The gap between the true god of the two-star base and the true god close to the three-star base is still very huge.

Under normal circumstances, the true god of the two-star foundation will definitely be crushed.

The strength has reached the true god, and the foundation of the competition is already 10,000 years.

These gaps are tens of thousands of years of development.

The gap is naturally irreparable.

For example, at this time, the divine battle in the Nangong Hou God Domain.

Although they are all two-star true gods.

But Nangong Hou has a short development time after all, and he is a demigod.

Therefore, among the true gods of the two-star background, it can only be said to be average.

On the other hand, Jiang Tian is already the top existence among the true gods of the two-star foundation.

So, the gap between the two is revealed.

If it weren't for the many mythical creatures of Nangong Hou, this battle would have been divided into victories and losers long ago.

However, Nangong Hou still fell into a great disadvantage.

"It seems that after going back this time, it will develop for a while."

Nangong Hou shook his head.

There is still a thousand years to go in the Shenlu War.

Counting his Time Acceleration Tower, then it is 100,000 years.

After he exalts the Kingdom of God, he should be able to enter the level of three-star heritage.

Although the battle was one-sided, Nangong Hou did not panic at all.

Because he has the altar of racial rebirth.

This was something Jiang Tian could not imagine.

Although rebirth of a race, the power of faith consumed is enormous.

But with so many gods, the daily contribution of faith values has reached a very terrifying number.

Moreover, Nangong Hou's God Domain is a hundred times the value of faith.

So many accumulated faith points were enough for him to consume a divine war.

The battle went into flames.

Jiang Tian finally noticed that something was wrong.

A steady stream of races emerged from Nangong Hou's divine domain, as if endless.

Under the trade-off, the situation of war is being reversed little by little.


"How the hell did he do it!"

Jiang Tian let out a low roar.

It's just that even if he roars again and again, he can't change the situation in front of him.

And Nangong Hou did not dare to relax in the slightest.

Such a powerful opponent, he did not dare to release water.

As for the suppression of these races, that is even more impossible.

A divine war lasted for a day and a night.

It wasn't until Nangong Hou's race ascended to Jiang Tian's Divine Kingdom that this battle between races came to an end.

This battle made Nangong Houdu feel very hard.

Each race was reborn at least three times to win this divine war.

Faith values burn at least tens of trillions.

Every divine war is a terrifying attrition.

"Just let me know for a while, the two-star base contains the horror of the true god."

Nangong Hou took one step and directly entered Jiang Tian's Divine Kingdom.

"Damn it."

"You even dare to enter my kingdom of God."

"Are you still trying to kill me!"

Jiang Tian was first stunned when he saw Nangong Hou, and then roared angrily.

The reason why he was stunned was naturally Nangong Hou's youth.

After becoming a deity, although the lifespan has become long.

But the root bone is still visible.

"Is there anything you can't do?"

"Just as my race won this divine war."

"I can still kill you."

"It's just that you don't want to accept it."

Nangong Hou smiled gently.


"You're really confident."

"Although I don't know why your race is so weird."

"But in terms of strength, you are not my opponent yet."

"Today I will let you know how terrifying the true god of the two-star limit is."

"Extreme wind, extreme fire, extreme thunder, extreme electricity, the law of the four poles."


Jiang Tian let out a low roar.

I saw him pointing one finger to the sky.

The sound of terrifying laws kept blowing up.

The horror of the two-star true god broke out at this moment.

Nangong Hou looked up.

The law forces of the four poles are constantly blending.

It then condenses into a vortex full of destruction.

At this moment, even the space was directly torn apart.

But any close cosmic ray directly ablation.

The terrifying aura can even easily crush a demigod.

A kind of divine power, all have extreme attributes.

For example, Mugan, originally a wood attribute priesthood, can evolve into a polar wood priesthood.

As long as it is the power of the extreme attribute, the power can be multiplied.

At this time, the laws of the four extreme attributes fused, and the power even exceeded Wang Xu's black gold rule.


Jiang Tian fell with one hand.

I saw that in the midst of the devastating whirlpool, an irresistible force swallowed towards Nangong Hou.

A pitch-black spatial rift was constantly torn open.

Hideous and terrifying.

"It's really strong."

"But it's still a little bit worse."

Nangong Hou's long hair flew.

Like an invincible god of war.

The power of chaos condensed in him.

Jiang Tian's attack was very strong, but it was still a little worse than the previous god.

As soon as the power of chaos came out, the result could be imagined.

Under the power of this chaos, the destructive power is constantly shattered, and it is impossible to even talk about equal strength.

"No, no, no."

"What kind of power is this!"

"How can you, a demigod, master such terrifying power."

"You can't kill me."

"I'm from the Tian Yuan Organization."

"Tian Yuan Organization, you can't afford to mess with it at all!"

The fear of death made Jiang Tian roar out with exhaustion.

"I made a note of it."

"When the time comes, they dare to mess with me, and they will accompany you together."

Nangong Hou's face was expressionless.

The power of chaos directly devoured Jiang Tian without any pause.

He didn't even have time to make a scream, and he completely fell.

The reason why he did not try to control Jiang Tian with the seed of faith.

That's because he already has faith.

It's weak, but it's there.

Therefore, Nangong Hou directly ordered the killer.

Jiang Tian's divine soul turned into the nourishment of the divine tree.

Laws cannot be embodied.

Therefore, Nangong Hou did not obtain the priesthood or the law.

After collecting Jiang Tian's space ring, Nangong Hou returned to his God Domain.

"Xuanling Divine Turtle."

"Let's start planting the imprint now."

Nangong Hou Tianwei's voice sounded.

Without any hesitation, the Xuanling Divine Turtle began to plant the mark for the second time.

This time, without Jiang Tian's existence, it was extremely smooth.

However, it will take at least a year to fully plant the imprint traction.

"Take this opportunity to see what these ancient true gods have in their collection."

Nangong Hou smiled lightly and opened Jiang Tian's spatial ring.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the universe, on a deserted planet.

A pair of indifferent and emotionless eyes opened.

"Jiang Tian, dead."

"Dare someone to attack me Tianyuan."

"It seems that my Tian Yuan Organization has been silent for too long."

"Earth spirit, come and see me quickly."

As his words fell, this abandoned plane actually began to shatter.

A complete and huge kingdom of God was revealed.

The ancient and dusty aura continued to emanate from this divine kingdom.

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