Global High Martial Arts: I can draw endless labels

Chapter 346: The Cat Substitutes for the Prince

Qin Hao blended into the crowd but didn't go far.

Now it seems that Qian Ling and the others had some disputes with the staff.

Maybe there will be a chance for him to take action?

This is a good time to take a look at his memory.

Qin Hao closed his eyes and quickly ran through the memory he had just captured in his mind.

Soon, several keywords were captured.

Qianyi, Luo Shengtian, Dashou...

Qian Yi is the real main force who came with Qian Ling this time, and his status is much higher than Qian Ling.

Qian Ling seemed to be just accompanying him to relax this time.

Then there is Luo Shengtian. The person who Carolla mentioned before in the Eternal City also got a Luo Shengtian key, and Qin Hao has now confirmed his identity.

Qianyu, the seventh level of stars.

Qian Yi's biological eldest brother is currently in retreat in the Eternal City to prepare for Luo Shengtian.

The acquisition of the Luo Shengtian key this time was a coincidence, and it was not the Eternal City actively looking for it.

It seems that Qianyu was specifically looking for it in order to celebrate the 100,000th birthday of the Lord of Eternal City. He wanted to enter Luoshengtian to find some treasures as gifts.

The Lord of Eternal City was very happy when he heard the news. He specially met with this junior and was envied by Qian Ling.

Very impressive.

However, judging from this, it seems that after the end of Luo Shengtian, we will be able to see the Eternal City Lord again?

Maybe, this is an opportunity.

Qin Hao's thoughts changed and he approached Qian Ling and the others again.

Just after passing by, I realized something was wrong.

Qian Ling fainted? !

Qin Hao was stunned. How could he faint? !

Could it be the sequelae of the soul-seeking technique?

Qin Hao's heart sank. There was no explanation of this in the book, but it did appear now!

At this moment, a strange man appeared around Qian Ling. His aura was like a thousand years of ice, causing others to stay away.

Qian Yao looked angry at this moment and pointed at the staff: "It must be you who made Qian Ling so angry, otherwise why would he faint suddenly?!"

The staff's face twitched and they kept retorting.

Qin Hao hid behind the crowd and looked at Qian Ling lying on the ground. At this moment, his aura was fluctuating violently.

A layer of gray mist enveloped his face.

This fog is a bit like the fog on a leather book...

Soon, Qian Ling's guards called a few people to block the surrounding people from watching the battle, and at the same time ordered people to find the doctor.

The movement here has attracted the attention of many people.

Even the host on the stage frequently paid attention to it.

At this time, the staff member said: "There is a team doctor in our team. Do you need me to call him over to show this gentleman?"

"You have a doctor over there, so why are you standing there?!"

Qian Yao ordered.

The staff rolled their eyes and ignored him at all, just looking at the guard.

The guard thought for a while and nodded: "Sorry to trouble you."

"It should."

The staff looked at the lying Qianling with a snickering look, then turned back to call for someone.

Qin Hao's eyes flickered and he turned to follow.

The staff left the square and headed straight for the station.

Qin Hao followed him all the way. After the opponent entered the station, he directly entered the void field and followed him.

Soon, he found the staff member.

At this moment, the other party was in front of an old man, saying something.

Soon, the old man nodded and went back to the house to prepare.

Qin Hao followed immediately, entered the house, and knocked the old man unconscious with one palm.

Then he hid in the closet and transformed into a doctor.

Carrying a medical kit, go out.

The staff found nothing unusual and took Qin Hao back to the square.

"Everyone give way, our Mohist is here."

Qin Hao tightened the box in his hand and walked in calmly.

Qian Ling was still lying on the ground at this moment, his face getting darker and darker.

"Master Mo, do you know what is going on? He was fine before, but suddenly collapsed."

the guard asked anxiously.

As the guardian of the Qianling, if something happens to the Qianling, he cannot escape the blame and will suffer the same consequences.

Qian Yao on the side, on the other hand, wanted to continue scolding him. He seemed to care about Qian Ling's life and death, but in fact he didn't care too much.

Qin Hao was not surprised. In Qian Ling's memory, his relationship with Qian Yao was just average. Today was only their fourth meeting, and there was no friendship at all.

Qin Hao squatted down and put his hand on Qian Ling's forehead. A little green light came out of his hand, and he really looked like a doctor.

"Master Mo, what kind of method are you using? I've never seen you use it before." The staff member asked with a novel look on his face.

Qin Hao's eyes paused, but no one noticed as he lowered his head.

He said casually: "A method just invented can quickly check the condition of the injured."

"Then you..."

Before the staff could continue, Qin Hao raised his head and said, "I have found out the condition of this young master. It is a temporary coma caused by the intrusion of some evil forces into the spiritual world."

"Evil?!" The guard was startled and asked quickly: "Is that serious?"

The staff member didn't talk much and stayed quiet.

Qin Hao nodded: "Don't worry, the problem is not big. You lift him up and bring him to my house. I just have a dose of new medicine that can resolve it."

"Really? Thank you so much!" the guard said in surprise, then he held Qian Ling in one hand and followed Qin Hao away.

"Captain Amway, you can stay here, you don't have to follow me."

Amway is the name of that staff member.

"Master Mo, please walk slowly." The staff nodded.

Soon, he returned to Master Mo's mansion.

Qin Hao put Qian Ling on the bed and said, "I can see that he has some defensive power. It seems that you arranged it to protect his safety?"

"Yes." The guard nodded.

"Take it off for now. I will need to use strength to assist the medicine to enter its body later. If the defensive force backfires, the consequences will be disastrous."

The guard's face was stern, and he removed the defense from Qian Ling without hesitation.

Qin Hao checked with his mind to make sure nothing was left behind, and then sent the guard out the door.

The reason is, of course, to concentrate on the treatment and not to be disturbed, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!

Qin Hao said it seriously, and the guard didn't think much about it.

Who would have thought that the doctor in front of him had already been replaced.

Qin Hao glanced at the closet aside. The real doctor was lying in it at the moment, and in front of him was the Qianling he had been thinking about for a long time!

Unexpectedly, it took no effort at all!

Qin Hao was delighted.

After taking a deep breath, his eyes narrowed.

"Time to stop!"


Invisible fluctuations flow.

Everything is silent!

Qin Hao instantly put the Qianling into the space inside his body, and then the clone appeared and lay on the bed.

The time stopped for just one second, and everything was completed quietly.

It didn't cause the slightest disturbance.

After ensuring that there were no mistakes, Qin Hao pretended to use the power of life to cover the clone, pretending to be healing.

The guards outside listened with their ears perked up.

After noticing the vitality, I felt more at ease.

Soon, it's all over.

When the guard pushed the door open and came in, what he saw was Qian Ling, who had returned to his original state, holding Master Mo's hand and shaking it up and down, and said excitedly: "Thank you, Master Mo!"

"Thank you Master Mo!!"

The guard looked delighted and bowed to thank him.

Qin Hao smiled and helped the guard up.

If I really want to say thank you, it should be me thanking you!

Qin Hao silently cursed in his heart...

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