Because of the use of the [Ten Years Time Acceleration Card], Lu Ze returned to the main world, and he had to wait until a day later to enter Tai Xuan Dongtian.

This gave him a rare moment of relaxation.

Main Universal Time today is Saturday.

It seems that because of the rest day, Lu Ze walked on the street, and there were obviously a lot more pedestrians passing by.

However, among the streets and alleys, the most eye-catching thing was the exchange competition for freshmen in high school.

There are advertising banners everywhere, and holographic projections simulated by divine power.

On the huge five-story publicity screen of the tallest Shenying Building in the center of the block, the real-time scene of the weekend audition was being broadcast.

Different from the 1v1 of the official competition, the audition adopts a screening mode, which means that the participants are all faced with the same test content, a total of five rounds of tests, as long as you can pass, you can get the qualification for the main competition.

However, the difficulty is not low!

The participating students surnamed Xie, who were broadcasting on the big screen, were from Nan Feng No. 6 Middle School. Their family members were some second-order desert lizardmen. Their strength was not weak, and they had already entered the third round.

But in just the third round, he encountered a mixed force of hundreds of first- and second-tier family members, both long-range and short-range.

Although they are all the most common low-level family members, Lu Ze estimated that the difficulty of coping with them is already more difficult than the second round of the last monthly test, and only slightly easier than the third round of the test.

But in comparison, the students didn't have much pressure to deal with it.

Because the sea elections are the same as the main competition, they all use holographic projection technology.

Contestant's Familia will not be truly Death.

And at the beginning of each round, all the family members you loaded will be restored.

This makes the first tactical choice of many audition players is the suicidal mad dog style of play, commonly known as life for life, all the way to the past.

The student surnamed Xie from No. 6 Middle School that Lu Ze was watching seemed to be thinking in this way.

However, although this trick works, it does not apply to all scenarios.

Sometimes it can be counterproductive if used incorrectly.

Lu Ze had just watched the audition, so he didn't know what the student surnamed Xie would encounter next.

So look carefully.

At the same time, he was also secretly thinking about what tactics he should use if he met a student named Xie, or replaced him in the same audition as him.

It turned out that the answer was the same as that of the student surnamed Xie—pure recklessness!

However, Lu Ze is based on absolute strength.

In front of two hundred guards who can cast spells from a distance, these guys who are less than the third level seem a little too weak.

But he did not underestimate the other participating students because of this.

Because he knew that the really good students were like himself, and they were exempted from auditions. The strength is far stronger than that shown by the student surnamed Xie!


Time passed quickly, an hour and a half later.

Relying on good family quality and a relatively reasonable occupation, the student surnamed Xie has just made it to the fifth round.

There were not many test troops in the fifth round, only thirty third-tier four-armed snakemen and a hundred ordinary snakemen, not even a single long-range attack unit.

Although the quality of the test troops faced was somewhat higher, the number was greatly reduced, which made student Xie heave a sigh of relief.

With nearly 700 family members, he felt that he could pile them up to death.

Same as the previous four rounds, he asked the priests accompanying the army to use auxiliary divine spells on the troops to directly press them head-on, so as to quickly end the battle.

Facing the black mass of second-tier desert lizardmen, only four rows of snake-man troops looked very thin.

Lu Ze watched with bated breath, wanting to see the result of the last round of battle.

Then, I heard an old and slightly joking voice next to me: "This kid surnamed Xie is going to be unlucky!"

Hearing this, Lu Ze turned his head and found that it was an old man with gray hair holding a teacup.

He was lying on a deck chair beside him, shaking his fan and watching the game intently.

That sentence just now seemed to be just an unintentional remark.

Probably feeling Lu Ze's puzzled eyes, the old man turned his head and looked at Lu Ze, but he didn't mean to explain too much, and said in his mouth: "Keep watching the game, you will know soon!"

Obviously, the old man watched more than one round and knew what the student surnamed Xie would encounter next.

Curious, Lu Ze looked down seriously.

Soon, I understood why the old man said that.

At the beginning of the battle, the troops of the student surnamed Xie and the snake people used the low-level magic [bloodlust] that almost all gods would come standard with.

[Bloodlust]: Improve the subject's fighting will, morale and endurance, and greatly relieve fear and pain.

But the same low-level divine spell, because of the difference in the recipient, the effect produced is very different.

The four-armed snake people who have entered the third level have higher physical fitness than the second-level family members, and it seems that they have changed to a fighting profession such as swordsman. After using [Bloodlust], each four-armed snake The Arm Snake Man seems to be the god of death on the battlefield, dancing with four arms like a windmill.

In a frontal collision, even if there were only thirty of them, those desert lizards couldn't stop them.

It was like a kitchen knife cutting into tofu, and the desert lizardmen that touched it fell down in pieces without any resistance.

Seeing this, the student surnamed Xie frantically mobilized the family members from other parts, regardless of the loss, trying to fill the hole.

But totally unstoppable!

The huge gap in individual strength made the desert lizardman unable to hold on for even a second in front of the four-armed snakeman.

The huge formation was pierced in the blink of an eye.

Then was swept back and forth.

Until all the desert lizardmen are slaughtered!

Ignore the dejected expression of the student surnamed Xie after his failure.

Seeing this, Lu Ze thought about it.

Obviously, the fifth round was specially designed by the organizers for the mad dog style of play of the participating students.

Since your family is not afraid of death, then I will simply slaughter you with absolute strength.

But in fact, this round is not difficult to pass.

According to the teaching in the [Tactical Theory Class], one must not act rashly in the face of an enemy whose individual quality is obviously stronger than his own.

At least take a look.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be invincible in a hundred battles!

This point, student surnamed Xie did not do it.

And as a pre-set test, after entering the battle, the snake people will definitely use [Bloodlust] first to expose their cards.

At this time, the student surnamed Xie only needs to abandon some family members and block them in stages, until the magic time of the snake people is over.

Even if there are only 50 ordinary desert lizardmen left in the end, the students surnamed Xie will be able to slaughter the snakemen who have entered a weakened state at that time like chickens and dogs.

That is to say, avoid the edge in tactics!

The student surnamed Xie obviously did not do this.

It is doubtful whether he even understood this truth.

So he lost!

This reminded Lu Ze of the knowledge taught by the teachers in the classroom, and the war of the family does not mean that one can win by fighting without brains.

To adapt to the time and place, make the best use of the situation!

In the textbooks, it is not uncommon for the weak to defeat the strong, and the less to attack the more.

Most of them are!

The integration of theory and practice made Lu Ze enlightened for a moment, and he felt that he had gained a lot.

Also let him from now on, make up his mind from the bottom of his heart, after entering the main match, even if he encounters an enemy who is obviously weaker than himself, he should not take it lightly.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength!

After all, sometimes the outcome is only a matter of thought! !

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