Global Gods: I Have Loaded The Immortal Cultivation Mod

Chapter Thirty-One Ten Years, Changes In Tai Xuan Cave

A casual day always flies by.

Lu Ze eats and strolls alone, just trims his slightly longer hair, buys two sets of seasonal casual clothes, and has dinner, and it is already eight o'clock in the evening when he returns home.

Take a bath and wash up as usual, lean on the bed and read [Introduction to Gods], and fall asleep.

Woke up the next morning.

The whole person is refreshed!

Patiently spent the rest of the time until the watch rang the preset alarm, Lu Ze thought.

When it reappears, it is Taixuan Cave.

A series of God's Domain logs came rushing forward.

[Record]: Your family member Luo Li Realm breakthrough, entered the eighth level of Qi Refining.

[Record]: Your family, Sha Luo, has become a first-level craftsman through self-taught together with the craftsman.

[Record]: Your family spirit wood has made some achievements in pill refining and herbal medicine, and has become a second-level pill refining master.

[Record]: Your family spirit wood consumes Innate Yi wood source, attuned to the tree spirit guard.

[Record]: Your family treant guards are enlightened by the source of Innate Otoki, and the power of the source is mutated, completing the original form of the grass and trees.

[Records]: Your family, the Skachi murlocs, are nourished by the Spiritual Qi of Longze Dayuan and taught by the Black Scale Merman. Their race level has been broken through, and they have obtained a new race Talent [primary water system Spiritual Roots].

[Record]: The number of your Familia Skachi murlocs has increased to 1000.

[Record]: The number of your Familia Skachi murlocs has increased to 2000.

[Record]: The number of your Familia Blackscale Meridians has increased to 200.

[Record]: The number of your family gnolls has increased to 300.

[Record]: The number of your family kobolds has increased to 300.

[Record]: Your Shenyu Tai Xuan Dongtian Spiritual Qi concentration has been raised to two!


Shenyu diary recorded every detail of Tai Xuan Dongtian's changes.

But standing in the sky above Taixuan's cave, what Lu Ze saw before his eyes was far more vivid and specific than the words in the Shenyu log.

In ten years, except that the area of ​​the Tai Xuan cave has increased by three square kilometers (the effect of Tongtian building wood, an increase of 0.3 square kilometers a year, that is, one day in the main world before the acceleration).

Several tribes that have begun to take shape are also dotted on the land of Tai Xuan Cave.

The largest is the Skachi murloc tribe on the southern border of the Longze Great Abyss, with a population of over 2,000, and a small town scattered around a port.

There are many thatched houses and wooden houses in the town, and there are even many stone houses with two or three floors.

But the biggest one is a large dojo-like place in the center of the town.

Under Lu Ze's observation, there are a large number of Skachi murlocs coming in and out every day, praying to a 10-meter-high giant stone statue similar to Lu Ze standing in the center of the ashram.

A few older black scale merman presided over the related affairs of the dojo.

Obviously it is a teaching site of the Ming Cang Sect.

Under Lu Ze's observation, there are more than one such missionary sites in the entire Taixuan cave.

In addition to the Dojo in the Skachi Murloc Village, there are also smaller Dojos of the same style in the Gnoll and Kobold tribes.

It is also hosted by the Blackscale Mermaid.

Standing a stone statue of Lu Ze, enjoying the incense and sacrifices of jackals and kobolds.

In terms of location, one of the other two tribes is located to the left of the Skazi murloc tribe, and the other is located to the right of the Skaki murloc tribe.

With the Skachi murloc tribe as the center, they conduct simple trade with each other.

It seems to have formed a primitive order ecology.

Apart from the Skachi murloc tribe, there are two places in God's Domain that have changed the most.

One is the original residence of the Mingcang faction [Shuiyue Dojo]. Compared with before, the current [Water Moon Dojo] has a much larger main area, and it also looks more misty and misty.

Thanks to the efforts of the black-scaled mermans, several nearby small islands have long been connected together, and they are living with many new generations of black-scaled mermans.

From time to time, some small boats rowed by the Skachi murlocs would be seen, guided by the black scale sharks, unloading some ore and supplies on the outlying islands.

Then with a few shells filled with Spiritual Qi, I rowed away happily.

In addition to [Water Moon Dojo], the other place is the Immortal Cave of Immortal Lingmu.

The original 80*80 medicine garden around Immortal Cave has been expanded by more than three times without the restriction of the courtyard wall.

Surrounded by giant trees and clouds.

With a small hill as the center, small medicine fields and small medicine gardens are formed one after another, and there are vigorous and bright elixir plants planted there.

But the biggest change is that there are many more boys and girls wearing Azure Taoist robes and braids.

Under the command of a young man wearing an Azure Taoist robe, they shuttled through the medicinal fields and gardens, catching insects and weeds, watering and fertilizing, and laughing and joking with each other from time to time, which seemed extra lively and lively.

Lu Ze couldn't help laughing when he saw it!

These monsters of plants and trees adhering to the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth are born, people can't help but love them when they see them.

However, these are not what Lu Ze is most satisfied with.

What Lu Ze was most satisfied with was the sophisticated weapons and equipment piled up in the warehouse of the Ming Cang faction.

And after a lot of training, the Taoist troops have begun to take shape and momentum.

They gathered on a peninsula not far from the station of the Mingcang faction. Under the leadership of Shawa, the Outer Sect Elders of the Mingcang faction, they began to train at sunrise and meditate at sunset.

After ten years, it seems that everyone has stepped into the Realm on the second floor of Qi Refining.

Although this may be the highest Realm they can reach in their lifetime, it is completely enough for Lu Ze.

With them, facing the upcoming high school freshman exchange competition, Lu Ze not only did not have the slightest anxiety, but was a little impatient.

If you don't return home, it's like traveling at night in brocade!

He wanted to see, after a lot of careful preparation, whether he could meet the requirements of the head teacher, Dong Wan, and enter the top 16 of the freshman exchange competition.

It's not just about getting rewards, it's about proving yourself.

Turned in a blank paper six times, and was laughed at so many times.

Although Lu Ze didn't care about it, he had long held his breath in his heart.

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