Chapter 1315 5 Trillion Votes

"5 trillion?" Acting Speaker Lemo was shocked: "Congressman Su Yu, are you sure you are not joking?"

“Of course it’s not a joke.” Su Yu replied seriously: “A year and a half ago I took a picture of the body of a planet-level dragon at the hub, and the price was over 500 billion.

What is being sold this time is a level 4 AI. Its rarity is not comparable to that of a planet-level dragon. A 10-fold price increase is not too much, right? "

"Not too much? Why not too much? The price is too high!" Acting Speaker Lemo still refused to accept it.

 One thing to say is that even he himself may not be able to directly come up with 5 trillion holy silver coins.

Of course, his total assets must exceed this amount. After all, in the past two years, the hub power has been divided, and he has accumulated a lot of wealth.

 But if he were asked to come up with 5 trillion in liquidity at once, he would definitely not be able to do it.

5 trillion is a lot of money for a star like him, let alone anyone else.

However, Su Yu did not let go.

Su Yu turned to face the planet-level councilors in the audience and said seriously: "Everyone, I quoted this price for two reasons:

 First, level 4 AI does not yet exist in the Holy Silver Federation.

Today, the Federation’s self-made AI does not exceed level two, and it is still not known how many years it will take until technological advancements in major hubs can generally produce level 4 AI.

 With Level 4 AI, we can quickly control and integrate the entire hub, which is of great help and allows us, Feige, to be at the forefront of all hub planets;

 Second, the configuration of the AI ​​Blue Whale is exactly the same as that of the Anthem, and it can be quickly and perfectly integrated into the Anthem Tower..."

 Su Yu was startled at this point.

Then he looked back at Acting Speaker Lemo and Legionnaire Dalando who were sitting upright: "Two Your Excellencies, the fact that they have the same structure can actually prove that the blue whale is a creature of the Anthem.

If the AI ​​Blue Whale was really created by a rebel organization, wouldn't you two find it scary? "




 Acting Speaker Lemo, Legion Dalando, and the planet-level councilors in the audience all stopped talking.

The commander of the Darando Army immediately felt very embarrassed.

 Indeed, he had not considered this just now.

Su Yu is right. If the blue whale is really made by the rebel organization and can be perfectly and unobtrusively integrated with the Chant Tower, then there will be big trouble!

If this is the case, the rebel organization can mass-produce AIs similar to Blue Whales, and then send people to spread them throughout the galaxy and implant them in hymn towers on major planets.

By then, the rebel organization will monitor all hub planets without their knowledge, and every move on all hub planets will be exposed to the eyes of the rebel organization, or in other words, to the eyes of the Crystal Blue Community.

At that time, the Milky Way is estimated to be not far from destruction!

“…It seems that I really thought wrong.” Darando thought to himself: “So, the AI ​​Blue Whale should not be a creation of the rebel organization. It seems that I am too suspicious.”…

 The Acting Speaker Lemo on the side also quickly thought about this. It seems that they are indeed overly suspicious.

However, he still found it difficult to accept the price of AI Blue Whale.

"Congressman Su Yu, I very much agree with you. If the AI ​​Blue Whale comes from the rebel organization and can be easily integrated into the Chant Tower, then there is no need for the rebel organization to expose the AI ​​Blue Whale to us. But... for you Is the quote still too high?”

 “I think there is no equal in strength.” Su Yu shook his head firmly: “If you really don’t want to pay this price, I can actually sell the AI ​​Blue Whale to other hubs.

 5 trillion holy silver coins, I believe the top hub planets can afford it. "

He looked around at the planet-level councilors in the audience and said: "I just came to Feige Hub not long ago. It is precisely because my hometown is in the jurisdiction of Feige Hub that I have a certain sense of belonging here, so I give priority to it." Sell ​​the AI ​​Blue Whale here.”

 He ​​looked back at Acting Speaker Lemo: "If I change my mind and want to auction the AI ​​Blue Whale among all hubs, the price will be high when the price is raised!"

“…” Acting Speaker Lemo did not speak.

 He couldn't help but recall the auction held by Su Yu a year and a half ago.

 At that time, the body of the Dark Thunder Dragon, which had a market price of about 400 billion holy silver coins, was forcibly raised to 550 billion before it was finally sold.

 Level 4 AI is obviously more rare and useful, and it can generate huge benefits no matter which hub is obtained.

 When the auction is really open, I don’t know what kind of sky-high price it will fetch!

"Governor Andrew, what do you think?" Acting Speaker Lemo looked at Central Bank Governor Andrew Solon: "If we buy the AI ​​​​Blue Whale for 5 trillion, the actual value created by the Blue Whale can make up for the 5 trillion yuan. Trillions?"

  Andrew Solon is now not only the governor of the central bank, he also serves as the central finance minister, and has the most say in fiscal expenditures.

He had been calculating silently just now, and now he slowly answered: "The revenue created can definitely be greater than 5 trillion. In terms of public security management, information exchange, and material circulation, the cost can be recovered in less than a year... but AI can eventually create I don’t know how much the profit will be, and it’s not easy to calculate.”

"Then... okay." Acting Speaker Lemo breathed out: "In this case, the decision-making power is still left to the parliament. We will now conduct a round of voting on the price of the '5 trillion holy silver coins'.

  If the votes exceed 50%, we will buy the AI ​​​​Blue Whale at this price, if the votes are less than 50%..."

 He looked at Su Yu: "I hope that both of us can compromise, give up part of the price, and finally reach an agreement."

 “Okay.” Su Yu did not refuse.


 Soon, the second round of voting began, and the voting panel appeared in front of each member.

 Of course, this does not include Su Yu. Su Yu still does not have the right to vote on this issue.

But Su Yu didn't do nothing.

He finally said seriously: "Everyone, this price is the price after the inspection is correct and it is confirmed that the blue whale does not belong to the rebel organization. If there is any problem during the inspection, you do not need to pay a penny. Please consider it carefully."

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