"Haha, is this the Super S-Class God Domain?"

"It's really a good place."

"This stupid demigod definitely didn't expect me to sneak attack."

"His race dared to take the initiative to attack Weifu and them."

"I'll see what you resist this time!"

The undead god Zujin saw that his undead bone dragon had entered the inner city and laughed proudly.

Just occupy his temple, then he, the god of the dead, can descend.

At that time, killing this demigod is not yet a hand.

Finally, the undead ancient dragon landed in front of the temple without hindrance, and the undead god also stepped into Nangong Hou's divine domain.

"What a wonderful breath."

"It's a pity that a weak demigod like you doesn't deserve it."

The Undead True God looked at Nangong Hou and Concubine Hong in front of him, revealing a trace of pity.

As long as he gave an order, his undead bone dragon could directly destroy the demigod statue in front of him.

"You're a little slower than I expected."

"Those companions of yours are waiting for you."

Nangong Hou did not have the slightest fear, but looked at the god of the undead like a prey.

Because he is about to have another priesthood!


"I'm afraid my companion won't see me."

"Because after I kill you, I will go directly to the God Lord."

Killing the demigod of the Super S-level God Domain and taking the Divine Tree is the first skill.

"No, no, no."

"You think too much, they are waiting for you at the end of death."

"Now, you can go and accompany them."

Nangong Hou smiled gently.

"The race of the undead also dares to step into the God Domain."

"Divine purification."

A high dragon groan sounded.

Then the huge body of the Divine Golden Dragon appeared in mid-air.

The divinely purified dragon breath was spit out by her.

"Divine Golden Dragon!"

The undead bone dragon let out a terrified roar, and then was purified by this divine power.

Although Denise is only a seventh-order epic.

But the Divine Golden Dragon was the nemesis of these undead races.

So this skull dragon can't resist at all.

As for the remaining undead races, they were suppressed by this divine aura and roared in pain.

However, this was all in vain, under the dragon breath of the seventh-order epic divine golden dragon.

More than three hundred undead races were instantly wiped out!

"Super five-star, another super five-star race!"

"It's still a sacred golden dragon!"

Concubine Hong looked down blankly.

She finally knew why Nangong Hou had been so calm.

Because, from the beginning, he didn't worry!

"Damn it."

"You actually have a back hand."

"But so what!"

"I'm a high-level demigod, a seventh-order demigod!"

"And you're just an intermediate rank."

"Give me death, the undead haunt."

The dead spirits and grievances condensed on the power of the undead were like chains that intrigued the soul towards Nangong Hou.

As long as he is contaminated by this chain, then Nangong Hou will be deprived of his sanity by the necromancer.

"Struggle in vain."

Nangong Hou dismissed.

Thunder to just the sun, can also be regarded as the nemesis of this undead power.

What's more, his control has reached 60% of the Thunder Divine Priesthood.

The vast ocean of deep purple thunder instantly submerged the God of the Undead.

The terrifying destructive power made the red concubine on the side unbearable, and directly left Nangong Hou's God Domain.

Even if she didn't see it with her own eyes, she knew that this god of the dead would die!

"It's fun to go."

Seeing that he had been killed, his divine soul was devoured by the divine tree, and only the undead priesthood in front of him remained, Nangong Hou's eyes became warm.

Because next is the time to count the harvest!

Not to mention the power of faith contained in the five priesthoods, the most important thing is that Nangong Hou has a new priesthood to fuse!

Thunder priesthood, wind priesthood, spring, summer, autumn and winter priesthood can be merged into new priesthoods!

Four Seasons Priesthood!

And after the integration of the four seasons of the priesthood, it is the most exciting time!

Four seasons priesthood plus elemental priesthood, fusion of nature priesthood!

One of the six strongest priesthoods of nature!

It will soon be owned by Nangong Hou!

Nangong Hou forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and this fusion process must be long.

First, I looked at the faith values obtained.

There is already a terrifying 12 billion in total!

The five demigods directly contributed 11.5 billion faith points to him!

This time, there is no need to feel distressed about the acceleration of the opening time.

Then, Nangong Hou glanced at the Divine Tree again.

This time he was surprised to find that the divine tree seemed to have grown.

Unexpectedly, it went directly from the budding stage to the growth period!

As the Divine Tree entered the growth stage, a crystal clear light flew into Nangong Hou's body.

It's just that no matter how Nangong Hou perceives it, he can't find where that light is hiding.

Fortunately, Nangong Hou also knew from the Moon Shadow War Ancient Tree that there were five stages in the growth of the Divine Tree.

Germination, growth, flowering, fruiting, ripening!

Every time it enters a stage, the divine tree feeds back.

As for what is fed back, no one knows!

After all, the complete divine tree has not appeared for millions of years.

"If I don't enter the growth period, I'm afraid I won't be able to support it."

Nangong Hou smiled gently.

At least a dozen divine souls turned into the nourishment of the divine tree before entering the growth stage.

You can imagine how many divine souls are needed in the next three stages!

Next, Nangong Hou explained to several gods that he would retreat for a period of time.

After waiting for a few hours, Niu Guli and the others finally rushed back.

Tens of thousands of catties of divine ethereal stones were brought back by them.

Niu Guli followed Nangong Hou's instructions and placed all the divine ethereal stones under the Ancient Tree of Yinling War.

"Believers, next I will turn on time acceleration."

Nangong Hou explained, and then decisively opened the Time Acceleration Tower.

This time he directly filled the time acceleration tower and accelerated the time at 1:50.

Nangong Hou directly started a month of acceleration.

A month is only 300 million faith values.

The Minotaur methodically arranged for each warrior to go to the special physique to generate an altar.

The Sound Spirit War Ancient Tree is frantically absorbing the Divine Ethereal Stone.

The Divine Golden Dragon does not need to cultivate at all, and sleeping is cultivating.

However, Denise was not polite in the slightest and slept directly next to the Urals.

Even if Ural was already at the ninth-order demigod level, he couldn't give her any oppressive force at all.

On the contrary, Ural was a little uncomfortable suppressed by Denise's divine attribute.

"Merge the Four Seasons priesthood first."

Nangong Hou took out the harvested priesthood and began the process of fusion.

"Damn it."

"All five of them actually failed!"

"Who is this Nangong Marquis!"

Within the True Martial Sect, the God Lord who received the news jumped like thunder.

The gods on the side trembled, not daring to say more.

The loss of a few gods was nothing to him!

But failure after failure made this god lord become a little violent.

"Ninth-order demigod-level dark frost dragon."

"Eighth-order Legendary-level Moon Lady Sacrifice."

"How can a demigod who has only opened up the Divine Domain for more than three months have made such great progress!"

"He must have a secret."

"And it's a big secret!"

After the God Lord vented, he calmed down.

Now his interest is not only on the Divine Tree, but more on Nangong Hou's body.

"God of Bows and Arrows, it seems that the Cadet Union Competition every five hundred years is going to be held in your academy, right?"

The God Lord suddenly asked.

"Lord God, yes."

The God of Bows and Arrows said respectfully.


"You don't need me to teach you how to do it, right?"

The God Lord said lightly.

"God Lord rest assured, his subordinates will definitely not let Nangong Hou leave alive."

The God of Bows and Arrows said decisively.


-The author has something to say:

Thank you readers and friends for your support all the way, thank you.

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