"Nangong Hou, huh?"

"I remember you, I'm sure we'll see you soon."

With the submission of the dark dragon, although the purpose of Feng Fei and the others was achieved this time.

But the result was unexpected.

No one expected the dark dragon to be so powerful.

No one would have thought that a lord-level minotaur with only a fourth-order was a super five-star race, and he was even more powerless to fight back against the dark dragon.

And at this moment, the dark dragon is soaring in the air.

Perhaps due to the long time, or due to the emergence of the mysteries of power, this divine domain has begun to collapse.

At that time, the creatures inside can only die.

This is the incomparably cruel world of the true God.

With the departure of Feng Fei and the others, Mu Gan's centaurs also left in a hurry.

"Nangong classmate, then I will take a step first."

The centaur glanced at the dark dragon in bewilderment, and then disappeared into this divine domain.

"Now let's talk about it, what secrets is there in this God Domain?"

Niu Guli looked at the dark dragon in the air and asked lightly.

It was precisely because of the words of the dark dragon that Niu Guli stayed until now.

"The true god of this God Domain has not completely fallen!"

"And this God Domain is what he used to cultivate the five-star race."

"Because in the core space of the God Domain, there is a special priesthood, despair!"

The dark dragon said quickly.

This information also appeared in his mind when he broke through to the seventh-order epic level.

"Where is the priesthood?"

Niu Guli directly ignored the first two sentences.

What if there is no fall?

Can you still find the God of Thunder?

As for cultivating the five-star race, he succeeded, but for the God of Thunder.

"Just under the hill where I live, in the deepest part of the swamp."

The dark dragon has become a believer in the God of Thunder, and naturally will not go against his will.

As for Niu Guli, there was a hint of fear in the dark dragon's eyes.

This priesthood of the God of Thunder is terrifying.

Now that they knew the location, Niguli and the dark dragon returned, and the two joined forces to quickly break through the swamp.

A priesthood exuding the power of despair radiated faintly.

Sure enough, it was the priesthood of despair.

Niu Guli carefully held it in the palm of his hand, and as soon as he entered Niu Guli, he felt that his body was invaded by a desperate force.

The whole body can't exert any strength.

Even he felt that he had failed incomparably and wanted to end his life.

"Wake up!"

A thunderous sound came from his mind.

It was Nangong Hou's spirit that woke him up.

It's scary.

Niu Guli did not dare to look any longer, and came to the entrance again with the priesthood and more than three hundred storm dragons.

There was a burst of dizziness, and then Niu Guli and the others returned to the familiar God Domain again.

"Niu Guli, you did a good job."

Nangong Hou was finally able to manifest his illusory face at this moment.

"It is an honor for Niu Guli to be able to fight for the God of Thunder."

"This is the priesthood of despair."

Niu Guli said reverently.

That's the benefit of saints.

The faith is incomparably strong, and it can give everything to the gods of faith at any time.


Nangong Hou was very satisfied.

The priesthood of despair flew into the air and disappeared.

Looking at the piece of priesthood in front of him, Nangong Hou's heart was fiery.

The priesthood of despair can affect the soul of a person.

Even a little stronger, it can directly control people's life and death.

Definitely a difficult priesthood.

Nangong Hou stretched out his finger and touched it, and a desperate force suddenly began to entangle, vainly trying to affect Nangong Hou's spirit.


Nangong Hou frowned and snorted coldly.

Then a bucket-like thick thunder slashed down, directly hitting the priesthood.

A hint of black suddenly appeared, and then disappeared.

There seemed to be a scream.

At this time, this piece of despair smoothly integrated into Nangong Hou's eyebrows.

A desperate force began to wash Nangong Hou's divine soul and divine body.

Suddenly, the voice of the long-lost system came from Nangong Hou's mind.

"The power of shadows, the power of despair can be fused, is it fused?"

This made Nangong Hou extremely surprised.

It seems that every time he can burst out of the priesthood, it is really related to the system.


Nangong Hou did not have any hesitation.

The power of shadow and the power of despair began to merge like a milk.

A brand new priesthood appeared in Nangong Hou's body.

Deity: Marquis of Nangong.

Priesthood: God of Thunder, God of Wood, God of Darkness (mutilated).

God Step: 3 turns of a demigod.

Divine Skills: Thunderball LV3 (3000 Faith Power per release), Shadow Wood Hand LV3 (3000 Faith Power per release), Vitality LV3 (3000 Faith Power per release), Darkness Fall LV1 (1000000 Faith Power per release).

God Online: Super S-class, God Tree (budding stage).

Power of faith: 7.87 million.

Faith Race: Minotaur tribe.

"It actually fused into the God of Darkness, which is the strongest of the six main gods!"

Nangong Hou exclaimed.

Recognized as the strongest of the six clergy.

The god of nature, who controls all the energy of nature, including gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder.

The god of death, who rules death.

God of life, creating life.

God of time and space, mastering time and space.

The god of darkness, creating despair and panic.

God of light, bringing light and warmth.

The six main gods are extremely powerful!

"Although it is only mutilated, it is not comparable to ordinary clergy."

"And with the system in place, I can completely fuse him into real darkness."

"At that time, I will have one of the six main god priesthoods, the God of Darkness."

Nangong Hou's heart was fiery.

Although his Thunder God priesthood is good, it is still much weaker than the Dark God.

Moreover, Thunder is a branch derived from the priesthood of the god of nature.

"Is that the god of thunder also able to fuse?"

The knowledge of becoming a god in the books was completely unable to explain the abnormalities that happened to Nangong Hou.

"It seems that I only groped myself."

Nangong Hou sighed.

But then he left him behind.

Instead, it is placed on top of the divine technique of darkness descending.

Darkness descends, instantly locking the enemy in a pitch-black space, and the enemy will be eroded by the power of despair, and will be constantly attacked and killed by the shadows.

"It is worthy of the six main divine offices, this is simply against the sky."

"Moreover, the first-level divine technique originally only needed 1,000 faith powers to be released once."

"The darkness has directly multiplied a thousand times, requiring 1 million faith powers."

Nangong Hou couldn't help but smash his mouth.

Nangong Hou tried to upgrade the divine technique of darkness descending.

I didn't expect that upgrading once would cost 10 million faith points, which was terrifying.

There is no way, Nangong Hou can only give up temporarily.

Then he set his eyes on the dark dragon.

The first time the dark dragon entered Nangong Hou's God Domain, he noticed a difference.

The rich aura was not comparable to that God Domain at all.

Moreover, as soon as he entered the Divine Domain, he noticed that there seemed to be a similar existence.

But it was very annoying to him!

In addition to this, he also saw the Divine Tree!

This is Super S-Class God Online!

How strong is this demigod?

And he noticed that there seemed to be a pair of eyes watching him in the sky.

The dark dragon couldn't help but look up.

At this glance, he seemed to be plunged into endless darkness, and he was even choked by the throat, and it was difficult to breathe.

The dark dragon's intuition told him that his life and death were only between the thoughts of this demigod.

Sure enough, a demigod who can possess a super five-star race is extremely powerful.

It is his glory to submit to this demigod.

At this moment, the dark dragon completely surrendered.

A thick channel of faith formed in an instant.

"Huh, this is the saint?"

Nangong Hou was a little surprised.

The Dragons are a proud race, and easily they will not submit to anyone.

But as long as there is absolute power to suppress them, then they will completely obey!

This is the order brought by the strong.

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