Global High Martial Arts: I can draw endless labels

Chapter 13: A mere beast from the sixth realm

Not to mention the shock in Yan Qisheng's heart behind him.

Bai Zhanfeng also didn't expect Qin Hao's strength to be so strong!

It can be said that apart from being unable to use elemental power, he is no longer behind the masters of the Five Realms!

"No wonder he can defeat Bai Jingqi with just a few moves. It turns out he has this confidence!"

Bai Zhanfeng's eyes kept moving, searching for Qin Hao's figure!

"But you shouldn't kill him, let alone take the initiative to attack a great master!"

"The majesty of a grandmaster is like the sky, why should you touch it!"

Bai Zhanfeng shouted sharply, his pupils narrowed slightly, and he instantly locked onto a fleeting figure!

Immediately raise your palm and clap!

Several gusts of strong wind shot out like knives!

Qin Hao, who was moving at high speed, was hit instantly and flew back several meters!

The Grand Master of the Sixth Heaven can control spiritual energy at will.

One punch has the power of a thousand meters!

It is simply beyond the imagination of ordinary warriors!


A circle of pale green wind rolled up around Bai Zhanfeng.

Bai Zhanfeng's figure slowly floated into the sky.

Walk on the air!

This is an ability that makes warriors below the sixth level of heaven despair!

Because you can't touch the opponent at all, so how can you defeat him?

"Did you see it? This power is like a god!"

Bai Zhanfengjie laughed out loud, like a madman.

Crazy and perverted!

The sound like sandpaper gave those behind him goosebumps.

"Bai Zhanfeng is aroused!"

"This is his true nature. Otherwise, where do you think the names Bai Madman and Ren Tu come from?"

Qin Hao rubbed his sore arm and looked calmly at Bai Zhanfeng above.

The calm voice swept through the entire camp like a storm.

"An ant who is lucky enough to gain the power of the Six Realms is worthy of being said to be on par with the gods?"

The crowd suddenly fell silent, and then there was an uproar!

Just one sentence is like a bomb falling into Pinghu!

"What did he just say?"

"He said... the white madman... is an ant..."


"Ant?" Bai Zhanfeng's pupils shrank, and then he burst out laughing wildly: "A trash who can't even control his spiritual energy actually said such overestimating words!"

"Today, I will teach you for your good-for-nothing father, Grandmaster, you must not be humiliated!"


A tornado tens of meters high roared.

Countless wind blades intertwined into an airtight net of killing, attacking violently!

However, Qin Hao's eyes were calm from beginning to end.

Looking at the tornado that was coming, a flash of blood suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"The fifth door, Dumen, open!"

Under the horrified gazes of everyone, his body was suddenly torn to pieces by the tornado!

"He's dead... No, that's an afterimage!"

In the widened eyes of everyone.

Qin Hao's figure suddenly appeared behind Bai Zhanfeng!

Yan Chaosheng frowned slightly: "This kid's speed is actually several times faster?"

"What kind of monster is this!"

"Seeking death!" Bai Zhanfeng's expression changed and he raised his palm!

However, Qin Hao's figure slowly disappeared again, appearing directly in front of him as if teleporting.

The thin figure twisted with terrifying power that blurred the space!

The punch that sank to the waist came out instantly!

Like a million dense artillery shells exploding, a violent roar sounded in the air!

A sonic boom cloud that exceeded the speed of sound appeared in front of Bai Zhanfeng!


Bai Zhanfeng's abdomen instantly sunk, his back was heavily arched, his head and feet were downwards, and his waist and back were upwards!


Blood spurted out from the throat, and because of the extreme speed, the blood seemed to be frozen in the air!

Bai Zhanfeng's eyeballs were covered with bloodshot eyes, and his previously arrogant and proud face was full of disbelief, shock, and horror!

All kinds of expressions blended together to form a twisted and ugly face!

"It's just an ant in the Sixth Realm, did I say something wrong?"

Qin Hao's voice with endless murderous intent fell in Bai Zhanfeng's ears, and then Bai Zhanfeng didn't wait for his reaction.

He directly grabbed Bai Zhanfeng's neck with his right hand, stopping his tendency to push up.

Under everyone's frightened eyes, Qin Hao grabbed Bai Zhanfeng's neck and began to spin it out of thin air at high speed.

A tornado appeared.

But everyone knows that this is definitely not Bai Zhanfeng's power!

It's the wind whirlpool naturally generated by high-speed rotation!


It’s like the heavy pressure of thousands of meters is pounding the earth!

Bai Zhanfeng faced the ground and was instantly embedded into the ground like a nail!

A bloody flower exploded.

Bai Zhanfeng's body twisted into a weird posture, and all his bones were broken!

Bai Zhanfeng is dead!

Bai Zhanfeng, who was known as the Sichuan Man Tu, the Grand Master of the Sixth Heavenly God Realm, is dead!

And it was still in the hands of an eighteen-year-old boy who couldn't even use spiritual energy!

Yan Yiyi was horrified!

Yan Qisheng was horrified!

The figures in the office were horrified!

The entire camp and all the spectators who witnessed this battle were speechless at this moment!

At this moment, the young man standing next to Bai Zhanfeng's body was like a huge magnet, firmly attracting everyone's attention!

" it possible..."

"Bai Zhanfeng... was defeated!"

"This is the Grand Master of the Sixth Heavenly Layer!!!"



Bai Zhanfeng suddenly stiffened his neck and howled in pain, his face twisted like a ghost!

Black and red blood continued to flow out of his leaky body, quickly turning the pit red.

"I said, you won't be the last one."

Qin Hao came to Bai Zhanfeng and looked down at the evil ghost face.

At this moment, Bai Zhanfeng felt a fear he had never felt before!

The other party wanted to kill him!

"You can't kill me!" Bai Zhanfeng suddenly roared.

"My Bai family is in southern Sichuan, with great power. If you touch me, you will regret it!"

"Let me go, let me go, I swear that the Bai family will never pursue this matter!"

"Never pursue it, ah ah——"

Listening to the shrill roar, everyone changed color.

Is this still the dreaded Bai family butcher?

Is this still the great master who broke through the beast group alone?

At this moment, what is the difference between him and a stray dog?

Qin Hao listened to Bai Zhanfeng's plea quietly.

Bai Zhanfeng thought that Qin Hao was moved by him, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

"You can make any request, and my Bai family will definitely satisfy you!"

"That Bai Jingqi is dead, so let him die. You can kill a waste if you like. It's okay."

"Yes, it's okay..."

"Any other last words?" Qin Hao suddenly spoke.

"What do you mean?"

Bai Zhanfeng's heart trembled, and his pupils quickly dilated: "No, you can't..."

But Qin Hao kicked out.


Bai Zhanfeng's voice stopped abruptly.

Everyone's heart beat, and looking at Bai Zhanfeng whose head was kicked, they felt endless chill in their hearts.

This guy, why does he like to blow heads so much?

His men didn't even leave a whole body!

After dealing with Bai Zhanfeng.

Qin Hao turned and walked towards the camp.

As he approached, the people in the camp took a step back.

When he walked to the door of the camp.

Everyone also retreated several meters away.

Yan Chaosheng's body blocked the door and moved aside to make way.

Looking at the young man in front of him with hot steam all over his body and a red body, he was shocked and curious.

Finally, they all converged into one exclamation:

"You are very strong!"

Qin Hao exhaled slightly and nodded: "Thank you for the compliment."

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