I don't know how long I walked.

Qin Hao's footsteps were like lead, and his body was dusty.

His originally handsome appearance now looked like a 30-year-old middle-aged man.

His eyes were filled with deep fatigue.

Desert, wasteland, scorched earth...

Qin Hao didn't know how many areas he had walked through.

In the backpack, the few energy crystals that were rescued at the beginning had been used up.

On this planet full of violence, he had no way to absorb spiritual energy.

This also resulted in his consumption not being able to be replenished in time.

And in the dangerous environment outside, he had to consume spiritual energy to ensure his own safety.

After all, the journey was not smooth.

He encountered several attacks from ferocious beasts on the way.

In the vast desert and wilderness, there was no telling where a ferocious beast was hiding.

If he didn't concentrate all the time, his bones would probably have dried up.

"Mr. Qin Hao, we are almost there!"

Suddenly, Qin Yi, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly shouted.

He stood at a cliff in front of him, his face full of surprise.

Qin Hao's spirit was instantly shocked, he wiped the dust off his face, and walked a few steps to Qin Yi's side.

There was a cliff under their feet.

And under the cliff was a valley that stretched to the end of the sight.

The valley was full of flowers and trees.

There was also a clear stream flowing in it.

Qin Hao didn't know how long he hadn't seen a river.

The only time he had seen liquid was when he passed the scorched earth area, the magma everywhere.

"Are we there?"

Qin Hao looked at the valley that was completely different from the environment he had seen before, feeling full of unreality, as if he was dreaming.

Qin Yi nodded heavily: "We're there!"

"Follow this Hajiluo River and walk out of the valley!"

"That's the only place on this planet where we can survive."

The survival that Qin Yi mentioned is a place where you can survive directly with your body without the help of a body.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Qin Hao shook off the dust on his body, and his spirit was instantly refreshed.

After going down the cliff, Qin Hao walked a few steps to the river.

Looking at the stream water reflecting his dusty appearance, Qin Hao grinned with his cracked mouth.

He scooped up a handful of water to moisten his lips, then directly buried his head and drank it in big gulps.

This water came from an unknown source, but it was cold and sweet.

It was sweeter than any mountain spring water Qin Hao had ever drunk!

After a sip, it was refreshing from the soles of the feet to the top of the head.

The long-standing fatigue was swept away.

Qin Yi also came to the side at this time, kneeling by the river and worshiping in awe, and then scooped up the stream water and drank it.

"This is the holy water that has nurtured my tribe for thousands of years. Without it, there would be no birth of my Kapu tribe."

"So, every time before we use it, we will kneel down with gratitude."

After drinking the water, Qin Yi sat on the shore and explained to Qin Hao.

"And it can also give us strength."

Qin Yi shook his hand and saw that his body with many injuries was slowly recovering.

Very magical.

Qin Hao was surprised.

However, this function seemed useless to him.

Qin Yi seemed to see it and said, "The power of this holy water seems to work only for our Kapu people. If you are not a Kapu person, drinking it can only relieve fatigue and has no other use."

Qin Hao nodded after listening and did not continue to drink.

The state has been restored, so let's go and complete the task first.

Qin Yi sat for a while, and after all the wounds on his body recovered, he stood up and led the way.

The two kept walking along the stream.

On the way, Qin Yi saw that Qin Hao was still nervous, and couldn't help reminding him: "Mr. Qin Hao, this is the territory of our tribe. No dangerous creatures have appeared so far, so you can rest assured to enjoy the beautiful scenery of our ancestral land."

Qin Hao nodded and relaxed a little.

The valley seemed far away, but it was not far away.

It was only a few kilometers of road, and it took Qin Hao and his friends a few minutes to walk.

At the end, the narrow field of vision suddenly widened.

A huge basin with a drop of more than ten meters from the valley appeared in front of him.

Standing on this small cliff, you can't see the end at a glance.

And in the basin, there grows a huge ancient tree.

Qin Hao doesn't know how high it is, but the huge leaf crown almost occupies the entire center of the basin.

Extremely amazing!

Qin Hao was stunned for a moment, and kept sighing at the magic of life in his heart.

"Mr. Qin Hao, let's go down, the ancestral tree is our destination."

"Our Kapu tribe was born from the Kapu seed, and the Kapu seed grew from the ancestral tree, gathering the elements between heaven and earth and then growing."

"When it falls, it is the time when a new Kapu tribe member is born."

On the way to the ancestral tree, Qin Yi explained.

Qin Hao looked up.

Above his head was the extended leaf crown, covering the sky.

And they are now several kilometers away from the main trunk of the ancestral tree.

It is enough to imagine how huge this ancestral tree is!

After listening to Qin Yi's explanation, Qin Hao finally understood the origin of the Kapu tribe.

But not long after, they arrived under the ancestral tree.

Looking at the tree trunk that was like a wall blocking the way, Qin Hao was shocked again.

He stood in front of the tree, as big as an ant.

This size is simply terrifying!

It is indeed a strange tree that can give birth to life.

Qin Hao was full of emotion, and at the same time he looked at Qin Yi, his purpose was self-evident.

Qin Yi also understood that they had been running for so long just for this moment.

Qin Yi broke away from the body of the green-skinned alien and floated in front of the ancestral tree.

He raised his hand and pressed it on the trunk, muttering something.

A faint glow shone from his body and wandered towards the ancestral tree.

When the glow entered the ancestral tree, changes occurred.

Where Qin Yi's palm fell, the space began to twist and rotate, and soon, a gray entrance like the surface of water appeared.

"Mr. Qin Hao, please come in, the secret of my clan's inheritance is inside."

Qin Yi invited Qin Hao, and then walked in first.

Qin Hao paused and looked around.

This basin is full of vitality, with grass, flowers and trees everywhere.

However, there is no life, not even a small insect, Qin Hao did not see.

Very strange.

However, he has come here, even if there is any danger, he has to make this trip!

Qin Hao took out the White Dragon Song, then threw down his backpack and entered with a knife.

After he entered, the entrance was closed immediately.

Not long after.

At the end of the basin, a sturdy figure appeared.

The leader had an elephant trunk and a burly figure.

It was the leader of the star pirates that Qin Hao had encountered.

"Boss, there is news that the last place where the traces of the Immortal Slave Clan were found is here."

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