"Mugan, I didn't expect that the person you were looking for was quite reliable."

"It actually led the Storm Dragon away."

"Otherwise, this group of bloodthirsty beasts will really make us busy."

"But see he's not coming yet."

"It won't be a cannon fodder pitted by you, right?"

In the Divine Domain, the five religious races are clearly divided into five groups.

And it was the tribe of golden giants who spoke.

The golden giant, which is said to have a thin trace of titan giant blood, a four-star race, has great talent potential.

And the titan giant who spoke just now was already a sixth-order immortal level.

"Feng Tian, this kind of thing is what you did."

"I'm not going to hurt my fellow academy people."

In the area where a group of centaurs were located, the centaurs who were the head of the divine horse said coldly.

This is Mugan's race of faith.

The centaurs, the divine race, have the possibility of continuous evolution, and the four-star race, the spears in their hands can take human lives from a hundred miles away.

And the centaur at the head tightly held the javelin in his hand, which was also a sixth-order immortal.

"Since he can't come back, let's continue."

"Although the true god here has fallen, it has been a long time ago, and no one knows what race is still inside."

In mid-air, the blue-winged Dapeng fluttered its wings and said solemnly.

The blue-winged Dapeng, which is said to have a trace of the bloodline of an ancient fierce beast, has the possibility of becoming a god, and is also a four-star race.

As a flying tribe, the combat effectiveness is generally slightly stronger.

It was Li Ran of Mengshi Academy who spoke.

He was bound to win this five-star race.

"If it weren't for the fact that this God Domain could only accommodate twelve hundred people again, we wouldn't be restrained."

An ethereal voice sounded.

A group of races that looked similar to humans, but were much more handsome, spoke.

Elven race, four-star race, very talented, but not fertile enough.

And the bloodlines of these elven races have mutated, containing a trace of light power, and also have the potential to become gods.

At this time, Liu Song of Litan Academy was speaking.

"Cluck, the person you're talking about seems to be back."

A metallic rubbing sound sounded.

An undead skeleton held a bone knife in his hand and stood expressionless in place.

Undead skeletons, four-star races, as long as they strengthen their soul fire, they can continue to upgrade.

And the gods that these undead races believe in are actually a woman.

Mohin of Bella College.

As soon as her voice fell, one by one the minotaurs walked back.

Their bodies were a little embarrassed, and even had a little blood on them.

"So weak?"

"Only third-order strength?"

"The Divine Envoy is only the strength of the fourth order?"

The golden giant Feng Tian said suspiciously.

"Are you here to question me, or are you looking for the five-star race?"

Niu Guli's vision has been shared by Nangong Hou.

"Nangong is right."

"Let's go."

The centaur's Mugan's eyes flashed with a strange light.

Is this a super five-star race?

Sure enough, it was strong enough, although there were only a hundred, did they actually submit that group of fourth-order storm dragons so quickly?

And centaurs are a divine race.

At this moment, he actually felt the suppression in the minotaur.

This made Mu Gan even more glad that he was not an enemy of Nangong Hou.

A trace of anger flashed in the pupils of the golden giant where Feng Tian was, and then snorted coldly, and the group began to set off.

Not long after, a swamp appeared in front of them.

And behind the swamp, on a small hill, a dark dragon is crawling and resting.

"Dark dragon."

"It turned out to be a real dragon clan!"

"This is definitely a five-star race."

Qingyi Dapeng Li Ran's eyes began to shine.

"What a powerful breath."

"This dark dragon definitely has the strength of a seventh-order epic."

Liu Song of the elf clan said with some seriousness.

The seventh-order epic level, although it was only one level higher than their sixth-order immortal level.

But even at this level, they may not be able to defeat this dragon together.

"Everyone, here we come."

"Can't go home empty-handed, I'll go first."

The sound of metal rubbing came from the undead skeleton Mo Xin, and then a skeleton stepped on the swamp.

The gurgling sound began to sound.

Then all of a sudden, these swamps came to life.

One by one, the swamp mud people slowly stood up.

Swamp mud people, three-star races, and social races, even if they are scattered, can be condensed again and are difficult to kill.

Although it is only a three-star race, it is more difficult than a four-star race.

And at this glance, it is even more dense, at least more than two thousand.

And the appearance of the swamp mud man also woke up the resting dark dragon.

"The lowly race also wants to invade the noble dragon race."

"Get ready to accept death."

The dark dragon gasped in its nose and stood up majestically.

A breath of dragon breath spat out.

The black fireball exploded directly in the middle of the undead skeleton race.

There was a terrifying black flame burning on the bodies of these skeletons, which soon burned them to ashes.

Seventh-order epic level, terrifying!

"Gentlemen, there is no way back now."

"First work together to clear the swamp mud people, as for the dark dragon, then each according to his ability."

Mu Gan of the centaur tribe spoke.

Then, at his command, the javelin in the centaur's hand was raised high and then thrown.

Countless sounds of breaking the sky sounded, followed by continuous snorting.

Each javelin hits a swamp mud man, nails them to the swamp, and turns them into swamp mud again.


The golden giant looked a little rougher, took a huge step directly, and smashed down with a punch.

With a boom, the swamp mud man was directly smashed to pieces with a punch, and the mud flew everywhere.

"What a filthy creature."

The elves began to wave their wands, and a force of nature began to condense.

One by one, the wind blades formed, and then roared, directly cutting the swamp mud man into shreds.

"I'd rather see if it's my undead skeleton that is difficult to entangle, or if it's this mud that can't be solved."

The undead skeleton rushed up with a bone knife, and with one sword, the swamp mud man was directly split in half.

It's just that although these mud figures were smashed and cut in half, soon the remaining mud merged again, and then one by one the swamp mud people stood up again.

Nangong Hou looked at these difficult swamp mud figures expressionlessly, and then set his eyes on the dark dragon.

Even if he already had a dragon egg in his God Domain, it did not affect his determination to get this dragon in the slightest.

This is a dragon that is also at the forefront of the five-star race.

And it turned out to be dark, which coincided with his shadow power.

Nangong Hou had already acquiesced in his heart that this dark dragon was already his divine messenger.

"Then solve these clay figures first."

"War Charge."

Niu Guli shouted, and then the Minotaur began to charge.

Although these minotaurs are only third-order, their combat power at this moment is no worse than that of the golden giants.

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