Qin Hao quickly returned to the territory of Xia.

Wherever he passed, he could see huge "bowls" upside down above the city.

This is the "sky dome" defense system, which is more advanced than the previous energy shield.

Fortunately, the order was delivered in time.

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!

Qin Hao has seen no less than several cities in danger, surrounded by the beast tide.

There are even subspace channels opened, and alien creatures from the subspace appear from time to time.

The war has broken out!

The attack from the subspace came too abruptly, so fast that Qin Hao didn't expect it at all.

This made him nervous.

He solved the crisis of the city he passed by.

Then he sped up again and rushed back.

At the same time, at this time, he also learned about the various instructions issued by Zhongzhou.

After all, his current identity is the lord of Xia, and he needs to know these things.

"I know, how are the three saints now?"

Qin Hao replied and asked.

On the other side, Zuo Gong's face was grim: "The condition of the First Saint Master is not optimistic."

"The abnormal movement of the subspace affected the power of the magatama in his body. Now, the Saint Master is in a very strange state."

"The Third Saint Master is on the verge of a breakthrough again, and the Second Saint Master is responsible for guarding, so there are not many high-level forces in Minghai now, and you need to rush over!"

Qin Hao frowned, thought for a while and nodded.

"I know."

"Take good care of the First Saint Master, and summon the Twelve Pillar Gods to Minghai."

An idea flashed in Qin Hao's mind.

It's been so long, and it's time to improve this group of former comrades.

And the battlefield is the best place to hone!

Zuo Gong didn't ask the reason, but nodded heavily.

"General Zuo, leave the affairs of Minghai to me, but I saw several cities on the way here that have fallen into danger. This situation should not be an isolated case. I'll trouble you to coordinate other places."

Finally, Qin Hao asked.

"Well, it's my duty!"

Zuo Gong nodded and then turned off the communication.

Then he sent someone to the First Saint Master to inquire about the situation.

The abnormality of the First Saint Master at this time is closely related to the subspace, and perhaps some breakthroughs can be found.

At the same time, a temporary combat unit began to be formed.

Orders were issued step by step, and in a short period of time, the entire Xia Kingdom became a whole.

Among them, the most dazzling one was Beihai Prefecture.

With Qin Hao's advance notice, Beihai's actions at this time showed great results!

When other cities were busy dealing with the enemy, the cities of Beihai Prefecture dealt with it with ease.

There was even spare power to counterattack and support other places.

Bai Ze, who felt the taste of power for the first time, was preparing for drastic actions, but a transfer order came.

"Rush to Minghai!"

Six short words, but when the signature "Qin Hao" was added, it was bound to be extraordinary!

Bai Ze completed the handover at the fastest speed and then rushed to Minghai.

At the same time.

In various regions, the scattered members of the Twelve Pillars also received the same order.

"Qin Hao!"

"It's the boss!"

"Is this the legendary ninth seat?"

"Senior Qin."


A series of fiery eyes focused on those six simple words.

The few people who had fought side by side with Qin Hao seemed to be dreaming of last night.

The blood in their bodies began to boil uncontrollably.

And the only one who had not met Qin Hao had also heard a lot of legends about Qin Hao.

There was also a lot of surprise and excitement in their hearts.

The power of an individual is too small in front of such a scene, and these people are not in high positions.

So, everyone quickly completed the handover and rushed to Minghai together!


"Brothers, hold on for a while, reinforcements will arrive soon!"

The Minghai, which was shrouded in heavy dark clouds, was now almost filled with corpses.

There were monsters from the subspace, and there were also soldiers from the Xia Kingdom.

However, dense monsters were still flying out of the cracks.

The crack hanging in the void was like a devil's mouth, releasing devils without end.

At this moment, there are less than a thousand people left in the Minghai Eighth Army.

The battle was so brutal and shocking!

At this moment, Xu Wen held a knife in his left hand and blocked the last small destroyer.

And his right hand was already torn.

The wound was still bleeding.

And the rest of the people were not much better.

Most of them were injured.

There were less than a thousand people, and on the opposite side, there were countless enemies.

Despair, like an indispellable cloud, enveloped the hearts of these remaining soldiers.

They looked at the group of monsters on the opposite side that were constantly gnawing at the floating corpses on the sea, their eyes were bloodshot.

Filled with unspeakable anger and resentment!

Those were the bodies of their comrades!

But now, they have become food in the mouths of the enemy!

"Old Zhou, how is the data rescue going?"

Xu Wen asked when he had time.

On the destroyer below, a man covered in blood immediately replied: "80% has been rescued, and the last 20% will take some time!"

Beside Lao Zhou, a young general officer was operating on a 3D screen with his hands leaving afterimages.

In front of them was a huge machine.

Countless electric sparks were coming out from everywhere, and it was very unstable.

However, somehow, this group of people managed to keep the machine in working order.

This gave the young man a chance to salvage the data.

"This is the core research data of Base 76, which is related to the secrets in the cracks. We must do everything possible to salvage it!" Xu Wen gritted his teeth.

"Leave it to us to buy time!"


Old Zhou nodded heavily, without saying a word.

The young general also knew that the situation was urgent, and he was sweating profusely, and his fingers were almost twitching from tapping.

However, he didn't dare to stop!

Because, in order to rescue this 80% of the data, they paid a terrible price of 99% of the army's deaths!

How could they give up all their efforts in the last 20%!

So, even if he broke his hand, he had to ensure that the data could be sent back to Zhongzhou intact! !


The young officer bit his lips tightly, his teeth embedded, and blood oozing out.

The pain made his mind suddenly clear, and his efficiency increased by one point.

"Don't be too anxious."

Xu Wen gave a miserable smile.

Then his eyes suddenly locked onto the front: "Brothers, these beasts are coming again, stop them!"

The strong wind rolled up the waves.

On the blood-red sea, less than a thousand figures burst into a roar that soared into the sky.

In the blood-red eyes of Lao Zhou, he sacrificed himself to get out!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The monotonous artillery fire sounded beside him.

Their last shells also poured out at this moment.

With no ammunition and no food, the soldiers were at a dead end. After this move, the enemy would have no more obstacles and would go straight to the coast of Minghai!

"Brothers, reinforcements, it's up to you from now on."

Xu Wen tilted his head slightly and glanced at the distant land behind him.

If reinforcements arrive, they should appear there...

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