Withdrawing her eyes from Lu Ze, Dong Wan said indifferently:

"As usual, the first-level difficulty coefficient is raised for each monthly test. The last monthly test was at level A8, and this month's test is at level A9, which means that the overall combat power of the first wave of basic invaders is 90. Invasive species are still Randomly, a total of three invasions, the total time for the exam is two hours, freely allocated."

"Special reminder, although the difficulty of this test has increased, it is still within the scope of your response. It is not difficult to pass, but you need to pay attention to methods and methods. However, considering the background and experience of some students, if you feel If you can’t pass, you can contact the teacher to give up at any time, but the score calculation will be terminated at the same time.”

After a pause, Dong Wan flipped her hand, and a stack of cards emitting a faint golden light flew out of her palm and spread out vertically in front of her.

"As the difficulty increases, the test rewards also increase by the same coefficient. In addition to the fixed credit rewards, each of the 20th to 11th place will be rewarded with a random one-star card, each of the top ten will be given a random two-star card, and the third place will be awarded a random two-star card. On the basis of the two-star card, a designated three-star card is awarded, the second place is awarded a designated four-star card on the basis of the two-star card, and the first place is awarded a designated five-star card on the basis of the two-star card."

"Do you have any questions?"

After finishing speaking, Dong Wan focused his attention on Yan Wei, Xia Qiange, Yun Yu and other top students in the class. The other students glanced at them, and Lu Ze didn't even glance at them.

After all, poor students have always been unpopular!

In this regard, Lu Ze has no opinion.

Already used to it!

But getting used to it is a habit, even if Dong Wan doesn't want to see him, Lu Ze still wants to squeeze as far as possible in this exam.

Who made the rewards so tempting!

Not to mention the one-star card, the two-star card starts at thousands, the three-star card is several thousand, the four-star card is worth more than ten thousand, and the five-star card is more than a dozen or two hundred thousand.

For a civilian demigod like Lu Ze who has no resources, every card is money and the key to improving his strength!

The God's Domain opened by the newly promoted demigod is in the lower space, and if you want to develop, you must pass the God's Domain Card.

Due to the incompleteness of the new God's Domain rules, the number of God's Domain cards that each demigod can use is limited in the three years of high school. On average, one or two cards can be used per month in the first year of high school, two to four cards in the second year of high school, and two to four cards in the third year of high school. Six cards, any more will exceed the carrying capacity of God's Domain and affect the stability of God's Domain.

Of course, this does not mean that the more resources you have, the more God's Domain cards you can use, but according to their quality level.

For example, during the first year of high school, each person can use two cards per month with one to two star cards, but only one card per month with three to five star cards.

But actually, not to mention two two-star cards, five two-star cards may not be as good as one five-star card of the same type in improving God's Domain, which prompts new demigods to try their best to use high-quality God's Domain cards .

But except for Xia Qiange and Yan Wei, who have the backing of their families, they can use four or five star cards at every turn.

Ordinary students like Lu Ze sometimes couldn't even gather the resources for two two-star God's Domain cards.

Therefore, in each monthly test, the strength of the non-top students who are rewarded at the top can be greatly improved compared with the original.

This also makes students more enthusiastic about taking part in the monthly test.

Although some family members will be lost, it is still worthwhile to be able to improve the system of one's own domain and increase the potential for development.

Seeing that no one had any opinions, Dong Wan's voice sounded again:

"Since that's the case, let's all go back to God's Domain and prepare!"

After speaking, Lu Ze waved his colored sleeves, and he felt an irresistible force coming from him, and he couldn't help but fly to the God's Domain login platform in the side hall, and so did the other students!

But from the corner of the eye, a few figures could still be seen standing there without moving, and started a new round of conversation with Dong Wan.

"This is a small stove!"

Lu Ze smiled wryly, he didn't expect this to happen in Otherworld.

Then it was dark.

When the consciousness regained again, he had already returned to his own Dongtian God Realm.

According to past practice, before the monthly test officially starts, Dong Wan will give the students four to five minutes of preparation time, and God's Domain will take about a day.

Lu Ze returned to God's Domain. Due to the development of more than a month, the Scarchi tribe added a lot of newcomers, but at the same time, several old murlocs passed away, reducing Lu Ze's devout followers by several.

But this is only temporary.

With the growth of the new murlocs, through the word of mouth of the tribe's elders, the number of Lu Ze's followers will only increase, and the quality will continue to improve.

Now Lu Ze has 531 murloc believers, including 12 fanatics, 267 devout believers, 201 true believers, and 51 superficial believers.

In terms of faith value (incense value) supply, through prayer, fanatics can provide 10 points per day, pious believers can provide 1 point per day, true believers can provide 0.2 points per day, shallow believers can provide each day 0.02 points.

Although the faith value (incense value) provided by murlocs is only one-fifth of that of humans of the same level, the believers who can't stand Lu Ze are of high quality, and now they can provide nearly 400 faith points for Lu Ze every day (theoretical faith value is 428.22, but There will be shortages and losses in actual production), which is more than five times higher than before loading the Xiuxian mod.

Already a fortune.

If it is used to repay Xia Qiange's loan, it will be repaid in less than a year.

But Lu Ze will not be so short-sighted.

Fools know how to choose between cultivating a hen to lay more eggs and selling the hen directly.

Therefore, in the half a year after the transformation of God's Domain, although Lu Ze received nearly 400 faith points every day, he deposited almost zero in his pocket, and basically he transformed it into Spiritual Qi gold liquid to cultivate his own madness. Believers, totally can't help but spend.

But it's worth it!

Because those Spiritual Qi gold liquids allowed Lu Ze to have five more fanatics with a layer of Cultivation Base, the life span was increased by ten years from the original twenty years, and each person could provide tens of thousands more faith points.

Dozens of times the income can be called blood earning.

In just over a month, he was not in God's Domain and did not convert the Faith Points into Spiritual Qi gold liquid, so the Faith Points (Incense Fire Value) on the panel broke through to the 20,000 mark.

Not forgetting the own task, and calming down a little, Lu Ze spent 531 points of faith (incense value) to issue a Taoist order to all believers (one believer consumes one point).

Tell them about another world gangster invasion and get them ready!

As a result, the Skachi murloc tribe immediately became agitated and mobilized the whole tribe for war.

At the same time, Lu Ze also issued instructions to the Demonic Beasts Xuanbing Deer King to help it defend against foreign enemies.

As a first-level elementary Demonic Beasts, its strength is equivalent to the combination of a first-tier Qi Refining warrior and a first-tier Body Refining warrior. When it is caught by surprise, it can play a big role in breaking up the invaders.

As for the Innate sacred tree, although Lu Ze could feel that there was a vigorous vitality in it, he couldn't communicate. It must be because the time has not come, so he didn't make arrangements.

Seeing that all possible preparations have been made, and there is still half a day left, looking at the remaining 20,000 incense points on the panel, Lu Ze suddenly had an idea, how about drawing a lottery?

He also tried to smoke the [Junior Incense Roulette] in the [Dao Zang] interface a few times before, but nothing good came out, either some food, or some ore, the best time was to pull out a few pieces Spirit Stones.

It doesn't feel like it's worth the cost!

In addition, at that time, it was necessary to transform Spiritual Qi gold liquid to cultivate believers, so I gave up after smoking a few times.

But now, it’s too late to transform Spiritual Qi gold liquid to cultivate believers. These incense values ​​are idle, so why not try to draw a lottery.

Thinking about it, Lu Ze acted immediately.

"Food, ore, food, ore, Spirit Stones...herbs, food, food!"

The first wave of ten consecutive pumps, looking at the pile of garbage in front of him, Lu Ze felt like crying.

This tm is so folded that you don't have to wear your pants, right? !

Are you an African?

Lu Ze, who didn't believe in fate, gritted his teeth and turned his heart hard, "Daddy still doesn't believe that, with 20,000 incense sticks, you can't get a single useful thing?"

Then, half an hour later, looking at the remaining 800 incense sticks on the panel, Lu Ze was ready.

It's too easy to get on top of!

But the point is that nothing valuable has been drawn yet.

The only thing of value may be an elementary comprehensive Taoist book called [Kui Shui Zhen Jue].

But facing the enemies who are about to invade God's Domain, this thing is useless!

You can't let the murloc priest go up to shoot the enemy with the Taoist scriptures on it, that's too stupid!

Forget it, let's save some incense points to perform Taoism.

Thinking so in his heart, Lu Ze involuntarily tapped the [Rotate] in the middle of the incense wheel again.

It perfectly interprets what it means to be addicted to food!

Just when he was about to sweep the spinning thing to the garbage pile on the left again, he was attracted by the sudden appearance of three egg-sized dark blue beads with mysterious patterns.

Looking at the introduction about the function and use of beads that appeared in his mind, the corners of Lu Ze's mouth unconsciously grinned to the base of his ears.

"It's too fragrant. With it, even if you pass the third round, it's not hopeless!"

After all, he couldn't help kissing the bead in his hand, and said with emotion: "It's really a good thing!"

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