Fish people are used to it.

Although they don't like the cold, their cold tolerance is not bad.

After all, the living environment in the beginning was much worse than this.

On the other hand, rock horned lizards are much more sensitive to temperature, and they shiver from the cold even when they are far away.

But this did not suppress their original desire to eat, and their charging speed did not slow down at all.

The rock-horned lizardmen at the front had even rushed to a position less than a hundred meters away from the murlocs.

There are also lumps of earth bulging underground.

The rock-horned lizards burrowing into the ground are like swimming snakes, sliding very fast.

Seeing this, Sawa waved his right hand forward: "Crossbowmen, continuous fire!!"

The fine iron crossbows held by the crossbowmen are repeating crossbows. After being loaded with the crossbow box, they can shoot ten crossbow arrows continuously at a rate of 18-20 arrows per minute.

When changing ammunition, you only need to replace the entire crossbow box.

When the firepower is fully turned on, it is extremely fast and violent.

Before the Rock Horned Lizards who were rushing forward could react, they saw crossbow arrows flying down from the sky.

Even though the scales on his body had good defense, he couldn't avoid being shot into a hedgehog. Yellow-green blood sprayed all over the ground and he collapsed.

"Charge, keep charging!!"

"The despicable fishmen only dare to hide behind their shields and fire cold arrows, break through their defenses and tear them apart!!"

The first warrior of the Rockhorn Lizardmen ignored the death of his people, casually pulled off a crossbow bolt stuck on his shoulder, and roared crazily.

It was far away and not within the main coverage area of ​​the crossbow rain, so it only hit one arrow.

At this time, it was injured and became more and more crazy.

An earthy yellow light flashed all over his body, and he looked like he was about to transform into a beast as soon as the battle started.

This attracted the attention of many fish people.

A Taoist team came forward from the flank, aiming at the first warrior of the Rock Horned Lizardmen. The Magic power in their hands was running, and they all shot an ice blade at it.


They are specially selected to shoot wherever the ice blade points within 200 meters, specifically targeting the enemy's leader or the bravest warrior.

The poor first warrior of the Rock Horned Lizardmen, before he could complete his transformation into a beast, his body was cut across by ten ice blades without falling.

It turned into a pile of minced meat and fell to the ground.

This scene greatly shocked the other rock-horned lizardmen.

This is different from what the priest said! !

Aren’t the fish people food sent by the Molten Lord? !

But there is no food so ferocious. He killed the first warrior in the tribe in a single encounter.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Tuka hurriedly inserted the rock-wood staff into the ground, and an earthy yellow ripple swayed across it.

[Wave of Courage (Second Level Divine Spell): Dispel the negative status of the recipients within a radius of 100 meters, greatly arousing their courage. 】

"Warriors, don't be afraid!!"

"This kind of offensive magic can only be mastered by the priests of the fish people. You can only use it a few times. Don't be intimidated by them."

"As long as we get closer, we can pierce them with rock thorns. They are no match for us."

Tukado's old and powerful voice penetrated the eardrums of every Rockhorn Lizardman.

Out of trust in his own priest, and inspired by the ripples of courage.

Hearing this, the rock-horned lizard man who had just stopped for a moment immediately started charging again.

Even braver than before.

They don't believe it from the bottom of their hearts that fish people can be that powerful.


In the murloc formation.

Sha Yan looked at the gesticulating Rock Horn Lizardman Priest and narrowed his eyes.

He had figured out early on that the old guy was the commander of the Rock Horned Lizardmen.

Capture the thief first and capture the king! !

As long as it is killed, the formation of the Rockhorn Lizardmen will definitely be thrown into chaos.

However, the old guy was very careful to protect himself. Not only did he stay far away, but there was also a row of horned lizard guards blocking him.

No chance at all.

Just as he was thinking about how to get rid of the troublesome guards first, so that he could get rid of them once and for all, he heard Sha Yuan come over and say with a mysterious face: "Brother Shayan, what are you looking at?"

"Lizard Priest."

"No, what does my opinion have to do with you? Do your own thing." Sha Yan 'snarled' at Sha Yuan.

But Sha Yuan didn't care and said: "I also want to kill that old guy who is in the way. He is so annoying with one magical spell now and then another."

"Brother Shayan, can you do me a favor?"


"The Holy Lady taught me a spell last time. It was very powerful. I practiced it secretly for a long time. Although I have mastered it initially, I am not very accurate."

"I'll use that spell later to get rid of the guards blocking the gun. Can you just 'cut' the old priest?"

"I know that Brother Shayan, your ice blade is not only powerful and has a long range, but it is also extremely accurate. Let me see it~"

Hearing this, Sha Yan raised his lips: "I don't know what your kid is planning?!"

"But for the sake of fighting, you are here."

"Okay, I'll give you this chance to show off."

"But I told you in advance that if you don't do what you say, you will alert the old priest and make the old priest more alert. Military law will be necessary after the war."

"Don't worry!! Just look at me!!"

Sha Yuan patted his chest and said confidently.

After practicing that spell for so long, it was just as powerful as what he said.

It's just that there is no actual combat opportunity.

This is the right time.

Shayuan Qi Refining's three-layer Cultivation Base has been cleansed and marrowed since childhood, and its Magic power reserve is comparable to that of an ordinary Qi Refining four-layer cultivator.

As he muttered words and kept holding the magic formula in his hand, a ball of aqua blue light slowly appeared in his hand.

It is not big at first, as tiny as a dove egg.

But as Spirit Power continued to pour in, the volume expanded rapidly and soon became as big as a basketball.

Seeing that the Spirit Power ball in Sha Yuan's hand was still growing, Sha Yuan quietly made a gesture.

Let the surrounding crossbowmen stand aside.

Don't be affected.

Fortunately, Shayuan is measured. When the Spiritual Qi group expanded to more than one meter, it stopped growing.

And as he controlled it, it gradually shrank in size.

But the beads of sweat on his forehead also increased dramatically with time.

And his face became increasingly pale.

That's a sign of excessive consumption of Magic power.

Sha Yan sees it, sees it in his eyes, and is anxious in his heart.

But he didn't dare to breathe loudly.

I'm afraid that an accident will affect Sha Yuan.

"It's done!!"

A weak and firm voice came.

The Spiritual Qi ball in Sha Yuan's hand became the size of a pigeon egg again, as deep and crystal clear as a sapphire.

But the biting cold air emanating from it was so cold that even trachoma could not stand it.


Fortunately, Sha Yuan did not manipulate the Spirit Power group too much.

As soon as the spell was completed, it was thrown in the direction of Tukado, the rock-horned lizardman priest.

[Ice Explosion (Intermediate Technique): Use Magic power to condense and compress ice Spirit Power to form an ice explosion bomb. After being thrown, it will explode violently when it touches the target, causing damage in a wide range. (The more Magic power is input, the higher the concentration of Magic power and the greater the power)] Normally, Sha Yuan would leave some room when training the Ice Explosion Technique.

This time, stimulated by Trachoma's words, he had no reservations.

As soon as the ice blast bomb was released, he collapsed completely and couldn't stand still.

But the power is also huge.

Wherever the ice blast bomb passes, it seems to have planted a road of blue ice crystals.

A rock-horned lizardman warrior wanted to jump up to block him.

Before the other foot even left the ground, his body was frozen.

This shocked Tukado in the distance.

Because this is far beyond its understanding.

A fish-man who looks nothing special can actually use such powerful magic.

What made it even more frightened was that in the blink of an eye, the dark blue ice bead had already reached the top of its head.

It only had time to put a layer of khaki magic shield on itself.

I heard a muffled "bang" sound.

Crystal ice beads exploded.

All that was left in front of him was an icy blue.

"Cold! So cold!!"

Tukado was trembling all over. It wanted to shake off the thick layer of white frost on its surface, but no matter how hard it tried, it could not lift the right hand holding the staff.

Draw your gaze to the sky above the battlefield.

You will find that a radius of tens of meters with Tukado as the center has turned into a forest of ice crystals.

Huge ice picks grew wildly in all directions, some pierced the body of the Rock-Horned Lizardman, and some pushed the Rock-Horned Lizardman into the air.

Except for a few lucky ones, they are still alive.

The dozen or so rock-horned lizardmen guarding Tukado were almost completely wiped out in the sandy abyss under a single strike.

A faint khaki divine light lit up in the middle of the ice forest.

It was the dying Tukado who refused to give up and tried to melt the ice crystals with the power of earth.

But before it could recover, dozens of weak and delicate dark blue ice needles had been inserted into its head.

Frozen it into an ice sculpture with a frightened face.

That is the Intermediate Taoist Ice Needle Technique used by Trachoma.

Condensed from refined Magic power.

Hard, stealthy, and fast! !

Amazing penetration! !

Plus the accompanying breath of ice.

If the Cultivation Base is not as good as trachoma, it will basically die if touched.

Used to deal with the dying Tukado.

Almost within reach.

The rock-horned lizard people who rushed to the front of the murloc formation did not notice the situation behind them.

He only wanted to break through the fish people's formation and have a good meal. They have already figured out how to attack the shield wall in front of them.

Unexpectedly, when they rushed to about twenty meters, the shield wall formed by the murlocs automatically dispersed, revealing a group of murlocs wearing silver armor and holding spears.

Then, before the approaching Rock Horned Lizardmen could react, a large silver light flashed, and the murlocs who were twenty meters away one second thrust their spears into the Rockhorned Lizardmen's bodies in the next second.

[Silver Leap Attack (low-level combat skill): Wrap your legs with Blood Qi and charge forward a certain distance. (Distance and nearsightedness consume Blood Qi)】

[Half Moon Slash (low-level combat skill): Consume Blood Qi and wield a half-moon-shaped Blood Qi slash to cut the enemy. 】

Large swaths of blood burst out from the tips of the silver turtles' spears and struck at the rock-horned lizard warriors.

The broken limbs and broken bodies were instantly scattered on the ground.

Seeing this, the remaining Rockhorn Lizardmen warriors could no longer deceive themselves and others, and they all collapsed.

They no longer see fish people as food.

But a powerful enemy that cannot be defeated.

As the first Rockhorn Lizardman warrior knelt down and began to beg for mercy, the other surviving Rockhorn Lizardman warriors all followed suit.

The second battle.

The fish people won again! !

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