Global High Martial Arts: I can draw endless labels

Chapter 335 Bauhinia's Ultimate Weapon

The fleet left the ruined fortress and headed behind the redbuds.

And because Qin Hao and the others appeared suddenly and prevented the signal interception device in advance, this attack was like a precise and stealthy assassination.

It didn't cause any ripples outside.

The entire Redbud Flower doesn't even know that its own defense line has been quietly destroyed!

"King, after breaking through this layer of defense, there will be a smooth road ahead. As long as we are careful not to be detected by detectors scattered in the universe, we can reach the core star area of ​​Bauhinia all the way!"

Carolla stood in front of the star map, looking like a veteran who had experienced many battles, very sophisticated.

Qin Hao looked at the winding curve and asked curiously: "Bauhinia has such a large sphere of influence, how come it only has such a simple defense?"

"You don't know something, my king. Although Bauhinia's sphere of influence is very large, the locations in their star field are very scattered."

Corolla shrinks the star map.

Qin Hao could see that an area shaped like a blooming flower appeared on the huge star map, "This is the star field where the Bauhinia flower is located."

Carola pointed to the flower area.

At this time, the star map shrank and the entire Bauhinia sphere of influence appeared before his eyes. Qin Hao immediately understood the answer to his question.


Indeed, large areas of Redbud are lifeless no-man's land or abandoned areas.

Civilization was born in only a few star sectors.

This leads to the fact that although Bauhinia has a large territory, there are only a few valuable star sectors.

Most of the life planets are concentrated in those points, and other places are deserted.

"So, it would be unrealistic for them to monitor the entire star field. The universe is treacherous and unpredictable, and spending a lot of money on surveillance in some worthless areas is not in line with the behavior of a plutocrat like Bauhinia. "

Carolla smiled.

Qin Hao nodded: "So, this creates an opportunity for us."

"That's right!"

"He never imagined that one day our Immortal Slaves would counterattack them!"

"These guys are so arrogant, how can they look down on us." On the side, A Xiao was adjusting his armor and echoed.

Qin Hao glanced at her and said, "Then this time they will feel the pain of looking down on others."


Everyone shouted excitedly.

It is said that there are gold belts for murder and arson, but there are no corpses for repairing bridges and roads.

Qin Hao seemed to have seen Bauhinia's huge wealth waving to him.

"I hope it can make me stronger and speed up the growth of the golden-horned giant beast again!"

Qin Hao looked inward at the golden-horned beast that was sleeping and practicing in the space inside his body.

Of course, there is also the clone that seems to be breaking out of its cocoon.

"The first step of the plan starts with you!"

Qin Hao clenched his fists, with infinite ambition in his eyes.

Fiji Star.

This is a defense base on the outskirts of the Bauhinia core star area.

This brown planet full of minerals was built into a mobile space fortress by Redbud at a huge price!

Endless arrays of laser cannons covered the ground.

These weapon bases can attack on their own under intelligent commands.

Its terrifying ability can tear apart a flagship-level starship in an instant!

And if that doesn't work, then the proton annihilation engine buried in the core of the planet and using the planet as energy can collapse a star region into a singularity!

This terrifying fighting power is Bauhinia’s biggest support!

Because to a certain extent, the deterrence of this weapon is more terrifying than that of the Realm Lord!

At this moment, in a base on this planet.

Several people responsible for monitoring the data looked at each other with some confusion.

"Did you notice it too?"

One person nodded, "The peak value of the space fluctuation frequency seemed to have jumped just now."

"The frequency of space fluctuations has always been constant. Could it be that you have seen it wrong?"

"Then did you also see it wrong?"

"Maybe it was caused by some space creature passing by."

"It just jumped a little, and it's back to normal now. It should be caused by the passing of organisms."

"I feel like informing the general control?"

"It's such a small thing, don't bother adults."

One person waved his hand.

His status seemed to be higher than the others. As soon as he opened his mouth, the people next to him stopped talking.

At this moment, in the outer space of the planet.

Thirty million miles away, the huge fleet group was like a ghost in the night, quietly hiding behind a white giant star.

The gravitational tractor counteracts the huge gravitational pull of the white giant star, and at the same time pulls the ship and the planet to move synchronously.

The mass of the white giant distorts space, making it difficult for enemy signals to penetrate the planet and detect them.

"Report, the power synchronization has been completed, but there was a trace of movement during the startup stage, which may be noticed!"

A female official reported.

"What is the probability of being discovered?" Qin Hao asked with a frown.

Carolla took a look and said: "Ninety-eight percent probability! Bauhinia's detector is very advanced and can detect the slightest spatial fluctuation just now."

"But they probably won't care."

Carolla curled her lips and had been dealing with him for several years. She had a deep understanding of the enemy's arrogance.

"We cannot take it lightly. Fiji Star's combat capabilities are terrifying. We should not have a head-on conflict."

Qin Hao raised his hand: "Silence all lines, turn on the signal jammer, and destroy the enemy's inspection machine immediately once it is found!"

Everyone understood.

However, after waiting for a while, there was no movement.

The whole universe was silent.

Corolla smiled: "Look, Bauhinia has not experienced war for too long, and is very casual."

Qin Hao glanced at her: "You speak as if you have been through many battles."

Corolla grabbed the metal armor bones on her shoulders and smiled proudly: 'Of course! '

"We are not just practicing in the world of time and space, but various war simulations have never stopped!"

"Our majesty has been prepared for war from the beginning!"

Qin Hao raised his eyebrows and looked at him in surprise.

Finally understood where Corolla's experienced feeling came from.

Throwing away distracting thoughts, Qin Hao glanced at the clock beside him: "How long will it take for the signal rotation of Fiji Star?"

"Four more hours."

"Then wait a little longer."

Qin Hao ordered.

The high-intensity detection on Fiji is not always on. In order to maintain the accuracy of the data, they will stop the machine for five minutes every twenty-one hours and use ordinary radar for detection.

These five minutes are the only five minutes that Qin Hao has to avoid Fiji.

Otherwise, if they are discovered by the opponent after five minutes, they will be hit by the opponent's firepower coverage.

That is something the fleet cannot bear!

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