Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 1194: Cognac

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Kicked the cat, this moment, the world is bright.

Fang Ping returned to reality, standing in the air, like the Virgin, with a smile, looking down to the earth.

Yes, the Madonna smile.

Lao Zhang looked a bit awkward, a familiar smile.

Aside, Li Laotou said with a sigh: "You used to laugh like this... No, now!"

When this was said, Longchang and Lin Zi quickly looked at Zhang Tao and then looked at Fang Ping.

Look left and right.

Zhang Tao seems to think of it too. He said: "I am a sincere smile. He laughs... hypocrisy!"

Fang Ping turned his head and looked at him. He smiled brilliantly. "I laughed sincerely! I was thinking, if one day, I succeeded and returned you to you. You found that you have been working hard and being beaten every day. I don't know if you will be very happy?"


Zhang Tao raised his eyebrows, although Fang Ping said that there was some confusion, but he seemed to understand.

He thought of the coming of the world of Fang Ping, the guy who appeared similar to himself.


Zhang Tao’s heart is arrogant and can’t help but say: “That’s not Laozi!”

"It's you!"

Fang Ping touched his chin and said: "It should be you, I intercepted your source. It is actually a small piece of your life. Of course, it is not integrated for you now. When I merge it with you, you are you!" So you will know everything that happened before..."

"I do not want!"

"That won't work."

Fang Ping smiled and said: "Other people can not give, you have to give, you must give! Lao Zhang, Wanjie only me, other people do not integrate it does not matter, you have to integrate, return to one! So ... I will fight for Good to you!"


Zhang Tao’s teeth hurt.

Fang Ping smiled again: "What do you think after you merge?"

Zhang Tao didn't have a good air: "What kind of fart feelings, when you have a dream, put a fart, it will be gone, will you still have to kill me?"

Fang Ping once again gave a slight glimpse, and soon laughed: "So don't care?"

Zhang Tao said with a smile: "What is this, is it amazing?"



Fang Ping smiled, took a picture of Lao Zhang, and said with emotion: "The emperor is the emperor, and I really want to open it! People, I will abuse you more friendly, I hope you can understand my good intentions. Attentively."

"Get out of the way!"

"Don't be angry, it's just a dream anyway."

Fang Ping smiled brilliantly. "In this, I have like-minded comrades! Here, I have a teacher who gave up my life! Here, I have a pet that I love my family! Here, I have everything, here, what am I? Have got it!

I am me, not the same level, the same me! ”

Zhang Tao nodded. "Remember, this word is good. I will use it next time."

Fang Ping was helpless and shook his head. "You didn't seem so shameless before."

I don’t think about it. He was so shameless before, and it’s still the same.

Fang Ping no longer cares for him, smiles and said: "Old Zhang, today is a big white! Drink him one time, drunk him once, his really cool! Sometimes know better than not knowing, happy, good wine ?"


Zhang Tao also laughed. He knew that Fang Ping was pressing on his heart. Today, it seems that he has seen some things. It is a good thing, congratulations!

"Go, go to Li Lao Gui, Li Laotou, bring you together, even other people, let's go to the top of these Terran people, the other people are too weak to play with them!"


Over there, Wu Kuishan, who just arrived, is tired and needs it?

This heartfelt words, are you afraid of being killed by people?

Ok, probably no one can kill him.


After more than ten minutes.

Town Star City.

Fang Ping drank a glass of wine and laughed haha: "The old ghost of the town, drink together for the first time today, have a drink together!"

The king of the town looked at Zhang Tao, revealing his doubtful eyes. Is this kid crazy?

How to say it!

Zhang Tao shrugged, don't look at me, but I didn't teach it. This kid has been like this bird, and he is crazy.

"Don't watch, drink and drink! There is no father or son on the table, make a drink!"

Fang Ping laughed.

The king of the town is speechless. "Kids, Lao Tzu is a tens of thousands of years old. Is your kid too unfaced?"

"I was wrong, hey!"

Fang Ping sue, and shouted: "I shouted you, okay?"

Town King is surprised, so polite?

When Fang Ping’s kid was so embarrassed, I just said that it’s all screaming!

It’s too shocking!

Fang Ping smiled awkwardly. "My dad is my dad. You are the same. You and my dad are brothers. The war king is my brother. Li commander is the grandson who I don't know how many generations. My generation has gotten up all of a sudden...good!"


Everyone is speechless and staying alive.

The king of the town has a pain in his teeth. Mard knows that this kid is not a good thing. If he is heard by Li Zhen, he can live alive and die.

It’s a bit of a flattering attitude, I’m yelling at you, I’m so embarrassed, right?

The town king is helpless. Is this a loss or a cheap one?

He was a 30,000-year-old man, and he was shouted by Fang Ping. He really couldn’t say that he was suffering or he was cheap.

Zhang Tao also laughed and said: "Your boy is shameless, really..."

"I learned that you are ninety-nine!"

Li Laotou received a sentence, not very airy: "He used to be better, although shameless, but did not reach this point. Ever since I met you, he has gone further and further on the road of shameless!"

Zhang Tao smiled and said: "What does this have to do with me? I am not him!"

"Zhang Xiong said it is good!"

Fang Ping nodded in agreement.

Zhang Tao is tired, I got it, my fault, I shouldn't bring this bad bastard, let him go further and further on the shameless road.

Everyone laughed for a while, Fang Ping said: "Dry..."


The town prince scalp numb, could not help but said: "Do not, you call me old ghost, Li old ghost town old ghost casually you!"

I think it!

The king of the town really can't stand this name, too much.

Lao Zhang and Li Laotou are admired, and the War King has not learned the essence of Fang Ping. Otherwise, Zhen Tianwang probably does not dare to mention that he is the righteous father of the War King.

"Don't talk, you can't say that, there are some respects that must be there!"

Fang Ping is serious, don’t you let me respect you?

Listen, I am very polite to you!

They are all screaming, are you afraid?

He really didn't feel that he had suffered a loss. The old man was old and lost his teeth.

Can you still rule me?

The town tian scalp continued to numb, and quickly said: "said, come to me what I want to do!"

"Dry, don't say so realistic, I am not that kind of person..."

"You don't say it again, I will throw you out!"

The king of the town had a headache, and he did not want to go to the Sanbao Temple. He did not believe that Fang Ping really came to find himself drinking.

Fang Ping laughed and said: "Then I will say it straight!

First, how to forge jade bone?

Second, how can the mental strength rapidly increase to the extent of qualitative change?

Third, how far is the avenue, how far is the end of the avenue?

Fourth, Kan Wang and the king are dead or alive, ready to recover, where is the king printed?

Fifth, since ancient times, how many people have integrated the earth city in the original world? ”

The king of the town sank for a while, and said: "Forging jade bones... This is too difficult. Under normal circumstances, you need to break the eight and break the door of life. Under such circumstances, the source can forge the bones together! This is also The limitations of the original warrior are not necessarily the same, not as easy as the first-in-arms."

"Is it not normal?"

"Forcibly breaking the boundaries!"

The king of the town said: "The difficulty is very high, but it is not without! Hege... Heavenly Emperor... Mad, this bastard, took such a name, every time he called him to add a heavenly emperor."

He called several other emperors, and they all called their names.

Can treat the Emperor of Heaven, it is necessary to shout all.

Can't eat that loss, can't stand the grievance, he doesn't call Dad.

"When the Emperor of Heaven did not break the eight years, he actually forged the bones..."

Fang Ping could not help but interrupt: "I inserted a sentence, Yue Ling seems to have forged a bone."

The king of the town Shen Shen said: "Not necessarily! You have to know that the jade bone is not so forged. After forging the jade bone, the blood will change once! This is also complete and incomplete...

Let me put it this way, you should remember it when you were golden forging.

When you are not completely successful, is your blood quality not incomplete, not twice? ”

Fang Ping nodded. "Yes, there was a fluctuation in the middle of me. I only had more than 1 point at the beginning. Then I really completed the qualitative change. You mean..."

"Yue Ling may have forged a bone, but it may not be a complete body."

Tian Tianwang explained: "Even if it is a martial art, there is such a situation. Many people forge a jade bone, only a part, so they will change, but will not completely change.

Just say that the former arm, the guy who was flying by me, his arms, that is the real full body jade, the blood of the arms is absolutely completely qualitative!

Other parts, but also jade bones, may not be completely transformed.

Said a little more directly, the golden body has nine forging, although the jade bone is not forged, but the golden body will be qualitatively changed to the nine forging peaks, then the jade bones have to go to the peak, do you know? ”

Fang Ping nodded. "So, Yue Ling may have forged a jade bone, but it will not be completely physical?"

"of course!"

The aunt of the town said, "The bones of the whole body, you do not break the door of life, it is almost impossible to achieve. The old man does not feel that the spirit of the moon is beyond the ancient and modern. The Emperor of Heaven has really done this. Of course, he At that time, there was no door to three cokes, and the situation was a bit special."

Fang Ping nodded, Zhang Tao also listened carefully, and Li Laotou was listening.

Jade bones are also very important to him.

"Want to forge the bones, first, the golden body must reach the peak of the nine forging."

"Second, undergoing a transformation, a dramatic transformation, a transition at the level of life!"

The king of the town slowly said: "What is the transition of life level? We break the door of life, why can we forge the bones? Because at that moment, there will be a huge, unimaginable force of life that flows into your body. Change everything about you, let you change, and complete the transition.

And when you didn't break, there is no such energy to transform you!

You count on yourself..."

He glanced at Fang Ping. "You don't destroy a lot of material. You can't help the material to help the bones. You may be able to forge the fake jade bone with the help of immortal material, which is the incomplete body that I said. I want to forge. It’s almost impossible to do it completely.”

"You said that it is almost impossible, is that representative still possible?"

"Not bad!"

The town Tianwang smiled and said: "Of course there may be! For example, the Emperor of Heaven, he did not experience this transition, he reached the level of jade, how did he do it? Because he is a bear..."


"Big bears!"

The town of Tianwang said indifferently, "There was no door to Sanjiao in the same year. The road was also a start-up soon. The bear man, the strength of the source is also general, but this big bear, born to be afraid of death, and the martial arts gambling!

There were many early-warmers in the year, and many of them were forged.

Someone forged the arm, some forged the leg bones, some forged the skull, some forged the sternum...

He went to find the martial arts martial arts, won, and the other forged the bones of the bones to send him, lost, he gave people a slave.

This battle is a hundred years, he won 92 games, won a bone, broke the real jade bones, combined with the jade, which forged a jade bone, understand? ”

Fang Ping nodded, just wanted to talk, Zhen Tianwang smiled and said: "It is impossible now! When there were many warriors at the beginning of the year, so he can do it, can gather these bones, plus the views of the portals of the year are not too deep, Killed the first-in-arms, and the jade bones of others will not be given to you.

What's more, the current martial artists are really jade and their strength is not weak.

The jade bone of the holy martial art has not reached its peak, not the whole body. ”

Fang Ping said: "There is no hope?"


"There is another kind of person who has done it..."

Tian Wang smiled and said: "You know, who is the strongest in the three worlds?"


"Cough... maybe!"

Tian Tianwang smiled and said: "Don't say this, there is actually a broken guy, but also powerful and terrible! The old thing that is locked up!"

"Building God?"

"It's him!"

The king of the town smiled and said: "He actually broke the door of the spirit, and the sin of the road is broken! But this old thing is insidious. Do you think that he is breaking the spiritual power? It may not be... I didn't guess wrong. Although he may not break the door of life, he should forge the bones."


Fang Ping unexpectedly said: "He also forged the bones?"

"The possibility is great!"

Tian Wang smiled and said: "I am not too sure, but he is not always studying cell division? This old thing, in fact, really split itself into many copies, and his current avatars are all half artifacts... ...

Can you think he has no artifact?

He has!

Where is his artifact? ”

The king of the town said: "His artifact, he took it to fill his bones! This old guy, those years do not know how many good things are hidden, I am extremely skeptical, he removed the artifact, integrated his bones, It is equivalent to creating a fake jade bone, and there may be a qualitative change in blood.

He is still studying the avatar. I think he wants to study it. Can you use the avatar to carry out the accumulation of blood and blood, pretending to break the door of blood..."

Fang Ping stunned, what do you mean?

"It's fake!"

Tian Tianwang explained: "He is likely to make a fake, pretending to have a jade bone, and even preparing to bully the avenue, making himself look like a jade bone, so that he may soon enter the second portal directly, breaking the portal. Forged real jade bones.

You have to know that the avenue is not omnipotent and invincible.

That old thing, there are many ideas in his mind, he may have deceived the avenue, for example, to create a false road for himself, and then use the fake jade bone to attract the real portal, forging the real jade bone..."

Fang Ping was shocked!

Lao Zhang was also shocked.

what does it mean?

Casting God made a fake bone, and then created a fake avenue, and then directly led to the door of life, doing false acts of falsehood, and finally become true jade, is this the meaning?

Fang Ping is almost shocked by the chin, is this OK?

"Don't look at me like this!"

Tian Tianwang smiled and said: "Don't think that he can't do it. Do you know the origin of the stone?"


"His origin is fake, this is still made by the disciples of the iron. How about his own ability to fake, you should count! And the stone breaks, relying on these fake things, there is also hope to deceive the original universe, use the false road to attract the truth. Increased holdings!"

Tian Tianwang said: "Don't underestimate this guy. This guy was only the emperor's strength in the past, but no one dared to swear at him! He is actually a junior, even a generation of Chu Wu, he created his own way. Now, strictly speaking, he is just borrowing the source!

He did not cultivate the source, why can he create artifacts, artifacts to break the source, do not understand the source, how to break?

He understands! ”

Zhen Tianwang sighed: "I suspect that he may have forged a false road long ago. He had been to the original universe long before! This guy knows less about the source than the cat... No, only More.

He and the cat are very good, and it is not good. This guy is probably referring to the cat and helping him to pry into the universe.

You can ask the cat, this old thing, let it go to the source of the universe..."

Fang Ping stunned, the next moment, hurriedly took the phone to call!

A few people in the town of Tianwang were shocked. You still use the phone?

They almost forgot the phone!

Who is he still using the phone now?

Regardless of Fang Ping, he called a phone number and quickly connected. He immediately said: "Let the cat answer the phone!"

The next moment, the cat sounded and succumbed: "You just kicked me, no benefit!"

"Looking back, the year of the pot is good for you. Are you helping him wander the original universe?"

On the other side of the phone, the cat was holding the phone and thinking hard. After a while, he said: "It seems to be! Potting me to make a pot, it seems that the cat has drawn a picture for him... This cat can draw a lot of pictures. It is the teaching of the pot.

Did you see the last big cat?

Is the painting beautiful?

The pot says that the cat that draws is a good cat, so the cat learned..."

Fang Ping fangs, casting God is amazing!

I am taking it!

Cooperating with this guy, I really did this. He actually let the cat go to the source, and he thought about it.

But this guy is really amazing!

Fang Ping admire the failure, the **** of casting is probably as true as the town king said, in the past, through the cat, mastered some things, and deeply understand the source.

"Nothing is going on, go to sleep!"

Fang Ping hung up the phone and looked at the town of Tianwang. He smiled bitterly: "It’s really! Casting the **** makes this old guy, powerful enough!"

"That's for sure."

The king of the town smiled and said: "Is the Emperor of the Nine Emperors so kind to the imperial class? Of course, there is a bit of skill! So I think, if you want to forge the bones, actually ask me that I am not very useful. My suggestion is to break the eight. Break the door of life and forge the bones!

You can find iron, maybe there are other ways.

Of course, if you slowly grind it, you can continue to quench the bones with immortal material, and you may also reach the point of pseudo-bone bones, that is, the qualitative change has not reached that point. ”

Fang Ping thought for a moment: "Broken eight, the representative can break the eight heavens, the blood should generally have 20 million cards. Once the quality changes, it is not directly 40 million cards, can it break nine?"

Some of him can't figure it out. Since the people of Zhentian Wang have broken eight, they have changed qualitatively after breaking eight. Why didn't they break nine?

"The avenue has limits, it's normal."

Tian Tianwang explained: "Let's say that when you break the seven, the basic blood is 4 million cards, and the general increase of the seven is more than three times, nearly four times.

If this is the case, after your increase, the blood will be close to 20 million cards, which can be broken.

Is this the point of breaking through? ”

Fang Ping nodded.

"When you have successfully forged your bones, your blood quality will change. Does the basic blood have 8 million cards?"

Fang Ping nodded again.

Tian Tianwang smiled and said: "According to the degree of increase, it is reasonable to say that there should be about 40 million cards! In fact, when you break the eight, you will find that your avenue growth has been weakened!"

Fang Ping frowned, "weaked? Why?"

"Weili belongs to itself!"

The king of the town calmly said: "Gone one! The gap between breaking eight and breaking seven is actually not how much the increase is, but it is one. Breaking the seven is the limit of the source. It is the limit of the Tao. You may not understand this. .

Under normal circumstances, the warrior can only break seven, but can't break the eight!

Broken eight, that representative has actually embarked on the road of return to one, to oneself!

The stronger your strength, the smaller the increase, the more broken, not the increase in the source is getting bigger and bigger, but smaller and smaller, you have to know, when your source no longer increases, you are the emperor! ”

Fang Ping is sluggish.

The king of the town continued: "If you break the eight, your source growth is 4 times, then the stronger you are, the smaller the increase, and soon, it will become 3.9 times, 3.8 times...

Of course, at this time, your strength will not decline, it will only become stronger and stronger.

Because your power is at your own, you are getting stronger and stronger, this increase will become smaller and smaller, and finally, complete the normalization, prove the emperor! ”


Fang Ping, Zhang Tao, Li Laotou, and all three listened to the shock.

Breaking eight... is the process of weakening!


Tian Tianwang smiled and said: "I can't believe it? So many people don't understand why the break of the seven is the peak? This is the reason! As for the early Wu, they are also similar. They are not a process of increase, nor a process of decline, but they It can't be done like us, and the one-time increase is several times.

They are all slowly upgraded, forging jade bones, generally in the seven stages of breaking, breaking eight stages, can only slowly improve. ”

"The original broken eight... will be one!"

Fang Ping was shocked and hurriedly said: "So the emperors are their own strength?"

If so, it is no different from your own source world!

Why don't you go to the source?

Where is wrong?

Fang Ping suddenly remembered, Cang cat seems to have said that the emperor, in fact, do not need to increase the source!

He didn't care about it before, but today it is shocking. Is there a difference between them?

The town of Tianwang thought about it again and again: "It should not be considered to be one of its own strengths!"

"Even if I broke three doors, my own power is one, but I have the feeling that even if I have the emperor, I should also be pinned on the source road... Of course, I am not a royal person now, I can't give you an accurate answer, wait for me to arrive. The emperor, I will tell you again."

Fang Ping was speechless, and he said: "So there is a shortage of the royal road!"

"Not bad."

The party is calm, and today in the town of Tianwang, knowing this, once again has a great effect on his martial arts.

It turns out that the normalization is the goal of breaking the eight.

The limit of the source is actually breaking seven.

It is no wonder that even if the eight broken forged jade bones, it is still broken, and will not directly become a broken nine.

Fang Ping continued to ask while drinking, and the old antiques were old antiques.

Strong, live for a long time, know too much.

In the past, the king of the town did not say it, but now it is no longer concealed. It should be related to Fang Ping’s upcoming contact with this field.

Drinking wine, Fang Ping borrowed the wine, put up the wine madman, shouted dry and asked, and asked a lot of things. At the end of the drink, the king of the town almost thought that he really had a son.

Lao Zhang’s face is indifferent, wait, this kid is broken, you become a brother, I have a deep understanding of this!

I thought that in the past, someone asked him if he lacked his son!

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