The suburb of Nan Feng.

A group of villas occupying a vast area in the middle of the mountain.

In the living room of a slightly luxurious villa, a young and beautiful girl with short hair is holding a lollipop in her hand, teasing a two or three-year-old child.

"Come on, Qianshan, call me sister!"

"elder sister!"

"Hey, how cute!"

After finishing speaking, the short-haired girl took back the lollipop that was handed to the child's mouth, and stuffed it into her own mouth.

Seeing this, the child named Qianshan burst into tears instantly.

At the door, a long-haired woman in a black uniform just stepped into the room. Seeing this scene, she frowned with slender eyebrows on her cold face.

Casting an unkind glance at the short-haired girl, she took out a fist-sized red fruit from nowhere and handed it to the child.

"Come on, Qianshan, don't cry, eat the fruit!"

"Thank... Xie Qian... Ye sister, Qian... Ge sister is bad!"

The little boy Xia Qianshan smiled happily when he took the fruit, but Xia Qiange beside him blew his nose and stared angrily.

"Okay, Xia Qianshan, I will accompany you every day and bring you delicious and fun things. If you don't say hello to me, Xia Qian Ye will bring you a broken fruit for half a year. Just say hello to her. Just wait and see. I will bring you something delicious next time."

Hearing this, Xia Qian Ye's tone was not kind:

"Can't you be more mature, why don't you be angry with a child all day long, if you can put half your mind on cultivating God's Domain and Familiars, you won't even get the first place in the class in a small mid-month test. "

This time, Xia Qiange became even angrier, "Xia Qian Ye, what do you mean, you were born two minutes earlier than me, what kind of airs are you putting on your sister?"

"If it weren't for you, I would have been able to go to the No. 2 Middle School?"

"Break No. 2 Middle School? Think about your theoretical grades in the senior high school entrance examination. If it weren't for your family relationship, you might not even be able to get into No. 2 Middle School."

Xia Qian also showed no mercy.

Hearing this, Xia Qiange turned around and left.

She couldn't get used to this elder sister since she was a child.

Although it is undeniable that the other party is excellent, the tone of speech and actions are really unacceptable.

More importantly, every time the other party said it was true.

How annoying!


Meeting room on the second floor of the villa.

By the time Xia Qiange arrived, the small conference room was almost full of people. There was only one seat for the first seat on the left and one seat for the last seat on the right at the small conference table for ten people.

Facing the gazes of everyone in the meeting room, Xia Qiange consciously sat at the end on the right.

When she sat down, the boy with dreadlocks on the left nodded kindly to her.

Then Xia Qian Ye walked in.

"Since everyone is here, today's meeting begins."

Seeing Xia Qian Ye sit down, the young man who had been lazily leaning on the main seat straightened up.

He patted the table lightly, and the people who had been communicating in low voices immediately fell silent.

"Everyone is called together from all directions today. Everyone must be confused about what it is for."

"It's normal to have doubts, and I was also confused before. But before clarifying your doubts, please take a look at the material in front of you."

Xia Qiange flipped through the topmost material boredly. The content was a series of reports about the discovery of more than ten special plane groups near the Sirius crystal wall system.

It's all content that has appeared in news reports, nothing new, Xia Qiange doesn't know what's the use of reading this.

Then she casually flipped through the second copy.

[Large-scale god battle broke out in the Sirius crystal wall system. The first and third legions suffered heavy casualties. It is suspected that ancient gods with powerful divine power took action! 】

And the third one.

[z38 Ancient God Prison, a medium-level criminal "God of Gnolls" Yeguno escaped through the void corridor, and his whereabouts are currently unknown, and the Fourth Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating. 】

"Are you wondering why I want you to read these three unrelated reports?"

"You can pay attention to the chronological order of these three reports."

"After the Federation discovered the special plane group of the Sirius crystal wall system in January, a large-scale war of gods broke out on the border in early February, and then the "God of Gnolls" Yeguno fled."

"The more than ten special plane groups discovered by the Sirius crystal wall system, the accurate information of the gods returned after investigation, confirmed that they are part of the main plane of ancient times..."

This news shocked everyone present.

Then, Xia Qianhe entered the official topic of today's meeting.


Xia Qianhe spoke fluently for more than four hours, Xia Qiange's head was dizzy after listening to it, and it was already dark when he walked out of the meeting room.

She was really a little puzzled, why those ancient gods were haunted everywhere.

Xia Qiange, who has studied the chronicles of the gods, knows the horror of the ancient gods.

As the rulers of the ancient times, they were powerful, and in order to expand their ruling area, they would always launch god wars for no reason.

This made the mortal creatures of Life in that era in dire straits, and even the weak gods became consumables.

Later, due to the development of the times and technology, the strength of the new gods gradually became stronger.

An inevitable large-scale battle of gods broke out!

The twilight god battle between the old and new gods finally ended with the tragic victory of the new gods.

But the original main plane was torn apart.

In order to find a new and stable habitat, the tragically defeated seven supreme gods brought their families and followers to the current main world. After dozens of Ten Thousand Years of development, the current situation has been formed.

However, the failed ancient gods did not disappear, even if they had fallen in the Twilight God War, with the worship of hidden followers and belief races, there is no shortage of re-igniting the gods, condensing the divine priesthood to retrieve hidden in the rules memory.

Then mess around in the new world.

Like an unstoppable terrorist.

However, Xia Qiange's most intuitive impression of the ancient gods came from a visit to the ruins.

It was a fragment of the main plane called s32, where there were still many traces left after the battle of the Twilight God, leaving behind various miraculous items, from corpses to bones to broken gods, everything They all exude a palpitating fierce divine power.

Even many ancient gods are still sealed in it.

The special plane group of the Sirius crystal wall system discovered this time has attracted the covetousness of a few ancient god remnants because it involves the former main plane.

It is said that it is for a fragment of a great artifact hidden in a group of special planes.

However, under the heroic guard of the federal garrison, the invading ancient gods were wiped out, and even a powerful divine being fell.

The 'God of Gnolls' Yeguno escaped to participate in the divine battle, but before he could get there, the battle was over and he disappeared.

These are all the news that Xia Qianhe got, and it is also the background for holding this family meeting.

According to him, in the near future, various parts of the Federation will hold a series of competitions among high school students to high school students, select outstanding students, and then explore the more than ten special plane groups.

Yes, by high school students who have not lit the fire.

The reason is because the influence of Twilight God War on the more than ten pieces of the main plane has not dissipated until now.

Once there is an existence with a slight level of divine power and above entering, it will cause the collapse of the plane.

During the experiment, two special planes rich in resources have already collapsed.

As a student who has not yet finished her first year of high school, Xia Qiange also received the own task, which is to be the top three in the upcoming Nan Feng City Freshman Exchange Competition.

Because only the top three have the opportunity to explore the special plane group of the Sirius Crystal Wall System.

This made her two brows almost blend together.

Although she is outstanding in Nan Feng No. 2 Middle School, the best high school in Nan Feng City is not Nan Feng No. 2 Middle School!

It was Nan Feng No. 1 Middle School, which had attracted outstanding students from the entire Nan Feng City.

Thinking about what Xia Qianhe said at the end, if he couldn't get the top three in the high school freshman exchange competition, he would stop his family sponsorship for one year, Xia Qiange became even worse.

What evil did I do!

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