"Great, my lord, what are we going to do?"

In the God Domain of the Rotten God, the other three demigods had horror in their eyes.

This Nangong Hou is really too cruel.

Not to mention the five-star, super five-star race, that is, his hundred holy bodies, is this the work of people?

Isn't a hundred super five-star races enough to go against the sky?

He even possesses the Eucharist at the same time.

This is completely the ceiling of combat power.

A sixth-order immortal-level minotaur warrior actually chased a seventh-order epic-level half-orc to fight, dare you believe it?

Even if their number is twice that of Nangong Hou, but so what?

Nangong Hou's side is the elite of the elite, and it is no longer possible to win by numbers.

What's more, their reliance this time was on these ten ninth-order demigod levels.

However, these ten demigod-level were doomed to their end after the appearance of the Light Titan and the Demon Hunter.

And without these ten ninth-order demigod levels, it would be completely impossible for their high-end combat power to limit Nangong Hou's race.

"Damn it."

"In the intelligence, isn't he only one Chimera?"

"Now, why the three-headed?"

The god of decay constantly roared and roared.

His city was originally strong.

Even a Chimera would take a lot of time to corrode his walls.

But now, his city wall was directly corroded and collapsed in half under the strong acid of the three-headed Chimera.

And their more than 50,000 faith races are already being frantically slaughtered, and it won't be long before Nangong Hou's faith race will step on his temple.

At that time, is he an opponent of a demigod who has mastered the priesthood of nature?

The answer is obvious.

"Damn, why are we always underprepared?"

"You hold it for me."

"I'll go to Lord God."

"As long as Lord God is willing to make a move, this kid will definitely have no way to live."

The God of Decay roared angrily.

Fortunately, he also had a religious race in the temple of Lord God.

"God Lord, God Lord."

"The subordinate mission failed."

"I also ask the Lord God to send additional support."

As soon as the God of Decay descended into the God Lord's God Domain, he hurriedly begged for support.


"Don't you already know all his hole cards?"

"Can you fail just like that?"

"Why exactly?"

The God Lord roared angrily.

Why is it a failure every time about that Nangong Hou!

How many years, the word failure, God Lord has not heard of it for many years.

"He has the Light Titan, and the Demon Hunter."

"Completely restrain the demon race summoned by my blood sacrifice."

The God of Decay hurriedly said.

Light Titan, Demon Hunter?

The God Lord's brows furrowed deadly, this Nangong Hou was indeed a person with great luck.

Even such races can have it.

"So, you lost?"

The God Lord's tone suddenly became cold.

"Subordinates are incompetent."

The God of Rot felt a chill in his heart.

"Since you are incompetent, then die."

The God Lord said lightly.

As his words fell, the God of Decay suddenly lost his vitality directly, and the whole person fell limply.

His flesh and blood began to shrivele rapidly, and finally only a human skin remained.

The terrifying thing was that a diamond-shaped crystal shimmering with blood red flashed in mid-air.

If you look closely, you will find that among the diamond-shaped crystals, there is a translucent god of decay.

This turned out to be a priesthood!

The God Lord did not look at this priesthood, lightly.

This priesthood flew directly downwards.

A blood-red tree more than three meters tall stretched out countless branches to entangle the priest and then devoured it.

"Nangong Hou."

The God Lord whispered, and then set his eyes on the Demon Mountain Range again.

That's where his focus is now.

Attacking the Demon Mountain Range is not just for the demon race!


"It's over."

As soon as the God of Decay left, his three gods looked desperately at the battle below.

There, the victory and defeat have been divided.

Or rather, from the very beginning, the end was already doomed.

When Niu Guli directly rushed to the temple of the God of Rot, Nangong Hou also followed and entered their God Domain.

"Corrosive fumes."

"Flame Long Dragon."

"Extreme wood spurt."

As gods of the decaying god, or subordinates of the god lord, these three demigods knew the consequences of their betrayal.

And even if they can betray the God Lord, this Nangong Marquis is afraid that he will not leave them.

Therefore, as soon as Nangong Hou's front foot stepped into the Divine Domain, they launched the strongest attack.

All three are 8-turn demigods.

At the same time, the power is amazing.

Unfortunately, they met Nangong Hou.

Nangong Hou, who has already turned 7 times, is no longer afraid of any 9 turns demigod.

Without even needing to use the power of the Natural Divine Priesthood, the Thunder Divine Priest's hegemonic attack that destroyed the heavens and the earth directly broke the combined blow of the three people easily.

The three were then directly devoured.

The three divine souls flew directly to Nangong Hou's divine domain.

"Where did this god of decay run?"

Nangong Hou accepted three priesthoods.

The battle below is completely over.

All that remains is the finishing touch.

"Huh, this is the Hell Demon Summoning Altar?"

Nangong Hou looked at the deepest part of the God of Rotten God's domain.

There is an altar that glows deep black.

"It's still a ninth-order demigod level?"

Nangong Hou looked at this altar with fiery eyes.

It seems that the previous ten hell demons were summoned by this altar.

However, this altar must be sacrificed in blood, and then the hell demons must be summoned to fight for themselves.

Moreover, this hell demon carries a deep hell imprint, and it is difficult to obtain their faith.

"Bai is happy."

Nangong Hou shook his head.

He wouldn't sacrifice his race to summon such a thing.

"Great God of Thunder."

"The energy in this hellish demon altar can be used to accelerate the ripening of the forbidden fruit."

"But the forbidden fruit after maturity can only allow the night elves to evolve into demon hunters."

Ted the demon hunter saw the altar and prayed religiously to the God of Thunder.

And this effect?

This place has been processed, and next, it is time to go to the Devil Mountain Range.

Having more demon hunters would definitely be of great help to Nangong Hou.

"Ted, bring this altar back."

"It's up to you to cultivate the forbidden fruit, and I want more demon hunters to be born."

The God of Thunder directly issued the oracle.

"Great God of Thunder, this seventh-order epic corrosive war ancient tree has withered and died."

"But the heart of the tree was born."

Niu Guli also made new discoveries.

Heart of the Tree?

Nangong Hou quickly looked.

I saw that in an ancient tree that had completely withered and died, a pure, colorful light mass constantly emitted light.

Pure green without a trace of properties.

The heart of the tree, more than 3,000 years old trees can be conceived.

After death, there is an extremely small probability that the Origin, the Heart of the Tree, will be born.

The most direct effect is that any ancient tree can be absorbed, and after absorption, the ancient tree can quickly grow!

"Bring it back, bring it back."

Rao is Nangong Hou's determination, and he can't help but be moved.

I didn't expect to have such a good thing.

This time, it's worth the trip!

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