A valley more than three hundred kilometers away from the Divine Domain where the Minotaur tribe rested.

Two sides are waging a divine war.

It is more appropriate to say that it is not so much two parties as the three parties encircling and suppressing one side.

"Abominable, damn domain bandit!"

"You must not die well."

The patriarch of the Tiger Terran clan punched towards the Fish-Terran in front of him.

I saw this fish Terran smile contemptuously, and easily dodged this punch.

Then the trident in his hand easily took his life.

The gap in strength and the gap in numbers have turned this habitat of the race into a battlefield of slaughter.

Don't think about it, the final fate of the gods of this tribe's beliefs.

It's just that what these tribes don't know is that at this moment, a black dragon is watching everything indifferently in the clouds.

Originally, Nangong Hou was going to send the minotaurs out to explore the Barbarian Continent.

But thinking that the minotaur wanted to run in with the storm dragon as soon as possible and exert the power of the dragon warrior, he suddenly changed his mind and let Ural come out to explore.

The Urals are powerful, and they are a flying race, so it is just right to do this job.

The God Domain opened up by each demigod is in the Barbarian Continent.

If you don't go out of your own God Domain, the outside will be wrapped in fog.

No one knows if there will be a powerful race outside.

Therefore, few people will go out and explore so boldly.

"A group of three-star races, dirty and lowly existences."

"If it weren't for the order of the Great God of Thunder."

"The Urals destroyed them with a breath of dragons."

Ural's eyes were full of contempt.

When the races below were slaughtered, the temple of the Tiger Race was destroyed, and the statue was destroyed.

These three races are just beginning to recede.

Ural forcibly resisted making a move and chose one of the clans, and the rock giants followed.

The tribe of rock giants is more than a hundred kilometers from this valley and will soon arrive.

However, Ural did not rush into the other party's God Domain.

Because this will attract the attention of the demigods.

The mission has been completed, and Ural flew towards his God Domain.

In the temple of the rock giant, three demigods are counting the harvest together.

"Big brother, this harvest is not small."

"I didn't expect that this three-star race, 5-turn demigod, has so many good things."

One of the demigods said.

Goshui, 4-turn demigod, god of water, faith race, fish-people.

"Well, with these, our faith race combat effectiveness can be raised to another level."

The boss Gokin watched the faith race skillfully distributing resources, and was satisfied.

Gogin, 5-turn demigod, god of gold, faith race, megalodon man.

And the other one, Gotu, 4-turn demigod, earth god, faith race, rock giant.

This is not the first time the three brothers have done this kind of thing.

They are the domain bandits called by the Tiger Terrans just now.

Domain bandits, specializing in hunting other races of demigods in the God Domain.

This approach pays off faster than doing it step by step, constantly gathering resources.

Of course, the risks are also greater.

However, as the eldest brother, Goggin's belief race is megalodon.

This kind of faith race may be slightly weaker in combat, but digging into the ground to find out intelligence is definitely a first-class master.

That is, with the characteristics of the megalodon man, the three brothers can find a suitable target every time, and then launch a surprise attack.

"But, big brother."

"There was a super S-level God Domain before, and there was a divine tree, are we sure we won't do a vote?"

Lao Er Getu was a little excited.

"Our three brothers, to be able to have today, rely on a stable word."

"Although Super S God Domain is good, have you ever thought about it."

"Even if we get the Divine Tree, we may not be able to hold it."

"Moreover, the divine tree is a legendary thing, even if we get it, I am afraid that we will not have the resources to cultivate it to maturity."

"It's better not to."

The boss Gogin is very sensible.

That's why they're alive to this day.

At the same time, Ural had already flown back to the Divine Domain and brought the news to Nangong Hou.

"Domain bandits?"

Nangong Hou whispered.

In this case, then you don't have to be polite.

Thinking of this, Nangong Hou instantly had a decision in his heart.

"Niu Guli, you lead a hundred dragon warriors."

"Destroy the horde of rock giants."

Nangong Hou directly issued the oracle.

Without saying a word, Niu Guli integrated the clansmen and set off according to the route described by the Urals.

"Ural, you lead a hundred storm dragons."

"Destroy, tribe of the Fishmen."

Nangong continued to give instructions.

A high dragon groan sounded in the Urals, and a hundred storm dragons moved!

At this moment, Nangong Hou began to show his fangs to the outside world after signing in to the Super S-Class God Domain.

More than three hundred kilometers, at the speed of the Storm Dragon, two hours have arrived.

At this moment, the Fish-Terran and the Rat-biting Terran had returned to their respective God Domains.

Rock giants are born of stone, slow to move, and surprisingly defensive.

is the best meat shield.

"Clan, it's time to hunt."

"We can't let that Ural guy take the lead."

"Charge, war charge."

Niu Guli shouted loudly and drove the Storm Dragon to rush over first.

The Urals usually look down on no one except Niu Guli.

As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately made the blood of the minotaurs boil.


"What happened?"

The huge movement alarmed the rock giant god Shi Ke.

Looking at a touch of dust, and a dragon leading Niu Guli, Shi Ke let out a harsh roar.

"Enemy attack."

"Enemy attack."

"Prepare for battle."

Shi Ke roared.

The warriors of the rock giants all walked out.

Their silver-white bodies were directly petrified and turned black and gray.

This is the talent of their race, which can completely petrify the skin, multiplying the defense.

Rock giants stood in front of the tribe and formed a hard stone wall.

As the dragon warriors approached, the earth began to tremble.

When a hundred dragon warriors were completely exposed in front of the rock giant, Shi Ke's heart began to tremble.

Actually taming the Storm Dragon as a mount, the strength of this faith race is definitely stronger than that of the Rock Tribe.

Before he could make a move, the torrent of steel formed by the Storm Dragon directly broke through their defenses.

The rock giant's proud defenses are not worth mentioning in front of the Minotaurs.

Even if the rock giants were numerically superior, it was a massacre.

"Great earth god, your followers are under attack by false believers."

"Pray that you will perform miracles and save the rock giants."

God made Shi Ke see that it was difficult to resist, and quickly knelt in front of the temple to pray.


"There are other demigod believers attacking my tribe?"

The earth god Gotu quickly stared at it.

His followers are being slaughtered.

The Storm Dragon with the Minotaur is really terrifying.

This is why the ancient war cavalry is important.

It's just that Gotu can only watch the believers being slaughtered, and he can't interfere at all.

Demigods can give believers the objects of faith and growth, but they cannot intervene in wars between them.

Here are the rules!

"Mistress, quick, quick, quick."

"Let your Fish-Terrans come to my Rock Giant."

The temple between the three brothers has long been interconnected, so it can come at any time.

Ge Tu saw that there was no resistance on his side, so he could only ask for help from Lao San Geshui.


The author has something to say:

Chapter 3 is coming ~~~~

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