Global game evolution

Chapter 380 Sweet Home - Nosebleed

"Bring here anyone who has had a nosebleed recently."

No one dared to disobey Chen Anlin's orders.

However, many people are wondering, why does the boss want to find someone who has had a nosebleed recently?

"Brother, what are you doing with someone with a nosebleed?"

The person who asked the question was a girl named Lin Caiying.

She knew how to do Sanda, and because she was pretty good and attentive, Chen Anlin arranged for her to be responsible for the defense here.

Chen Anlin looked at the crowd and said, "Didn't you all discuss before why those people suddenly turned into monsters?"

"Yeah, it's so weird. My roommate suddenly turned into a monster."

"I was even more unlucky. I almost became food for monsters. Fortunately, my boss saved me in time." A boy said with lingering fear.

"Boss, tell me, how did you become a monster?"

"Boss, how did you know?"

Chen Anlin looked at everyone and said, "Because the symptom of being infected by the virus is nosebleeds."


Everyone was stunned.

Then, some people reacted and said in horror: "Doesn't it mean that people with nosebleeds will turn into monsters?"

"It's terrible, those people will turn into monsters!"

Jin Taiying stood up suddenly, "Boss, then I will help you kill all those infected!"

Chen Anlin waved his hand and said calmly: "Sit down, I haven't finished speaking yet. Although these people are infected, it does not mean they have turned into monsters."

"Boss, I don't understand."

"I don't understand either, why do you say you won't turn into a monster if you are infected?"

Chen Anlin said: "Because there are two situations after being infected by the virus. One is to become a monster, just like the monsters we encountered before. These monsters are bloodthirsty, cruel, and inhumane."

"But the other situation is to become a superpower!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Jin Taiying immediately reacted: "Boss, you mean, just like you?"

Chen Anlin responded ambiguously: "Yes, just like me."

The crowd suddenly became commotion.

The more you know Chen Anlin, the more you know how powerful he is. Everyone wants to have Chen Anlin's strength.

"Doesn't this mean that a nosebleed is still a good thing?"

Someone said in surprise that he wished he could punch himself so that his nose would bleed.

Chen Anlin said lightly: "Whether a nosebleed is a good thing or a bad thing depends on how it mutates. As far as I know, there were more people who turned into monsters in the early days, but up to now, many people with nosebleeds have not turned into monsters, so basically They won’t turn into monsters.”

"Okay, no more talking, now bring the people up."

After a while, a total of 2 people were brought up.

Among them, Lin Caiying, the captain in charge of defense, also consciously walked to the opposite side of Chen Anlin. After touching her nose, Lin Caiying sighed: "On the night when the monster appeared, I had a nosebleed."

"Oh? It's been a long time. Congratulations, you will most likely not turn into a monster." Chen Anlin asked: "Have you felt any physical abnormalities recently?"

"Is it abnormal?"

Lin Caiying clenched her fists and said solemnly: "I seem to be getting faster."

"Let's demonstrate."

Chen Anlin stood up and came to Lin Caiying.

Lin Caiying nodded and suddenly punched.

She moved very quickly, leaving almost nothing but an afterimage.

This speed is beyond the scope of ordinary people.

However, no matter how fast he was, he couldn't compare to Chen Anlin's speed.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Anlin reached out and grabbed Lin Caiying's arm.

"Good speed." Chen Anlin commented.

Lin Caiying: "You are so fast."

"Let's talk about this later." Chen Anlin looked at the two boys in front of him.

Both boys had nosebleeds not long ago, one three days ago and the other seven days ago.

"Brother, will we be as powerful as you?"

The shorter boy asked respectfully.

Chen Anlin nodded and said, "Of course, the premise is that you won't turn into monsters."

"Very good."

The two boys looked very excited.

Chen Anlin said: "In order to prevent you from suddenly mutating, we need to temporarily imprison you. I hope you understand."

Lin Caiying asked: "Boss, what about me?"

"You already have special abilities and will not mutate again."

"Phew, that's good."

"Boss, how do you know this?"

Chen Anlin said: "Because this is how I came here, do you understand?"

"I know."

After finishing speaking, Chen Anlin asked people to rest.

Returning to his own house on the top floor, Chen Anlin looked up at the night sky.

The night is very nice today, cloudless and starry.

"Tomorrow, it's time to leave here. I don't know what's going on outside."

Chen Anlin whispered and looked at the system panel.

It shows that he has killed more than 50 monsters recently.

There is also a prompt indicating that you can leave this copy at any time and enter again next time.

This is where the story dungeon is convenient, you can leave it anytime and anywhere.

Wait until you are ready before entering.

It's a pity that with my own strength, I don't need to make any preparations at all.

So he is not allowed to leave for the time being.

As he looked at the night sky, many gamers who came in together were not in a good situation.

The eldest brother Liu and his group were hiding in an apartment building, looking solemn.

On the first day of the game, the entire apartment building was surrounded by monsters.

They started with strong attribute points and killed several monsters.

But soon, stronger monsters appeared.

The attribute points of the giant monsters all exceed 200 attribute points, so they are no match at all.

And there were more and more ordinary monsters, and they were soon surrounded.

In the end, they hid here and lingered.

But that day, something unexpected happened.

A group of gangsters armed with guns actually came.

This group of gangsters are actually not good people. They have recently robbed several settlements in search of food and weapons.

This time they focused on this place.

After luring away most of the monsters downstairs, they entered the building.

After the eldest brother Liu saw this group of people, he was immediately happy: "Bring me weapons, brothers, come and live!"


On the other side, Fang Yutong and Yang Ronger were in an office building.

On the day when the monster broke out, they killed monsters one after another in the building.

Fortunately, their speed attributes are not bad. They can hide when they encounter powerful monsters, and kill ordinary monsters when they encounter them.

By this time, everyone had basically killed a dozen monsters.

At the same time, they have discovered many survivors one after another these days.

Some survivors developed strange abilities, which surprised the two women.

After struggling for some days, they encountered some trouble on this day.

A monster with wings flew out of nowhere. Anyone who ran out would be attacked by this monster, which was very annoying.

Due to the appearance of this monster, many people in their team died.

There was no other way, so the two decided to go out at night.

But there are more monsters outside at night, and the danger factor rises sharply.

That night, the two decided to go out again.

However, their decision was opposed by others in the team on the grounds that it was too dangerous.

"Ayu, Yang Xiaoshu, I know you are strong, but it's too dangerous outside. We don't have enough food for now, so we might as well stay here." A girl said.

"Yeah, it's too dangerous outside."

"I do not want to go out."

Fang Yutong didn't care, and said, "Then you all can stay, let's go out."

"Not bad." Yang Ronger nodded.

"I'll accompany you."

At this time, a young man came out.

He was not very strong, but he held a large hammer in each hand. When he looked at Yang Ronger, the young man showed a doting look. Apparently, he came out just because he wanted to follow Yang Ronger.

Fang Yutong nodded: "Jin Yuzha, you are strong but slow, so be careful later."


Jin Yuzha took the lead to walk out, "Follow me, I will protect you."

"This Jin Yuzha is so kind and a good man."

"It would be great if my boyfriend was this capable."

"Jin Yuzha is truly a role model for us men."

The words of praise behind him made Jin Yuzha smile slightly, but he didn't say much.

Behind him, Fang Yutong whispered softly: "This man seems to like you."

Yang Ronger shook her head and sighed: "Maybe it's because I saved him once last time."


"There is no need to pay too much attention to matters like children's personal affairs. Don't forget, when you leave here, you will never see anyone again."

"Of course, that's what I mean."

The two women said and went downstairs.


Early the next morning, Chen Anlin personally led the search team towards the police station.

During the day, there were relatively few monsters, and the journey to the police station was uneventful. However, at this time, a strange scream came from the sky.

He quickly looked up and saw a huge monster flying down.

"Ah, no…………"

A young man was instantly captured by a monster.

Chen Anlin frowned. The monster in the sky had never appeared on TV.

Now that it has appeared, the degree of danger is self-evident.

They are like little white rabbits that have no choice but to die when they encounter an eagle in the sky.

"Everyone, get inside the house quickly."

Chen Anlin decisively issued the order.

"Brother, what about you?"

Chen Anlin said coldly: "I'll deal with him."


Just then, a familiar voice came.


The sound came from the second floor on the right. Chen Anlin looked up and unexpectedly spotted Fang Yutong.

In this world, Fang Yutong's image is that of a school student.

They recognized each other since they had met in the game space.


Chen Anlin smiled, this world is too small to meet someone he knows.

"Jigsaw, I didn't expect to meet you. This is just right. We can cooperate."

Yang Ronger also appeared at the window.

"Yang Xiaoshu."

"You remember my name."

Chen Anlin shrugged: "I see you have been hiding here for a while, can you tell me about the situation?"

Yang Ronger: "Let's talk after you come in."

Chen Anlin ordered back: "You all wait inside the building. I will come as soon as I go."

After entering the house, Chen Anlin went straight to the second floor.

On the second floor, in addition to Yang Ronger and Fang Yutong, there was another boy. After introducing each other, Chen Anlin knew that his name was Jin Yuzha.

"I didn't expect to meet you here. It seems that you are doing well. You actually have so many subordinates." Although Yang Ronger said this, she didn't say much about her surprise. After all, Jigsaw's reputation has become famous recently. Such a person must have some tricks. .

"You're not bad either." Chen Anlin said casually and asked, "Tell me about the situation here. It seems that the flying monster above has also troubled you a lot."

Yang Ronger: "Yes, this monster has a very strong flying speed and vision. It will almost be discovered as soon as it goes out. We are now discussing whether to go to the police station to find some guns and ammunition to deal with the flying monster."

"We have the same goal, and I also want to go there." Chen Anlin said: "But... there is a large open space on the way to the police station, and we will definitely encounter the monster attack, so I plan to deal with it directly later."

"Flying monsters are very difficult to deal with, Jigsaw, do you have this confidence?"

"Just try and you will find out."

"Friends are great, but to be honest, you can easily lose your life by telling lies."

At this time, Jin Yuzha on the side spoke.

Chen Anlin smiled: "Thank you for reminding me, is there anything else you want to say?"

"No more." Jin Yuzha hummed. He was very dissatisfied with Yang Ronger and Chen Anlin being so familiar with each other, but he couldn't find a reason to speak.

In his opinion, he is the strongest after he gets the superpower, and this guy is nothing.

Chen Anlin naturally saw what Jin Yuzha was thinking, but he didn't care and didn't take him seriously at all.

Chen Anlin: "Then I'm going out."

Yang Ronger: "Work together."

Fang Yutong: "But there is support."

Both women are holding a steel bar. They look like primitive tribe girls, so tough!

Chen Anlin originally wanted to refuse. After all, he was strong enough, but Jin Yuzha interrupted again: "It's too dangerous, Yang Xiaoshu, Ayu, you should stay."

"We're fine."

Yang Ronger said.

Her original intention was also to show her favor to Chen Anlin, hoping that she would be informed when entering the plot next.


Jin Yuzha didn't finish speaking.

Chen Anlin smiled and said: "Jin Yuzha, right? If you don't dare, forget it, we will go there ourselves."

"I can not?"

Jin Yuzha raised his eyebrows. How could he say he didn't dare in front of a beautiful woman?

"I'll go too."

"Okay." Chen Anlin nodded.

Yang Ronger was speechless. This jigsaw was too bad and she deliberately provoked Jin Yuzha to go with him.

But she didn't say anything. Except for Fang Yutong, she had no feelings for anyone here, and she didn't care much whether they were dead or alive.

This is also the current situation of most game players, who basically do not consider the survival of the characters in the copy.

It’s all about the rewards.

Chen Anlin found a steel bar and walked out of the house.

The speed suddenly increased, and the sound of whooshing through the air came.

This scene made Fang Yutong and Yang Ronger look at each other.

Strong, too strong!

The attribute points of the two of them are speed, and their main attack speed is speed.

But this jigsaw was actually faster than them.

What kind of mutation is this?

Before he had time to think about it, the giant beast in the sky had noticed Chen Anlin's figure and pounced quickly.

If you look carefully, you can see that this giant beast has huge wings, but its body is that of an ordinary person. The monster has a huge mouth with fangs inside, making it look extremely ferocious at first glance.

This guy's obsession during his lifetime must have been flying.

Chen Anlin thought to himself, standing in front of a low house!

In this place, it is easy to attack, and you can immediately retreat to the house when retreating. It is a very favorable terrain.

Chen Anlin was holding the steel bar and had already stretched his body. He was just waiting for the bird monster to pounce and then threw the steel bar.

At that time, I will give Asuka a gourd.

What's surprising is that the bird didn't fly towards him.

After a flash of body, he flew towards Fang Yutong and Yang Ronger.


Chen Anlin shouted.

Fang Yutong turned his head and threw the steel bar hard.

The flying bird has a good IQ, so it dodges decisively and flies towards the sky.

"Phew, it's so dangerous."

Yang Ronger was about to walk towards Chen Anlin, but at this moment, inside the truck nearby, a long scarlet tongue suddenly stuck out of the window.

There is a monster hiding in this car.

Unprepared, Yang Ronger was directly wrapped around the neck.


After screaming, Yang Ronger was quickly wrapped around her neck by a long tongue, and a huge force pulled her away.


Fang Yutong ran over quickly.

Jin Yuzha was nearby and wanted to save people, but at this time, a huge bird in the sky rushed towards Jin Yuzha, aiming directly at Jin Yuzha.

Feeling the sound of breaking the air coming from behind, Jin Yuzha quickly turned around, and his expression suddenly changed.

At this time it was too late for him to dodge, there was only one way.

‘This is the only way to survive, don’t blame me. ’

Jin Yuzha looked at Fang Yutong who was not far away, and rushed over with a quick stride.

He grabbed Fang Yutong and held her above his head with huge force!

"Jin Yuzha, what are you doing?" Fang Yutong looked at the flying birds in the sky, feeling a little desperate.

"Xiba (meaning Mader, the same as fuck), don't blame me. If you want to blame me, blame you for being disobedient. What are you doing here?"


The words fell silent.

The bird monster has already flown over Fang Yutong's head.

The monster's thick arms grabbed Fang Yutong's shoulders and lifted him up.


Fang Yutong screamed, she had already thought of what would happen to her next.

Either be smashed to pieces or eaten alive.

"I'm so miserable..."


However, at this critical moment, a thick steel bar quickly penetrated the monster's wing.

The monster fluttered twice and was firmly pinned to the wall behind it.

Looking towards the direction of the steel bar, he saw Chen Anlin running quickly.

In fact, when the monster flew down just now, he had already rushed out, just in time to save Fang Yutong when the monster fell.

Arriving in front of the monster, Chen Anlin kicked it away.

The huge force kicked the monster's other wing off.

The monster was in pain, his hands loosened, and Fang Yutong fell to the ground.

She didn't react slowly and rolled like a donkey to Chen Anlin's side.

Chen Anlin didn't deal with the monster anymore because something was very wrong with Yang Ronger.

The tongue of the long-tongued monster in the car is covered with barbs. Each barb is like a needle. Once it is pierced, it will suck blood.

In just this short moment, Yang Ronger's rosy face had turned pale.

With a heavy jump, Chen Anlin stepped decisively on the long tongue with his legs.

The huge force crushed the long tongue, and the monster in the car howled and beat the car desperately. Unfortunately, it seemed that he was trapped in the car and could not get out at all.

(Thanks to Mr. Nebula Dengfeng for the 5000 reward) More updates will be added later

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