As Fang Rongchang said, he smiled kindly at the young leader of the federal army, and at the same time secretly cast calming spells around him.

She already had a rough guess about what happened to the [Qingyun].

At this time, the conflict can no longer be intensified.

If the soldiers accidentally fired their divine bolt guns due to nervousness, it would be a huge man-made disaster.

"Yes Yes Yes!!"

Facing the warm smile, the young soldier captain couldn't help but relieve a lot of the tension in his heart. He nodded quickly and showed a forced smile: "This lady is right, please understand, everything is for everyone's safety. consider."

Just at the right time, the official sweet voice of [Qingyun Hao] came from the Transsion radio:

"Dear passengers, we have been hit by a rare thunderstorm. Part of the fuselage at the rear of Lousuo was damaged, but it is not serious. The maintenance personnel of the Lousuo crew are urgently repairing it. For your safety, please c, d, f, g Passengers in the four rest areas were evacuated to other rest areas according to the guidance of the staff. Sorry for the inconvenience caused!"

The soothing music sounded like a breeze in the mountains, a small bridge and flowing water, soothing people's hearts.

Coupled with a large number of staff starting to work and the cooperation of insightful people, the restless passengers gradually calmed down and followed the guidance to flow to other areas.

Lu Ze and a group of students were guided to the rest hall of the Entertainment Department in Area H, where there were many seats, which belonged to the left half of Lou Suo.

The outermost part is just a wall away from the crazy thunderstorm.

At the same time, all the passengers on Lousuo who were above the true gods received a special notification from the internal LAN on their watches:

Dear Mr. xx (Madam), in accordance with Article 13, Regulation 1 of the Federal Security Law, you are called to gather in the transfer hall of Area D. In order to avoid causing panic to other passengers on Lousuo, please fulfill your duty of confidentiality!

Ji Lin, Commander of the Third Regiment of the Seventh Division of the Tenth Federation Corps

Chen Lin Feng had served in the Federal Army, so he knew very well what Article 13, Section 1, of the Federal Security Law was about.

Or every federal person is clear.

That is a term that all are required to be familiar with.

Section 13 of the Federal Security Act:

(1) In case of a special emergency, in order to protect the interests of the federal state and the safety of civilians, the federal army has the right to unconditionally recruit anyone to perform protection obligations.

After receiving this news, he and Bai Liqun looked at each other tacitly in the crowd, and walked together calmly.

Like them, there were dozens of other people who quietly left the crowd——

The gray-haired old man, the well-mannered young man with gold-rimmed glasses, the beautifully dressed young woman...

No matter what their priesthood is, whether they are combat professions or not, they are all given the same special mission at this time.

Protect the weak civilians and common people! !

Lu Ze and Gu Jianfeng noticed what Chen Linfeng and the others were doing, and when they were about to ask something, they were stopped by Chen Linfeng and Bai Liqun with one look.

They realized it instantly, turned their heads away immediately, pretended to be nonchalant, and chatted with the familiar classmates beside them.

Not long after Chen Lin Feng and the others left, another group of people's watches were shocked.

Lu Ze paid attention, and glanced at the information on the watch of a fat middle-aged man next to him:

Dear Mr. Zhu Xiaoming, according to Article 13, Regulation 1 of the Federal Security Law, you are called to gather at the warehouse in Area F. In order to avoid causing panic to other passengers on Lousuo, please fulfill your duty of confidentiality!

Du Xiaodong, Deputy Commander of the Third Regiment of the Seventh Division of the Tenth Federation Corps

The middle-aged man Zhu Xiaoming was taken aback when he saw this message, and when he raised his head again, his eyes turned red as if suffering from pink eye disease, his teeth were gritted, he seemed to be muttering to himself, and he seemed to be talking to someone .

"I'm just a seller of braised vegetables! I just want to go home and see my kids!!"

"Why is this happening?!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for anyone to answer, he pulled off the awl-like pendant on his chest, "Daddy wants to see, what kind of bastards don't want me to go home, so don't go back too!!"

Then he walked out of the living room without looking back.

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