Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1157: Dragon change

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Linghuang Daochang.

What happened outside the world, Fang Ping is not too clear at the moment.

I didn’t wait for a long time with Wu Chuan, and sent some immortal materials and source gas. Fang Ping quickly left alone.

He is the target today, and staying with them will only harm them.

The old Zhang and the town of Heaven are still ok, these people can not pit, accidentally is the end of the fall.

"The saint makes ... the dragon changes..."

What Fang Ping wants to find at the moment is the Dragon Emperor, this is his own.

It seems that he also has a saint order on his hand. It should not be too difficult to get a hand.

However, the Dragon Emperor has never appeared in these days. I don’t know if I am going to retreat or looking for an opportunity to extend my life.

There are still some opportunities in the Linghuang Dojo.


Fang Ping walked carefully around the square.

at the same time.

Deep in the space battlefield.

Zhenhai made the incarnation of the cold youth, watching Dou Tian and Li Wei, eyes cold, cold and cold: "Debit Haitian Jian? You are a big tone!"

Dou Tian smiled: "Zhenhai makes, do you not want to kill Fang Ping? Fang Ping and Cang cat are together, but Cang cat has been staring at Zhenhai for many years..."

"Ha ha ha!"

Zhenhai made a sudden laugh.

The next moment, Doumen has not responded, Zhenhai made a single hit, Douming just wanted to break free, suddenly found the void stagnation, the color of panic in the eyes flashed away, the mental power burst quickly!

The small world emerged and blocked.

A loud bang!

The small world disappeared, and the sky was flying hundreds of meters. The mouth overflowed with blood and a clear palm print appeared on the chest!

Zhenhai made a sneer, sneered, and looked disdainful.

Fighting face changes for a while!

This place is really dangerous.

He is the king of heaven, but there is no such thing as the power of the king. When he meets someone, he can beat him and fight without any counterattack.

On the side, Li Wei smiled and said: "Zhen Hai, even if you don't borrow, don't you use it?"

Zhenhai makes the cold road: "The ridiculous guy! Self-righteous! Go ask the seal, the seat and the cat, the wheel to get you to provoke?"

When the words fall, Zhenhai makes a sneak peek and disappears instantly!

Li Wei slightly brows, Dootian is also ugly face, unfavorable.

At this time, in the distance, there is someone in the air, Hongyu!

Hongyu looked at the two people, smiling and smiling softly. "You guys... too young!"

It is too young!

Doosan was born in the late days of the heavens crash, did not experience some things.

Li Wei is younger!

"Cang cats, there are enemies, opponents, but also friends... Zhenhai is not a friend of theirs, but it should be regarded as a family. But... Cangzi Tengu is a life-saving grace to it..."

Two people are unexpected, what?

"Thirty thousand years ago, Chuwu and the source of the hegemony... The Beastmasters proved that the Zhenhai ambassador was already a strong king, and it also wanted to prove the emperor and become a demon!"

"The Beastmaster and Zhenhai, there have been several confrontations..."

"Later, the Beastmaster proved successful. Originally, according to the custom of the Yaozu, Zhenhai failed to fight for the hegemony. The Beastmaster would never spare him, killing Zhenhai and making the demon of the demon. This is the first thing the beast must do..."

"In that year, the cat was still small and broke into the Beast Palace. It happened to meet the beastmaster to execute the Zhenhai... The cat was unintentional or interested. At that time, I saw the deity of Zhenhai, saying that it was I want to fish and eat later, can I leave it without killing?"

Hongyu smiled and said: "The beastmaster has become a emperor in the past, Zhenhai is not a threat, and the cat has opened it... The beastmaster suddenly felt that it was really good, so Zhenhai became a food for the cat... It's also a punishment, isn't it?"

"Then, Zhenhai made a fortune to escape, was sealed as Zhenhai, and suppressed the sea, is there a fish in the sea? Cang cat fishing... Is it reasonable?"

Hongyu chuckled: "So the cats often go to the sea to fish, and the fishing is still a pulse of Zhenhai... and Zhenhai is the biggest goal of the cat, because it is the fish it stocks...

Resentment and resentment, 30,000 years, and the past, there are few people who know.

It is a fact that the cats and cats have a life-saving grace for Zhenhai.

The cat wants to catch it, it has to deal with the cat... It’s the thing between them, do you mix it, isn’t it messing up? ”

Hongyu shook his head and laughed and said nothing.

Some things, these people know the insider.

Zhenhai made a break in the same year, is it a match for the cat?

But the cat is not too big to go to the sea to fish!

Don't say that the Emperor protects the spirit, the Emperor is not familiar with the cat at first, it is after the death of the cat captain, the cat went to the Ling Palace to mix and drink.

Of course, there are not many people who know these past events.

Three thousand years have passed, and now these strong people, I am afraid that the cat will catch the Zhenhai.

Doosan used this to convince Zhenhai, that is a joke.

Doumtian's face changed, Shen Sheng said: "Zhenhai makes a good match with Cang Mao? Isn't it and Fang Ping..."

"Not really good!"

Hongyu smiled and said: "Cang cat wants to fish. This is its instinct. It won't think too much! And Zhenhai makes it clear that the cat is really strong, and really wants to catch it... so there is still something. But I said, this is their grudge, it has nothing to do with outsiders, understand?"

Doosan is understandable.

Looking for Zhenhai to help deal with Fang Ping, may be okay with other reasons, but can bring the cat, and Zhenhai is too lazy to take care of them.

It and the cat, it is really a family.

On the one hand, the cat saved it, but the cat did not intend to save it. For tens of thousands of years, there was no idea of ​​playing it. These things are not enough for outsiders.

Li Wei also understood, and at this moment, he heard a smile: "Yu Huangzi, then you mean..."

Hongyu smiled; "I am not Hongyu, I have already said it. Maybe... I can call me nine..."


Li Wei smiled and said: "The road of the Nine Emperors? Still resurrected, mainly composed of nine avenues, now you?"

"Let's go with you."

Hongyu said, and laughed again: "Li Wei, I am also kind to you, why bother so aggressively..."

“Is it aggressive?”

Li Wei laughed, and there is grace... there is grace.

Doing the sky is not too understandable, but the two are no longer talking about this.

In the past, fighting with the palm prints, killing the palm prints, and Hongyu really have a relationship.

The tree of life bears fruit of life and can make people live again!

The tree of life needs 10,000 feedings...

There is a tree of life in the Tianzhi Palace. The three major apologetics of the gods appeared on the same day. The first one to find is the trouble of Li Wei!

There is no avenue in the gate of Zhang Tao’s collection.

Because the avenue is gone!

Was taken away!

Li Wei took away, or said that the palm prints were taken away.

Resurrected from death... Restore the peak and relive the world!

And when the palm prints are about to return to the peak and wipe out all the existence of Li Wei, and take advantage of his recovery moment, Li Wei shot!

Therefore, it was the result of the death of the palm print and the death of Li Wei.

And all this... some people are pointing.


In the space battlefield of the past, Li Wei has been there!

The four true gods are guarding there, and without the cooperation of Hongyu, Li Wei is also difficult to get close to the core of the source, and it has not been discovered.

These secrets are also known to each other.

Hongyu opened the topic, and he didn't ask much when he saw it. Shen Shen said: "Yu Huangzi, since you are showing up, do you also want to kill Fang Ping? I don't know if the prince can have suggestions..."

Hongyu smiled and said: "Don't misunderstand, I don't have a murderous heart! But..."

Hongyu said, and said: "The king of the king... the emperor... Whether it is the king or the emperor, in the end, you must be one! I said these, you may not understand, your master, Li Wei may understand .

Fang Ping and Zhang Tao... Now Fang Ping has not yet proved the king, if it really proves that the king... Maybe there will be a dead battle with Zhang Tao..."

Doumtian’s face changed slightly. “No? They both... I know something...”

"You do not understand."

Hongyu laughed, Li Wei thought about it, and nodded slightly: "One mountain can't be two tigers! Fang Ping is now getting stronger quickly. In fact, he is already invading something that belongs to Zhang Tao. Once he is really on the same level with Zhang Tao, Zhang Tao may be greatly Impact."

After all, Shen Yu said for a moment: "The avenue is eroded! It is finally turned into a square road... Of course, it may be that Zhang Tao replaces him! Yu Yuzi said this, but let the king have some feelings... ...when the realm of the two is equal, maybe it will really die once...

More likely... Zhang Tao will choose to melt the road and complete the square! ”

"They are different from each other. The people who are leaving the kingdom are not one or two..."

Doosan still does not understand.

Li Wei smiled and said: "It's not the same! At the point of Fang Ping and Zhang Tao, it is enough to be self-contained in the ancient times! Li Zhen and these people have proved that the king has little relationship, but one can be a king, one The current, the road of Fang Ping and the Tao of Zhang Tao are closely related to the Terran, and there is a high probability of conflict!

If two people are leading one person and one person has been falling behind, the conflict is not big.

But when the strength of the two begins to approach... the conflict is big!

The king does not know the two people who are now eroding the road, but if they have not guessed wrong, there may be a person who is being eroded! ”

Hongyu smiled and said: "That's it!"

Doosan hesitated: "The two meanings are... let go of whatever? Let them guilty?"

Then he said: "If it is true that Wu Wang has completed Fang Ping, then Fang Ping is not more powerful? At that time, it was even more terrible!"

"This is indeed trouble!"

Li Wei nodded: "I hope that they are guilty of death and injury. Some of them really think too good! But they can shake their avenues... Let the news go out and see how Fang Ping reacts!

Zhang Tao may know some, but he should not tell Fang Ping... no matter how he thinks, he will take the opportunity to discredit Zhang Tao and say that he secretly counts Fang Ping, which may have some effect. ”

Just maybe, Li Wei did not hold much hope.

However, it is still full of smiles. "Fang Ping knows, will he continue to be radical? Once he achieves the position of the king, the origin of the stars may be collided with Zhang Tao... Does he dare to quickly prove the king? How much will make him have Some taboos!"

Doosan wondered: "Is that really true?"

"do not know."

Li Wei smiled and said: "When Yu Huangzi mentioned it, I only thought about it. In the end, is it... no one has ever walked, how to know."

Doosan heard a moment of silence and quickly nodded: "Okay, then spread the news! Regardless of the true and false, Fang Ping should hesitate for a period of time, at least not eager to prove the king of heaven!"

Speaking of this, I still can't help but say: "Two, so troublesome, it is better to join forces to kill Fang Ping..."

The two are laughing and not talking.

Some things, Doosan still does not understand.

Killing Fang... I have to consider a lot of things.

Your Master is strong enough, why not see your Master?


Fang Ping is still wandering around.

Uranus is too fast, and soon, there is news spread in the Linghuang Dojo.

These people deliberately told Fang Ping that they could hear people talking everywhere, and Fang Ping and Zhang Tao must have a dispute.

When Fang Ping avenged the king, it may be the time when Zhang Tao fell.

The news soon spread.

At this moment, I wandered to Fangping in a valley, and I heard this. After listening to it, my mouth was awkward and some disdain!

What is the fight!

Idiot's remarks!

Even if there is a conflict, is it related to me?

I am not ready to go this way to death!

Isn’t Laozi’s way of walking the cat?

Lao Zhang's avenue, very long, may not have to go there at that time, maybe before the road to cover the road, and Zhang has a fart conflict!

"a bunch of idiots!"

Fang Ping’s heart was stunned for a while, a group of old antiques, knowing what innovation is?

Who told you that I must go this way?

As for Lao Zhang... There may be some thoughts, and Fang Ping is too lazy to say anything.

Let Lao Zhang worry about it!

He suspects that Lao Zhang may be ready to get along with himself.

"I won't tell you! Let you be prepared to blend in with the righteousness. In the end, I didn't see me catching up... I am mad at you!"

Fang Ping’s laughter, in fact, the rumors are not fake.

Still some signs!

In his original world, Lao Zhang is indeed stronger and stronger, and now he is becoming the head of his own world. Of course, he is also a slave, so that he can work.

I have no mapping on the old Zhang side, Fang Ping is not too clear, I feel there may be.

Because the last time Zhang Zhang said that he had smashed him... He hasn't met Lao Zhang for a long time. On the first day of the meeting, he is not an old Zhang Yan, and he came to see himself, like a grandson.

What Lao Zhang wants to say is also what Fang Ping wants to say. He often enters the world of origin and likes Zhang Zi’s grandson.

So Lao Zhang has his own mapping on the other side, it should be possible.

Fang Ping is too lazy to manage, the source mapping... no need!

He will be one after another sooner or later!

Including his own source mapping, but also to be one, this level has been considered in the past few days.

In the end, his way should be the one of the mixed elements.

The only three!

Only me!

At this point, he and Li Laotou did not discuss it, but they have the same conclusion. The road is tens of thousands. In the end, this should be the real martial art!

Budo... No need for so many complicated things.

Although Fang Ping is young, there is definitely a lot of knowledge.

There are also contacts with the old antiques of the cats, including the town of Tianwang and Zhenhai.

Coupled with the opening of Xinwu, he felt something less than those old antiques.

The news that was circulated outside, Fang Ping was when they comforted themselves.

Let's spread it yourself!

Looking back at Lao Zhang, I might be able to take advantage of it.


at the same time.

Zhang Tao, who had just met the War King, looked so heavy that the War King could not help but see: "Is the rumor outside really true?"


Zhang Tao did not hide it. He said: "I should have invaded a lot of Fangping's things. Otherwise, according to common sense, the human race is strong. It should be that Fang Ping gets most of the feedback, not me!

Now, because I am strong, Fang Ping is only a small part, he is stronger, in fact, and the feedback is not big.

The power of the human race has limited influence on him, and all of this should have been flat. ”

The war king frowned: "You can't say that! The human race is strong, and it is fair to say something, and there are some relations with Fang Ping. It is not important, but you... still have some merits!"

According to outsiders, when the two men are quite equal, there may be a big collision.

This makes the war king worry!

How is it good?

Is the Terran so troubled?

It’s hard to see two arrogances. Is it necessary to die one?

If so, what have you been fighting for for so many years?

There is only one person in the king?

Zhang Tao sighed: "No way, look at it! Now that Fangping has become stronger, it has already had a small impact on me. The source is often countered... oh..."

Say, a spurt of blood, the source of gas rushed out.

Zhang Tao smiled bitterly: "It’s coming when you come... It’s very troublesome to encounter this situation during the war..."

After all, he gasped: "Through me for a distance, I will suppress the source!"

The war king is worried, is it so serious?

The source has begun to suffer from backsip!

There is no king in Fang Ping. If this is the king, isn’t it a dead person?

Did not think much, the war king leaned over, Zhang Tao jumped up, riding on his back, showing a smile, this fat man's back is wide, carrying his own very cool.

I don’t know if I know the truth, I will not find myself desperately.

No way, who makes this fat stupid?

Lao Zhang is full of the superiority of IQ crushing. He is on his way, very troublesome. Recently, he has no time to practice well. The War King is also good at running his own errands.

The war king did not think so much at the same time, while carrying him, he asked: "Is there a way to solve it?"

"There is... Rongdao Fangping!"

Lao Zhang sighed: "Chengdu him! His talent is better than me, the future is brighter than me... Before he became a king, I am afraid that it is also my last period of time, old guy, cherish this time! Right, there is a place in the north. The Great Lakes, the fish in the lake is particularly tender, I want to eat a little before I die..."

The war king tangled: "What kind of fish do you still eat at this time? I have seen the fish, especially difficult to capture..."

"Working around!"

Zhang Tao sighed: "I can't eat and eat well, let me go on the road?"

"Would you like to talk about Fang Ping... There may be no other way... Yes, Li Laogui may also know..."

"No need to!"

Zhang Tao refused simply, ask what to ask, let you do some work, how can it be so troublesome!

The war king was slightly suspicious, and this gave up?

Zhang Tao is struggling without struggling?

This does not meet Zhang Tao's character!

The new martial arts, did not have this habit, encountered trouble, and did not want to give up.

At the very least, you have to struggle, and then there is no way, will you give up?

Zhang Tao was too lazy to control him, riding on his back and looking around.

A fat old man, carrying a handsome old man, is particularly attractive, but unfortunately no one saw it, Fang Ping did not see it, otherwise it must be dismantled.


I ignored the outside world and acted very freely. I found a lot of time, and finally I had a trace of the dragon.

In a relic of the war, Fang Ping sensed the breath of the dragon.

The war seems to have just ended.

Fang Ping quickly chased along the residual breath, and soon found a trace of the dragon in the distance.

At this moment, the dragon becomes a human form, and the old one feels that life is not long after seeing it.

This ancient emperor, Shouyuan is really reaching its limit.

Even if I got some benefits and delayed some life, it is still difficult to hide the decay.

For the first time, Fang Ping saw that the strong man was close to the life of the Shouyuan. When he was old, it was decaying, the source of the gas was overflowing, the vitality was overflowing, and the vegetation was surrounded by the dragon.

This is the state in which the strong man has reached the end of his life!

It looks a bit sad.

Lonely, dead, lonely.

At this moment, there is still some damage left in the body, but no one dares to provoke him. The person who had previously played against him was also attacked by him. Otherwise, he would not fight against the powerful rotten man.

In front, the dragon walked step by step, as if mortal, there was no air, no tearing space, he was walking towards a mountain.

He is climbing!

In front, there is another tall mountain, which should be his destination.

Fang Ping appeared in the place a few miles behind him. The dragon changed as if he had sensed something and looked at it sideways.

It was completely different from seeing him for the first time. At that time, the dragon changed, still the middle-aged person looks, hegemony, majesty.

Today's dragon changes, the body is slightly stunned, and the tall body is no longer powerful.

Seeing Fang Ping, the dragon smiled and smiled. Some wrinkles appeared on his face... Wrinkles, and Fang Ping did not seem to have seen it on the strong face!


The dragon smiled and whispered: "If the ice is okay?"


"Nothing, I can't die."

The dragon changed to continue climbing, and did not wait for Fang Ping. While walking, he said: "Death... I don't want to die like this! For so many years, how many enemies are there, kill one, count one, just want to go higher, look farther, Maybe... I can look back at the life of my dragon... how many traces left in the world..."

In the face of death, the dragon seems to have been calm, and talk about these without regret.

Just a little more emotion.

30,000 years!

He is the most ancient one among the emperors!

Others, whether they become kings, or they are already dead.

No... there seems to be a cat!

Fang Ping silently kept up. At this moment, he also had some things to ask the dragon to change.

The two started climbing towards the mountains in tandem.

The dragon walked step by step, from time to time looking up at the sky, as if to see what, saw the glory of the past.

The Lord of Four Brahma!

Ancient Emperor!

He also had a glorious time, but unfortunately it has been hidden in the dust of history, and few people remember it.

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