Global Gaowu

Vol 2 Chapter 620: The wicked first complained

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When the Tianmen City owner fled, Li Laotou and Wu Kuishan quickly chased them up.

Fang Ping saw a violent scream and shouted: "The principal! Take over the weapon!"

The words fell, and a huge black iron sword shot out.

Wu Kuishan got into the hands, his eyes moved, did not stay, and quickly chased the West.

The two were extremely fast and disappeared without a trace.

Fang Ping did not stop, shouted: "Chasing!"


The scene was very embarrassing.

The three heads and eight beasts are all looking at him with huge eyes, full of eyes.

Fang Ping also looked at them and shouted again: "Chasing!"


I trembled and shook my body, and I didn’t say anything.

Follow me!

Silly wood is dried up, and the giant mine is nothing!

The giant mine belongs to silly wood, not to the wooden king. This Yaozu knows.

Now that the owner is dead, Mu Wang is being chased and killed. Even if he is not chased, he will leave the South Seven Fields. If so... why do you want to chase.

The wooden king holds the nine-pronged soldiers, and the demon is fierce.

What's more, the giant mines are waiting for them now, and they are all too eager to wait. The Beastmaster is going to take advantage of it.

Seeing that it has a tendency to go to Tianmen City, Fang Ping’s heart is dark and hurriedly said: “Hey King, the giant mine is not in a hurry, you have several kings to catch up, help me get rid of that old dog... I will send you the material quenching body!"

When the words fell, Fang Ping’s three large groups of indestructible substances appeared. One demon lost a group and hurriedly said: “There is still after the event! The giant mine is there, and can’t run, there is no material assistance, and the probability of breaking through the nine products. Bigger!"

When the words came out, I suddenly whispered!

Come back again, go back and chase.


Fang Ping really wants to swear, you wait!

If you are not afraid that these monsters will return to Tianmen City and have broken down the big things, now, don’t let them chase them.

Fang Ping did not say much, and once again condensed the three groups of immortal substances.

Seeing a few monsters staring at themselves, Fang Ping coughed a sigh: "My ancestor is still there!"

When the words came out, the three-headed beast did not look at him, and vacated and chased the West.

When they flew away, Fang Ping whispered.

He just looked at him, it was greedy, this big dog actually wanted to rob him!

"There has always been me who robbed others, you actually want to rob me... I will find you sooner or later!"

Fang Pingyi blamed, and did not catch up with the mind.

Without him, he can't catch up.

Tianmen Chengzhu is too fast, if the guy turns back, kills himself, and wherever he goes.

The battle of the strong, the weak one of themselves will not be mixed.

In addition to his lack of blending, Chen Yaoting did not mix.

At this moment, Chen Yaoting’s anger of killing the eight products before he disappeared, and the bitterness of his face, he could not catch up.

Not to mention Li Laotou and Wu Kuishan, he can't catch up with the three heads and eight beasts.

I have to say that these three heads and eight beasts are really strong.

Strong is also appropriate, the three heads and eight beasts are not far from the nine products, so this dare to take the risk, really not strong, and will not think about capturing the giant mine.

Chen Yaoting flew over and looked at the figures that had disappeared in the distance. He spoke slightly: "The big picture is set!"

The Tianmen City Lord has given up the idea of ​​continuing to fight because the Tianmen Tree was killed.

At this time, the battle of the nine products is over.

Fang Ping heard the words but shook his head: "The headmaster does not kill the Tianmen City Lord, will not be willing to give up!"

"There are caves in the city..."

Chen Yaoting’s words and stops are not easy to handle.

The Tianmen City owner did not run in the direction of Tianmen City, because there is a magical strongman in the middle of the road. It is easy to be blocked if he blocks him a little.

Did not go to the depths of the cave, because there are human beings in Yuhai Mountain.

Did not go to taboo the sea, that is not to go.

So he chose to flee to the West, and that is also the only direction he left. Wu Kuishan, the human powerhouses, chased the past, and the city owners of some cities are likely to shoot.

Because Wu Kuishan has surpassed the battle zone set by the real king and invaded their territory.


Fang Pingyao looked at the direction of Yuhai Mountain and slightly browed his eyebrows.

The battle has reached this point, and Tianmen City has lost.

If the king decides to end the battle, then the magic weapon can no longer continue to chase the other party, and the Tianmen city owner will be taken away.

"The spirit of the king was shattered before, and he may not know what happened now!"

Fang Ping suddenly said a word, and then quickly said: "The principal wants to kill the Tianmen city owner, can only take advantage of this gap!"

The king of the king probably did not expect that the Tianmen tree would be killed so quickly. His mental power was covered by thousands of miles before the situation was explored.

Before being annihilated by Zhang Tao, the other party may not release the mental power detection again in a short time.

The time is short!

Fang Ping knows that in the overall situation, Zhang Tao will not insist on killing the Tianmen City Lord in the event that the victory and defeat have been separated.

Wu Kuishan wants to take revenge, and there is not much time for him.

Did not think about this again, Fang Ping rushed to the direction of the previous battle.

After a while, Fang Ping arrived at the battlefield.

"Get rich!"

When he saw the body of Tianmen Tree, Fang Ping laughed.

Really rich!

The Tianmen tree was killed by a sword by Li Laotou. The crack in the void cut it into dozens of segments, and the other party did not even have the chance to blew himself.

Although it was cut off, part of the trunk was swallowed up by the space crack, which is nothing compared to the huge volume of the Tianmen tree.

This is the first time Fang Ping has seen the body of the nine-devil.

In the first battle of Tiannan, he also killed nine demon plants, but almost all blew himself up, without any residue.

At this moment, the golden trunk of the big tree in the underground cavern also exudes a strong sense of life.

When the Tianmen Tree Wars, the essence of life has been used, which is one of the reasons for the strong demon planting. At the time of the war, the recovery speed is fast.

Fang Ping did not hesitate and quickly flew down the potholes and smashed the trunks.

More than just trunks, the essence of life is rushing.

Fang Ping quickly found the area that wrapped the essence of life. It was the backbone of a small tree. The trunk was not only wrapped in the essence of life, but also a golden-yellow crystal-like body.

"Heart core!"

Fang Ping hurriedly shouted: "Chen Lao, help me find it, the brain core is not there!"

The remains of a nine-character demon planted here, not taken away, and I am afraid that I will be gone.

Chen Yaoting also quickly searched for it. Soon, Chen Yaoting dragged his torso and said: "Here!"

At the moment, a blood red crystal appeared in his hand.

That is the brain of the Tianmen tree.

Fang Ping is relieved!

He mainly worried that the brain nucleus was swallowed up by the void crack, and now it has not been swallowed up, and luck is not bad.

With the brain core and the core of the heart, a nine-pronged soldier will arrive.

But when I saw that dozens of torso, Fang Pingfang, the demon plant is too big!

Even if it is cut into dozens of segments, there are about 10 cubic meters in one segment.

So many, I am afraid there will be about 300 parties.

Without paying attention to this, Fang Ping took out a huge crystal bottle and began to collect the essence of the overflowing life.

Chen Yaoting watched his big bottle fill up quickly, his mouth twitching slightly!

Every time I see this kid with such a big bottle of life essence, he feels that it is not the essence of life, it is water!

Who is the best in life?

According to the calculation of grams, Fang Ping uses kilograms to calculate each time... People are afraid of comparison.

Soon, Fang Ping filled two large bottles and then suddenly shouted: "How is this?"

Two large bottles are only about 100 pounds.

The time of the existence of Tianmen City is also very long. The Tianmen tree has no fruit, the essence of life?

"Normal, there are so many things that have been unexpected."

Chen Yaoting explained: "When you fight against human beings, you don't want to get the essence of life. After so many years of war, you have consumed more. The Tianmen tree has consumed a lot before, and there are so many residues, I am surprised."

This is not the giant Liucheng City. The huge caves in Juliucheng were just opened. The war has not started, and Fang Ping can only get a batch.

Tianmen City has been fighting with China for countless times in recent years. The high-quality and strong-powered people have been injured many times, and there are still so many left. Chen Yaoting is indeed unexpected.

Fang Ping thinks about it too, and Li Laotou’s sword kills the other side, and he has the opportunity to keep this stuff, which is beyond his expectations.

"Mosquitoes are small and meat..."

Chen Yaoting's face is getting stiffer!

A hundred pounds of life essence, became a mosquito meat?

Are we a person of the world?

Fang Ping did not care what Lao Chen thought. He spent a lot of money this time. He gave him all the essence of his life, and he didn’t have much money.

According to the value given by the previous system, it is calculated to be 250 billion, and now it is 25 million.

However, if Tianmen Tree gave him the body of the nine-deviled demon, it is also extremely precious. It is not difficult to add 10 million points.

"Old Wu and Li Laotou owe me a lot of money, they killed... first pay back my debt!"

Fang Ping calculated that for a while, this nine-piece demon planted him.

Not only returned to him, but also have to find two to continue to settle accounts.

There is no charge for the immortal material and the complex **** Dan.

I collected the essence of life and collected the brain and heart.

Looking at the golden trunks beside them, Fang Ping has some headaches, is the storage space expanding?

"Forget it, it is not expanding now. Now the outside world still doesn't know how much space I have in storage. If it is all taken away..."

Fang Ping shook his head and still did not expand at this time.

The truth has been taken away, and Zhang Tao is afraid that these people will be shocked.

Although Fang Ping does not know how much space their storage rings have, it is expected that it will not be too big. From the small to the big, the previous piece of jade is so big, and Zhang Tao is not big enough.

The trunks were all gathered together, and Fang Ping began to gather the golden leaves.

Seeing that Fang Ping did not let go of the leaves, Chen Yaoting was really a little dumbfounding.

This kid is really rich, but he can save money without letting go of these leaves.

The leaves of the nine-pure demon are also good things, but relatively speaking, it is not worth mentioning at the moment.

I did not expect Fang Ping to leave a leaf.

After doing all of this, Fang Ping looked up and looked at the distance, slightly squinting, and there was no outbreak of the war. So it seems that Lao Wu has not caught up.

As a result, things are not easy to handle.

At this time, Lu Fengrou they finally came over.

When I saw those golden trunks, Lu Feng's face was full of joy, and loudly said: "Tianmen tree was killed?"


"That animal!"

Fang Ping paused, and soon said: "The principals are going to chase him. The principal and Mr. Li are there, and there are three heads and eight beasts. As long as they catch up, the Tianmen City owner can't run!"


Lu Fengrou whispered, then quickly said: "Where did you run?"


"I am going to see!"

"Running to the West, teacher, there is the site of the cave, don't act rashly..."

His voice did not fall, and Lu Fengrou ran to the west.

Fang Ping saw a look at Chen Yaoting, Chen Yaoting did not say much, and quickly followed.

Fang Ping looked at Tang Feng and saw them excited. They also thought about the past. They quickly said: "Everyone is now catching up and useless! I can't catch up. I have to prevent it from being countered by Tianmen.

Liu Lao, some of you now have a very important task! ”

Liu broke the face with a positive color and immediately said: "You said."



The crowd was quiet in an instant.

Fang Ping is a serious face: "The war is coming to an end. Once a few of them absolutely intervene, things will come to an end. According to the prior statement, we can only take 30% of the giant mines, then it will be a big loss!

You, you quickly return to Tianmen City, organize teachers and students to start mining!

The more you dig, the better!

Specially dig high-energy mines in those core areas, it must be speed..."

After all, Fang Ping said again: "There are also the torso of these nine kinds of demon plants. You also bring them back together. It is easy to cause others to be embarrassed. I will look at the past and the principal does not know how the situation is. ......"

This task is important and important.

It doesn't matter if it's not important. In fact, it's normal. How can it be done by so many masters?

The meaning of Fang Ping, everyone knows.

In the battle of the nine products, they couldn’t get in the hands and went, and they had to be careful to be killed by the Tianmen City Lord.

At this time, the war is coming to an end, and if you die, it will be a big loss.

Liu broke the nod and said: "Well, let's go back to mine. If you want to go back together, it's too dangerous!"

"It's okay, I can converge and be safer."

After Fang Ping finished, just want to leave, Li Hansong said: "I will go too, I have encountered the enemy, I can still block for eight."

Fang Ping glanced at him and nodded.

When you see Lao Wang, they have to open their mouths and wave their hands. "You should not go. Don't separate. Once the Tianmen City owner turns a corner and ran back, there are more people who can hold it for a while. If there are fewer people, then it is really troublesome. It is."

These people get together and it takes a little time for the Tianmen City owner to kill.

Can be dispersed, kill seven products, it is really like killing chicken.

The crowd nodded, and soon Fang Ping took Li Hansong to the West and chased it.


at the same time.

At the moment when the Tianmen tree fell, some strong people felt it.

Demon Kwai City direction.

The main face of the demon sunflower is ugly. Before, his two eight-character sects belonged to him, and he came back one person, which has already caused him a headache.

As a result, the eight-strong man just came back, and the demon wood fell!

At this moment, the demon king is not sighed.

This time, it was really too much for him to anticipate.

In the city, the huge golden sunflower flower is swaying at the moment, and the spirit is shaking.

The same family has fallen!

The demon planter is considered to be the same family.

Nanqi domain, guarding a pulse, there are 6 big nine demon plants.

Today, one fell.

The degeneration of the demon wood means the destruction of the demon wood city. From now on, the demon kwai castle is the first city to fight the city of hope.

At this moment, the two nine products of the demon Kwai City are complex.

Not only is the demon wood city destroyed, the demon sunflower city battle, the death of a sage, the death of six commanders, is also a big injury.

"Magic Wu..."

The demon sunflower master muttered, the result of this war, I am afraid that even the king did not expect.

He is in a complicated mood, but outside the city is a cheer.

Fan Lao once again used the cave language to announce the results in a loud voice!

This time, the vast demon of the city, millions of people are screaming.

The kingdom is fallen!

The patron saint of the demon wood city has fallen!

For the demon kwai city that has already fought with humans, the morale blow is simply unimaginable, and the demon kings have already felt the pessimism sent from the city.

Not only ordinary people, but even those leaders, there is some confusion at the moment.

The demon planted a vein of 6 cities, standing in the south seven fields for countless years.

Today, a city is destroyed.

Without the guardian demon, even if the king did not die, he could not return to heaven.


They sensed it.

Yuhai Mountain.

Zhang Tao and the war king also sensed.

The spirit of the king is destroyed, but they are not.

At this moment, the opposite side of the king is indifferent, he has not noticed the change in the Nanqi domain.

At this time, the king of the king, extremely angry, looked coldly at Zhang Tao.

"Wu Wang, what do you mean by blocking the Nanqi domain? If there is a strong person in the resurrection, the king will not know, how to make sure that you are not fraudulent?"

Zhang Tao calmly said: "There are so many nine products in the South Seven Fields. Why come to the plot? You participated in the middle of several times, and it is you who broke the rules. If you are willing to gamble, you are willing to gamble."

If you lose, I will lose or let them solve it.

As a referee, but also to personally end, Wang Wang, this is the true king of the cave? ”

The eyes of the King of the Kings flickered, and they also recovered their calmness. They slowly said: "Well! The King is no longer involved, so the Green Wolf King will supervise!"

Aside, a thin man with a smile, slowly said: "Wu Wang, the king of war, the Nanqi domain is the territory of the king. You can not let the king detect it, even the king will block, do not think this Wang can bully?"

Zhang Tao smiled and said: "Why did the wolf king say this? Just don't want to let the demon king and my humans misunderstand. If the wolf king is willing to be the supervisor, then naturally there is no problem.

I am afraid that the wolf king can't stand it for a while, but also have to end, let the demon life 7 city participate in it... then it will break your peace. ”

The Green Wolf King said faintly: "This is a private gamble between you and the king. The king will not participate in it. However, the Nanqi domain, the thing that should be known, the king still needs to understand clearly."

"of course……"

Zhang Tao said so, but he was not willing to let go of the blockade.

At this moment, Wu Kuishan is still chasing the Tianmen City Lord, he sensed it.

The Magic Wu people have always wanted to kill the Tianmen City Lord, he also knows.

This time I will not kill the Tianmen City Lord, I am afraid it will be difficult.

Once the Green Wolf King detected the details, he told the King of the King that if the King chose to admit defeat, the Tianmen City Lord could not kill.

Can only drag for a while!

Zhang Tao thought about these things, and continued to play with the Green Wolf King.

It takes a dozen minutes to drag. At that time, the two should be suspicious.

Can you kill the Tianmen City Master before the end of the bet, only to look at luck.

The battle of the Magic Wu, which destroyed a nine-piece, almost flattened the Tianmen City, has already exceeded Zhang Tao’s expectations.

I really can't kill each other... I can only end the war.

Now, it’s not time to completely tear your face.

He is also preparing to kill those strong people in the Forbidden Field. Now he has torn his face and the king has changed. The next thing is not so smooth.

"Wu Kuishan... Give you another 10 minutes, can't kill him, I can't help."

Zhang Tao sighed in the heart, did not kill the Tianmen City Lord, the killing female murderer, Wu Kuishan's heart can not be solved, the shackles still, to the realm of the nine products to understand the origin, such a knot, I am afraid there will be great obstacles.

Just like Lu Fengrou, in the six-category situation, it is too late to be able to combine blood and blood. The knot is too heavy, and the obsession is too deep, not a good thing.


Zhang Tao is delaying time.

At this point, Wu Kuishan can guess even though he does not know.

He knew that this was his last chance.

Now the king of Tianmen cannot be killed, and the king will not easily give up the life of a nine-person.

Seeing that the overall situation has been fixed, even if Wang wants to turn over, he knows that there is no chance to terminate the gambling contract. The gate city owner can get out of it that day.

In front, Tianmen City is extremely fast.

At this moment, it has reached the scope of the demon city.

The demon city, the demon phoenix master and a huge phoenix monster are all vacated at this moment, the pressure is shocking.

Across the distance, the demon phoenix lord violently said: "stop! The battle between the demon wood city and the magic martial arts is a true king's private resentment, has nothing to do with the king! If you are good at the demon city, then don't blame us for breaking the rules of the real king. !"

In front, the Tianmen City Lord shouted: "Feng Wang! The king will not be involved in the demon city!"

The demon and the city's main brows are slightly embarrassed.

The patron saint of the demon wood city fell, and he felt it.

Wood King wants to escape, he also knows.

The same is the owner of the Nanqiu City. Although the two sides are not the same vein, Kemu is a person of the Nanqi domain.

At this time, the resurrection warrior chased the wooden king, do you want to borrow it?

The wooden king went to the demon city, meaning he understood, that is, let himself delay for a while, waiting for the real king to pass orders.

But now, the real king has not yet sent orders, do you want to marry this drowning?

Seeing that the Tianmen City Lord is getting closer and closer, outside the city gate, Wu Chuan suddenly bursts into pressure!

This time, Tianmen Chengzhu was shocked and angered: "You dare!"

Wu Chuan's strength is much stronger than Wu Kuishan. As one of the four major guardians, this is also known to Tianmen.

He also played against Wu Chuan several times. Wu Chuan was a guardian of the South, and he entered the Devil's Cave several times and played against him.

But now, Wu Chuan is not in the ranks of the magic.

Wu Chuan cold and cold road: "You are crossing the border! The battlefield, near the Tianmen City, the order is not passed, it means that the war is not over yet, you cross the border, that is the bad rules, I have reason to kill you!"


Tianmen Chengzhu is furious!

The heart is also unstoppable. Hasn’t the king yet found the change?

Or do you say that you really want to sacrifice yourself?

Or, is it pinned?

No matter what, the king did not pass the order, which means that the war did not end.

At this moment, Wu Chuan killed him on the grounds of crossing the border...

Seeing the outbreak of Wuchuan's momentum, holding a nine-character warrior, the Tianmen City Lord was furious.

In exchange for Wu Chuan, who has no nine-pronged soldiers, he dared to fight.

But the other side has a soldier... Once he is shot, he is not an opponent at all.

Not to mention, there are snake kings in the rear who are about to catch up.

Looking at the demon and the lord of the city, I saw that he did not mean to help, and the owner of Tianmen was even more angry.

If the demon lord stood up and said a few words at this time, holding down Wu Chuan, he did not have to worry about anything.

Wu Chuan is stronger, and the two ninth products of the demon city are enough to contain him.

"damn it!"

The Tianmen City Lord was angry and angered, but he did not stop. Soon, he detoured and flew toward the edge of the sea.

He just left, Wu Kuishan has arrived.

Didn't have anything with Wu Chuan, the two did not stop, and quickly went to Tianmen City to pursue the killing.

As soon as they left, the three monsters arrived.

When the three-headed beast saw Wu Chuan, he was a little vigilant.

When I saw the demon phoenix master and the phoenix beast, I suddenly screamed a few times!

Wu Chuan clearly felt that the nine-character monster in the demon city was a stagnation.

The demon phoenix master also changed his face slightly, the loud voice: "Golden horn beast king, the beast forest will kill the wooden king, the king does not know the inside story, can not make decisions! This matter, the king feels cautious..."

He didn't finish his words, yelled and ran with two monsters.

Just after this guy came, he was violent to the nine-nine phoenix, letting it help the beast forest to chase the wooden king, the villain who killed the beasts of the beasts.

The wicked first complained, and that's it.

Before the demon city owner still wanted to say a few words, the Beast Lin participated in the war set by the real king, it is not a good thing, the Golden Horn Beastmaster is still chasing this time, but the king is offended.

But when I hear this guy, I want to kill the King of Wood, the murderer of the messenger... The Lord of the Phoenix City is speechless.

Mad, really fake?

Is Kim Wang an idiot?

Did you kill the messenger of the beasts?

The last time I was in a hurry, I played with the Beasts, and this time I killed the messenger of the beasts.

He thinks that Mu Wang is not so stupid, but... the beasts of the three beasts and the three beasts of the beasts are all sure of this. They would rather offend the king and chase the other party. It is really difficult to determine the true and false.

Is it an accident, the aftermath of the war, killed the messenger?

The messenger of the beastly forest is so stupid. When the nine products are in combat, do you have to go inside?

Despite his doubts, he was relieved to see the Golden Horn beg.

Forget it, no matter what.

The guardian beast is also a monster family. It has a good relationship with the forbidden land. Before the Phoenix monster was not good to refuse, the Golden Horn Beastmaster ran, otherwise it would be troublesome.

The demon city owner was full of doubts, but Wu Chuan was stiff.

He probably knows the meaning of the dialogue between the two sides... This monster is a real evil!

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