"Tails, do you know this ancient tree?"

Nangong Hou, who returned to his dormitory, couldn't wait to communicate with the God Domain.

"Great God of Thunder."

"This should be a seventh-order epic Flower Spirit War Ancient Tree."

"And this ancient tree has no faith."

"It should have just been discovered, and it will not be collected in the future."

Tails's thick voice came.

Flower Spirit War Ancient Tree?

Nangong Hou quickly searched for information about this ancient tree in his mind.

The ancient tree of the Flower Spirit War, once it blooms in fifty years, after flowering, a spirit bee will be born in the flower bones at the same time.

The role of these spirit bees is to collect nectar and brew it into a thousand flowers.

Thousand Flowers Brew has a great role in promoting the improvement of strength.

The specific improvement effect depends on the level of the War Ancient Tree!

In other words, the Thousand Flowers Brew brewed by this seventh-order epic Flower Spirit War Ancient Tree has an effect on all below the seventh order.

Thinking of this, Nangong Hou's eyes looked at this ancient tree with fiery eyes.

This plague god is really his own treasure boy.

This ancient tree of Yinling War was also given by him.

Now pour well, and send myself another plant.

Good man!

"Flower Spirit War Ancient Tree, Ru Ke is willing to believe in the God of Thunder?"

Nangong Hou's thunderous voice sounded.

"Great God of Thunder, please accept my faith."

"I am proud of my faith in the God of Thunder."

The Flower Spirit War Ancient Tree had been in Nangong Hou's God Domain for some time.

Especially when she saw the Ninth Order Demigod's Moon Shadow War Ancient Tree and Divine Tree, she was already ready to sacrifice her faith.

A thick passage of faith instantly connected Nangong Hou.


Almost became a saint.

However, Nangong Hou was not in the slightest hurry, under the indoctrination of the Moon Shadow War Ancient Tree, they would become saints sooner or later.

This Flower Spirit War Ancient Tree had already bloomed once before.

So if it wants to bloom again, it will take another fifty years.

After harvesting the belief in the ancient tree of the Flower Spirit War, Nangong Hou looked into the temple.

The parchment scroll was slowly opened by him.

At the same time, his heart became fiery.

This is a map, a map of the Barbarian Continent.

Many places are not labeled, only one place is specifically marked.

The remains of the Divine Domain after the fall of the True God.

The ethnic colony of the Light Titans!

Sure enough, sure enough!

It seems that Wu Hao did not lie to himself.

Light Titans, a five-star race, are said to have a trace of the blood of a god.

The physical strength is extremely powerful, each of them is seven feet in size, and the strength is infinite, juxtaposed with the golden beamon.

In addition to inheriting the power of the Titan, the Light Titan also has the Light attribute.

It's a nightmare for the dark race and the demon race!

"It seems that before dealing with that god lord first, you still have to go to this relic to see what happened."

The corners of Nangong Hou's eyes moved slightly.

According to the red concubine's divination, the God of Decay is summoning the power of evil, and that God Lord is attacking the Demon Mountain Range.

No matter how you look at it, the Light Titans are their nemesis.

Therefore, Nangong Hou had already moved the mind to subdue the Light Titan first.

However, this matter was not in a hurry, Nangong Hou temporarily put it in the back of his mind, but took out the assassin priesthood.

Nangong Hou extracted the power of faith in it.

There were actually two billion faith values, that is, two hundred drops of divine power.

Counting the more than five hundred drops of divine power he possessed, it was now almost enough for him to perform 7 turns.

Looking at the priesthood in front of him, he did not choose to fuse.

"Demon Hunter Ted."

Nangong Hou's voice appeared in Ted's mind.

Although Ted and Tai Lanya are both disciples of Nangong Hou.

But demon hunters are not liked by the night elves, so Ted also lives alone in the forest.

At this time, hearing the call of the God of Thunder, he immediately knelt on the ground with a reverent face.

"This assassin priesthood is given to you."

Nangong Hou threw it, and the gorgeous priesthood flew across the sky towards Ted.

"The God of Thunder began to show miracles."

"The gift of the priesthood is destined to have the birth of another ninth-order demigod."

"The great God of Thunder, omnipotent."


Seeing this miracle, all the faithful races began to pray sincerely.

The Assassin priesthood melted into Ted's eyebrows.

The demon hunter is originally an assassin race, and having the assassin priesthood at this time is definitely a huge leap forward for his combat effectiveness.

The power of the priesthood is constantly transforming the demon hunter.

I don't know how long it took, the power of the priesthood was completely integrated into Ted's body.

"Ted is thankful for the gift from the God of Thunder."

After fusing the priesthood, Ted's strength directly came to the ninth-order demigod level.

His faith also became directly the Holy Spirit.

With a satisfied glance at Ted, Nangong Hou called out to Concubine Hong.

He wanted to confirm the authenticity of the map.

With the help of the parchment roll, the red concubine could only roughly divinate to this position, and there was indeed a trace of the residual breath of the true god.

As for whether it is a bright titan or not, whether it is dangerous or not, the red concubine cannot divinate at all.

However, what the red concubine can be sure of is that this parchment roll is equivalent to a key.

Without this key, it would be impossible for them to open this True God Relic.

Withdrawing the red concubine, Nangong Hou took out the sleep priesthood.

The power of sleep is constantly emanating.

However, for Nangong Hou, it did not have any effect.

"Integrate it first."

The divine body had been strengthened, so Nangong Hou was not worried about what effect the fusion of this sleep divine position would have on him now.

As soon as the sleep priesthood melted into the eyebrows, it was devoured by the crippled dark priesthood.

I don't know how long it took, Nangong Hou opened his eyes.

At this moment, his left eye is endless darkness, and his right eye is pure green.

Sleep priesthood, fusion success!

With the successful fusion of the Sleep Priesthood, Nangong Hou obviously felt that the Dark Priesthood had become stronger again.

Now that the dark priesthood is complete, he has two kinds of priesthood, the silent priesthood and the cold priesthood.

However, Nangong Hou is not in a hurry, these two priesthoods are extremely rare.

You can only wait until you slowly look for it later.

After doing this, Nangong Hou directly opened the Time Acceleration Tower.

This time, more than seven hundred drops of divine power directly began to be refined by his natural divine office.

For a moment, Nangong Hou fell into cultivation again.

In the blink of an eye, five days have passed in the outside world, but two hundred and fifty days have passed in the God Domain, most of the time.

Nangong Hou also woke up from cultivation.

This time 7 turns, it consumed seven hundred drops of his divine power!

"Finally stepped into the ranks of high-level demigods."

"Let's strengthen the priesthood first."

Even if he consumed so much divine power, Nangong Hou was very satisfied.

It consumed 200 million faith points and strengthened all eleven priesthoods to 80% control.

The natural priesthood has also been strengthened to 44% control.

The increase in control made Nangong Hou have a deeper understanding of the power of the natural priesthood.

After strengthening the priesthood, that is the divine body.

Before it was the Star Yao Divine Body, after taking two Phaseless Longzhi, Nangong Hou always felt that the limit of his Divine Body seemed to have been broken again.

Originally, as long as it was strengthened ten times, it could strengthen the Star Glory Divine Body to the limit.

This time, it was strengthened thirty times, and the Star Glory Divine Body reached 100%.

After the Star Glory Divine Body, it is the Supreme Divine Body.

Unfortunately, Nangong Hou is now unable to strengthen.

However, the Supreme Divine Body was more than twice as powerful as the Star Yao Divine Body.

Nangong Hou believed that with his current Supreme Divine Body, he could easily kill a 7-turn demigod with one punch!

Nangong Hou was very satisfied with his current state, and then looked at the parchment roll.

"It's time to explore that ruins."

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