Global High Martial Arts: I can draw endless labels

Chapter 324 Qin Hao's embarrassment

After leaving Carolla's residence, Qin Hao walked towards the Central Street of Star City.

Even now, he still feels a little uncontrollably excited.

This time, it’s the right time to attend the auction!

Not only did he get news about the Xiannu clan, but he also got a realm master-level black dragon and the Luoshengtian key.

But, why did the Xinghui Emperor give himself this key?

Qin Hao pondered.

"Brother Baize, what are you doing here?"

After an unknown amount of time, a young voice sounded from the side, interrupting his thoughts.

It was Defoe's young man.

It seems to be called Kanai?

"Brother Bai Ze, I saw you walking in circles here like you lost your soul from all the way. What happened?"

Kanai asked with a smile.

Qin Hao glanced at the other party and walked towards the other side.

This guy was sarcastic to him at first, but after he showed his strength, he was extremely enthusiastic when they met the next day.

Qin Hao really didn't like the fact that he was following the trend.

I always feel like the other person is hypocritical.

So he has no interest in having any interaction with the other party.

"Brother Bai, don't leave."

Kanai quickly followed Qin Hao.

"If Captain Kanai doesn't go and rest, why are you following a little guy like me? I'm just a servant of Master Torolos. I don't deserve Captain Kanai to be so polite."

Qin Hao slightly cupped his hands and said unfamiliarly.

Anyone who is not deaf can hear the rejection in his words.

However, Kanai didn't care at all.

He smiled and wanted to reach out and hook Qin Hao's shoulder, "Brother Bai Ze, I saw you just came out of that mansion? What, are you attracted by some big boss?"

Kanai asked in a low voice with a smile that every man could understand.

Qin Hao glanced at the other party calmly: "Captain Kanai is following me?"

"How is it possible? I saw it by chance."

Kanai denied it.

Qin Hao sneered and pushed the other party's hand away.

"Brother, we will communicate more in the future. There is no need to hide this little thing. Brother, I won't steal your luck."

Qin Hao stopped, turned around and stared at Kanai's careless face.

"Captain Kanai, I went there just to run some errands at the request of a guest. Moreover, even if I have any luck, it has nothing to do with you, Mr. Kanai."

"I'm not familiar with you, and you don't have to pretend to be like this. If you have any questions, you can just go to my master."

"When this auction is over, you and I will never have the chance to meet again, so you don't have to waste your time on me."

"Please come back."

After saying that, Qin Hao turned around and left, not giving Kanai the slightest chance to breathe.

Kanai really stopped following and stood there quietly watching Qin Hao walk away.

When Qin Hao's back disappeared, the smile on Kanai's face suddenly disappeared, revealing a sinister look.

“I don’t know what the so-called garbage is!”

Kanai let out a disgusted "poof" and then sneered.

"First, I spent more time at the booth than anyone else. After I came out, I entered such a luxurious mansion. I looked at the Empress Xian with shining eyes many times and said that everything was fine. Gui Xin?!"

"Haha, if you don't tell me, I will ask others to ask you!"

"You shameless bitch!"

After taking another sip, Kanai left unhappily.

In the void realm, Qin Hao rubbed his chin, looked at the two pools of saliva Kanai spat on the ground, and smiled silently.

The auction continued on the second day.

With the notice before the end of the previous day, all the guests this time brought enough funds.

The bidding was much crazier than the previous day.

The continuous bidding calls made everyone involved go crazy.

Even the calmest people will gradually become excited in such a lively environment and spend money like water.

"I'll pay 20 million!"

"Twenty-one million!"

"I'll pay 21.5 million!"

"How about playing? I'll pay 30 million!"


Qin Hao quietly looked at the jealous and thick-necked people.

At the moment, what is being auctioned above is a purple-gold stone.

It's only the size of a fingernail, but it makes so many people so crazy.

Because this is an extremely rare piece of C5 grade metal, stardust sand!

The forming conditions are extremely harsh and are only produced in cosmic meteorites.

To find out, you can only rely on luck.

The one on the stage that is about the size of a fingernail only weighs one or two grams (as mentioned above, the 'gram' here is not the mass unit of Blue Star.).

But its quality is a terrifying three thousand meters!

Not only can it be used to make weapons, it is also an indispensable material for some super technological creations.

Ridiculously priced batch!

At this moment, a cold voice spread throughout the audience.

"Seventy million."

As soon as the faint voice came out, the first floor suddenly fell silent. He looked up to where the voice came from on the third floor.

The private room completely blocks the figure of the owner inside.

"The guest in box No. 16 bid 70 million. Is there anyone who wants to bid higher?"

The Queen Xian glanced at the entire audience with a smile.

Many people looked struggling.

However, this price suddenly increased too much.

They fought for a long time, but the amount was just over 50 million. As a result, the unknown boss suddenly increased the amount by nearly 20 million.

This inevitable victory made them retreat.

And if you add more, this thing won't have much surplus value.

"70 million once."

"70 million twice."

"70 million three times."

The virtuous queen smiled and finalized: "Deal."

Qin Hao exhaled slightly. The people in the box No. 16 were naturally Carola and the others.

However, he seemed to have reminded them not to buy if the price was too outrageous.

What he needed was a large amount of metal at a suitable price.

This kind of metal, which only has a tiny amount and is expensive, is not very suitable.

"Carola, didn't I remind you what kind of metal I want to buy? Why are you still bidding?" Qin Hao asked in the communication.

Soon, Carola replied: "This meets the king's conditions."

"The price is very suitable, not expensive at all."

"70 million is not expensive?" Qin Hao's mouth twitched.

"Not expensive, if it is 700 million, then we have to think about it carefully." Carola replied seriously.

Qin Hao: "..."

So, I am the only poor guy?

After a while, Corolla seemed to have reacted and asked in a low voice: "Wang, are you... short of money?"

As he spoke, Qin Hao vaguely heard two very low laughs coming from the other side of the headset.

"Don't laugh, it's not normal for Wang to be alone and short of money!" Corolla said in a lecture.

My Lord Corolla, please turn off the headset next time you lecture someone.

Qin Hao silently complained in his heart.

However, he still replied very honestly: "Yes, I am indeed..."

"Well, you know."

Qin Hao was rarely shy.

The laughter on the other side of the headset became stronger, and there was also a "puff" sound of air leakage as if it was not held back.

Corolla scolded again, and then said: "Wang, we will find you after the auction is over and give you some money."

Qin Hao stood at his post, watching his nose and his heart, and was silent for a few seconds, and said "hmm" softly.


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