Global Gods: Start with Slimes

Chapter 238 The first day of school, the whole school alarm

White Deer City.

The area is very large.

There are many tall buildings and a lot of traffic.

And in the middle of the city.

It's a huge school!

It is the White Deer Temple, one of the Four Great Temples!

Today is a special day.

White Deer Temple Freshmen Report!

at the same time.

In the endless starry sky.

There is an incomparably huge divine tree.

The tree of the world!

Covering the sky and the sun, traversing the void.

Everywhere you see is green, you can't see where the crown and roots of the tree are at all.

You can't even see the edges of the branches and leaves.

This is the most famous world tree in the White Deer Temple.

Every leaf exudes a strong breath of life.

Just get a little closer.

All make people feel very comfortable.

Some leaves also shimmered in various colors.

Those are all gods!

The entire White Deer Temple.

The gods of the teachers and students turned into leaves one after another, attached to the branches of the world.


It's the last day of freshman reporting.

The students are entering the school one after another.

God's Domain also flew from all directions.

Under the traction of green light, it stopped on the lower branches.

"Da-360 freshmen, admission ticket number**.

"Zhou Xueyan, confirm!

Teachers work together.

One by one, each of the flying gods was identified.

"First-year freshman, admission ticket number**.""

"Xiao Hua, confirm!"

One after another God's Domain docked on the branches of the world.

One new born after another flew out of the realm of the gods.

Confirm information with teachers.

Then return to the White Deer Temple in the main world.

As the green light gradually diminished, finally the last God's Domain was also docked on the World Tree.

Director Gao clapped his hands and smiled.

"The candidates recruited this year.

"There are 3,000 people in total, and the actual number is 3,000. 99

"Okay, everyone, go back to rest when you're done.

The teachers breathed a sigh of relief.

They flew together in twos and threes, talking and laughing and preparing to return.

At this time, a teacher suddenly shouted.

"There's still a ray of traction here!""


Everyone flew over quickly, and then all were stunned.

There's really a ray of traction there.

"What's the matter? 35

"The 3,000 God's Domains have all been docked.

"How is it possible that there is still traction divine light?

"Could it be that some students have mastered the Second God's Domain?"

As soon as this word comes out.

Everyone laughed.

Director Gao shook his head.

“It’s amazing that a high school student can ignite a fire. 35

"How can it be possible to master the Second God's Domain.

"What's more, the candidates have more divine realms.

"Tractoring the divine light will only lead to the divine realm where the candidate is located. 99

People don't understand why.

But that divine light of traction is not fake.

Their job is to record the docked domains.

Therefore, you can only stay and wait.

Most of the day has passed.

A spot of light finally appeared in the void.


"There really is a new student! 35

The crowd was amazed.

Quickly prepare the record file.

But after a while, the light spot still didn't fly over.

"what happened?

"Why doesn't that Divine Realm move?

The crowd looked up.

The pulling god is still pulling, but the god's domain is still not approaching.

The crowd waited for a long time.

That spot of light finally grew bigger.

"I understand!"

"That God's Domain is too far away from us, so it's just a little bit.

Near big and far small.

Everyone was even more shocked when they reacted.

How big is that God's Domain, and it has been unable to show the whole picture for so long!

Another half day passed.

Everyone finally saw the Divine Realm!

"Oh my God!"

"There are more than 1,000 square kilometers!"

"Could it be some powerful lower god?""

"How can a freshman have such a huge divine realm!

(ajbe) High school students can be promoted to lower gods.

A true genius everywhere.

If the other party is really a freshman at White Deer Temple, there is no reason for everyone not to know.

Everyone hurriedly checked the candidates' admission list.


"I can't find it on the candidate list!"5

Everyone was stunned again.

Traction divine light is not false.

In other words, the other party did have an admission notice from the White Deer Temple.

However, there is no information on the list of candidates at all.

Everything seemed so weird.

"Could it be that someone pretended to be a freshman.

"Conspiracy is wrong!

Although everyone did not know how the other party forged the leaves of the world tree.

But the whole thing leaked out of the ordinary everywhere.

Additional freshmen.

A huge realm.

If the comer is bad, that's bad.

"No, hurry up and inform the principal!"

"Someone is going to attack the World Tree!

Everyone immediately made a decision and issued an alarm message directly.

In the White Deer Temple.

The freshmen have just resisted, and haven't been able to take a good look at the school scenery.


A rush of sirens rang out over the campus.

"Level 4 Alert!"

"Attention all students!

"Please return to your dormitory immediately and follow the teacher's order. 99

The students immediately exploded.

Many people have just arrived on campus.

I don't even know where the dormitory is, how can I go back?

"Students, don't panic!"

"Follow the teacher around you! 99

The figures of teachers suddenly appeared in the campus.

Lead the students into a safe area to hide.

More teachers directly enter the realm of the gods.

In the starry sky, one figure after another appeared.

The teachers teamed up to release the divine power.

Form a huge divine defense formation.

Guard the World Tree and guard the White Deer Temple.

at the same time.

in the realm of the gods.

Ye Su looked at the huge world tree in the distance.

Totally shocked.

A few days ago, the admission notice suddenly radiated a strong light.

And send out a notification to move God's Domain.

Ye Su could only bid farewell to everyone.

Along with God's Domain, they flew to the direction of White Deer Temple.

But a day ago.

He has already seen the huge world tree.

It seems to be the background of the endless starry sky.

It's impossible to measure the size at all!

Approaching the realm of the gods.

Ye Su is also getting more and more shocked.

Completely speechless.

He just wanted to contact Lu Ming.

Then I saw a miracle.

A large number of lower gods and middle gods appeared in front of the World Tree.

Arranged neatly and released a strong divine light.

A huge light curtain was formed.

Magnificent, bright and beautiful.

"Is this the welcome ceremony of the White Deer Temple?"

"It's so grand, so honored.

Ye Su was overjoyed.

Quickly mobilized all divine power to speed up.

Rush to the World Tree with all your strength.

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