Although ordinary Skaqi fish people in black armor participated in the Daozu trial, few of them participated.

But with good training, orders must be followed and prohibitions must be stopped.

After hearing the order from the deputy commander Sha Yan, they took action quickly, causing a faint commotion in the fog.

This attracted the attention of the leader of the two-headed lava demon dog.

Year round Life in volcanic areas.

Although it has never seen heavy fog, its aversion to the water element is innate.

Coupled with the strange movement of the mist at this time.

Make it immediately alert.

It kicked away an ordinary lava demon dog that was lying underneath it blocking the way, let out a roar in the direction of the mist, and then opened its mouth and spit out a fire bomb the size of a basketball.

The fire bomb was dark in color, exuding scorching heat, and the strong smell of sulfur could be smelled from a long distance away.

The ordinary lava demon dog that was kicked away was ready to show its teeth when it first stood up, but when it saw the fire bomb, it immediately leaned over and lowered its head again, not even daring to whimper.

The horror is evident.

This fireball, which was like a cannon stone, quickly flew into the fog as soon as it left the mouth.


But as soon as I entered, it felt like I was poured cold water on it.

After a "puff" sound, it... actually went out!

The leader of the two-headed lava demon dog stared wide-eyed.

Fire bomb failed? !

It didn't understand that a fire bomb could usually penetrate even the hard volcanic rocks, but why it couldn't even penetrate this seemingly weak mist at this time.

There must be something weird! !

Its simple wisdom leads to this firm conclusion.

Thinking about it, it roared from its throat, and more fire elements began to gather.

It wanted to see what was hidden in the thin mist.

But before it could spray out the enhanced version of fire bombs again, the sound of "Boom, boom, boom, boom..." was heard breaking through the air.

Immediately afterwards, there was the overwhelming cold iron arrows emerging from the mist like a gust of wind and rain.

The fog was cut open, revealing the black-armored iron army hidden deep in the fog.

But the leader of the two-headed lava demon dog has no time to take a closer look at this moment. The sense of danger is like dense needles pricking its skin. It senses extreme danger and is stimulated by the survival instinct.

It first opens its mouth and spits out half of the lava accumulated in the mouth, and then quickly activates the Talent skill [Lava Armor].

In the blink of an eye, a layer of lava carapace formed by the gathering of fire and earth elements envelops its whole body. There is also a faint flaming red inside. It can be seen at a glance that it has dual physical and magical defensive properties.

This made him feel at ease.

But in the blink of an eye, its heart was in its throat again.

Because the dense crossbow arrows have already flown over.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang", almost all the crossbow arrows hit the two-headed lava devil dog.

But as the leader of the Lava Demon Dogs, the two-headed Lava Demon Dog still has some abilities.

The summoned lava armor was as hard as steel, and even a crossbow arrow could not pierce it.

It was just that the huge force was a bit uncomfortable, and half of its body was numb from the shock.

Seeing this, it hurriedly roared and ordered the lava demon dogs to attack deep into the mist.

It is afraid that it will not survive if it continues to carry it alone.

The second round of crossbow arrows came.

Several lava demon dogs running ahead blocked the route.

"Puff", "Puff", "Puff", "Puff"...

Although they also summoned lava armor on their bodies, their strength was obviously not comparable to that of the two-headed lava demon dog leaders, and they were all inflicted with crossbow arrows.

The ice breath attached to the crossbow arrows is transmitted through the crossbow arrows, not only freezing the high-temperature lava armor, but also constantly drilling into their bodies, making them feel as if they are in the cold winter of December 9, feeling cold from the bones.

A lava demon dog was unfortunately hit by several crossbow arrows at the same time. Frost formed on the surface of its body in the blink of an eye, and it soon turned into a lifelike ice sculpture of a demon dog.


An elite lava devil dog saw something was wrong and asked the leader of the two-headed lava devil dog for instructions to escape.

But how could the fish people give them this opportunity?

The third and fourth rounds of arrow rain followed closely behind.

In the blink of an eye, many lava devil dogs, centered on the leader of the two-headed lava devil dogs, were nailed to the ground.

The leader of the two-headed lava demon dog had the hardest lava armor and was the least injured, but he was also sluggish by the cold breath and unable to walk.

He could only watch helplessly as the blue ice blades flying all over the sky flew towards him.

The ice blade as thin as a cicada's wings was like the scythe of death, easily cutting the bodies of ordinary lava demon dogs passing by, and then continued to fly away without stopping at the leader of the two-headed lava demon dogs.


This time, the lava armor on the leader of the two-headed lava demon dog failed to take effect.

In its unbelievable eyes, hundreds of ice blades flew back and forth, splitting it into countless pieces in the blink of an eye, and then turned into ice shards scattered all over the ground.

"Isn't this... this is too rough?"

Deep in the fog, Sha Yuan looked at the leader of the two-headed lava demon dog who was easily beheaded in less than one turn, with incomprehension in his eyes.

This is how he behaves against an enemy with such a large formation?

Sha Yan on the side saw it and patted Sha Yuan on the shoulder: "Young man, what else do you think?"

"Most real battlefields are like this. When melee units face long-range units, they only get beaten."

"Moreover, do you think that the enemies are all very powerful? You overestimate the enemies and underestimate ourselves."

"It's just a group of third-level races!"

"You have forgotten that before we were able to surround and kill even seventh-level enemies. But the more this happens, the more we have to use our full strength to fight a lion against a rabbit."

"You have also seen the message given by Daozu. The blood of these bastards is highly corrosive by fire. If we had thought about saving Magic Power and letting them get close, we might not be able to guarantee that some soldiers would be injured or even die. "

"Soldiers are not afraid of death, but there is no need to be injured without reason. Isn't it a good idea to remain useful and serve Dao Ancestor?"

"So, when facing the enemy in the future, especially when you don't know the enemy's strength, use as much force as you can, and strive to knock them to the ground in one encounter, even if it is wasted."

"On the battlefield, only the fallen enemy is a good enemy!!"

Sha Yuan nodded in an educated manner.

I know that this is trachoma specifically pointing out to me.

Looking at the few remaining running lava demon dogs, an enhanced version of the ice blade flew out.

Cut them all in half.

Lu Ze, who was high up in the sky, nodded with satisfaction when he saw it.

These initial family members are becoming more and more enlightened.

Only with foundation and inheritance can you go a long way.

It's not in vain to spend so much energy cultivating them.

However, this trial object is too weak! !

Could it be that this is the end of the trial? !

The answer is obviously not.

Because the portal on the field has never disappeared.

The portal that originally dimmed after the leader of the two-headed Lava Demon Dog came out lit up again the moment the last Lava Demon Dog died.

Soon, as the portal fluctuated, new enemies appeared on the battlefield.

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