Global game evolution

Chapter 387 The Era of Catastrophe - One step faster than the protagonist (please vote for me)

"I must be one step faster than the protagonist."

Chen Anlin looked at the broken oar in his hand and thought.

in novels.

Except for the beautiful young woman, all other supporting characters who appear will be killed by the protagonist later.

Therefore, Chen Anlin has no intention of becoming friends with the protagonist Ye Fan. He must take a step ahead of Ye Fan.

"It was only 20 seconds after the game started. Ye Fan killed a wolf with an injured leg around the 10th minute, so he completed the first kill."

Thinking like this, Chen Anlin began to pay attention to the situation in the river.

In such a big river, there must be big fish, and maybe there are also beasts like crocodiles.

He is definitely no match for crocodiles, so he can only deal with some big fish.

Unfortunately, the river is too deep and I can't see what's going on in the river.

In this case, trying to kill fish is like finding a needle in a haystack.

"We have to find a way to reach the shore."

He glanced at the broken pulp in his hand.

The information shown above:

Broken pulp

(Wooden structure, broken oar, it was a good partner of the boat before it was broken, now it is also a good weapon.)

Chen Anlin frowned, this information was really accurate.

Look at the ships again.

small fishing boat

(The wooden structure is a sturdy and durable small fishing boat. Now it is your only support. Please treat it well, just like you treat your own body.)

"It's really like a gamified world."


The first thing to do is to check whether there are any other equipment on the boat.

This is a small fishing boat. Although it is damaged, some useful things are accidentally found.

A broken fishing net with several holes in it.

A fishing rod, but unfortunately the fishing line was gone, but the hook was there, thrown beside the fishing rod.

A net bag, presumably for storing fish.

Surprisingly, Chen Anlin found a few pieces of barbecue.

These are the basic supplies given at the beginning of the game, and you will need to rely on these to survive.

Picking up the barbecue, Chen Anlin had an idea.

He quickly tore off a few pieces of meat, tied them to the fishing net, and then threw the fishing net down.

To his surprise, not long after the fishing net was put down, the fishing net began to be pulled violently.

"I, Cao, must have something big!"

Chen Anlin stood up quickly. Fortunately, with the blessing of the cursed bead's attributes, he was strong enough not to be unable to pull it.

"It must be a big deal!"

Under the pull, Chen Anlin put away the fishing net little by little.

"Thump thump..."

Soon, he saw it.

There is indeed something big in the fishing net.

Three big black and white fish, I don’t know what species they are.

Kote fish level 0

(The fish with delicious meat is very strong, but it likes to eat weeds and has no attack power. Although it has many thorns, it does not hinder the taste.)

In addition to this fish, there are countless ordinary small fish.

"Haha, it happened!"

Chen Anlin laughed.

The main reason why we can't pull up the fishing net is these three big fish.

So, Chen Anlin held the fishing net in one hand and raised the broken pulp with the other hand, aiming at the fishing net and smashing it down.

For several days, the fish fluttered vigorously in the small space, but it was useless. After a few strokes, the fish were knocked unconscious by breaking the pulp.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a sound suddenly sounded from the game announcement.

"Congratulations to player Li Chun for becoming the first person to hunt a creature for the first time."

"First kill reward: 1000 experience points."

Successful upgrade...

Successful upgrade...

"First kill reward: Obtain the skill 'Crit Hit'." (There is a 5% probability of triggering a critical hit when attacking, and the critical hit attack power increases by 100%)

Successful upgrade...

Successful upgrade...

"Crit hit: There is a 10% chance of triggering a critical hit when attacking."

"First kill reward: 1,000 gold coins."



Since I received 1000 experience points, my level was raised to level 2.

Each time you advance to a level, the rewarded skills will also be upgraded accordingly.

In addition, Chen Anlin also saw the game space panel in front of him.

The above shows that as the level increases, the original attribute point power also increases.

This is also an advantage for gamers in this world.

At this moment, his panel information also changed.

Player: Li Chun L2 level. (500 experience points increase by 1 level)

Experience value: 1000.

Critical hit: 15% chance.

Gold coins: 1000.




Chen Anlin nodded with satisfaction, the first kill was awesome.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and immediately looked at the chat channel.

The top of the chat channel showed: Congratulations to player Li Chun for successfully completing his first kill...

As this message floated by, the chat group went wild.

"I, Cao, will be rewarded for the first kill. Is this okay?"

"Isn't this a game?"

"Sure enough, let me tell you, we have entered the game world and everything has an explanation."

Seeing these comments, Chen Anlin secretly thought that it was true.

This game world and game space are completely different.

There will always be an announcement when something big happens.

Then, everyone got excited and were shocked that there was actually a first kill reward.



At this moment, inside a dark jungle.

On a big tree, a young man wearing jeans and a resolute face was holding a sharp tree trunk and staring at a wolf not far under the tree.

That wolf was very big, weighing twice as much as him!

But luckily for him, the wolf was injured.

The injured area was the leg.

The place was bleeding, and the wolf came limping. Now he really had no strength to walk and was resting.

"good chance."

The young man licked his tongue, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

This young man is the protagonist of this novel, Ye Fan.

He has a calm personality and has been keeping an eye on the wolf for some time. Now he finally discovered that the wolf had lost its guard.

Now is a good time.

But at this time, his eyes narrowed.

"Huh? Li Chun!"

"That bastard actually achieved the first kill. How is that possible?"

Ye Fan was shocked.

In the impression, Li Chun is just a rich second generation with no merits. Apart from being rich, he is nothing.

And in this apocalyptic world, what’s the use of having more money? It's no use at all!

But how could such a person achieve the first kill?

Unable to help himself, Ye Fan thought of that time in school.

This guy Li Chun actually pursues his most beloved woman, Shen Jun.

What's even more disgusting is that Shen Jun's mother is seriously ill in bed and urgently needs money for treatment.

Li Chun actually said, I will give you money to save people, and you will accompany me...

Bastard, simply bastard, isn't this taking advantage of others' danger?

In fact, when Li Chun was doing beastly things to Shen Jun last night, he was outside, ready to save people! ! !

However, I didn’t expect a global catastrophe later.

"Forget it, Li Chun, sooner or later I will trample you under my feet. As for Mr. Shen, he is mine!"

The next second, he clenched his fists.

The veins on his forehead were exposed because of his anger.

"That second-generation rich man, with all his virtues and abilities, actually accomplished the first kill! I don't accept it!"

Of course Mark was dissatisfied.

Originally, he planned to kill the wolf.

There was only about a minute difference between before and after, but it was too late, he couldn't complete the first kill!

"Hmph, Li Chun, don't let me, Ye Fan, see you, otherwise, I will let you die without a burial place!"

No longer thinking about Li Chun, Ye Fan jumped up and jumped behind the wolf.

The wolf was frightened, and due to his injuries, his hands and feet were already weak.

The first time I tried to defend myself, it was too late.

Ye Fan stabbed him with a stick.

This wolf was stabbed on the spot and was heartbroken...

"Congratulations to player Ye Fan for becoming the second best hunter of creatures..."

"Second place kill reward, 'Piercing' attack power +20%."

"Reward: 500 experience points."

"Reward: 500 gold coins."

"Reward: Strength +3%."


"I have so many rewards for ranking second in hunting creatures, so Li Chun's first kill should be rewarded even more."

Ye Fan frowned and his mind was running wildly.

"Well, then I'll try to do other things. Maybe I can get the benefits again by trying it for the first time."

After thinking about it, Ye Fan thought, what if it was the first time to make a fire?

What if it’s your first time building something?

Just as he was told, he found hay and began to drill wood to make a fire.


"At this time, Ye Fan should want to drill wood to make fire, right?"

Chen Anlin lowered the fishing net to the stern of the boat, feeling very anxious.

In the novel, Ye Fan’s luck is incredible!

After completing his first kill, Ye Fan immediately guessed that he would be rewarded for doing other things for the first time, so he immediately started drilling wood to make fire.

Finally, naturally, he gained the fire skill.

With fire, he can barbecue and make materials, which is so happy.

And precisely because of the fire, his life will become easier and easier in the future.

"We must not let him get his wish."

Chen Anlin looked around and frowned.

Very bad.

There was no firewood or hay on the small fishing boat. In this case, it was impossible to light a fire.

"We have to get to the shore quickly."

After biting off a piece of leftover barbecue and feeling full in his stomach, Chen Anlin began to think about how to dock.

"We may not have to dock!"

At this time, Chen Anlin noticed a piece of wood floating not far away.

This piece of wood is very thick, with many dead branches and hay lying on it.

It's getting closer and closer to here, and it's coming this way along with the current.

"I already have a wooden stick, just use the wooden thorns on the broken pulp. What I need now is hay!"

Chen Anlin prepared to swim over.

Just when the wood was approaching, Chen Anlin plunged directly into the water.

"Puff thump thump thump..."

The commotion caused by swimming is quite big.

But there is no other way, in order to get to the wood as soon as possible.

Fortunately, after experiencing many dungeons, I have already become proficient in swimming skills.

After a while, Chen Anlin came to the edge of the wood.

Relying on the wood, Chen Anlin took off the hay branches from it and prepared to swim backwards.

But at this time, he noticed how several pieces of wood suddenly appeared not far away.

"Hey, I didn't find these pieces of wood just now, why did they suddenly appear?"

Chen Anlin's eyes narrowed, and then his expression changed drastically.

What kind of wood is this? This is clearly a group of crocodiles.

When the crocodile lies on the water, its back is as dry as dead wood, and it looks like wood from a distance.

Gotta leave quickly.

Chen Anlin didn't care about getting the hay on his hands wet, and hurriedly swam towards the boat.

Fortunately, the crocodile group was far away from here and Chen Anlin was not seen. Chen Anlin came to the boat in advance.

Looking at a crocodile passing by, data appeared in front of Chen Anlin.

Crocodile L6 level.

(The crocodile is extremely powerful, especially in the water. It is the overlord of the water. Please do not act without absolute certainty to deal with the crocodile, because it is very likely that you are not a hunter, but a prey.)

"I'll go, level 6 creature."

After clenching his fist, Chen Anlin did not move in the end.

With his attribute strength, he might be able to fight the crocodile for a few rounds, and even be sure to kill it.

But that's on land.

In the water, it's the crocodile's world.

Regardless of these crocodiles, Chen Anlin began to prepare to drill wood to make fire.

The hay I just held wet some of the bottom, but the surface is fine.

Coupled with the dry climate here, there was enough hay left to start a fire.

Chen Anlin placed the hay on the broken pulp, and then began to push it back and forth with a small bamboo pole.

With the blessing of attribute points, the speed has also increased a lot.

Puff puff puff puff...

The speed is getting faster and faster, faster, faster...

Chen Anlin seemed to be holding his breath. At the last moment...



It started to smoke.

"Come out, come out..."

Chen Anlin hurriedly went to play.


The black smoke is getting bigger and bigger.

Finally, a small flame appeared.

"Hahaha, it's done, it's done!"

Chen Anlin laughed.

But soon, the problem came.

Although the hay is lit, where will the fire be placed next?

There must be no fire on the boat. After all, the boat is made of wood. If the boat is ignited, his ten lives will not be enough.

Fortunately, at this time, a task prompt appeared in front of me again.

"Congratulations to player Li Chun for becoming the first person to light a flame for the first time."

"First ignition reward: 2000 experience points."

"Successful upgrade..."

"Successful upgrade..."


"Acquire skills: Flame level 1." (Able to use fire when there is energy.)

"Get reward: 2000 gold coins."

“Get the tools: a barrel of gasoline.”


I was rewarded with 2000 experience points and upgraded again. It is now level 6.

That’s the beauty of doing things for the first time.

The rewards are huge.

The experience points awarded can be added to other skills.

The previous reward was 1000 experience points, which was added to the ‘Crit’ skill.

This time, Chen Anlin is going to add all his experience points to the ‘flame’.

500 experience points can be used to upgrade one level, and the flames can be upgraded to 4 levels in a row.

‘Flame Level 4. ’

After upgrading, the flames turned into flames.


With a thought in his mind, flames rose from the palm of Chen Anlin's hand.

The scorching heat made the surrounding area red.

But Chen Anlin couldn't feel any warmth.

This is one advantage of getting the fire skill.

As long as it is his own flame, he will not be harmed.

"Yes, now that I control the flames, I no longer need the flames on the ground."

Chen Anlin stamped out the hay flame and looked at the chat channel.

Sure enough, everyone in the chat channel was excited.

"Brother Li Chun, you are so powerful. You got the first kill and got the fire skill. How did you do it?"

"Can you make a fire now? Without a lighter?"

"Magic? It would be great if I could do this too. I got a lot of big snails at the beach. If there was a fire, I could roast the snails, but it took me a long time to make a fire with wood. I had a little hay. There’s no movement.”

"Brother Li, I have some big coconuts here. Can I exchange them with you?"

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