Above the Dragon Demon Icon, white light began to burst out like the rising sun.

White light, tested for the belief race of one star, is also the most common kind of garbage.

But fortunately, the white glow is fleeting.

This is followed by green, which corresponds to the two stars of the faith race.

After that, it's blue, which corresponds to three stars.

The blue color also changed again and became purple after less than breathing.

"The purple faith race is four-star, and it is one level stronger than my race."

Only purple remained in Wang Geng's pupils.

Although the purple is good, even if it is changed to other people, Wang Geng will cultivate him as a genius.

But on Nangong Hou, it is far from enough.

The purple light began to flash, and then a touch of red began to burst out of the purple.

"Red, red."

"It's actually five-star!"

Mu Lin was extremely shocked in his heart at this moment.

Five-star, five-star, even if it is a race seal card, five-star is extremely rare.

Because the upper limit of the five-star faith race is a god!

It's like the dragon demon in front of you.

Where the hell did this monster come from!

"It's already five stars."

All this did not seem to exceed Wang Geng's expectations, but there was still expectation on his face.

He had witnessed Nangong Hou open up the Super S-Class God Domain.

So this time, will it be...

The light on the Dragon Demon Statue and the red color on Nangong Hou's body echoed each other.

Then a touch of orange was like a beam of light that opened the earth, directly wrapping the red.

"Orange, orange!"

"Super five-star faith race !!"

Wang Geng's face was flushed, and he was extremely excited and excited.

"No, it can't be."

"Super five-star?"

"The Divine Fall Continent has not had a super five-star faith race in millions of years!"

"I, I actually shot at him just now!"

Mu Lin's heart began to tremble, and his face slowly began to become fearful.

Even the other six stood up, looking shocked.

Originally thought that this was just a legend, but at this moment they actually witnessed the legend with their own eyes!

Suddenly, in front of them, a woman appeared next to the statue.

"Teacher Xia Bing!"

It was the teacher of the Divine Word Class, Xia Bing.

Xia Bing silently looked at Nangong Hou, without the slightest expression on his face.

At this moment, Nangong Hou, who was the party concerned, was stunned.

His divine soul was communicating with the Divine Domain where the Barbarian Continent was located.

A race fell from the sky.

I saw that they had a pair of horns and were about a foot tall.

The strong figure is depicted with mysterious divine patterns.

This is Nangong Hou's belief race.

Nangong Hou quickly opened the race interface.

Race: Minotaur tribe

bloodline: descendant of the ancient god and demon god Flame Purple Golden Bull, the power of the bloodline is strong.

Potential: Super five-star, can be cultivated into a god.

Attribute: Strength type.

Rank: Second-tier elite level (based on most warrior realms).

Skill: War Charge lv2.

Gods and Demons Bloodline Talent: Force Mystery LV1.

Population: one hundred.

Looking at the sudden extra hundred minotaurs, Nangong Hou was very satisfied.

This time I made a lot of money, not only got a super five-star faith race.

Their strength has directly changed from a first-order ordinary to a second-order elite.

Faith races are divided into one to nine levels, corresponding to different levels of strength.

At this time, he finally has a religious race.

All that remains is to train them well until they become gods.

Then gain the power of their faith.

With a satisfied glance at his belief race, Nangong Hou Divine Soul withdrew from the God Domain.

By the time he opened his eyes, the Dragon Demon Icon had returned to dimming, and he himself was no longer shining.

It's just that a woman who suddenly appeared in front of him made him lose his mind for a moment.

Dressed in a blue color, it does not cause the slightest dust, and it cannot hide her graceful figure.

The coiled bun and those slender hair strands set off the peerless face.

The thin willow eyebrows should be gentle, but they are slightly wrinkled, appearing stubborn and repulsive.

In those indifferent eyes, there was no wave.

The gentle face, can not see the slightest emotion, red lips are pink, but there is no smile.

However, in just a moment's effort, Nangong Hou reacted correctly and saluted the woman in front of him.

"A freshman in the Shenzi class, Nangong Hou, meet Teacher Xia Bing."

Although Xia Bing's face was cold, there was no expression.

But there are already waves of consternation in my heart.

She is also known as a genius in the academy.

Even in the same generation, he is also a famous genius!

But seeing Nangong Hou today, she knew what the word genius meant!

The dean had only greeted her yesterday, and he wanted to give this freshman a little dismount, so that he could converge his edge and correct his mentality.

Never imagined that yesterday just opened up the Super S-Class God Domain, and today it obtained the Super Five-Star God Chosen Race?

This is something to do with people, this kid doesn't do it at all!

This is not just a genius, he is simply the own son of this heaven and earth!

But fortunately, Xia Bing quickly suppressed his shock.

"Take it."

"The race of faith has been born, go and gain their faith."

Xia Bing casually threw a few cards to Nangong Hou.

Nangong Hou quickly took it.

One S-class race tribal habitat seal card.

A first-order extreme race weapon sealing card.

S-class food: Boer meat sheep herd seal card.

Wang Geng glanced enviously.

These three cards are not very rare, but they are absolutely precious.

If converted into a universal currency magic point, it will cost at least 560,000 magic points, which is still priceless.

Nangong Hou didn't talk nonsense, since the academy wanted to train him, this resource was just the beginning.

The divine soul hooked the God Domain, and Nangong Hou reappeared in his super S-level God Domain.

The originally clear sky suddenly became gloomy.

Endless lightning crackled in the sky.

At this moment, all the minotaurs were kneeling on the ground.

The endless heavenly power made these newly born faith races extremely fearful in their hearts.

"I am the God of Thunder."

"It is the god of this land."

"Ru and others, as the children of the gods, give your tribe a place to live."

"Protect from the wind and cold, block the hot sun."

A face woven with supreme majesty and terrifying lightning appeared in the sky.

After speaking, Nangong Hou used the S-class tribal habitat sealing card.

Exquisite tents suddenly appeared near these minotaurs.

"Wait for food, never worry about hunger."

A fat Boer meat sheep appeared in the God Domain and began to eat leisurely.

"Zhier and other weapons to defend against foreign enemies."

A giant axe with an extremely sharp edge, and shields shining with metallic sheen appeared on the ground.

"Thank you for the gift of the ancient, noble, powerful God of Thunder."

"May your divine power be eternal."

"May your divine power endure forever."

"Please accept our faith and become your believer."

A hundred minotaurs lay neatly on the ground.

One by one, the channels of faith began to be established.

A trace of the power of faith flows through the channel.

"I, the great God of Thunder, accept your offerings."

"You will be my disciple."

"You will accept the protection of the God of Thunder."

"Under the leadership of the God of Thunder, the bloodline of gods and demons will reappear."

Nangong Hou looked at all this with satisfaction.

First God threatens them, then they give them what they desperately need to survive to reap their faith.

It seems that in order to become a god, you must first learn to pretend.

However, the establishment of believers is a long process.

Thinking of this, Nangong Hou opened the interface of believers.

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