Listening to the melancholy voice.

A smile appeared on Xu Wen's pretty face, and she walked up to Hua Tian.

He took the wine glass from his hand and took a sip.

Under Hua Tian's fiery gaze, Xu Wen raised her leg with charming eyes and straddled Hua Tian's leg.

The long black stocking legs tightly clamped Hua Tian's waist.

The red lips painted with seductive lip gloss were printed on the mouth with a sinister smile.

His tongue moved slightly to drink the wine.

"Errand runners don't get this treatment."

The lips separated, pulling out a thin crystal line.

Xu Wen lifted Hua Tian's chin with her fingers and breathed hot air from her mouth.

"What kind of treatment, why didn't I feel it?" Hua Tianxie laughed.

"Of course it is..."

Xu Wenmei smiled and slowly leaned down.

At this time.

There was a knock on the door: "Mr. Hua Tian, ​​the people from Sichuan Nan have arrived and are waiting in the conference room."


Hua Tian replied.

Looking at the completely charming woman in front of him: "Go and finish the work first, and then we can have fun."

Xu Wen hummed softly and swallowed what was in her mouth.

"Huatian, Hailan Mining Group."

Qin Hao slowly looked through the information.

This is a letter of intent for cooperation.

From Hailan Free City, and the partners are the Southern Sichuan Military Department and Qin Hao.

Qin Hao was surprised to see his name on it.

"Are you surprised?"

Song Yangqiu laughed from the side.

"Of course, I don't remember having the minerals with me."

"You didn't, but the Bai family did." Song Yangqiu said lightly.

"You mean, this mineral was discovered by the Bai family?"

Song Yang Qiu said: "Yes, you have almost wiped out all the backbone of the Bai family. Naturally, our Southern Sichuan Military Headquarters will not miss this great opportunity."

"The autumn wind will sweep away the fallen leaves, uncover all the shady things in his past, and wipe them out in one fell swoop!"

"That treasure mine will naturally be confiscated, and as a reward for you, you will naturally get a share of this treasure mine."

Qin Hao closed the document and showed a smile.

"Thank you very much, Commander-in-Chief."

This surprise came somewhat suddenly.

Qin Hao vaguely remembered that this treasure mine was worth two Bai family members.

You know, the assets of the Bai family are measured in hundreds of billions.

Involving various industries such as beast materials, medicinal materials, weapons and equipment.

And this treasure mine is comparable to two Bai families, and its value is inestimable.

Even if it's just a little bit of soup for Qin Hao, that's an astronomical figure.

Qin Hao and Songyang Qiuzheng were talking.

The conference room door opens.

A man and a woman walked in accompanied by several warriors.

The leader is none other than the idol Hua Tian.

Beside him, followed a voluptuous and plump woman.

And as they came closer.

Qin Hao frowned slightly.

He smelled a faint fishy smell.

His eyes fell on the corner of Xu Wen's mouth, and a tiny bit of white stuck to it.

He chuckled suddenly and looked away.

Negotiations began soon.

Song Yangqiu and Qin Hao are not responsible for the negotiation.

They just came to watch.

In this way, when a situation arises that the person in charge cannot handle, it will be easier for him to handle it.

Rather than passing it back and forth.

Their time is very valuable.

Time passed quickly.

The details of the cooperation were also finalized one by one.

A satisfied smile appeared on Hua Tian's face.

Waiting for the person in charge to stamp the final contract.

But at this moment.

A hand suddenly took the contract over.

Wan He, the person in charge of Southern Sichuan, looked at Qin Hao in surprise.

"What's wrong, Mr. Qin?"

As a member of the military, Wan He knew Qin Hao's identity.

So I wasn't angry, just curious.

"Wait a minute."

Qin Hao put the contract in front of his eyes and looked at Hua Tian.

"Mr. Hua, we need to re-determine the price of the germanium blue associated ore in the contract."

Hua Tian did not answer, but looked at Wan He with some doubts.

"Mr. Wan, I am negotiating with your department on behalf of my group. I hope Chuannan can give an explanation as to why an unrelated person appears."

Just as Wan He was about to speak, Qin Hao waved his hand and said calmly: "I own 20% of this mineral, so I have the right to question your deal."

"Hainlan Group has lowered the price of germanium blue associated ore by 30% below the market price. Isn't this a bit excessive? Mr. Hua Tian."

Qin Hao looked at each other calmly.


Hua Tian chuckled: "It turned out to be a Mr. Shareholder, and it was Hua Tian who was abrupt."

Hua Tian stretched out his hand.

Qin Hao glanced but made no move.

The scene suddenly became awkward.

Retracting his hand angrily, Hua Tian explained: "This shareholder may not know much about the current situation in Xia Country. After all, it is understandable to raise this question when communication is cut off."

"We have already stated in advance the price of this kind of ore."

"At present, ferocious beasts are rampant, trade between major cities is almost cut off, and the price of everything is several percent lower than before. Not to mention this germanium blue ore, which is close to market saturation.

We have no choice. If we buy it at the original price, we will lose money. "

Hua Tian showed a helpless expression.

However, Qin Hao laughed and pushed the contract over directly: "It seems that you are not sincere, so let's not talk about this cooperation."


Hua Tian frowned and his smile disappeared: "Sir, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't say whatever you want. Even if you are a shareholder, you have no right to decide this trillion-dollar transaction."

"If you continue to disrupt the negotiation here, I'm afraid I will ask you to leave."

However, Qin Hao did not speak, and looked at the other party quietly.

The meaning of ignoring in his eyes was extremely obvious.

"It seems that this gentleman is determined to make trouble. Come on, please ask this gentleman to go out and calm down."

Hua Tian shouted in a low voice.

Several warriors who followed him pressed over immediately.

However, a terrifying aura suddenly awakened in this room.

Several warriors stopped immediately, looking painful.

Song Yangqiu, who had been closing his eyes to rest, opened his eyes and looked at the other party with eyes as calm as an ancient well: "Send him out."

Hua Tian's expression suddenly froze.

"Commander Song, this is against the rules!!"

But Song Yangqiu ignored him.


A team of fully armed warriors came in and asked Hua Tian and others to leave.

Hua Tian's face was pale and unbelievable.

Just because of a sentence from an irrelevant teenager, this huge business worth hundreds of billions was cut off?

But Song Yangqiu didn't give him a second chance at all.

He drove them all away directly.

Soon, Song Yangqiu, Qin Hao and Wan He were the only ones left in the room.

Wan He wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked in confusion: "Mr. Qin, what's going on?"

"What Hua Tian said is indeed true. Now that trade in major cities has been cut off, prices have dropped across the board. There is no problem with his purchase at this price."

However, Qin Hao shook his head: "Trade will resume soon, and Zhongzhou is already preparing for a counter-encirclement. With this price, he clearly wants to take advantage of the information gap to trick us."

And Qin Hao didn't say one thing.

That is Xia Country, which has obtained the high-tech of the Kapu people, will surely enter a period of technological explosion.

And this germanium blue ore is a necessary material for manufacturing high-quality crystals.

By then, the price of this ore will inevitably soar by dozens of times.

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