Tai Xuan Dongtian, above Nine Heavens.

Lu Ze revealed his true body of three feet, stepped on the wind and thunder, and had wings on his back.

This is purely relying on the strength of his physical body, without using the slightest power of incense and fire.

Zu Wu Blood Essence has greatly improved the transformation of Lu Ze's real body. When he was in the main world, he was still miraculous, but when he entered Tai Xuan Cave, he would not consciously reveal various Supernatural Power.

After being free and carefree, feeling the majestic power of the real body, Lu Ze fell to the top of Tongtian Jianmu.

As time went by, he could clearly feel the breath of life in Jianmu getting stronger, but it was still far from reaching its peak.

Open the daozang interface, because it took a lot of time to refine the ancestral witch Blood Essence, the main world is already the morning of the second day, and the daily basic daozang has been refreshed.

Basic Daozang of this issue (each round lasts for 1 day in the main world):

Merman Blood Potion: A blood potion that contains a trace of Merman Blood Essence. After use, a certain degree of Merman Blood Essence will be obtained. The higher the fit, the better the effect. Each serving is 200 incense value (remaining 100/100).

Yuehua Lingshu (seedling): Increase the concentration of Spiritual Qi within a certain range, practice under the tree can improve the cultivation efficiency, each tree has 5000 incense value (remaining 5/5).

Mirror flower and water moon (primary Supernatural Power): Mirror flower water moon, water moon mirror flower, turning emptiness into reality, condensing reality into emptiness, allowing beginners to condense a clone with three levels of strength of the deity, which lasts for three hours, and the effect increases with Supernatural Power practice Realm And increase (the selling price is 20,000 incense value).

Aoki Zhenjie (Intermediate Wood System Cultivation Technique, Volume 1): It can support practitioners to practice until the Transcend Tribulation stage, transform the True Qi in the body into Innate Yimu Qi, and increase the affinity of wood system Taoism (priced at 50,000 incense value).

Xuanshuizhu (top-grade Magical Item): a top-grade defensive Magical Item condensed from Xuanling Heavy Water. Spirit Power consumption is small, and the defense is amazing.

Huangya Pill (first rank Medicine Pill): a top-grade Medicine Pill refined from first rank Spiritual herbs Huangyacao as the king, supplemented with clear condensate and Tianyuan fruit, one pill can increase the refining period cultivator January Cultivation Base , 100 incense points each (remaining 50/50).

There are six Taoist products in this issue, including Medicine Pill, Supernatural Power Cultivation Technique, and Magical Item.

They belong to different types and have different effects.

But there is one common feature -

Everything Lu Ze wants!

As a poor ghost, he wants to move home when he sees something good, so as to grow his own Tai Xuan Dongtian.

Looking at the incense value in the early 100,000s on the god's account, Lu Ze bought all the basic Taoist products except [Aoki True Explanation] Cultivation Technique without any hesitation.

If it wasn’t for the lack of incense, [Aoki’s True Explanation] he also wanted to win the Cultivation Technique that can be cultivated to the Transcend Tribulation stage. It’s a rare and good thing, and it’s good to collect it if you don’t need it for the time being.

Then, his incense value balance instantly returned to below four digits again.

But Lu Ze thought it was worth it!

Especially seeing the introduction of the merman race in the merman blood potion.

[Race]: Merman.

[Category]: Subhuman Race.

[Level]: Tier six.

【Occupation】: None.

【Talent】: Tide call, water system Spiritual Roots.

[Specialty]: Picking pearls lv3, weaving silk lv1.

[Physique]: 46 (Physique is not the mermaid's strong point).

[Strength]: 56 (mermans can also have powerful strength).

[Agility]: 54 (doubles speed in water).

[Spirit]: 65 (natural caster).

【Intellect】: 32 (can become a cultivator)

[Evaluation]: An extremely good aquatic race! (A merman with a human head and a fish tail, beautiful and good at singing, weaves water into gauze, tears into beads, dark blue hair, deep green eyes, born with spiritual roots of water system)

Although using the mermaid blood potion is due to the degree of fit, there is definitely no way for the user to raise the original race level to the level of a purebred mermaid at once.

But what Lu Ze needs now is not a purebred merman.

The higher the race, the more resources it needs to grow and reproduce.

The idea in his mind is to select some Skachi murlocs with relatively superior aptitude and let them use the merman blood potion to make their bloodlines closer to the merman race.

As long as the aptitude of the new race can reach the third level after using the potion, Lu Ze will be satisfied, that is already a qualitative leap.

Compared with the dull Skachi murlocs, he is looking forward to the new race to surprise own.

Without hesitation, he immediately issued a Taoist order to the murloc priest and held a grand sacrificial ceremony.

He wants to bless the pious believers in the sacrifice.

In fact, it is to use the sacrificial ceremony to explore the qualifications of the family members, and at the same time to show miracles to increase the faith of the believers.

In this respect, Lu Ze belongs to the old missionaries!


After receiving the Taoist order, the old murloc priest immediately summoned the clansmen to prepare for the grand ceremony.

The murloc priest holding a staff walked in the village, constantly waving his hands.

"Be careful! That is a rare and precious stone tool."

"Hurry up, you guys, the logs on the left side of the high platform have been eaten by insects and ants, hurry up and replace them!"

"Be courageous, isn't it just slicing open the ice deer's stomach and taking out the heart? I dared to do this when I was three years old!"

"And you, Shawa, hurry up and lead the hunting team to prepare enough snow rabbits. I will offer generous blood food to Daozu for this sacrifice!"

The old murloc priest chattered endlessly, orderly directing various preparations.

This is the Taoist order handed down by Taoist himself, and he attaches great importance to it.

As one of the most devout believers in the village's belief in Taoist ancestors, he always maintains high respect for Taoist ancestors.

In the blink of an eye, it was night, and a huge bright moon appeared in the sky, shining bright moonlight all over the earth.

That was a miracle simulated by Lu Ze with divine power!

The reason for this is the upcoming sacrificial ceremony held by the murloc tribe.

"The Dao ancestor gave us a wealth of food! And a home that is as warm as spring!"

"Praise the great Taishang Taoist ancestor: Hongmeng!"

"Praise the great Taishang Taoist ancestor: Hongmeng!"

"Praise the great Taishang Taoist ancestor: Hongmeng!"

Amid the pious prayers one after another, in the village filled with the smell of meat and fish soup, Lu Ze's stalwart golden figure appeared in midair.

Seeing this, all the murlocs immediately put down their work and bowed reverently.

"I am Taishang Dao Patriarch: Hongmeng, bless you now, my devout believers."

As soon as the words fell, all the murlocs who worshiped felt themselves lifted up by an irresistible mighty force and floated in the air.

Then a monstrous wave descended from Nine Heavens, covering all murlocs with mighty coercion.

Ever since, they were dizzy from the impact of the abundant Spirit Power.

In the huge waves, under Lu Ze's intentional drive, a hundred points of blue aura freely swayed and merged into the bodies of the murlocs with outstanding aptitude.

At the same time, blue giant cocoons formed by the waves wrapped around his body.

The bloodline integration ceremony begins now!

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