a work by the famous foreign comedy star Jim Carrey. This movie was very famous in the 2000s.

Chen Anlin was still a child when he watched this movie, but he is still deeply impressed by this movie.

The reason is that the plot of this movie is not complicated.

It tells the story of Stanley, a loser played by Jim Carrey. Under the double blow of career and love, he comes to the edge of a big river and prepares to jump into the river to end his life.

But unexpectedly, just as he was about to jump into the river, he saw a mask by the river.

Out of curiosity, Stanley went down to pick it up. He thought it was an ordinary green mask, but an accident happened after he got home and the mask actually stuck to his face.

Then, a magical scene appeared.

The mask clung to Stanley's face and Stanley transformed into a green monster.

He has become extremely powerful, can change into strange shapes, and is agile. He is like a superhero, falling from the sky.

After that, it became a routine in hero movies.

A gangster appears and robs a bank, and then the protagonist appears and saves everyone.

So many people say that Jim Carrey's movie is the rectangle of the superhero movie series.

First, the protagonist is a loser, with a failed career and an unloved girlfriend, and then he becomes a superhero by accident.

At this time, the villain appears, and the protagonist defeats the villain and is with his girlfriend.

"There's actually nothing difficult about this movie. I just need to find the mask inside."

Chen Anlin smiled. It was too easy. Although this copy had a difficulty level of 6 stars, that was all.

"First check to see if anyone has obtained 8 stars. If so, the mask must have been obtained as well."

Chen Anlin left the game space and turned on the computer.

What surprised him was that the copy of "Geek in Disguise" was quite famous.

But what makes him funny is that many people regard the protagonist Stanley as the villain.

"Friends, I have compared the strategies for this dungeon of Disguised Stranger and have confirmed some things in it."

"The mission of this dungeon is to defeat Stanley and a gang leader named Dorian."

"What is known is that Dorian is easier to deal with. He is just a gang leader. In the copy, he secretly arranged his subordinates to rob a bank."

"Dorian doesn't need to say much. Everyone just needs to call the police in advance or have confidence in their own skills to take him down."

"'s difficult for Stanley."

"This Stanley is really insidious. On the surface, Stanley is just a clerk in this bank. He is bullied every day. He speaks only submissively and is clumsy. No one will take him seriously, but...but... Friends, here comes the crucial part.”

"This Stanley is very scary. He is actually a monster and can transform instantly. No one can be his opponent, so he is the biggest villain in this dungeon. As ordinary people, we are no match at all, so I think we should send a division-level or above team to deal with it."

See here.

Chen Anlin almost laughed.

This editor is so over the top that he actually treats the protagonist Stanley as the villain.

But think about it, after Stanley put on that mask, he seemed to be a different person.

He was originally submissive and had trouble speaking. After wearing a mask, he performed various tricks. Not only did he speak fluently, but his charm also increased. He also liked to prank other people.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that because he likes pranks so much, he is regarded as a villain.

After all, how could a decent person be so mischievous?

Based on this, many guides say that Stanley is a villain and extremely sinister.

After looking at the other strategies below, I found that they were all exactly the same, which made Chen Anlin extremely happy.

And he also discovered another situation about this copy.

That is, a total of 4 players enter the dungeon, and they can choose to cooperate or be hostile.

In other words, it is a multiplayer copy.

Since everyone is an ordinary person, many people will choose to cooperate in the dungeon.

Unfortunately, it is not needed for Chen Anlin.

Because he knows the plot!

Entering the game space again, white light flashed, and Chen Anlin found that he was already in a white space.

"My name is Chen Lin. I am a humble waiter. I came all the way to the United States to pursue the American dream. However, after I came here, I discovered that this place is full of all kinds of discrimination."

"Although I went to my relatives, they treated me like a dog, deducted my wages, refused to give me food and shelter, and even scolded me! I want to leave here, but...but there is nowhere for me to go, I have no money, I can’t even buy a ticket..."

This was the memory of the original owner. Chen Anlin frowned when he saw it.

Coming to the United States to pursue the American dream?

Hahaha, have you been brainwashed by a group of public intellectuals?

Shaking his head, Chen Anlin didn't think much about it.

After writing these things down, look around.

There were three people standing in the small room.

Two women and one man.

A man is a white man with a Western face and a proud look on his face. It is worth mentioning that he has a pair of wings on his back.

People from the God Clan!

Chen Anlin, who had met the God Clan, recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

‘I didn’t expect that not long after I came here, I would have the opportunity to meet the Gods in the dungeon. ’

Chen Anlin was secretly surprised.

The other two women, one of whom had double horns on her head, were initially determined to be demons.

The other was an ordinary woman, a housewife, in her fifties.

Darling, he still comes out to play dungeons when he is over 50 years old. He is very dedicated.

The Gods are arrogant, so this man glanced at Chen Anlin with an arrogant expression, then looked at the other two women and said, "My name is Shengdi Abil."

Due to the proud character of the Protoss, they never choose to hide their real names, so their game names are all their real names.

The housewife immediately put on a respectful look and said, "It turns out to be the Holy Diya clan of the Gods. Hello, I say I love doing housework."

"Hello, I am Candy Chaoshan." The demon woman said respectfully.

Chen Anlin was far away from them, so he ignored them.

"what's your name?"

Holy Land Abil asked Chen Anlin.


"Huh? Are you Jigsaw?" I love doing housework, so I have obviously heard of the name Jigsaw.

After all, Jigsaw has received two 8-stars in the past two days, which is easily impressive.

However, the demon woman Candy Chao Zhan and Holy Land Abil obviously don’t know much about the name Jigsaw.

This is not surprising. There are too many geniuses in the world. On average, there are several 8-star reviews every day. It is no wonder that this is the case.

"Do you know this name?" Shengdi Abil looked at I Love Doing Housework.

I Love Doing Housework said: "I have received two 8-star reviews in the past few days. He is a very good person."

Santi Abil nodded: "Well, it's just 2. No matter how many evaluations you get, you are just a mortal in this copy of Ordinary People. Young man, remember, don't think that you are arrogant just because you got an 8-star evaluation. I I’ve taken more.”

Guangdang Chaozan said respectfully: "Yes, yes, Lord Abil of the Holy Land, your name is very popular among our demon clan."

Candy's awesome flattery was obviously very useful to Holy Land Abil. He shouted: "Jigsaw, right? Come on over. I am happy today. Come over and discuss how to easily pass the level in this dungeon."

Chen Anlin glanced at him and responded calmly: "No need."


Shengdi Abil was stunned for a moment, and then his whole body sank: "What did you say?"

"I said, no need. If you want to cooperate, don't bother me."

Chen Anlin's words were not polite, and could also be said to be disrespectful, which made Holy Land Abil's face darken.

"Jigsaw, it's rare for Lord Abil of the Holy Land to find someone to cooperate with, so you don't know how to appreciate it." Candy Chaoshan said helpfully.

My aunt who loves to do housework persuaded me earnestly: "Young man, come here, apologize, and forget about it."

Chen Anlin was overjoyed: "I don't want to cooperate, and I haven't done anything to you, so there's no need to beg me like this, right?"

"You said I beg you? OK, OK!!! You will cry when the time comes."

Santi Abil snorted coldly, "Let's talk."

"Okay." I nodded as I loved doing housework.

"Sir, what are you going to do?"

The three people walked aside and discussed.

Holy Land Abil said: "You all know that no matter what dungeon we enter, our Gods have very strong power. In addition, I know some information about this dungeon, so it is more convenient for me."

"Yeah, yeah, that makes sense." I loved doing housework and nodded repeatedly.

"My eldest brother and second brother have both entered this dungeon. Although they didn't get 8 stars, they both got 6 stars."

I love doing housework and super sweets are both eye-catching.

Candy Awesome: "Sir, how to do it specifically?"

Santi Abil: "As far as I know, the big villain Stanley and the gangster brother Dorian are hostile. I am going to unite Dorian to deal with Stanley."

I love doing housework: "But as far as I know, Dorian's power is no match for Stanley."

Santi Abil: "You don't understand this. Stanley actually likes a woman. As long as he kidnaps this woman, hahaha... Do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand."

"Yeah, I understand."

Chen Anlin heard all these words.

He felt happy. The woman mentioned by Holy Land Abil was probably the heroine Tina.

Tina is actually the mistress of the gang leader Dorian. She is very beautiful. Stanley fell in love with this woman at a glance when he was working in the bank.

I wanted to pursue this woman several times later.

If we kidnap Tina and threaten Stanley, to be honest, this is really a good strategy.

such a pity…………

Once Stanley puts on the mask, he is invincible. It is quite difficult to rely on this threat.

The copy starts.

A white light flashed, and a line of words appeared in front of Chen Anlin.

"Loading copy of Disguised Geek..."

Mission introduction:

A weirdo appeared in the city, and they all called evil weirdo in disguise.


"Main mission: Defeat Stanley and Dorian."

"Mission time: 5 days."

"Task Tip 1: The disguised geek can be anyone."

"Task Tip 2: Mask, mask, mask!"



"Wow, this hint is too obvious, isn't it?"

Chen Anlin smiled. Unfortunately, most people didn't pay attention to such obvious reminders from the three masks.

There are a lot of guides out there and no one has ever mentioned the word mask.

This makes your next operation much easier.

Looking around, he was sitting in the kitchen of a restaurant eating.

What was placed in front of them were the leftover meals from the diners.

Chen Anlin frowned. In his memory, the original owner was not doing well.

Not only was I discriminated against by foreigners, I was also bullied by my own relatives.

"Chen Lin, there are guests outside again. Have you eaten?"

A fat middle-aged woman came in from the outside cursing. When she saw Chen Anlin still sitting and eating, her thick eyebrows suddenly stood up and she cursed: "I haven't finished eating yet. I've been eating for ten minutes. What are you doing!"

Chen Anlin was not happy when he heard this: "You said you only have ten minutes to eat. Is this a long time? But I remember that you won't stop eating for half an hour."

In his memory, the middle-aged woman was his distant relative.

He originally came here to seek refuge, but he didn't expect that he would become a slave and be exploited by this woman.

Therefore, Chen Anlin didn't like her at all.

"Haha, you're talking about me? Wow, you're brave, aren't you."

"What? You can't tell?"

The fat woman smiled brightly: "Yes, of course you can, but you kid, don't forget who gave you a place to live and who gave you food."

Chen Anlin said calmly: "You gave it to me, but I also worked for you. By the way, you haven't given me your salary yet."

"You still have the nerve to ask for a salary? Look at what kind of work you have done! You have the nerve to ask for it?"

"I work the hardest in the whole store, why can't I have it?"

"Sorry, I won't give it to you. I will give you room and food. These are all money."

Chen Anlin smiled: "Okay, I won't talk nonsense to you. If you don't pay, forget it. I won't do this job anymore."

Hearing Chen Anlin say no, the fat woman's expression changed on the spot.

After all, they are actually very busy opening this small restaurant. It does cost a lot of money to hire people. The key is that those people may not be willing to work.

And Chen Anlin works here, the salary is small, and he can save a lot of money.

Therefore, the fat woman will naturally not let Chen Anlin leave easily.

"What, you want to leave!"

The fat woman snorted coldly.

"what happened?"

The door opened and another fat man walked in. He was the boss here and the fat woman's husband.

"Look, this guy Chen Lin said he's quitting. Hahaha, his wings are hard!"

The fat man frowned: "Chen Lin, our family is not kind to you. You see, as soon as you come here, we will arrange food and accommodation for you. There are so many people from my hometown coming here, but they don't even have a place to live. Now that you have strong wings, you want to Don't want to do it? Feel your conscience."

Chen Anlin said: "Co-author will work for you for free, and you still want me to touch my conscience?"

The fat woman said: "Anyway, you can't leave. Who will do the work here if you leave?"

"Haha, leave it to yourselves." Chen Anlin said without mercy.

After saying that, Chen Anlin had already stood up.

"Want to leave?" The fat man threatened: "Believe it or not, if you step out, I will call the police and tell the police that you are an illegal immigrant. Then I will send you back to the country and see how you get rich."

"I'm very happy here. Are you willing to go back to China?" The fat woman thought she had found Chen Anlin's pain point and threatened.

Chen Anlin was speechless.

Speaking from my heart.

If he didn't want to complete the mission, would he be willing to stay here?

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