Global Gods: Start with Slimes

Chapter 292 The Second Stage Trial

Demons have strong magic resistance.

Rimuru and Ariandra's best attack skills have been scrapped.

The two can only use other moves to fight.


Limuru vigorously urged the vortex staff, condensing a water tornado.

The waterspout rolls towards the succubus, wrapped in a storm of terror.

The succubus didn't care.

Directly launched the teleportation technique, easily dodging the attack of the waterspout.

The waterspout continued to move forward, only destroying a group of low-level demons.

Ariandra suddenly waved her hand sharply.

The ground instantly turned black.

The breath of death filled the air, quickly eroding the demons on the ground.

At the same time, the skeleton soldiers crawled out and started to attack frantically.

But the succubuses flapped their wings and flew into the sky.

Ignored Wither and Death and the undead army attack.

"The tree world is coming! Touch the tree people!"

Ivy raised her hands high.

Trees rose into the sky one by one, and in a blink of an eye they pulled out their roots and grew arms.

Turned into a huge tree to join the battlefield.

However, the succubus still cannot be reached.

The three heroes all attacked, but they couldn't hurt the succubus general at all.

Only those low-level demons can be destroyed.

The succubus generals attacked 377 times again and again.

Forcing the three heroes to retreat.

The three of Rimuru were completely at a disadvantage.

All means can only destroy ordinary demons.

It is powerless against the real magic general.

Qin Qiaoyun became worried.

"Ye Su, what should I do?"

"There are too many generals, your hero can't beat them! 35

There are six demon generals, but Ye Su's hero has only three.

Plus attribute restraint.

The three heroes can never beat each other.

"Not urgent."

"The battle hasn't really begun. 55

Ye Su shook his head slightly, with a mysterious smile on his face.

Qin Qiaoyun was puzzled.

The three of Limuru have been beaten by the demon generals and are powerless to fight back.

Is there any way to turn it around?

Nobody noticed.

As the demon army was quickly killed by the three of Limuru.

Killing intent pervades.

Slowly gathered on the three of them.

The succubus attacked again and again.

The three of Limuru were close together, trying their best to resist.

The anti-magic shield and the ice barrier protected the three of them.

Ivy has also taken root in the ground, trying to absorb nutrients to treat her injuries.

Two extreme developments occurred on the battlefield (ajbe).

Under the attack of heroic spells, the demon army was completely killed and wounded.

But the heroes are not the opponents of the devil at all.

Also not badly injured.

Seeing that the heroes have fallen into desperation.

The six succubus laughed horribly.

Suddenly, all the succubus figures suddenly disappeared.

When it reappears, it has been teleported to the front of the hero.

A cracking sound rang out.

The six long whips ripped open the air and slashed at the three heroes at the same time.

Ivy quickly spawned layers of wooden shield defenses.

But the whip fell.

The wooden shield directly turned into countless fragments and fell apart.

The ice quickly condensed out and continued to block in front of the whip.

The succubuses didn't care at all.

Smashed the ice again.

Countless bone rings gathered around the three heroes.

That's the last line of defense.

The succubus looked ferocious, and once again stimulated the magic,

Right now.

Ariandra's expression suddenly froze.

"Bone Storm! 99

In an instant.

All the bones turned into a storm of terror.

The ice and broken wood were all wrapped up by the storm and swept out.

The succubus hurriedly flapped their wings, trying to escape the storm.

Ariandra stretched out her hands again.

Six white bone chains shot out in salvo, tightly entangling each succubus.

The Bone Storm rages.

The succubus can only try to resist.

Death emerged, and a force of death also appeared on the white bone chain.

Corrupted the lives of six succubus.

The succubuses hurriedly struggled with all their strength.

At this time.

Another six vines grew rapidly and wrapped around the succubus layer by layer along the chain.

Ivy flipped her palms.

Rapid infusion of growth hormone.

Hormones are not toxins, but beneficial to the body.

Succubus is not immune at all.

The wings of the six succubuses grew rapidly, and in the blink of an eye they became incomparably fatter.

turned into meatballs.

Don't talk about flying.

The actions of the succubuses were affected.

The water wave rotates rapidly, forming an extremely sharp water wave blade.

Rimuru slashed across with a knife.

The big leader soared into the sky, blood spurting wildly.

The first succubus dies!

The teleportation has finally finished cooling down.

The remaining five succubus quickly launched the teleportation technique to escape.

Appears in every corner of the battlefield.

But they didn't wait for them to breathe a sigh of relief.

A stream of water, a flash of fire, and a flower appeared behind the three succubus.

Heroes have long mastered teleportation.

How could the succubus escape!

Chains are flying, vines are entwined, and water waves are slashing.

Three heroes shot again.

The wings become meat balls, and the teleportation cools down.

There was no way for the succubus to escape, and they died tragically on the spot.

The heroes again beheaded three succubus generals.

The situation is completely reversed.

The succubuses were terrified, completely unaware of what was going on.

The previous battle was not false.

They did overpower three heroes.

But at this time, the strength of the three heroes made them unable to parry.

It's like suddenly getting stronger!

The succubuses couldn't understand no matter what they thought, and were completely in a panic.


"Why is the killing intent on Limuru and the others so heavy?"

Qin Qiaoyun vaguely noticed something.

The three heroes are full of majestic killing intent.

And, after killing the demon general, the killing intent is even stronger!

Will to kill.

After the hero kills the enemy, he will accumulate killing intent.

Improve your own strength!

Rimuru, Ariandra, and Ivy seem to be doing nothing.

Unleashing various spells can only destroy low-level demons.

However, 20 million low-level demons.

Such a huge number directly brought a great improvement to the three!

The strength of the three at this time.

It's just a little bit of divinity, otherwise it's definitely comparable to a demigod!

Succubus only has legendary power.

How could it be the opponent of the three heroes!

Rimuru raised the water wave blade again, and Ariandra also drew out the bone broadsword.

Ivy is the master of the forest.

The three fight against two demon generals.

Especially after killing four legendary-level demon generals, and his strength increased again.

The results speak for themselves.

The six succubus generals died tragically on the spot.

The demon army on the ground was also slaughtered.

The battle is over.

[Notice]: Congratulations on winning the first stage of the trial.

【Notice】: The second phase begins!

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