Global Game: Start Awakening SSS Level Talent

Chapter 285 God's Sirius Destroys The Enemy!

The moment he saw Ye Changge appear, Xu Yaowu finally felt better.


It was hard to find a gathering place for players.

It made him so happy.

The only thing that frustrates him is that this player is no longer from Novice Village.

But a city!

Originally Xu Yaowu was a little worried.

Because such a city can be built, the players in it should not be low in strength.

Even knowing where Dragon Soul City is, he didn't lead an army to kill it immediately~.

But after hesitating for a long time, he made up his mind.

In fact, what really made him make up his mind was - a main reason.

That is this area, which is where the small world is located.

It means that the players appearing here can only be born in the small world.

However, players born in the small world can't develop anywhere with just a dozen days.

This city...

I am afraid that it is also a lucky person who has done some special tasks and received special rewards.

Or did I make a mistake by opening a certain treasure chest or other props, and finally got a city?

It's not impossible either.

But even so, Xu Yaowu decided to bring enough manpower.

And when he came here, what happened made Xu Yaowu feel extremely at ease.

That is, in the face of these warriors attacking them, these players actually chose to hide in the city.

This time, Xu Yaowu was completely relieved.

Because this can only show that the players in this city are afraid.

It is impossible to be their opponent.

Under such circumstances, it is only a matter of time before they take this city.

What, the enchantment is too strong?

Can't break it all the time?

What could it matter.

Xu Yaowu was very calm.

Because he believed that such a powerful protective barrier must be extraordinary.

But it is also true, this definitely consumes a lot.

It's just that the background of these players in front of them, I'm afraid they can only hold on for a while.

It's even a matter of ten minutes at most.

No, after seeing Ye Changge appearing now, Xu Yaowu laughed even more in his heart.

Because the other party finally couldn't sit still, and then asked the leader to come out.

However, what happened the next moment made Xu Yaowu unbelievable.

All kinds of dumbfounded!

Because the next moment, he felt the breath that frightened him.

White light flashes!

A large number of figures appeared in front of my eyes...

That's not the point.

After all, there were only three thousand figures.

Even some giant wolves.

This amount...

Against the army of 600,000 warriors led by him, this is nothing to worry about.

But the problem is...

Why do these giant wolves exude a terrifying aura?

This breath is like...

King Wu!

And it's not that simple Martial King, it's too strong.

Xu Yaowu is not an ordinary heavenly warrior.

Not only is he a martial artist at the peak of the sky rank, he has even seen a real martial king.

And not one or two.

This is related to his early experience.

It can even be said that because of that experience, the present Xu Yaowu and the present Xu family were born.

However, it is precisely because of this that Xu Yaowu is not only aware of King Wu's aura, but also the extent.

Even the aura that has reached a certain level is clear to him.


These giant wolves...

Their breath is too terrifying.

Even the old man back then did not have such a terrifying aura.

And the giant wolf with such a terrifying aura actually has

A full three thousand!


It's over!

This was the first thought in Xu Yaowu's mind.

Then, he reacted instantly.

"Wait, Rao..."

After this reaction, Xu Yaowu roared loudly at the first moment...

beg for mercy!


Under such circumstances, he frantically begged for mercy.

This is also his subconscious reaction under panic.


The words of mercy have not yet been uttered.

A giant wolf roared towards him, passing by him.

That's right, it's just skimming without pause.

But even so, Xu Yaowu's voice completely stopped.

Even his vitality stopped at this moment.

Or to say that it disappeared at all.

These giant wolves are naturally the God Sirius summoned by Ye Changge.

The number of three thousand!

That is to say, Ye Changge can summon the god Sirius with the lowest combat power.

...asking for flowers...

However, even the lowest combat power is the existence of breaking 100,000 stars.

The strength of God Sirius is stronger than that of players with the same combat experience.

Even in the entire Dragon Soul, there are only a few players in the same realm who can beat the God of Heaven.

That is Chen Yuan et al.

Efte A......

Hard to beat.

And taking Chen Yuan as an example, if his overall combat power can reach 100,000 stars at this moment.

Do not!

Perhaps as long as he has 80,000 stars, he will be able to fight against the ancestor of the Kong family.

Even the odds of winning in the end are extremely high.

However, against the god Sirius who was of the same combat strength, Chen Yuan would not be so easy to defeat him.

As for Chen Yuan, who has 80,000 stars, he will face the God Sirius with 100,000 stars.

With Chen Yuan's current state, it is impossible to be much bigger.

Unless he gets some powerful skills, or other abilities.

The Heavenly Wolf that Ye Changge is summoning now can easily kill King Wu with a role like the ancestor of the Kong family.

This is not to say that King Wu is weak.

In fact, in this place of trial, there are powerful existences among the warriors.

Some Martial Kings let alone ordinary players, even Ye Changge needs some tricks to meet them.

After all, the Land of Trials was the loser of the previous Ten Thousand Realms Trials game.

Among them are many races with powerful bloodlines.

These races with powerful bloodlines, even without the help of the Ten Thousand Realms Trials game.

With a strong bloodline, that also has a strong bloodline talent, and has a strong strength in the same realm.


Whether it is the ancestor of the Kong family or Xu Yaowu in front of him, it is impossible to be that kind of existence.

Therefore, in the face of summoned beasts like the God of Sirius.

Not only is Xu Yaowu not an opponent.

Even because he didn't make the correct response in time, he was directly killed by the god Sirius.

As for the three words he yelled out...

And no one heard it.

Even if Ye Changge heard it, he wouldn't take it seriously.

Xu Yaowu, who was the strongest in the army of warriors this time, was killed in this way.

Then there is nothing else to say.

This is a total massacre!


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