The teleportation array has now stopped operating.

However, on the east side of the formation, a "hill" more than 40 meters high stands tall.

This "hill" is the various materials Su Yu unloaded previously, with a total value of 500 billion psychic coins! The largest proportion is the more than 1,000 tons of "Eternal Eye".

These materials are either rare materials or extremely rare materials, which can be said to be non-disposable.

 All materials are rich in spiritual energy, so the "hill" is overflowing with spiritual energy, and the mountain is surrounded by milky white spiritual energy like smoke.

The "hill" also exudes abundant treasure light. The whole mountain is so brilliant that it is no exaggeration to say it is a treasure mountain!

These 500 billion materials are enough for Su Yu to build the "Fountain of Eternity", and can also help many people reshape their bodies.

Looking at this hill, Su Yu felt proud for some reason.

 He shouted loudly: "Blue Whale, blueprint!"

“Okay, administrator Su Yu.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge 3D transparent graphic appeared in front of everyone.

This 3D graphic is what the large magic weapon "Fountain of Eternity" will look like after it is completed.

The entire magical instrument looks like a large pool. The wall of the pool is of course made up of the "Eternal Eye". Inside the pool is a seven-color liquid of red, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple, exuding a dazzling brilliance.

 Colorful mist floats in the sky above the pool.

Just looking at this 3D graphic, it really feels like a fairy pond!

“Administrator Su Yu, dear users.” AI Blue Whale began to introduce: “This is what the ‘Fountain of Eternity’ will look like after it is completed.

In addition to the main body of the spring, an 'intelligent editing system' has also been added to the outside. This is the most technologically advanced part of the spring, which can be used to edit the body of a creature and adjust various parameters.

 But my current suggestion is to learn the relevant knowledge first.

 After you learn the whole process of reshaping your body, you can then start building the ‘Fountain of Eternity’. In this way, mistakes can be avoided to the greatest extent and detours can be minimized. "

"Okay, you make the arrangements." Su Yu had no objection.

It’s better to learn the knowledge thoroughly before starting work.

 After all, he had previously promised to take the lead in reshaping the body of the Cloud Shepherd.

Yunzhong Mudi is a seventh-level cultivator, and the difficulty of reshaping his body is definitely much more difficult than that of ordinary third- and fourth-level humans.

He didn't want to screw up Yunzhong Mu's enemy when he was "pinching" because of his unfamiliarity, lack of experience, etc.

 So it is better to learn first, and then practice after learning.


So, Su Yu and his confidante set up tents next to the "hill" and built a small camp.

In this camp, everyone began to concentrate on learning all the knowledge about reshaping the physical body. At the same time, they also learned how to build the "Eternal Fountain" magic weapon, and tried to build the magic weapon as perfectly as possible.

During the learning process, Su Yu also did not forget to send an unmanned spacecraft into space.

This unmanned spacecraft was bought from Leiter Dozi for 60 million holy silver coins. It is a "Keqi 143" unmanned spacecraft.

This unmanned spacecraft flies extremely fast, weighs 15 tons, and consumes relatively low energy. It can run from Blue Star to the edge of the solar system in one month.

 As for the role of this spacecraft, it is to go to space to find survivors.

  Early when Darak's wings threatened the entire Blue Star, many strong men in Blue Star fled into space.

Among them, some fled relatively close, such as Liu Che, the Great Emperor of Han Dynasty. He and many practitioners fled to Mars to hide.

 In addition to Mars, some also fled to the moon to hide.

It is difficult for those who escape relatively close to avoid Darak. According to Darak’s later narrative, almost none of the monks who escaped to the moon or Mars could escape the fate of being devoured, and they were all sacrificed by the red mist it released.

These blood sacrifice monks were all destroyed physically and mentally because they did not have a "kongwu" to preserve their souls.

 But there are exceptions, such as Emperor Liu Che.

 First of all, Emperor Liu Che was very powerful, and secondly, when Darak sacrificed blood to Mars, he escaped for a certain distance before being devoured in the end. Therefore, his soul was not completely digested, and there was still a residual soul that retained his memory.

 Because of this remnant soul, Su Yu can help Emperor Liu Che reshape his body, so that this emperor of the ages will not die.

However, it will take a long time for his remaining soul to be nurtured, and it is estimated that his resurrection will take a long time to come.


 In addition to those who run close, there are also practitioners who run far away.

 Jupiter and Saturn are uninhabitable for practitioners due to their excessive gravity and harsh surface environment.

But beyond Saturn, a group of cultivators escaped on Uranus and Neptune and hid there.

In addition to these two planets, there are also practitioners hiding in asteroid belts such as the Kuiper belt.

When Darak flew to the edge of the solar system, he did not target these cultivators who had traveled far away because they were few in number and generally not strong enough to devour them.

 Because of this, these practitioners survived.

 It’s just that they don’t know the situation on Blue Star’s side yet, and they don’t have the ability to return to Blue Star.

Su Yu launched this unmanned spacecraft just to bring back these surviving cultivators.

 After bringing all the survivors in the solar system back to the Blue Star, this unmanned spacecraft will complete the first phase of its mission.

 There is a second stage after the first stage.

 In the second stage, the spacecraft will fly toward the outer reaches of the solar system.

 According to Darak's description, the Holy Silver Fleet and Link Zhongfeng's spaceships have all escaped from the solar system and fled to other nearby stars.

These nearby stars are not within the coverage area of ​​Shengtong Company, so they cannot contact Shengtong Company and can only move forward in the cold and lonely space.

 It is not yet known whether they have any plans to return to the solar system.

If they just escape from the solar system, hide for a while, and come back later, the spacecraft can easily find them;

 But if they escape from the solar system and decide to go to other galaxies, it will be a bit difficult for the spacecraft to catch up.

But I will pursue it no matter how difficult it is.

 The unmanned spacecraft will locate where they left the solar system and follow their path to catch up.

 It’s just that you don’t know when you can catch up.

 It may take several years or even more than ten years to catch up, so we can only wait slowly.

The operating system of the unmanned spacecraft is not fully automatic, but is fully controlled by the AI ​​​​Blue Whale.

 I only hope that the spacecraft can bring back more survivors who are wandering outside, and lead them back home as soon as possible.

 As for the survivors in the space of Skrull, Su Yu does not plan to search anymore.

Because the people fleeing from the Skrull planet are either the Skrulls or the remnants of the Dark Energy rebels.

Blue Star humans cannot go there to launch rockets, so there are no Blue Star humans survivors.

Since there were no Blue Star survivors, Su Yu didn't bother to care.

Let the Skrulls and the remnants of the Dark Energy rebels fend for themselves!

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