"I don't believe he can kill people again in front of me!"

The leader of the star pirates roared, and a black breath blew out of his nose, obviously angered by Qin Hao.

His muscles bulged like marble blocks, full of strength.

But his strength is indeed amazing, a full eighth-level peak!

A group of men roared excitedly, as if they had seen the dawn of victory.

However, an alien said nervously: "Boss, this guy's ability is a bit weird, I seem to have heard of this ability somewhere."

"Who cares, he killed so many of our brothers, we must not let him go!"

The gunman shouted, and there was still some fear on his blue face.

Thinking of the real killing intention just now, he felt a little scared.

He couldn't wait to kill Qin Hao!

"What are you afraid of with the boss here? There is no rival for our boss on this planet!"

"Shut up!"

The leader of the star pirates growled, and his two green bean-like eyes fell on the subordinate before: "What do you think of, tell me!"

The subordinate paused, swallowed his saliva, and said with some concern: "Boss, the ability to integrate into space, I heard that it seems to be a unique power of a race."

"Special power of a race?"

The boss suddenly became a little nervous.

None of the races with special powers are easy to mess with. If they really offend a guy of a special race, they must kill him to silence him!

The subordinate hesitated for a few words, racking his brains to recall, but in the end he said with a bitter face: "That boss... I have forgotten a little."

The waiting star pirate leader narrowed his eyes, curled his nose, and slapped him directly: "What's the use!"

With a curse, the leader grabbed a sledgehammer from behind and roared: "Everyone pick up the weapons, find him, and kill this kid!"


"Hehe, this time I must make a hole in this kid's body!"

"With the boss here, the kid will definitely die!"

"Shut up, be alert!" The star pirate leader shouted in a low voice, not being knocked out by the flattery of his subordinates.

He walked in front of a group of star pirates, and the star pirates behind him formed a circle and followed their boss to conduct a carpet search.

And behind a sand dune, Qin Hao slightly revealed a little figure, while Qin Yi turned into a khaki color and hid under the sand.

The star pirates were gradually approaching, and the invisible pressure was approaching.

Qin Hao still secretly considered whether to retreat or fight.

If he retreated, the damaged spaceship would be left to them, and there might be a lot of useful supplies inside.

And without the spaceship, they might not be able to go back, and there was little hope of finding another spaceship on this planet.

And if he fought, the other party was now gathered together, making it difficult for his sneak attack to work.

"Mr. Qin Hao, I'm afraid we need to leave as soon as possible." Qin Yi suddenly showed his head and said with an ugly face: "The body of our Kapu people cannot be exposed to the air of Kapu Fairy Star for a long time. If we don't leave, I may not be able to lead you to our ancestral land to obtain information."

Qin Hao noticed that Qin Yi's body was slightly fluctuating in the air.

And the machine body used to hold his body was also damaged and could no longer be used.

"Then how did you live on this planet before?"

"We would use mud and sand to shape armor and wear it on our bodies. But now there is obviously no time to make mud armor." Qin Yi said helplessly.

Looking at the star pirates who were about to search over, there was indeed not enough time for Qin Yi to make mud armor.

However, Qin Hao thought of the technological version of the Kapu clan's possession, and said: "If I take a pirate's body for you, can you use it?"

Qin Yi was slightly stunned: "Don't you mind our ability?"

"What's the matter, as long as it's not from our Xia country." Qin Hao said lightly.

Qin Yi's face suddenly showed a bit of joy: "I didn't expect you to be so open-minded."

After a pause, Qin Yi continued: "But now there is no control of the life-sustaining cells. If I want to take over the body, I'm afraid you need to control the other party. This will be a bit laborious, but it is indeed useful."

"It's okay as long as it's useful."

Qin Hao looked at the pirates who had come to 20 meters away, and said directly: "You go and make some noise to attract their attention, and I will sneak attack from behind and grab one for you."

Qin Yi was very happy to have a body to use, and nodded without any refusal.

Qin Hao came to the side and prepared.

After a while, Qin Yi made some noise in the distance.

The pirates thought it was Qin Hao and chased after him directly.

However, although their formation was a little apart, they were still within the range of timely support.

Qin Hao secretly said that it was troublesome. If he was asked to kill someone, then this distance was enough for him to kill one person before the pirates could react.

But it would be a bit difficult for him to capture someone.

Qin Hao rubbed his eyebrows, put away the White Dragon Song, and secretly said: "Never mind, let's try."

His eyes fell on the last pirate, who happened to be the guy who shot him before.

This guy's strength was not strong, barely entering the seventh heaven, and he seemed to be not proficient in using this power, which was just the racial power brought by innate.

He still relied more on the gun in his hand.

If he could avoid his shooting once, there would be hope.

Qin Hao's eyes were slightly hot, and his intuition kept predicting the greatest possibility.

In the distance, Qin Yi's figure was getting farther and farther away, but his speed was limited, and he was about to be caught up by the star pirate leader.

Can't drag it on any longer!

Qin Hao made up his mind and moved out directly.

He was like a ghost, quietly approaching the target in the void world, and came behind the other party, raising his palm and preparing to leave the void and strike the enemy.

However, the other party was after all the strength of the seventh heaven, and the keen sense brought by the flesh almost formed a subconscious reaction.

Without looking back, the green-faced alien raised his gun and shot back.

The black muzzle of the gun just stuck in front of Qin Hao's forehead.

He could clearly see a little purple-red light flashing in the barrel, and a fully charged bullet was about to come out of the barrel!

In an instant.

"——Time stop."

It was as if the picture was paused, and everything stopped.

The crystal bullet like an ice cone had just been released, still shining with purple-red light, and stopped in front of Qin Hao's forehead.

Looking at the crystal bullet with the breath of death, Qin Hao slightly turned his body, tightened the muscles of his right arm, and instantly raised it like a "∠" shape, and hit it hard.

The air shook with ripples.

1 second passed, and the time stop ended.

The bullet just brushed Qin Hao's nose and forehead, and the elbow hit the back of the gunman.

[General Principles of Palm Techniques·Eight Extremes·Top Elbow]


The gunman's entire back trembled like water waves, and the muscles and bones in his body made a series of explosions, like popping beans.

In an instant, he became like mud and lost all resistance.

Qin Hao grabbed him directly and escaped into the void again.

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