"Raise the shield!!"

"All shield-bearing warriors immediately stopped and raised their shields on the spot, ready to meet the enemy's attack."

"The others hid behind the shields, waited to survive the enemy's first round of arrow rain, and then listened to my command and waited for an opportunity to counterattack."

When he saw long-range troops with short bows among the enemies appearing on the opposite side, Sha Luo knew immediately that his side had lost the opportunity.

Unobstructed views of the swamp.

In the mud of unknown depth, it is impossible to charge immediately, and the range of the short spear pitcher is not enough.

This means that it is bound to be beaten passively for a while!

Fortunately, Shaluo had expected such a scene long ago, so he let the Skachi murloc squadron, who had been transferred to shield warriors, walk in the front during the march.

In this way, although the marching speed cannot be increased, it can organize the formation as quickly as possible in the face of a sudden attack from the front.

And it is true!

Under Sharo's order, the well-trained, short and hard-covered Skachi murlocs with huge tower shields in hand stopped immediately, and quickly gathered their formation and raised their shields according to the instructions.

As the guardians of the team, this is the time to play their role, and it is also the scene of the most training.

The solid oak shield covered with a thick iron sheet is one meter wide and one person high, and when the two sides are put together, it instantly becomes a solid shield wall.

When the rain of arrows from the swamp lizardmen hit, the shield-bearing warriors seemed to be ready for battle.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang!!"

Arrows rained down all over the sky, hitting the iron shield with a non-stop sound.

The continuous sound of collisions is like a rushing reminder suddenly sounded on the battlefield.

However, even if the shields of the shield warriors were shot into hedgehogs in the blink of an eye, many Skachi murloc shield warriors were so shaken by the huge force transmitted from the arrows that they wanted to vomit blood.

No one took a step back either.

From time to time, under the shield, the muffled sound of arrows piercing into the flesh, followed by the muffled hum.

Those were the few arrows that the shield could not block, passing through the gaps and hitting the unlucky warriors.

But that's all!

Compared with the expected results that the enemy wants to achieve, such losses are almost insignificant.

However, it is not Sharo's style to be passively beaten all the time.

In the case of sufficient cards in one's own hand,

He is going to fight back! ! !


On the other side, the third-tier swamp lizardman war priest saw that the enemy was holding up a shield like a hedgehog, and the arrow rain had little effect, so he quickly issued the next battle command.


Do you really think you can sit back and relax with a shield?

Looking at the dozens of tall [Chain Jia Warriors] beside him, a cold light flashed in the blood-red eyes of the swamp lizardman war priest.

Lianjia warriors are best at breaking such turtle shells.

He wants to use his absolute strength to tell the Skachi murlocs on the opposite side that useless family members like you are only suitable to be swept into the garbage dump as captive food.

You are not qualified to spread the brilliance of the gods!

"Warriors of the swamp lizardmen, let us smash the tortoise shells of the enemy and use their carcasses to proclaim the supreme majesty of the lizard god!"

Under the command of the Swamp Lizardman War Priest, the Swamp Lizardmen with huge iron-headed chains took the lead to move forward, followed by [Lizardman Hunter] and [Lizardman Elite Hunter] holding spears.

And, as a blue-gray light shot out from the staff in the hands of the swamp lizardman war priest, the shrouded lizardman warriors became lighter at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is the first-order divine art [Swift Wind], which surrounds the subject with wind elements, greatly increasing the subject's movement speed in a short period of time.

It is an extremely useful magic spell in the swamp!

However, this is not the end.

After casting the first-order divine spell [Swift Wind].

Immediately afterwards, another khaki-yellow ray of light shot out from the staff of the swamp lizardmen war priest, covering a wider area, covering almost all the lizardmen warriors.

This is a second-order divine spell [Wind of Power], which can greatly increase the strength attribute of the subject, and lasts for five minutes, with almost no side effects.

Moreover, the swamp lizardman war priest is still ready to use the third magic technique - the third-level [fanaticism].

It can greatly stimulate the potential of the subject, increase attack speed and morale, and maintain sanity.

Just wait for [Lian Jia Warrior] to contact the enemy and release it immediately.

The duration of one minute is enough to smash the enemy's inner three layers and outer three layers to pieces.


But, in the swamp, it's foggy!

The thick fog spread in all directions centering on the position of the Skachi murloc shield warriors, as if an arrow from the string quickly enveloped the swamp lizardmen.

Seeing this, a trace of disdain and contempt flashed in the eyes of the swamp lizardman war priest.

This mist does not contain a trace of divine power fluctuations, and it has no effect except to cover up the figure.

However, in front of the lizardmen whose sense of smell is more sensitive than the kobolds, such self-deception is like a poor magician performing a show full of loopholes.

There is no deception at all!

On the contrary, it affects own line of sight.

Just a clown!

Under the leadership of the [Chainja Warrior], the lizardmen warriors approached step by step, even though the fog was so thick that it seemed as if water droplets were about to drip, it did not slow down their steps in the slightest.

The fishy smell of the Skachi murlocs could be smelled eight hundred meters away.

Fifty meters!

Forty meters!

Thirty meters!



Just after entering the 30-meter limit, a slightly old voice suddenly came out of the thick fog.

That was Sharo's order!

Hearing the sound, hundreds of iron-tipped short spears and dozens of hatchets flew out of the dense fog in an instant, and even the originally thick fog was thinned out by the huge force.

"It turns out that this is your strategy."

Hearing the pitiful screams of his compatriots one after another, the swamp lizardman war priest was calm in his heart.

No mood swings at all.

It is undeniable that such an unexpected short-range and long-range attack is indeed extremely powerful.

In this round alone, at least dozens of lizardman soldiers were killed or injured.

But only the first round can achieve such an effect.

A distance of thirty meters is already too close!

If the murlocs do not want to accidentally injure friendly troops, they must immediately prepare for battle.

It was too late to even organize the shield warriors to defend again.

The leading [Lianjia Warrior] had rich experience, and immediately shouted "Charge!", and took the lead in rushing forward.

Under his leadership, the lizard people following behind let out angry roars one after another.

Immediately there were hundreds of hurried footsteps on the muddy swamp.

But what greeted them was——

A series of cold ice blades.

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