Super two-way teleportation array, as long as there are coordinates, can allow the demigod belief race to teleport to any area, including planes!

The region is transmitted in both directions, consuming 20 million faith points each time.

The plane is transmitted in both directions, consuming 100 million faith points each time.

"Nangong Hou, Nangong Hou?"

Jiang Shi looked at Nangong Hou, who was in a daze, and couldn't help but call out a few times.

This kid is also true, isn't it just a plane teleportation array?

As for being so surprised?

I haven't seen the world, it's really pitiful.

Fortunately, Jiang Shi didn't say this, otherwise Nangong Hou could hit him to the point of autism!

It's just a garbage plane teleportation array!

He now has a super two-way teleportation array.

Where you want to go!

And it's both ways!

The most important thing is that this teleportation array does not need the Void Stone at all, as long as the power of faith!

Nangong Hou looked at the super two-way teleportation array and almost didn't laugh out loud.

This two-way teleportation array is really timely!

"Dean, how will I come back after I go to this teleportation array?"

Nangong Hou came back to his senses.

"There is a proximity card for the plane teleportation array here."

"When the time comes, after you complete the task, crush this card, and the plane teleportation array will feel the power of teleportation, and then teleport your God Domain back."

"This card must be put away."

"Otherwise, your God Domain will only survive in the Aram plane at that time."

"And the Aram plane simply cannot withstand your exaltation of the power of the kingdom of God."

Jiang Shi explained a few words cautiously before handing the card to Nangong Hou.

Nangong Hou smiled gently, he naturally wouldn't say anything about the super two-way teleportation array.

Next, Nangong Hou sat in the center of the plane teleportation array.

Jiang Shi solemnly placed ten kilograms of Empty Stone in the groove of the teleportation array.

The teleportation array lit up with a dazzling white light.

Then Nangong Hou obviously felt that his God Domain had broken away from the Barbarian Continent and was constantly shuttling between the stars.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Nangong Hou put the reward for signing in the inner city.

It is more appropriate to say that it is not so much a teleportation array as a teleportation altar.

The size of this teleportation array is only half the size of the teleportation array of the plane temple.

However, its function is much more powerful than the plane teleportation array.

I don't know how long it took, Nangong Hou obviously felt that his Divine Domain shuttle speed had decreased, and then seemed to hit some transparent barrier, and then stopped completely.

Has it arrived?

Nangong Hou did not rashly send all the faith races.

Tyranya, Nguri, Guardian of the Jungle, Demon Hunter, and Ural plus fifty dragon knights were sent by him.

This combination, even if it encounters any danger, is enough to deal with it.

With Niu Guli's vision, Nangong Hou finally saw this plane clearly.

At first glance, it is a dense jungle.

Beyond the jungle is the endless ocean.

And in the center of this face, there is a mountain range towering above the clouds.

That is what Jiang Shi said, there may be a place where the priesthood of sleep is bred.

It's just that when Niu Guli stepped into this plane, it was a mess in his eyes.

Many trees have been destroyed by roots, and there are traces of fighting everywhere.

"Everyone be careful."

Niu Guli let out a low sigh and took the lead in walking in the direction of the mountains.

Along the way, Niu Guli and the others' faces became solemn.

A lot of corpses can already be seen on the ground.

These corpses all have pointed ears and are similar in appearance to the Night Elves.

But above their foreheads was a cloud of blood.

Blood Elves, a branch of the Night Elves family.

It is the main race that survives in this plane.

Looking at these corpses, Tyranya's brows furrowed together.

Seeing her clan killed, her heart was very angry.

As it went deeper, there were more and more corpses on the ground.

As the jungle gradually became scarcer, what appeared in front of Niu Guli and the others was a plain.

And on this plain, at a glance, there are at least more than 100,000 blood elves surrounded together.

Most of these blood elves only have the strength of a fourth-order lord.

They all had some injuries on their bodies.

And they are guarded by a group of elemental elves.

I saw that these elemental spirits were all turquoise, and the water element that was rich to the extreme came to their faces.

These turned out to be water element elves.

Water elemental elves, a four-star race, proficient in water magic.

The most important thing is that these water element spirits all carry the power of faith.

"You're finally here."

The water element elf saw Niu Guli and the others appear, and an elf whose size was obviously larger than other water elements walked out.

His whole body was already dark blue, and between his forehead, there was a droplet-like symbol.

This turned out to be a ninth-order demigod-level water element!

As his words fell, the dense water elemental elves emerged from the sea.

Then surrounded Niu Guli and others.

At first glance, there are at least more than six thousand.

This was not over, ten three-headed dragons came out of the sea at the same time.

Three-headed dragon, five-star race, overlord of the sea, infinite power.

Each head can spit magic with different attributes.

The terrifying thing is that these ten three-headed dragons are all eighth-order legendary level.

"The smell of dragon blood!"

The earth began to shake.

There were five golden beamons who walked over with stout steps.

These five-headed golden beamons are not comparable to Zhong Xia's amethyst beamons.

Golden Beamon, a five-star race, feeds on dragons and is extremely brutal.

These five golden beamons are all ninth-order demigod level.

Strangely, the power of faith of the Golden Beamon and the Water Elemental Elves is not the same at all.

"What a big deal."

Nangong Hou's gaze froze, and there were six of them at the ninth-order demigod level alone.

"Who are you?"

At this moment, Nangong Hou's will came directly.

He didn't believe that these people had just come to collect the sleep priesthood.


"Nangong Hou, I didn't expect it, we will meet here."

The ninth-order demigod-level water elemental spirit let out a loud laugh.

"Wu Hao?"

The familiar breath and familiar voice made Nangong Hou first think of the teacher of the Tianzi class who was rejected by Xia Bing, Wu Hao.

After Wu Hao was in the phantom bamboo forest, he directly resigned from his job as an academy teacher.

Because he no longer has the face to continue to stay in the academy.

All this is because of Nangong Hou and Xia Bing.

Xia Bingming pretended to be an iceberg beauty on the face, and he was actually involved with his students behind his back.

This made Wu Hao extremely angry and resentful in his heart.

Even Nangong Hou and Xia Bing had nothing at all.

"With your own strength alone, it seems that you can't travel through the plane, right?"

"Plague True God?"

Nangong Hou looked towards Golden Beamon.

The God Lord of the True Martial Sect couldn't pull out his hand at all now.

Those who have hatred with themselves, who can get such a big hand, are the true gods of the plague.

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