"In this way, we confirm that something is wrong with this world and that it is imprisoning us."

Qin Hao and the others listened blankly, never expecting that such a secret existed.

It turns out that it’s not that the Saint Masters don’t want to break through, but that they can’t break through!

"I'm afraid it's not imprisonment." Qin Yi said suddenly.

Facing the Saint Master's gaze, Qin Yi said slowly: "At the beginning, we, the Garpu tribe, also thought that this was a restriction on Blue Star, preventing the strong from breaking through to a higher level and going to a wider world."

"But when I saw that the city lord family could not enter this place, I suddenly understood that this was not a restriction on Blue Star, but a protection of Blue Star."

"And one thing worth mentioning is that we, the Karps, suddenly discovered the existence of the Blue Star on the star map by accident."

"In the original star map, there is no trace of the planet Blue Star at all."

The Holy Master seemed to have thought of something: "So, what you are saying is that Blue Star has been protected and hidden, but for some unknown reason, Blue Star was suddenly exposed in front of you?"

"That's right!"

Qin Yi nodded heavily: "Seeing the appearance of the city lord clan, many of the doubts that have been troubling us have been solved."

"Many things are actually connected, such as our appearance, the mutation of the ferocious beasts, and the appearance of the secret realm you mentioned."

"So I have a guess!"

Qin Yi suddenly looked at everyone and said.

"You said it." The Holy Master nodded.

"We all know that the mutation in Blue Star occurred a hundred years ago, and we discovered Blue Star at about the same time. Therefore, I now suspect that Blue Star's protection began to weaken at that time, which exposed Blue Star."

"And when the black tower found that it could no longer protect Blue Star, it began to improve the environment of Blue Star and began to cultivate strong people to emerge."

"The ferocious beasts are probably meant to hone the Blue Star warriors so that they can adapt to the upcoming environment as quickly as possible."

"The subspace is not only for protection, but also a place for training the Blue Star warriors."

"Enemies from the starry sky will be imprisoned in the black tower. When warriors break through the Nine Heavens, they can enter inside and find those enemies to improve themselves."

"Moreover, I have told Director Zhou and Mr. Qin Hao a long time ago that the Black Tower has the power to open up space."

"This is probably a passage left for Blue Star creatures to enter the universe in the future!"

“It’s just that now, the power of the Black Tower is getting weaker and weaker, causing the different space to begin to contact and merge with the Blue Star, which leads to the emergence of the secret realm!

Therefore, it is very likely that one day in the future, the restraining power of the Black Tower will completely disappear, leaving the Blue Star unobstructed in the starry sky, and that space will also be completely integrated with the Blue Star! "

Qin paused, glanced at Qin Hao and said, "And Qin Hao said that the entrance to the secret realm is only open for a fixed time, and there is a phenomenon of time reversal at the entrance."

"I can give you an explanation for this phenomenon."

"We have done research and found that subspace is opposite to Blue Star Space. If time here flows forward, then time in subspace flows backward."

"The two planes are constantly rotating in parallel. However, due to the weakening of the power of the Black Tower, the two planes are no longer parallel, so at a certain moment, the two planes merge."

"And this point of fusion is the entrance to the secret realm. Every twenty-four hours, the two planes will rotate once and merge. The blending time is ten minutes, so the entrance to the secret realm appears in ten minutes."

"Because time in the secret realm flows backwards, the power inside overflows, affecting the environment at the entrance to the secret realm."

Qin Hao took over the conversation and said.

Qin Yi snapped his fingers: "That's it!"


Everyone was more or less in a daze.

Keep thinking about Qin Yi's words.

"How sure are you of your guess?" the Holy Master suddenly asked.

Qin Yi thought for a moment and stretched out a hand: "Qi Cheng."

"This is the conclusion I came to after combining my many years of research with the Kapu tribe. It is the conclusion that best explains these various phenomena."

"It's not 70%, it's 100%!"


A hoarse voice sounded from the side.

Everyone saw a space crack suddenly open next to them, and a skinny old man flying out, sitting cross-legged in the air.

He looked at the First Saint Master with some gray eyes: "There is a new discovery in the secret realm."

"The second child found an altar and found some traces inside."

Qin Hao and the others were stunned.

Looking at this person, even if he didn't recognize him, he could still guess it.

The third holy master.

Qin Hao felt a little embarrassed.

He was the junior who killed him.

Will he be charged with raising an army?

However, the Third Saint Master seemed to have no intention of interfering with this matter. He just looked at everyone and then entered the space crack again.

The First Saint Master paused for a moment before making an introduction.

As they expected, it was indeed the Third Holy Master.

Then the Holy Master called Zhou Yun: "Xiao Zhou, go to the showroom to find Xiao Xu. The things are placed with him. Go and show them. You also got them from the secret realm."

"Okay, sir." Zhou Yun left.

Then, the Saint Master looked at Qin Yi: "Your guess has been verified. If there is anything else you want to say, just say it."

Qin Yi nodded, then sorted out his thoughts and told all the years of research on the Black Tower by the Kapu Clan.

At the same time, he also told some information about the City Lord Clan.

Finally, Qin Yi solemnly warned: "The City Lord Clan is more powerful than anyone can imagine. You must gain enough power before they come. Otherwise, once the Black Tower's defense power disappears completely, Blue Star may be preserved, but humans will surely face extinction!"

"They sit high on the top of the stars, and their reputation is forged in the massacre!"

"So we must be fast!"

Qin Yi clenched his fists tightly.

Knowing the horror of the City Lord Clan, he felt cold all over just knowing that the City Lord Clan was watching them.

"Of course we will develop quickly." Li Nuo said.

Qin Yiyao shook his head: "No, I mean, evacuate as soon as possible."

"If I'm not mistaken, the altar should be the passage to the outside world. Take advantage of the last time to arrange for the tribesmen to evacuate as soon as possible. This is the only way."

"Otherwise, if you want to rely on development, even if you are given a hundred years, you can't reach the level of the city lord's clan, or even the level of their pets."

Thinking of the starry sky beast that feeds on them, Qin Yi trembled all over.

That is the fear engraved in the blood.

"We won't evacuate."

The Saint Master said lightly.

"Why? Are you crazy?"

"Of course not, but even if we evacuate, how many people can we evacuate, and where can we evacuate to?"

"Although the starry sky is vast, the only place that can bury our souls is the land under our feet."

The Saint Master got up and walked to the door.

Opening the door, looking at the children playing happily on the lawn: "You Kapu people, as a hunting race, may not understand this kind of hometown feelings."

"But we live on this land and should die on this land."

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