"I don't know what's going on within the God Domain."

At this moment, Nangong Hou had returned to his dormitory from the priesthood tower.

After seeing Nangong Hou's 'talent', Jiang Shi bluntly said that he would open the priesthood tower for Nangong Hou for free once a month in the future.

Nangong Hou wanted to refuse, but couldn't find a reason.

He can't say that his comprehension in the Divine Tower is too slow, and it is better to strengthen the Divine Tower.

However, it is not bad to have this free place once a month, even if you don't use it yourself, you can use it for others.

Today's harvest made Nangong Hou very satisfied.

Adjusting his mentality, Nangong Hou's divine soul was connected to his divine domain again.

This time, as soon as he entered, he felt the difference in the Divine Domain.

Every change in the Divine Domain could not hide his perception.

In a mountain range far away from the Minotaur tribe, there is an ancient dense forest!

It seems that Niu Guli they succeeded.

Directly teleported back the ancient dense forest.

"Great God of Thunder, I, Moon Shadow War Ancient Tree Tails, am willing to become your disciple."

"Please accept my faith!"

As soon as Nangong Hou arrived, the War Ancient Tree, which was a ninth-order demigod-level, felt it.

"I, accept your faith!"

Nangong Hou's majestic voice sounded.

Subsequently, an incomparably thick and bright faith channel was connected from the War Ancient Tree to Nangong Hou.

Good fellow, this goes straight to the Holy Spirit?

However, Nangong Hou thought about it, and Nangong Hou understood.

This kind of war that has lived for tens of thousands of years Gu Shu is willing to sacrifice his faith, definitely not only because of his own strength.

I'm more afraid that it's because of the Divine Tree, right?

Because Nangong Hou had already sensed that the roots of the War Ancient Tree rooted under the land were already drilling towards the Divine Tree.

And Tails also became the first demigod-level disciple in the Nangong Hou God Domain.

"Tails, how long will it take for your Forbidden Fruit to ripen?"

Nangong Hou looked at the incomparably huge War Ancient Tree and asked.

"Back to the God of Thunder, it will take another ten years to mature!"

Tails replied respectfully.

Ten years?

Nangong Hou muttered to himself.

Ten years is a long time for him.

It seems that you need to buy some time acceleration cards.

"The great god of thunder, the moon goddess sacrifice Tyranya and one hundred and fifty night elves are willing to become your followers."

"Please accept our faith."

The Moon Lady Sacrifice has liked this place since it was teleported to the Super S-Class God Domain.

"I accept your faith."

Nangong Hou's majestic voice came again.

One by one, the channels of faith are directly connected.

In particular, one of the channels of faith is incomparably thick and bright.

The Moon Lady sacrificed Tailanya and became an eighth-order legendary saint in the Nangong Hou God Domain!

Nangong Hou glanced at Tailanya with satisfaction.

Sure enough, as the legend says, the Moon Lady Sacrifice not only inherited the beauty of the night elf race, but also added a touch of wildness.

"Tyranya, the radiance of the God of Thunder will shine on every believer."

"I, grant you the position of Night Elf Divine Envoy."

"Give despair the power!"

Nangong Hou frowned, and a trace of power belonging to the desperate priesthood flew into Tai Lanya's body.

Tyranya's whole person was bathed in the power of despair.

Then, a trace of desperate power shot out in her eyes.

At this moment, Tyranya felt that she was countless times stronger.

And her newly comprehended Divine Art Arrow of Despair can definitely kill any enemy below the eighth order in seconds!

As soon as the arrow is fired, the enemy is already desperate, how to resist?

If he fights Niu Guli again, Talanya is confident that he can definitely finish the abuse of Niu Guli.

At this moment, Nangong Hou's belief race was not just a hundred of the Minotaur tribe.

[Race interface]

Name: Minotaur Tribal

Potential: Super five-star race

level: Fourth-order lord level (subject to the strength of most warriors) Attributes: Strength-type

transfer: 100-star diamond level no surviving dragon knight

God and demon bloodline talent: Force of the mystery lv2 (subject to the comprehension level of most warriors) God

Messenger: Niu Guli

level: sixth-order

immortal level

Physique: Battle Sacred Body

Divine Art: Thunder One Strike LV6, Group Berserk Lv6

Name: Storm

Dragon Potential: Three Star

Race Level: Fourth Order Lord Level (subject to the strength of most Storm Dragons

) Attributes: Agility Skill: Wind Tearing

God Messenger: Dark Dragon Ural (Five-Star Race)


Seventh Rank Epic

Divine Art: Dark Explosion, Dragon Breath

Name: Night Elf Race

Potential: Four-Star Race Rank: Fifth Order Transcendent Level (based on the strength of most Night Elves

) Attributes: Agility

Skill: Strong Attack Halo

Divine Messenger: Moon Lady Sacrifice Talanya (Super Five-Star Race)

Level: Eighth Order Legendary Level

: Moon Shadow Arrow, Despair Arrow

Seeing that he had three races, Nangong Hou was very satisfied.

But that's not enough!

Now he needed too much power of faith.

The upgrading of divine skills, the nine turns of demigods, as well as the improvement of divine skills between divine envoys, and most importantly, the strengthening of divine positions, all of which require massive power of faith!

Next, Nangong Hou glanced at the disciple interface again.

Holy Spirit: 2.

Saints: 2.

Fanatic: 423.

Devout believers: 197.

True believers: 0.

Light believers: 0.

Total Believers: 100 (Minotaur), 152 (Night Elves), 372 (Storm Dragon), total 624 Followers

[Event]: You added a Holy Spirit and gained 100,000 Faith Points.

Event: You add a Saint and earn 10,000 Faith Points.

[Event]: You have added one hundred and seventy fanatics...

Looking at the events at the faith interface, Nangong Hou nodded.

The more believers, the more terrifying the power of faith obtained.

Moreover, within Nangong Hou's God Domain, the belief value has increased by a hundredfold.

Just these believers in front of him can provide him with more than 2.7 million faith points every day!

A fanatic believer alone can increase his faith value by more than two million a day!

Under the hundredfold increase, it is really terrifying!

If this is passed out, just the envious look can swallow Nangong Hou alive.

However, the faith value and potential of the believer's contribution have nothing to do with it.

Nangong Hou will not increase his own followers at will.

He took the path of cultivating top believers, but he did not pile up with numbers!

After doing this, Nangong Hou checked the interface of the gods again.

Deity: Marquis of Nangong.

Priesthood: God of Thunder (10% control), God of Darkness (1% control), God of Elements (2% control).

God Step: 4 turns of a demigod.

Divine Skills: Thunderball LV4 (40,000 Faith Power per release), Darkness Falls LV1 (1,000,000 Faith Power per release), Upgrade 10 Million Faith Power, Elemental Enchantment LV1 (500,000 Faith Power per release), Upgrade 5 Million Faith Power once.

God Online: Super S-class, God Tree (budding stage).

Power of faith: 3.54 million.

Faith Race: Minotaur Tribe, Storm Dragon, Night Elf

Sect: None.

"The degree of clerical control is still too low."

Nangong Hou glanced at it and sighed.

As the control of the Thunder Priesthood increased, the power of faith released each time also multiplied.

In the end, there is still a lack of power of faith!

Thinking of this, Nangong Hou summoned his own gods.

Because the sect plan he had been implementing had to be advanced!

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