Global Gods: I Have Loaded The Immortal Cultivation Mod

Chapter Ix The Second Round Of Invasion

Lu Ze must not allow such a situation to happen.



"Extremely cold!"

With three spells in a row, Lu Ze used up all the remaining incense points.

In the next second, on the grassland where the sky was originally clear, there was a gust of wind and showers in a small area, and under the influence of the extreme cold, it formed icy hailstones, and bullets swarmed on the wilderness jackals.

Let them be dizzy for a while, unable to move an inch.

This is what Lu Ze is for.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, another wave of hand axes fell from the sky and fell into the team of wilderness gnolls.

At the same time, the old murloc priest and the two young murloc priests behind him summoned together a huge ice blade over two meters long.

[Basic Taoism: Ice Blade]

The huge ice blade broke into the crowd of wolves in the wilderness silently, raging back and forth, cutting off all obstacles along the way.

Until the Spirit Power was exhausted, it turned into a cloud of ice mist and exploded, freezing the surrounding gnolls into ice sculptures in an instant.

After these repeated blows, by the time the wild wolves rushed out of the snowstorm, there were less than ten companions left.

The others either died, or were seriously injured and fell to the ground, unable to move.

Even the leader of the wolf man priest had a thigh cut off by the huge ice blade, and lay trembling on the cold ground.

The wild gnolls are over!

Under the leadership of the elite murloc captains at the first level of Body Refining, the murloc army swarmed up. The remaining gnolls and the leader of the gnolls were hacked into a ball of mud by hundreds of weapons before they could react.

Blood stained the vast grass!


In a square God's Domain with an area of ​​about 120 square kilometers, a great battle is taking place beside a wide river.

A large group of about 400 centaur archers wearing fine leather armor and holding refined longbows are forming a long snake, across a river more than ten meters wide, crazily attacking almost the same number of kobolds on the opposite side. shooting.

The howling iron arrows flew all over the sky, making the kobolds who lacked long-range attack power helpless to fight back.

What's even crazier is that the centaur archers didn't care about the waste of resources, and they shot two quiver in a row, and they didn't give up until there was no longer a standing kobold in the open space across the river.

Dong Wan, the class teacher who was watching the battle in God's Domain, twitched the corners of his mouth, looking speechless.

She was once again shocked by Xia Qiange's wealth.

This is not an exam, this is clearly burning money.

There is no technology content at all!

With a change of thought, Dong Wan teleported to the sky above another God's Domain.

Below the domain of the gods is a large expanse of lava volcanoes. There are not many other terrain types, and there are not even open spaces.

On the only large open space in God's Domain, a group of about 300 red-skinned lava goblin warriors were fighting with a larger number of skeletons.

Behind those lava goblin warriors stood a dozen old lava goblins with stone staffs and slightly hunched figures.

Under the order of one of the lava goblins who looked like a leader, the goblin warriors who were fighting with the skeletons retreated quickly, maintaining only a crude line of defense.

And as the lava goblin warriors retreated, a dozen old lava goblins in the rear raised their stone staffs at the same time, and a dark red light on the top of the stone staffs lit up, and quickly condensed into a lava fireball the size of a basketball. Like a red-hot iron ball with a carbonized appearance.

As the old lava goblins swung their wands, more than a dozen lava fireballs slowly crossed the defense line of the lava goblin warriors and fell into the crowd of skeletons.

"Boom, boom!"

A series of shocking loud noises sounded, and every lava fireball burst, covering a 5*5 area.

Under more than a dozen lava fireballs, except for the long and narrow line near the lava goblin warrior's line of defense, the entire skeleton group was shrouded, and the skinny skeleton warrior inside was surrounded by flames, instantly ignited with rapid flames, and was melted in the blink of an eye. For a rubbing of ashes disappeared.


Dong Wan in the sky above God's Domain couldn't help but nodded.

Although Yanwei's lava goblin mages still have certain flaws, what is rare is that under Yanwei's training, their ability to control spells and coordinate with each other is extremely good.

Further make up for the shortcomings, and the future achievements will never be low!

Immediately afterwards, she went to Yun Yu and other students with good grades to observe the sky above God's Domain. Her brows were sometimes furrowed and sometimes stretched, and her mood fluctuated like a roller coaster.


Taixuan Dongtian, Lu Ze God's Domain.

The first round of invasion is over.

Under Lu Ze's careful operation, there were no other losses except for the desperate counterattack of the last remaining wilderness gnolls, which resulted in the casualties of more than a dozen murlocs.

It was an almost perfect victory!

Moreover, with the excellent iron and wood spear trophies provided by the wilderness wolves, a small part of the murlocs' weapons were replaced, so that the murlocs' overall combat effectiveness increased rather than decreased.

The three rounds of intrusions in the mid-month test did not come one after another. After each round, there will be a half-day rest time in the middle, and the location where the portal appears will not be changed.

In view of this, after the battle, Lu Ze immediately asked the murlocs and the summoned Gnoll ax throwers to clean up the battlefield, and then centered on the portal, dug some trenches for the layout of the terrain, trying to gain a favorable position.

This is what the class teacher Dong Wan said before the exam, "It is not difficult to pass, but you need to pay attention to the method!"

If you can effectively use various conditions, arrange them reasonably, occupy the home field advantage, and reduce the battle damage with the weak, it is not difficult.

Half a day passed quickly.

The dark portal, which had been silent for a long time, once again experienced new fluctuations. Under the same mist, new intruders began to appear.

It was a huge, mighty and powerful goblin-like creature, over two meters tall, holding a black long-handled mace in its hand. The skin color of its body ranged from light yellow to yellowish brown, covered with thick Brown-red rough hair.

It has a bear-like face, eyes like a beast, green and white eyes with a red pupil in the center, a pair of big shovel-shaped ears, and a mouth full of sharp tusks.

"The goblin bear, or the goblin bear bandit who has changed his job." Lu Ze judged the other party's identity immediately based on the other party's physical characteristics.

These guys are evil, greedy, and stupid, with a bear-like sense of smell, tough fur, and sharp claws. Most of them rely on instinct to fight, and they can use some weapons after changing jobs.

Although the individual strength of the Ursine Bandit and the Gnoll Ax Thrower belong to the first level of advanced, but in a head-to-head encounter, the three Gnoll Ax Throwers may not be able to take down a Ursine Bandit. Their only flaw is wisdom.

Because it was the second round of exams, the number of these bear goblin robbers was more than that of the wilderness gnolls in the first round, there were hundreds of them.

This meant that Lu Ze could not choose to confront them head-on.

Seeing that the second wave of bugbear bandits had all arrived, under Lu Ze's order, the murlocs and gnolls who had been standing loosely a few hundred meters away from the bugbear bandits and confronted them through a simple ditch scattered in an instant. , like a broken flock of sheep, went in all directions.

But if you observe carefully, you can find that they are not unorganized, but are led by elite murloc captains, maintaining a loose but not scattered formation, and the eighty wolf man ax throwers are even running in the same direction.

This is Lu Ze's strategy to disperse the enemy's strength and lure the enemy to go deep. In the endless grasslands, this strategy may not be effective against other invaders, but it is almost impossible to fail against stupid bear goblin bandits.

Seeing the food in their mouths fleeing in all directions, the large group of goblin bears began to chase them out in twos and threes without waiting for the order of the bandit leader.

Originally, the bugbear bandits wanted to unite their forces, but after several yells to no avail, they simply ignored it and led a group of about thirty bugbear bandits to chase after the largest group of gnolls, the ax throwers.

To a goblin bear, these are all food for granted. But the actual result was doomed as early as the moment they chased them out.

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