The live broadcast room was opened again after only five minutes.

Countless people poured in again, wondering what was going on.

And then they saw the big guy Lebos, who usually only sees on TV.

Frostfall Baby Supermarket I:, the main owner really came to the door

Ye Shen little fan sister 2654: What are you afraid of

, Ye Shen is the first Ye Jiajun in the world Chen Shu: Seconded the proposal, Ye Shen is also playing with ice, I think Ye Shen's ice control ability is much stronger than this

Lai Violent Death Dawn Group 1 Ye Buxie: Upstairs, people are called Lebos, not Lai Violent Death

Ye Shen Little Fan Sister 6924:, 1 group member, doesn't that mean that upstairs is Ye Shen's colleague

Maybe it's because Ye Shuangluo calls him a big hero, or because Ye Shuangluo is on a live broadcast.

One of the Venerable "Ten Days", Dark Ice Venerable Lebos's tone unexpectedly softened.

"Little friend, your strength is not bad, and you can actually deal with the Twin Lion Emperors, but do you know that this is increasing the workload of adults.

You're not going to be well-behaved, you're going to be spanked, kid.

Ye Shuangluo looked at the man who took the initiative to send him to the door to be beaten, and tilted his head slightly.

He hunted these catastrophic monsters, which was useful for increasing his popularity, but it was not at all comparable to beating a "Ten Days" in person.

Because everyone can kill monsters, unless someone else wins with difficulty, and you crush and kill, the audience can't tell who is strong and who is weak.

But the contrast between people is very strong, who is strong and who is weak, as long as you fight, you can see at a glance.

His mind was reminded of the video of Lebos hunting the Scourge monster.

I have to say that the other party can be regarded as the weakest of the "Ten Days", if it weren't for the fact that the sealing ability he developed was really interesting, he wouldn't be able to be the "Ten Days" at all.

"Actually, I am a member of "Dawn", my boss is Zhou Boyu, I have always wanted to speak for him, and you deserve to be as famous as him?

Suddenly, the live broadcast room also brushed up: "You also deserve to be on the same level as him?" This sentence.

Ye Shuangluo said this with a smile, and when he finished speaking, the air around him was silent for a while.

Subsequently, the temperature of the entire underground plummeted.

If eyes can kill, Lebos has the heart to cut Ye Shuang with a thousand knives at this moment.

"Okay, very good, I heard that Zhou Boyu has been missing for a long time, then I will educate you for him today, don't cry, little friend."

Click-Click-Lybos summoned a foil made of ice elementals with a murderous smile.

Ye Shuangluo took the time to take a look at the live broadcast room, and the reaction was very strong.

Then come on.

In the face of the menacing Lebos, he just pulled out the [Ink Curse], and he didn't even use the wind element blessing.


blade of the [Ink Curse] easily slashed the foil made of the ice element by Lebos, and the momentum of the blade did not weaken in the slightest.

He hurriedly created a thick layer of ice armor on his chest, but he still couldn't stop it.

Although Ye Shuangluo obviously released water, he still couldn't bear it.

As a result, he had an additional wound on his body that spread from his left shoulder to his right rib.

Lebos was half-kneeling on the ground, coughing up blood in his mouth.

Gap... How can it be so big.

Ye Shuangluo didn't have any superfluous reactions, and inserted the [Ink Xu] back into the scabbard.

But it was precisely this attitude of treating him as air that completely ignited his anger.

"All the bells and whistles, nothing to do."

After he was elected to the "Ten Days", he was full of confidence to challenge the young man from the East.

As a result, the young man from the East nailed him to the wall with just one arrow and left him with an eight-word evaluation.

Although the wounds on his body had long since healed, the young man's contemptuous attitude completely crushed his dignity.

In a trance, Zhou Boyu and Ye Shuangluo's figure not far away gradually coincided.


Driven by anger, he lost his mind, stood up regardless of it, and unleashed his ability to seal the Twin Lion Emperors towards the young man's back.

When his palm hit the boy's body, a hint of pleasure appeared in his eyes.


Before he could rejoice, he saw the young man looking at him with a playful expression.

"That's a pretty good ability."

Before he could react to what this sentence meant, the ice element in his body suddenly rioted uncontrollably.

Ye Shuangluo actually controlled the ice element in his body in reverse through his palm.

Lebos, who made a sneak attack, looked at his palm in disbelief, and in an instant, he was frozen into an ice sculpture.

Obviously, this is the masterpiece of Ye Frost Fall.

Salch shook his head, what did you say you messed with him.

The key is that you still play with ice, even the wolf king of the northern realm may not have played with him, this wave is really Yemen making ice, if you don't finish, who will finish.

【Ice Seal Lv .max

】【Skill Type: Active Skill

】【Effect: Consume a part of spiritual power and physical strength

, seal the enemy The effect of the seal depends on the state of the opponent, the weaker the enemy, the greater the probability of sealing success】

【Evaluation: This is something you forcibly learned with a strong ice element affinity

, obviously, you are more suitable for this ability than its mediocre creator].

Ye Shuangluo really didn't expect it, he originally wanted to fish, who knew that he could unexpectedly gain a skill.

Lebos, he's a good guy.

In the live broadcast room, the popularity at the moment has reached another peak.

Ye Jiajun Chen Shu: Hahaha, this is really Chenglai's violent

death Dawn Group 1 Xiao Shenyu: Good death, open champagne

and lychee is irrational: Although it was Leibos who made the first sneak attack, how could he do

it Ye Jiajun Rorschach: Upstairs Get out of Ye Shen's live broadcast room, didn't you see that it was

Lai who died violently and attacked Ye Shen first Ye Jiajun Zhang San: +1, get out of here, it's obvious that Lai is violently killing his own garbage, and he can't play Ye Shen with ice

I have to say that Ye Shuangluo's popularity and popularity directly stepped on Lebos's head and ushered in a qualitative leap.

Especially the scene where he used the ability of Dark Ice Venerable Leibos to seal Leibos has been edited by countless people and posted on the Internet.

Of course, there are also many loyal fans of Leibos in the live broadcast room who are accusing him.

In this regard, Ye Shuangluo said: Ah, yes, yes, what you said is right, I suggest you come to me and say, I promise to reward you with one person and one knife.

"Where are we going next?"

Salqi's voice sounded again, and in the live broadcast room, countless people began to brush the names of various natural disaster-level monsters.

Obviously, the audience in the live broadcast room is also looking forward to where Ye Shuangluo will go next.

Ye Shuangluo smiled slightly, and said his next goal:

"Star City, go meet that big ant."

Ye Shen Little Fan Sister 5692: Ye Shen is handsome!

Ye Shuangluo's wife 95664: Tell me, Ye Shuangluo Tulle Soul Eater Ant King Ye Shuangluo Wife 44256: Ye Shuangluo Tulle Soul Eater Ant King



After Ye Shuangluo closed the live broadcast room, he took out the world map and turned on the spatial teleportation.

"Do we leave him alone?"

Salch gestured to Leibos, who had been frozen into an ice sculpture.

"Of course it's impossible to leave him alone."

Ye Shuangluo raised his hand to summon countless wind blades, completely slashing Lebos.

Salci: I'm not supposed to speak.

Put the green treasure chest that Lebos burst into the space backpack, and the two left here.

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