Seeing that under the hill, several small groups of ordinary werewolves with black longbows were carefully pressing up, Shaluo's eyes froze.

The commander on the opposite side is really careful!

It's all up to this level and still testing.

Overwhelming one-third of the dependent troops, aren't you afraid of stealing chickens and backlashing a handful of rice? !

Or is there another conspiracy? ! !

However, no matter what the other party plans.

Sha Luo has decided to respond to all changes with the same.

As long as the enemy's main force does not appear, he will resolutely prevent the Taoist soldiers from taking action.

If you want to complete the planned deployment, at this time, it depends on whose patience is better!


On both sides of the hill, scattered arrows and sharp spears came and went, one after another.

The surrounding trees and land were full of arrows and short spears.

Many dead bodies lying under the trees, as well as seriously injured people lingering on their last legs.

Blood stained the ground red.

However, after a few rounds, with the consumption of the short spears, the long-range firepower of the murlocs could not help but weaken.

Coupled with the fact that short spears are not as accurate as bows and arrows, even with the advantage of terrain and numbers, the murlocs still suffered a lot more casualties.

And under the ubiquitous and tricky attacks of werewolf shooters, several outer small gentle slope positions were lost one after another.

It was even pushed to the main slope where the large troops were located.

However, the main slope has a higher slope and a larger area, and there are shield warriors defending it.

It is almost impossible to push forward only with the insignificant scattering of werewolf shooters.

However, even so, the morale of the werewolves was still greatly improved!

With only 150 numbers, they can suppress 500 enemies to attack, which has greatly proved their strength.

It also proves that the enemy is strong outside but capable in the middle!

Seeing this, the tall blood werewolf shaman Bloodfang, who had been observing the battle ahead, felt more and more disdain for the murlocs.

It can see that the retreat of the murlocs is not a feint.

It really can't stand the pressure of werewolf shooters.

After all, jungle scattering is the strength of the werewolves who have changed their profession to [Jungle Shooter].

Under the firepower of ordinary werewolf shooters, if they can't quickly close the distance, even noble pure-blooded werewolves will have to back away.

This is why it allows werewolf shooters to come forward and try, and feints can sometimes become main attacks.

But now, Blood Fang is ready to launch a real main attack.

It no longer wants to waste time with these trash murlocs.

It wants to lead the elite pure-blood werewolves to tear all the murlocs in front of them to pieces in one fell swoop.

"Blood Eye, you lead a squadron of elite men and five squadrons of ordinary men to attack from another direction."

"The remaining sons and I will advance from the front."

"Let's fight on both sides, and make a quick decision. Don't waste any more time."

"Yes, my lord shaman!"

The movements of the blood werewolves could not be hidden from the condescending Shaluo.

Seeing that the enemy's main force finally moved, a faint smile appeared on Shaluo's face.

The flower of hope is finally about to bear fruit of victory.

With a flick of his finger, the Taoist soldiers who had thrown their short spears immediately went to the designated position under the cover of the shield-bearing warriors.

From their line of sight, there are more than a dozen almost hollow, broad trees standing in front of them. As long as the last straw is pressed, they will collapse forward.

This is the gift they prepared for the werewolves——

Prelude to the tree! !

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!!"

Trachoma's eyes were eager, watching the enemies with bloody fur below step into the designated area little by little.

Just a little more, and an attack can be launched.

The Spirit Power condensed in his hand was already full and was about to escape.



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