
The head exploded like a ripe watermelon.

The headless body fell to the ground, making a sound. It hit many people's hearts like a heavy hammer.

The warriors of the two cities were stunned.

The big guys in the rear base were stunned.

And the majority of netizens, looking at the screen showing "Lost Signal", were also stunned.

"Fuck, why is the signal cut off when we are fighting?"

"The official explanation is that unknown radiation appeared and affected the signal."

"Bullshit, don't believe it! I think something terrible must have happened!"

"Is there any big guy at the scene, please send a follow-up, especially a screenshot!!"


Let alone the condemnation of the four-character motto by many netizens.

In the base, Li Nuo had a bad premonition in time and interrupted the live broadcast in advance.

However, no matter how he felt, he never thought that things would develop so explosively!

It was as if he was going to crush his heart.

He actually killed him directly!

He looked at the many big men in the hall, and everyone's faces were frozen at the moment.

"Old Xia, what should we do?"

Li Nuo asked carefully.

Xia Tianlin's lips trembled, and then he showed a bitter smile.

He took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his forehead and said, "Alas, I am still old."

"The young people nowadays are really amazing."

Li Nuo thought to himself, "You were no worse than them back then."

Then he asked, "The live broadcast is still interrupted, what should we do?"

"Well... control this matter within a small scope and handle it impartially."

"It is strictly forbidden to hurt people's lives in the competition, unless the other party takes action first, in which case it can be regarded as legitimate defense and will not be pursued."

"That's it." Xia Tianlin paused and looked at the rest of the people: "Generals, how do you think this will be handled?"

Xia Tianlin's eyes flashed with an inexplicable light.

A voice sounded, and everyone looked at him: "Ahem... Although it is true that it is legitimate defense, is there a suspicion of excessive defense?"

"After all..."

The man smiled awkwardly and stopped talking.

Those who should understand will understand.

"Well, that's a good point. Does anyone else have anything to say?" Xia Tianlin looked at the others.

After a while, just when Xia Tianlin thought there would be no one left.

A man who was two meters tall and as tall as an iron tower among the generals said in a muffled voice: "The third family has too many small moves. I don't like it."

"But they are the descendants of that person." The man said before.

Everyone was silent.

Indeed, the name of the third Saint Master was like a mountain, weighing on everyone's hearts.

Xia Tianlin said: "Don't consider the Saint Master's opinion."

"The Saint Master's eyes will only be on the national level. The only thing that can affect their decision is whether it is beneficial or harmful to the country. The grudges of the family will not intervene."

"Are you serious?" Everyone asked hurriedly.


"In that case, what else can we say? Just do business!"

As soon as this was said, everyone immediately agreed.

"Yes, I support this decision."

"Then let's do it in a fair and justifiable way."

Looking at the military leaders who quickly agreed on the same statement, Li Nuo breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.

Looking at the headless corpse, a glimmer of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.


In the square.

Qin Hao looked at the two city warriors who were already frightened around him and held out his watch: "You know what to do."

The headless corpse was at his feet.

No one dared to speak.

He stepped forward with a bitter heart and gave all the points to Qin Hao.

In a blink of an eye, Qin Hao's ranking came to the first place again.

And he left the second place by nearly 10,000 points.

The group of participating warriors was shocked.

"Go away."

Qin Hao waved his hand and let the group go.

Everyone showed surprise on their faces and ran away in a hurry.

But at this moment.

Suddenly, a circle of air waves appeared behind.

The air waves rolled up the gray dust and blew from the center of the square to the periphery.

Qin Hao turned around suddenly.

At the same time, the watch made a rapid "beep, beep" sound.

Qin Hao opened the map, and a red dot appeared rapidly on the map from nothing.

The fleeing warriors stopped and looked at the center with fear.

An inexplicable pressure appeared in their hearts.

"What happened..."

"Why is the wind blowing?"

"I'm a little panicked."

Qin Hao's intuitive warning made him feel a little uneasy, as if something dangerous was about to happen.

Suddenly there was a muffled sound.

The blazing ancient tree in the center suddenly exploded.

Avoiding a piece of flying wood, Qin Hao hurriedly looked over.

He found that in the middle of the tree, a dark square pillar quietly appeared.

The pillar is about two meters long and the side length is 20 to 30 centimeters.

The surface is dark and reflective.

I don't know what material it is, like marble or metal.

Before Qin Hao and others can think about it carefully.

The thin pillar suddenly began to swell.

It was as if a monster was struggling inside, and the smooth surface quickly became uneven.

Angular lines and carvings began to appear.

And the pillars were rapidly rising, widening and lengthening!

In the blink of an eye, they occupied the original 50 to 60 square meters of the fountain, and were still expanding.

The earth rumbled and shook, and cracks continued to expand with it as the center.

It was as if the pillars were growing from deep underground, crowding the land outwards.

Qin Hao was stunned for a few seconds. The pillar had grown to nearly seventy meters high.

The area is twice as large as that of the fountain.

It stood there like a black tower.

Wait... Black Tower?

Qin Hao was suddenly startled and quickly looked at the swelling pillar carefully.

The more I looked at it, the more I felt that the patterns and shapes on it were so similar to the black towers popping up all over the place today.

And when the white mist tore apart the space and poured out, this suspicion suddenly turned into certainty!

This is the Black Tower!

Qin Hao turned around and retreated without even thinking.

When the fog comes, it will inevitably be accompanied by a tide of beasts!

Wait a minute, beast tide?

Damn it, isn’t it the beast tide I’m looking for?

Qin Hao braked suddenly.

Under the stupid gazes of the warriors from those two cities, they turned around and rushed towards the mist.

Although there are tens of millions of people, I will go on with such majestic momentum!

The warriors from the two cities were stunned.

The base was stunned.

Netizens who had restored the signal were also stunned.

"That's it, that familiar figure from behind!"

A line of subtitles with a long exclamation mark appeared in the live broadcast room.

Someone quickly started asking.

"This is Lord Longjiang from Songcheng!"


Countless netizens gasped when they saw those two simple words!

Anyone who has been educated in the Xia Kingdom will be familiar with these two words.

In various film and television materials, novels and even historical documents, the appearance of these two words represents indelible glory!

"We were wrong."

Lost murmurs appeared among the warriors in the two cities.

"We treated him like this, and he actually helped us break up the queen. I'm such a fucking beast!"

The man who spoke slapped himself mercilessly.

He immediately rushed over to resist the fog together.

However, a flying kick came from the air and kicked him away: "Get out of here!"

Qin Hao turned back angrily.

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